World of Gods

Chapter 470: Reason for achievement

"Your analogy is very clever, they are indeed fresh blood, and you are also fresh blood. Do you like a harp player?" Alamo asked.

"People of Plato Academy know that my previous academic performance was very poor. I have worked hard only in the past two years, and I really don’t have time to learn musical instruments. Of course, when I was a kid, I often went to Lion Harbor, where there are artists from various countries, I can always hear Beautiful melody. So, I can say how I feel about the music or melody, but I can’t choose the harp player I like. Because, I have never heard any of them play the harp.” Su Yedao.

"I have forgotten this. You are a child focused on magic. As a priest of the Sun Temple, music is a required course for us, so we often listen to the harp. Of the 16 people below, I have heard 7 people. Performance." Alamo said.

"Oh, then the Alamo priest must have a favorite harp player?" Su Ye asked.

"That is of course. My favorite is Kakor. He was originally unknown. He didn't shine until he was twenty years old and won the harp championship at the Delos Island. However, a rookie has recently emerged, he is Your Andreas in Athens, his playing skills are not as mature as Kakor, but he is more passionate. Perhaps, the identity of the magician has given him a different inspiration. It is said that he will play an original piece here this time. Harp music. You know, if you play original music in the competition, the jury will add extra points." Alamo said.

Su Ye smiled and said: "I did see Andrea in Athens, but I really don't know that he has a talent for harp. Then I hope he wins the championship. After all, we are all Athenians and magicians."

Su Ye looked at Andrea.

Andrea in the arena also looked to Su Ye.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Andrea seemed to forget what he had done.

And Su Ye seems to have forgotten that the great villain of "Zackley" is called Andrea.

"If he really wins the championship, you Athens will take fifteen of the seventeen championships. Hmm... you Athens are too greedy, everyone said, isn't it?"


Non-Athens everywhere shouted with a smile.

Su Ye immediately said: "But the seventeen champions are all Greeks."

"Talking!" Alamo was satisfied with Su Ye's on-the-spot response. "Then, the referee and the players are ready, please start playing the harp! The pearl in the crown of music will shine brightly in the sun!"

Alamo's voice was very loud, which awakened many audiences.

However, many audiences glanced at the music competition and continued, either bowing their heads, or facing up, or tilting their heads, and continued to sleep.

The 16 harp players played in turn, each with a magic beard attached to it, and the sound could spread throughout the audience.

When it was Kakor's turn, Su Ye was fascinated even if he didn't know the harp. This person's skill was extremely skillful and perfect.

Subsequently, the judges began to comment, and finally gave the highest score of the current audience.

Alamo was very satisfied with this high score and said: "This score is almost the same as his game at Delos. Suye, you haven't heard Kakor's harp before. Now, what's your comment?"

"As you said, skillful, experienced, there is a power that moves people's hearts. He seems to be stroking not the strings, but my heart strings. Listening to his performance, I almost saw the scene where he practiced the harp hard. At the same time, I almost saw him thinking, trying various fingerings, playing and listening in various ways," Su Yedao said.

Kakor was surprised, and then nodded gently.

"Huh? Kakor agrees with you. Suye, I look at you again." Alamo was very surprised.

"I have said a few times just now that long-term practice and performance may not be successful, and long-term hard practice and performance may not be successful, but if you add thinking and methods on the basis of long-term hard practice and performance, there must be Achievement. You just said that Kakor was not well-known when he was young, and he only achieved achievements in his twenties, so I vaguely felt that he should have achieved today through continuous thinking and accumulation of various methods." Su Yedao.

"Kakor, is Suye right? If you are right, you nodded." Alamo said.

Kakor nodded vigorously.

"Kakor, can you talk about Su Ye's correct place?" The host was curious.

The referee immediately handed the magic beard to Kacall.

Music competitions are different from other competitions. Sports competitions are more about confrontation, and the focus of music competitions is appreciation. Therefore, whether it is a judge, a host or a player, there is a lot of time to speak.

Kakor salutes slightly, saying: "If you haven't seen Su Ye before, I must suspect that he has observed my practice. He is right. As you said, I practiced the harp from an early age, but until ten When I was many years old, I was said to be average. Later, by chance, I ran into a playing problem, and then I thought hard for a whole day. I actually figured out that the playing level has improved slightly. Since then, When I encounter performance problems, I always think for a long time. Not only that, I also found that I use different methods and practice in different environments, and the progress will be more obvious than the boring practice."

"It's unbelievable. Are these two geniuses telepathic?" Alamo looked to Suye.

Su Ye smiled: "The two of us are neither geniuses nor telepathic, it's just that the two of us are learning and progressing in a similar way."

The two looked at each other with a smile, and looked at each other.

"Very well, it seems that successful people often have similar reasons for success. Thanks to Kakor for bringing us a beautiful melody, now I invite the next player to play..."

Players played one after another, and it was the turn of Andrea 14 soon.

Su Ye looked at Andrea and listened to his music quietly. At first, he was a little disgusted. He soon realized that this emotion would affect his judgment, and now it is not suitable to show hostility. So he maintained a peaceful attitude and listened carefully. .

When Andrea finished playing, applause broke out in many parts of the auditorium, no less loud than Kakor.

Especially the nobles of Athens patted their hands red.

The referee commented, but no one said the shortcomings, all gave extremely high evaluation, and then gave a score.

Eventually, a highest score in the audience appeared.

Cheers sounded.

Everyone who knows the harp knows that the latter two players cannot compare with Andrea, Andrea will surely win the championship.

The host Alamo smiled: "Sure enough, and my guess is good, Andrea and Kakor are both popular champions. The judges gave Andrea a high score out of support for originality and protection of young people. However, I must tell the truth that Andrea is slightly inferior to Kakor in terms of playing skills, and surely Andrea himself admits."

Andrea nodded generously and kept thanking the host.

Alamo continued: “However, Andrea’s score is higher than that of Kakor, and there is no problem. Because, as the judges said, this is an original harp song. Second, Andrea’s emotions are richer, this little The guy is too good to arouse the emotions of the audience. He seems to have a magical power. Su Ye, how would you rate this fellow from Athens?"

Su Ye thought for a while and said: "Unsurprisingly, my fellow countryman in Athens is likely to win the harp. Congratulations, Andrea."

Andrea nodded slightly, thanking him.

"It can be said that no matter how good the results of the latter two are, Andrea will stand on the podium, then, we continue the game and see you on the podium."

The game continues.

As expected by everyone, the scores of the latter two players are not high.

In the end, Andrea won the harp competition and Kakor won the second harp competition.

In the melodious music, Andrea and the other two walked onto the podium.

The sleeping people in the auditorium were awakened one after another.

All games are coming to an end and the closing ceremony is about to begin.

The host Alamo took Suye to the podium, watching the priest award the three people together,

When Andrea won the championship garland, championship trophy and championship reward, the civilian response in the audience was flat, but the nobles roared loudly.

The cheers of most nobles were much louder than when they were cheering for Su Ye. Every noble noble seemed to have exhausted all their strength and shouted blushing and thick neck.

Su Ye just smiled and watched quietly.

After the awards were presented, everyone also waited for a while.

But after a while, nothing happened.

As with the previous two music projects, no gods came.

Many people sighed softly, and a look of loss appeared on Andrea's face. But he quickly rejuvenated and smiled.

The rest of his light fell on Su Ye, his eyes dark and quickly bright.

The sympathy on the host Alamo's face was fleeting, but he didn't pay attention to it. The reason is very simple, not all champions can get God's gift, it must be particularly exciting.

Even if it is such a pervert of Su Ye, only when he wins the championship or breaks the world record can he get the blessing.

Then, Alamo invited the runner-up and runner-up to speak, and finally invited champion Andrea to express his thoughts.

The nobles shouted again, and some even called Ander as the light of nobility.

Andrea put on a magic beard, took a deep breath, and smiled joyously, saying: "Thanks to the gods, to the sun **** Apollo, to the great Greece, to the judges, judges, priests and spectators present. I was given this opportunity to get on this stage. At the same time, I would like to thank the ancestors of the Tross family, their will and glory, their taste and virtue, and guide me into the palace of music, and thank my father and mother for being them. Cultivated me so that I can learn my favorite music with peace of mind. Finally, I thank my harp teacher, and every student and friend of mine. This champion belongs to me and belongs to all of us who love music!"

Applause sounded, cheering bursts.

Alamo nodded in satisfaction.

Su Ye still smiled and watched quietly.

Suddenly, Andrea looked dark and sighed, "Actually, it was a fluke that I won the championship this time."