World of Gods

Chapter 532: The dead

Su Ye looked at the magic letter, and since Palos would not come, play by himself.

Choose Lion Harbor, after all, I’m sorry for not going there for so long, so I’m sorry to make a goodwill adaptation based on the truth.

Using a magic mask to change appearance, Su Ye went to the long-lost Lion Harbor.

Lion Harbor is the largest port in Athens and one of the largest ports in Greece. It is known as the first port on the west bank of the Aegean Sea.

Su Ye wandered around as he pleased, while observing everything here.

As the material.

Can't find it temporarily every time.

These businessmen are good, just remember.

Those slaves can also serve as material.

Dogs are fine too.

There are so many crews and sailors here, yes, this is the main material.

During the three days of rest, Su Ye was in Lion Harbor for two days.

On the day before the start of the third grade, Su Ye began to preview the courses that started, and once again quickly reviewed the magic creations he had learned during the vacation.

On a new day, Su Ye set the alarm clock, got up on time, and arrived at Plato College in Hill's carriage.

The bright morning light illuminates Su Ye through the gate of Plato Academy.

Some classmates are gathering in front of the bulletin board near the fountain, talking.

Seeing Su Ye appearing, they hurriedly said hello.

Su Ye nodded, and looked at the bulletin board curiously.

Red announcement.

Su Ye's expression sank and he read the announcement carefully, only then did he understand why these classmates looked wrong.

It turned out that two days ago, God of War discovered the second death caused by necromantic power. This time it was not a family, but four families connected together.

The magician of Plato Academy cooperated with God of War Mountain for preliminary treatment and studied the power of the necromancer.

Su Ye remembered that not long ago, Plato Academy had issued the first Necromantic Power Announcement, and not many people cared.

But unexpectedly, it appeared again.

The students nearby are discussing.

"Damn necromancer, I don't know what dark magic they are studying again!"

"We should take the initiative to kill all black magicians!"

"I suspect it was the ghost of the Egyptians. Their research on the power of the necromancers far exceeds that of Greece. It is said that the most powerful Egyptian necromancer can even control the corpse."

"We can't guess, let's see how things are going."

"Alas, there have been many death epidemics in history. If it happened in densely populated Athens, the consequences would be disastrous."

"Yes, the power of the necromancer is beyond defense."

Su Ye walked to the classroom while lowering his head to think.

He has the bloodline of the light element and has strong resistance to the power of the dead, but ordinary people are different. Once the power of necromancers and bacteria and pests are entangled, it will cause a very terrible disaster.

The most worrying thing is that in the history of Athens on another blue star, there have been many plagues.

There was even the famous Athens plague, which caused the death of a quarter of the people in the city, and countless people left with sequelae, which indirectly led to the defeat and decline of Athens.

Su Ye raised his head and looked in the direction of the Temple of Medicine in the Acropolis.

Opposite the Temple of Medicine, there is a black lacquered bell tower, and a huge rusty bronze bell hangs from the top of the bell tower.

That is the most famous building in Athens, the disaster bell.

Only when Athens is experiencing a great plague, the disaster bell will ring.

Every time the disaster bell rings, the main entrance of the Temple of Medicine will inevitably open, and the incarnation of the God of Medicine will come with an artifact to find the source of the plague by himself and heal the Athenians.

Athens has stood for hundreds of years, and the disaster bell has only rang three times.

However, every time before the disaster bell rings, Athenians die.

Because, in the event of a disaster, the Temple of Medicine will first come forward to solve it. Only when the God of Medicine cannot solve it, the priests of the Temple ring the disaster bell and call out the incarnation of the God of Medicine.

However, in order to avoid disturbing the gods, the Temple of Medicine often takes a long time to ring the disaster bell.

Therefore, some people ridiculed the disaster bell of the Temple of Healing until enough Athenians sacrificed before it sounded.

"At this time, it won't be the time when the famous Athens plague happened? It doesn't seem to be right. It was a long time after the marathon battle. I can't remember the politician Bury of Solon and Christine. Klee died in the great plague. Now Solon is not dead, Christine has just become famous, and Pericles is Christine's son-in-law, and he is almost a grandson of Miteyade, who should be very young now. No, I have to find a way to find out."

While walking, Su Ye sent magic letters to the noble classmates he knew, asking about the situation of Christine and Pericles.

Soon, an incredible result was obtained.

Pericles is not only middle-aged, not only a member of the hero family, but also an alliance with Solon!

He is a firm reformist rare among the nobles.

Just a few days ago, Pericles even accused the patriarch of the demigod family and the member of the God of War, Kemos, for colluding with Sparta and Macedonia, betraying the interests of Athens, and making a lot of noise among the nobles, so that the meeting of the Gods of War will soon be opened. , And even invite various temples to participate.

"It's messed up, it's all messed have to find a way to prepare early."

Su Ye immediately sent a magic letter to Nideen.

"Teacher, we are now taking out half of the funds of the Hooke Magic Medicine Firm to purchase medicinal materials that can heal or resist the power of the undead, and make a batch of potions as soon as possible."

"Have you seen the notice? The God of War and the Academy are investigating this matter. Don't worry too much."

"I'm not to make money, but to guard against the power of the necromancers. If the epidemic is severe, I will distribute these potions for free. If the epidemic does not appear, it will be sold to Egypt at a low price. They need it. This time you listen to me, if If something goes wrong, I will bear it."

"If you just want to make money, then I oppose you. Since it's not about making money, don't worry, I will step up the acquisition of relevant medicinal materials and make potions now."

"That's good."

"From today, you should focus more on magic creation, and don't be too distracted in porcelain and papermaking."

"Don't worry, I know the priority."

Su Ye entered the classroom with worry about the death epidemic.

"Su Ye!"

The warm welcome of the students helped Su Ye get rid of the trouble, and greeted the students who were a little strange with a smile.

Some students are a lot taller, some have not changed at all, some are fatter, some are dark, and there are various changes.

However, most male students stood between the back of the classroom and the last table.

Hult became the center of everyone.

"Su Ye, did you know that Hult is already an apprentice warrior!"

"I knew it a long time ago." Su Ye nodded.

"If Lake knows, he will be very happy." A classmate couldn't help but say.

The classroom was silent for a moment.

Jimmy hurriedly said, "By the way, Su Ye, how did you study during your vacation? Do you have a chance to be promoted to gold in the third grade?"

"Don't blindly kill Su Ye. If he is gold in the third grade, then the fourth grade will be a sanctuary, and the fifth grade will be a legend!"

"If it is Su Ye, it seems acceptable."

"Accept what, I also hope that Su Ye will become a legend, but I don't want him to become that fragile sacrificial legend. It is not good for him to become a legend too early."

"Yes, Aristotle is such a genius, he was suppressed by Master Plato for many years before he was allowed to be promoted to the sanctuary."

"Isn't Hult our center?" Su Ye smiled.

"Yeah, Hult is amazing! This muscle is almost like an iron!"

Jimmy reached out and squeezed Hort's arm with a look of envy.

Hult sat there, smiling.

"I think, as long as Hult breaks through the warrior apprenticeship, he will grow at a terrifying speed in the future. He will definitely be promoted to silver within two years, exceeding the average level of our class." Albert said.

"I also think. Hult is a typical accumulation of accumulation, so many years of hard work will not be in vain, since he has learned his skills, he will definitely advance by leaps and bounds."

"Oh, the mood is really complicated. Hult's classmates were better than Hult, but our classmates were surpassed by Hult."

"It's a bit unwilling to lose to Hult."

"Yes. Hult, what do you think is your ability to make a breakthrough?" a classmate asked.

"Su Ye." Hult took it for granted.

"That's right... Who has Su Ye's notes before, let me have a look? I have to read those things again and again, I feel that it may not be less than what the teacher said."

"I remembered some, but not all."

"Who has Su Yequan's notes?"

Jimmy suddenly said, "Palos seems to be the most complete."

Everyone was taken aback and looked at Palos.

Palos, who was listening to the conversation, suddenly flashed a pink face, and was quickly covered by frost.

Palos glared at Jimmy with vengeful eyes.

Jimmy couldn't laugh or cry, and said hurriedly: "I just say it casually, don't believe it, don't believe it, it's definitely not Palos."

"It's Palos," Holt made a suspicious look. "Palos is the first to record anything that Su Ye says makes sense. I also record it, but I always forget it. I only learned it recently. I learned from Palos."

The classmates lowered their heads and laughed.

Clemella covered her mouth, and Palos gently twisted the back of her hand.

Su Ye gave a final word: "No need to explain. Palos admires me the most. She has my full set of quotations. You can ask her for it. It is her vision that loves."


A furious voice flew from Palos' mouth.

The whole class burst into laughter.

It was only Su Ye that was able to force her Royal Highness to be almost swearing.

"Yes, Su Ye is the most shameless!"

"Old shameless!"

"Su Ye's Wall!"

"See what makes Palos angry."

"I love her the most. Isn't that the way I love myself the most? Su Ye is too shameless!"

"Hot, I think you should learn Su Ye's shameless god-level talent first."

"Already learning." Holt said seriously.

The whole class laughed happily, and black Suye together.

"I'm just telling the truth." Su Ye looked calm.

The joyful morning self-study soon ended. After that, a huge magical sound spread throughout the school, and the students walked out of the classroom one after another and came to the grass in front of the conference hall.

Like every year, Dean Larence gave a speech for the new semester.

The first-year freshmen and Su Ye listened with gusto. The students in the other school years thought about their own affairs, and did not take the Master of Sanctuary to heart.
