World of Gods

Chapter 483: do not think too much

Early in the morning, after having breakfast, Su Yeyo Palos walked.

In the shade of the campus, Su Ye was wearing a beige robe, and Palos was wearing a white women's robe.

The two walked side by side at a distance of half a foot, and a slight scent penetrated into Su Ye's nasal cavity.

It was so fragrant when it was in the hills of giants.

"What do you think of my performance yesterday?" Su Ye flashed a strange smile across his eyes.

"As a champion, you are doing very well." Palos's tone is still cold and his voice is still crisp and sweet.

"I mean that piece of music." Su Yedao said.

Palos breathed suddenly, but then was depressed by divine power and his heart stabilized.

"It's pretty good." Palos looked away, jumping between the lawn, trees, flagstone road and sunlight in front.

"I mean the harp song presented to you." Su Yedao.

The lake in Palos' eyes seemed to have red carps jumping, ripples ringing ring after ring.

After a while, she suddenly raised her chest and raised her head, humming a little: "That song is anything but the name."

Su Ye was stunned and said, "You have become more courageous from the Giant Hills, and you dare to talk to me like this!"

The morning light sprinkled on Palos's slightly curved lips.

"Alas, my heart was originally only thinking about the moon, who knows, the moon is only according to the stinking ditch! Sad." Su Ye looked depressed.

The corners of Palos's mouth were still raised, and his pink lips glowed like dew in the sun.

"Here you are!" Su Ye handed the title deed of Flower Town to Palos.

"I don't want it!" Palos first flashed a red glow on her face, and then looked like her teeth tickled.

"This is not a gift, what are you afraid of?"

"You still say!" Palos clenched two rows of fine white teeth tightly. Su Ye joke in public yesterday about the offer.

"Do you think I really sent you as a gift? Don't you be so beautiful!" Su Ye suddenly turned around.

Palos's face froze in an instant, and his small teeth bite together again.

Su Ye said slowly: "Half of all the income of Huazhen is used to build Huazhen or expand investment, and the other half of the income is provided to the Su Luo business to relieve the poor. Not only that, after a while, I am ready Open a semi-open magician school to teach the children magic. In addition, I hope you can buy a dedicated and independent town around Athens in the name of your family, place those people and build a magic school."

The frost on Palos' face slowly melted away.

Su Ye continued: "You don't need to buy a good town, it's almost enough, about two or three million gold eagles can come down, I have enough money. You should know that if I do this in my name Things, the nobles of Athens will inevitably obstruct. But, I pretend to like you to pursue you, those nobles will not care about these, only pay attention to me."

Palos's fist was gently gripped and slowly released.

"After all, you are a demigod, and I am a civilian. How can I do stupid things, so don’t think too much. The reason why I named the song "To Paros" is to make the next good The town's name is given to you right away." Su Ye's speaking speed is still not slow.

Palos' heart jumped sharply, and then he felt that the road under his feet was soft, and he stepped a little and became unstable.

"I guess you think so." Palos took a deep breath and raised his chest again.

The clear blue lake was rippling, but the ice on the bottom of the lake was slowly condensing.

"Now, can you accept it?" Su Ye handed over the deed of Huazhen.

"Of course accept, after all, I am also the initiator of the Su Luo business firm!" Palos tone was a bit fierce, like a little milk cat met a stranger.

Palos took the title of Huazhen without hesitation and took the ring of income.

Su Yedao: "By the way, Andrea made a Su-style apology to me. There is a star ring gate, have you seen it?"

Su Ye said, took out the door of the Star Ring and handed it to Palos.

Palos put it in his hand and looked closely.

It was an irregular black-grey disk, thick in size, slap-sized, with some bumps on the edge of the disk, and a giant mountain was depicted on the disk, but the top of the mountain was very soft, like a finger .

There are no patterns on the rock disk, only a few pale spots.

"I know the current door of the star ring, but I haven't seen it." Palos handed the door of the star ring to Su Ye with an indifferent attitude, and his tone returned to the coldness of the past.

It's like answering ordinary students' questions.

Su Ye took the door of the Star Ring and took out a roll of yellowed sheepskin roll, shaking, said: "This is a gift of Andrea, he knows that I need this. He said it is a kind of can lift all The ritual of cursing, I think I should be able to use it, so I stayed."

"Oh." Palos agreed casually.

"I'll go to the major temples to exchange treasures in a moment. Do you want to remind me? For example, which temple has treasures especially suitable for magicians?" Su Ye asked.

"The two places with the most treasures, one is the Temple of the King of Gods and the other is the Temple of Craftsmen. Both can go." Palos' voice sounded like ice cubes, crisp and cold.

"It turned out to be my good tablemate, then I'm gone." Su Ye put away the ceremonial sheepskin roll and walked outside the school.

Palos stopped and looked quietly at Su Ye's back, his eyes reflecting the light of the glacier.

Su Ye suddenly shouted loudly while walking.

"The title deed of Flower Town is owned by Su Luo, but every flower in Flower Town, and every note in "To Palos", is for you." Su Ye finished with a smile and strode away.

Palos gritted his teeth, his eyes gleaming.

"This bastard!"

It wasn't until Suye disappeared into view that Palos took out the deed of Huazhen.

The index finger, like the tip of a pen, gently strokes the surface of the delicate parchment, the white palm is slowly placed on it, and the five fingers are spread.

Perhaps, the palm of Su Ye was also placed in this position.

The silver ring of health seems to be a proof that two hands are connected.

Palos' face was suddenly burned by the morning light.

Outside the door, an ordinary carriage of the Sun Temple is waiting.

Su Ye got in the car, closed his eyes and regained his mind, thinking about what to do today.

"Palos said it well. Hera Hera has a weird temperament, and you can exchange it for a similar treasure with a champion trophy. If you take advantage of her, you may be missed. The **** Zeus is too high, he Don't care about these things. As for the **** of craftsmen, he is notoriously kind among the twelve main gods. He has many treasures in his treasure house, and even if he takes a lot of money, he won't trouble me. In that case, the goddess of fertility The temples of Demeter and Hestia, the goddess of the stove, can also be visited. These two are relatively kind gods."

Su Ye calculated the gods all the way to the Sun Temple.

Alamo was waiting outside in person. After the two had a greeting, they brought Su Ye to a partial temple of the Sun God.

Andre is waiting there.

Andrea's completely restored image of the past, pale blonde hair, handsome face, and grey-green eyes flashed with goodwill.

In the end, Su Ye stood aside, and Andrea knelt to the statue of Apollo in the side hall, and took a big oath. It would never be difficult for Su Ye in the future.

After that, Suye sent away Andrea.

"What do you think of him?" Alamo asked.

"He behaved too calmly and was a bit uncomfortable," Su Yedao said.

"The oath in front of the Lord God can be lifted by other Lord Gods, as long as his sacrifice is enough." Alamo said.

Su Ye nodded.

"Go, let's go to the big treasure house. Today, all the treasure houses of the Sun Temple are open to you! Your championship king trophy can be exchanged for everything!" Alamo smiled.

The two walked and talked while walking for a long time before they arrived in front of a magnificent hall.

Neat steps, gray-white columns, huge single-room hall, typical Greek style architecture.

Alamo took out the priest's scepter, and the guards on both sides opened the main hall door, and when the two stepped into it, the door closed with a bang.

Suye took a deep breath.

Where is this hall, it is simply a small plane.

The blue sky is above, the sun is shining, the mountains in the distance are ups and downs, and the vegetation is prosperous. I am on a large square, which is a square with a length of more than 1,000 meters.

Above the square, various shelves were placed, and the shelves were filled with dense treasures.

If the treasure house of the Temple of Dispute that I have seen before is a grocery store, then this is simply a big market.

Alamo faced with pride, said: "This is a big treasure house, there is a small square on the side, there is a treasure house of luck. You only need a championship trophy, you can go there. The gladiator trophy you got in Sparta If it has not been used, it can also be used as a normal championship trophy."

Suye nodded.

"Everyone who comes here not only has to exchange treasures, but also to appreciate for a long time. Others can only stay for an hour at most, but there is no limit to you here, and you can even come and visit at any time in the future. You, if you have any questions, you can ask me, I will wait for you here."

"Thank you." Su Ye sincerely thanked him slowly and stepped forward.

"Some treasures, I don't recommend that you get closer. It's more a seal than a treasure."

"I know."

Alamo looked at Su Ye's back, smiled, took out a book, suspended it in front, and read it quietly.

Su Ye did not open the eyes of the altar.

Instead, look first with the naked eye.

It's too big here and there are so many treasures that the treasure trove is like a wholesale market.

A large number of treasures are divided into different categories, some are dim and dull, some are shiny, some move like a living thing within a certain range, and some even exude evil Karma first glanced roughly, and then opened magic vision and magic perception.

The world in front of me immediately became dark, and in the dark world, densely colored spots appeared.

Some places have sparse colored light spots, some places are beams of light, and even there are torrents of light spots, which is very amazing.

Su Ye took out the magic book, marked those radiant places, and noted down the position and number.

Later, Su Ye carefully opened the eyes of the altar.

After a while, the dense fog filled the world.

It even hurt my eyes.

Su Ye narrowed her eyes in a hurry, first moved her eyes to the place where they were not dazzling, and finally watched slowly to the strongest place.

The most brilliant white light is not in the square, but the sun in the sky.

That light is far superior to the Persian world scepter.
