World of Gods

Chapter 394: General Demis

Don't be afraid, Admiral Dimis appreciates you very much. I even complained to me that "Zackley" should be changed to "Demis" and let him kill the nobles in the drama. He even wants to invite you to customize a drama for him, called "Bounded Demeters". "Euclidean was serious.

Su Ye rolled his eyes and there was no lower limit for Misi.

"Let's go, do you want to inform General Mitea Yard, I am afraid that General Dimis will go crazy temporarily, and give me a foot." Su Yedao said.

Euclid flipped through the book and said, "In my understanding of Dimis, he is a shameless man, and he does whatever he can to achieve his purpose. As long as you have a huge value for his use, he will not move you. He I really wanted you to write a comedy with him as the protagonist. He had previously sought out the father of tragedy, Aeschylus. "

"And then?" Su Ye asked.

"I was scolded away, I remember this." Euclid said.

Su Ye smiled.

"He didn't start with Master Aeschylus?" Su Ye asked.

"He didn't want to offend all the Greek dramatists, he just cursed and left."

"Sensible than I thought." Su Yedao.

"However, his temper for the young genius was not very good. When Aristotle was a captain in the first battle, he still ridiculed and sneered. Later he found that Aristotle was very talented and took the initiative to make good friends. Look at him much lazily, "Euclidean said.

"Aristotle is a noble, I am a civilian, he should not be hostile to me, let me say that I am now an enemy of the nobles of Athens. Wait, Aristotle is a captain in the first battle? When did it happen? I seem to listen Said, but there is no detailed record. "Su Yedao.

"Of course it can't be recorded, no one believes it, and the key scene is too tragic. The war even left Egyptians with huge psychological shadows, so that where Aristotle went, the Egyptians retreated . Aristotle's nickname in Egypt is the Fire Demon King. "Euclid said.

"You talk about it." Su Ye was full of curiosity and wanted to know about Aristotle's perverted fame battle.

"Do you have a fire talent: splash?" Euclidean asked.

"Have I, do you not know?" Su Ye asked back.

"I know you don't have it, but who knows if you have it!" Euclid gave Su Ye a blank look.

"This is really not there, I don't need to hide it." Su Yedao said.

"Then you know this talent is splashing?"

"Of course I know that after the fire magic hits the enemy, it will be divided into small flames. This talent itself has a general effect, but with the adhesion and spread, it is equal to the cast range is several times larger." Su Yedao.

"Splashing advanced talents, you know?" Euclidean asked.

"Continuous bomb? Known as the most perverted group attack talent among the fire talents? Aristotle has?"

Euclid nodded.

"Then I understand how Aristotle made military achievements. If I have this magic, not to mention the 100,000 Persian army, even if a million army is in front of me, it is scum." Su Ye was envious and helpless.

Euclid continued: "At that time, the Egyptians sent troops to attack a city-state on Crete, when Aristotle happened to be traveling in that city-state. Aristotle ... I do n’t know if you understand or not, Relying on being the head of the four masters of the college, aggressive, bullying, nobody in sight ... Do n’t tell him. In short, the city-state ’s man begged Aristotle, Aristotle was aggressive, bullying, nobody in sight ... just Nodded and agreed. Then he said in front of the two armies: Friends of Egypt, give me Aristotle a face, you go back, otherwise the first of the four masters of my college will be shot, you will be too late to cry ... "

"Wait!" Su Ye interrupted Euclid's words. "How come I don't think this is what he said."

"Understanding the spirit, the details are not important. Anyway, Aristotle is aggressive, bullying, and nobody in sight, angering the Egyptians. The Egyptians have a total of 30,000 troops, and the city-state is only 5,000 old and weak. Afraid of a little golden fifth grader? Then scold Aristotle, think about it, Aristotle is aggressive, bullying, nobody in sight ... "

"If you say it again, I will tell Teacher Aristotle secretly!" Su Yedao said.

Euclidean glanced at Suye with a grudge, coughing, and continued: "Aristotle pretends to persuade them, where are they willing to listen, and throw arrows at Aristotle. Aristotle is not happy Then, a fireball technique was issued, and then the world was quiet. This is the battle of fire that few people know about. "

Su Ye did not question or laugh, and a scene emerged in front of him.

In the sunset, in the yellow sand, Aristotle stood alone in front of the 30,000 troops. With the power of the light element blood lord and the fire element blood lord, he formed a magical evolution and obtained the fire of heaven. 100 meters away.

Fireball hit a person, no one cared.

But then, under the influence of the "continuous bomb" talent, dozens of pure white celestial fireballs appeared on the man, dragging a small flame tail, and fell on dozens of people around him.

Then, dozens of fireballs popped out of the dozens of people and landed on more people.

Every person hit by a fireball will form a continuous bomb, and the body will fire a fireball to attack other people.

As many people as there are, there are as many fireballs as possible.

After blinking, hundreds of people were bombed by flames.

Su Ye seemed to see a picture in front of him. In the army of 30,000 people, the dense white sky fireballs continued to spread and flew continuously.

The 30,000 Egyptians seemed to be dominoes torn down, but in the blink of an eye, they were burned to ashes by the fire of heaven.

"Is there really no limit to the continuous bomb?" Su Ye asked.

"Really, even if the world is full of people, for Aristotle, it is just a matter of fireball. However, in one-on-one or high-level battles, the continuous bombing effect is very weak, nothing more than Just a fireball in the body. "Euclid.

Su Ye sighed and said, "Why every time when I thought I knew Aristotle, within a few days, he became very strange again?"

Euclid patted Su Ye's shoulder sympathetically.

"That was what I thought. Now, I still think so. We even discussed before we came. If Aristotle was still in the golden rank, he would not dare to invade Greece if he gave the Persians ten thousand guts." Guild said.

"He is the only one who has the talent of continuous shooting?" Su Ye asked.

"The only one. This talent is rarely seen until it is considered non-existent until proven by Aristotle." Euclid said.

"Aristotle, the pervert!" Su Yedao said.

"Good title!"

Su Ye shook his head helplessly, got up and walked out, said: "I hope that one day I will be as abnormal as Aristotle."

"Work hard, boy, as long as you keep working hard and keep learning, one day, you will also have the opportunity to see the scene of Aristotle's continuous bombardment."

Su Ye gave Euclidean a glance, and all the teachers of Plato College were virtuous.

"Walk around, compared to listening to you bullshit, I would like to see General Mist." Su Yedao said.

"Okay, don't regret it."

The two went to the residence of General Dimis.

Su Ye entered cautiously. Before he could see the courtyard and the main hall clearly, he saw a man pounced like a bear.

"Ha ha ha ha ... Dear Xiao Suye, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

A bear hugs, Su Ye feels that he is surrounded by steel plates, then hits the haystack, and the furry wild grass pokes straight on the face and neck.

Su Ye dizzy looked up.

Compared with those powerful warriors, the general Dimis in front of him is not strong or tall, but only half a head tall, but after all, it is a legendary warrior. The body and talent of the warrior, the muscle skin is as hard as the pig iron. Bangbang.

Dimis at this time was like a steel statue, and it was a steel statue covered with hair.

Dimis is thinner than ordinary people, with darker skin, smiling face, and flying eyes. His brown eyes seem to hide two wonderful worlds, his eyes are full of movement, and he is full of strange charm.

Dimis's left arm rested on Su Ye's shoulder, and his right arm rested on Euclid's shoulder, and smiled and walked inward.

"Go for a walk, we said inside. I prepared a good bluefin tuna, which is six meters long! On the way I came, I went down to catch it personally, and it was delayed for a while. You may not be used to eating raw fish, I You can be familiar with it, but it ’s a pity. ”Dimis ’s voice seemed to be sprayed with sunlight and his enthusiasm was high.

Euclid's eyes widened and he shook his head helplessly. When it was so important, he went to the sea to catch fish.

"hold up?"

The thought in Su Ye's mind flashed, and then said: "How can bluefin tuna be cooked, of course, raw. Leave me a big belly of fish belly!"

"Look, this is what you can eat, but tell you the bad news, I ate the fattest big belly. Don't be discouraged, leave the fat and lean proportioned middle belly, the pattern is like the light of magic. . Walk around, we said while eating. Euclid, how about you? "Dimis patted Euclid's shoulder again.

"I'm cooked."

"Okay ~ ~ Then grill some tuna, although you can eat it, but ... that's how it is. Suye, what else do you want to eat?"

"Is there geoduck? Is there horse ... sweet sea urchin? Is there big lobster? Is there gilado oyster? Is there king crab?" Su Ye looked forward to it.

"Um ... um ... there are big lobsters, there are in the house, I like to eat! As for the others, you will take me to eat next time." Dimis suddenly felt that his arms were weak and could not hold Su Ye.

"Okay, we have a chance to go fishing in the sea. I want to eat for a long time." Su Yedao said.

"After solving the Persian gang, we will go to the sea to get food!"

Three people walked into the house and Demis snapped his fingers. The three chatted for a while before they saw various seafood being served.

The big octopus brachiopod cut into sections, a whole pot of clams, a conch piled up on a hill, three big red lobsters all over the body, and a light red bluefin tuna belly ...

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