World of Gods

Chapter 740: Antecedent

   "You are not killing it, but subduing it. There are many difficulties." Akdes continued.

"First, how do you approach Andrea? How do you approach under the dual surveillance of the Temple of Vengeance and the Witch Hunt? Don’t tell me that you have the help of the Temple of Wisdom. Even the Temple of Wisdom cannot do this for you. thing."

   As soon as Akdesi's voice fell, Su Ye quickly transformed into another Akdesi.

   Acdes was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Transfiguration? It can't let you escape...No, you have the blood of the Demon Lord, can you use true transformation?"

   "The answer is correct." Su Ye quickly changed back to himself.

  Acdes' eyes lit up and said: "Andre can't leave, but people close to him will often leave home and go out. As long as you subdues the people around him outside, it becomes easy for you to approach Andre."

   "The second step, how do you not inspire the refuge of the revenge goddess?"

   "This is what I want to ask. This is the most difficult point. If I can't do this, I can only kill Andrea. After all, it is very difficult to hide from a goddess." Su Ye said.

  Acdes glanced, and said: "It is difficult to hide from a goddess, but it is not difficult to hide from a sleeping goddess."

   "How do you say?" Su Ye was overjoyed.

"If the goddess of revenge is sober, let alone you kill Andre, even if you approach him, the goddess of revenge will find out immediately, and even use his hand to deal with you. However, the goddess of revenge is sleeping, so even if you kill him Andre, what inspired her was only the power she left behind, and she didn’t know it. In the past, many people used the gods to do a lot of blasphemous things when they were sleeping, and got great benefits. It is said that Thales back then Get the great benefits from a sleeping old god." Akdes said.

"That's the case. However, even if the power of Andre does not wake up the goddess of revenge, once the power of the goddess of revenge is activated, it will definitely be known by the temple of revenge. This is not what I want. I still want to ask how to avoid revenge. The power of the goddess is aroused?" Su Ye asked.

Acdes said: "What I said before is difficult and not difficult, but in relative terms. To put it simply, you have a stronger nemesis atmosphere than Andrea, so that when you attack Andrea When the time comes, his power will not be stimulated, and he will even mistakenly think that the goddess is punishing him. It is hard to say that Andre received the blessing of the goddess of revenge. Only those who are favored by the goddess of revenge will not inspire the goddess of revenge. Power. In addition to becoming a higher-level goddess, there is another method, which is to hold the artifact forged by the Nemesis himself. Semi-sacred artifacts are not good. It is very simple. The breath of semi-sacred artifacts is too weak."

   "Oh? You open the demigod domain, I have something, you can see if it works." Su Ye said.

  Acdes immediately opened the invisible demigod realm, but in the eyes of others, a huge black sphere enveloped the two.

   "How about this one?" Su Ye took out the seven snake whips with only one snake head left.

Akdes took a closer look and shook his head: "If it is intact, it is absolutely possible, but the power of this artifact is almost exhausted, coupled with severe damage, although the power is far more than the semi-sacred artifact, the breath is very weak. You don’t need to show me the spirit trapping cage, it's not a revenge goddess."

   "What about...this one." Su Ye took out the dark red ugly stone and held it up with both hands.

   Acdes' eyes lit up, grabbing a dark red stone the size of a human head with one hand, and asked: "The vengeance of the goddess inside is very strong."

   "After the death of the goddess of revenge, it was condensed into something." Su Yedao.

"You are so lucky! After the death of the gods or the incarnations of gods, they may condense into different types of gods and diamonds, including the gods of power, the gods of power, the gods of power, the gods of grace, and many other types. It is more precious than a **** skeleton of the same size. And in this stone, there is obviously the power of the gods, that is, the gods of the gods. If you throw it on an ordinary plane, it will be deified into a plane of gods. You are attacking Ender When you are out, take out this theocracy and the goddess of revenge will not be aroused. Of course, if Andre dies, the Temple of Vengeance will still know."

   "It's great." Su Ye didn't expect this to be called divine power, and it could still be used like this.

"The blessings of the gods directly affect the soul, and the temple generally monitors the life and death of the soul. Therefore, as long as you imprison Andrea's soul and make him lose the ability to commit suicide and resistance, then you will not be avenged by the goddess or revenge. Perceived by the temple."

   Su Ye smiled and said: "This is my next move. In the magical world, there are too many magical instruments that imprison souls, just two hundred thousand golden eagles."

"Okay, let's straighten out. You use True Transfiguration to approach Andre, then take out the divine power to suppress the goddess of revenge on him, then use a large number of magic weapons or other means to capture him, and then extract the soul to avoid He died. In this way, you can safely leave Athens and solve him far away. However, you still can't go back to Athens, because even if there is no evidence, they know you did it." Akdes said.

   "What you said earlier is correct, but the latter is different. If I can imprison Andre's soul, I will use True Transfiguration to become him!"

   Acdes was taken aback, his eyes widened suddenly, and then he couldn't help laughing.

   "I see! You are trying to use the true transfiguration technique to use Andre's identity to make trouble in the city of Athens, entrap those nobles, and escape at the right time, right?" Akdes asked.

   "This is just a preliminary idea, I have more bold ideas, but it depends on the progress of the situation."

   After careful discussion with Acdes, Su Ye left, easily sneaked into the city of Athens, and then bought the necessary items.

   Su Ye's magic book still closed contact, only opened the contact information with Thucydides, and communicated.

   The reason why I didn't contact Nidern is because the relationship between the two people is too close, and they may be discovered.

   With the help of Thucydides, Su Ye transformed the appearance of his book into a magic book of the noble academy exactly the same as Andre.

After   , Su Ye carried out various calculations, and even asked Thucydides to help in the calculations, and finally chose a suitable ambush location in the Aegean Sea.

   Summon two demigod angels, summon the world tree, kill them and transform them into world tree people.

   As for those 240 flame hydras that cannot exist for a long time, they have used legendary magic to put them in a deep sleep state and can be activated at any time.

   Ready for everything, Su Ye took advantage of Andre’s housekeeper when he was out, imprisoned him, and then used the power of True Transfiguration to swallow one of his hair and become a housekeeper.

   Due to the huge difference in rank between the two people, Su Ye easily obtained most of the memory of the butler, and under the effect of True Transfiguration, all his behaviors and habits were exactly the same as those of the butler.

   At the same time, Di Aotian swallowed the butler's hair with the power of the devil's bloodline and true transformation technique, and Su Ye also let Di Aotian swallow his own hair by the way.

   In this way, Di Aotian can completely become himself or a housekeeper.

   Su Ye waited until Andre entered the study.

From the memory of the butler, it is known that Andre has recently been madly learning legendary magic, but because he is a god-given legend, he lacks a lot of knowledge and experience, and does not have the ability to build a legendary magic array, plus his own threat , Andre was emotionally unstable while studying.

   After Andre yelled at him angrily, Su Ye held the fruits and pastries that Andre usually liked and sweetened, and smiled and walked into the study.

   At the moment the door opened, Andre's unpleasant gaze swept over, and when his gaze fell on the fruits and cakes, his expression instinctively eased.

  Su Ye knows that these high-sweet foods make Andre’s body ready to secrete dopamine and serotonin, and he wants to eat these foods more urgently to relieve his mental and emotional anxiety.

   "Master, you have worked so hard, I let the kitchen prepare your favorite food." Su Ye said, putting the tray on the table in front of Andre.

   Andre nodded, and was about to reach for it, Su Ye suddenly took out the angry theocracy from the ring.

   "Master, this is a treasure I found, and it may be useful to you."

   The moment he saw the theocracy, Andre felt an unspeakable closeness, which seemed to be his favorite toy in childhood, and a treasure he dreamed of as an adult.

   Andre reached out instinctively for it, but at this moment, Su Ye made a move.

   The Eye of Imprisonment.

  The powerful god-level talent instantly imprisoned Andre’s vision.

  At the same time, Su Ye raised his hand, and the rings on both hands quickly released magic while rapidly rotating.

   Seven barriers, such as the Great Sealing Technique, Silent Enchantment, and Elemental Isolation, cover the entire room silently. At this time, even if a pair of giant dragons are engaged in a goblin fight in the room, you can't feel the slightest strangeness outside.

After an instant there are three big splitting techniques like seven-colored cone-shaped rainbows, spraying the head and face to Andrea's whole body, disintegrating all the protection, guard, counterattack, countermeasures and other powers or magical devices on Andreas .

   The terrifying big cracking technique also formed a temporary forbidden magic effect, blocking the possibility of Andre using any power.

   Then, dozens of control magics, such as Great Forbidden Magic, Divine Power Blockade, Magic Blockade, Imprisonment, Freeze, Sleeping Curse, Chaos Curse, Paralyzing Curse, Sluggish Curse, etc., are like a big net pounced on Andre’s body.

   Andre became colorful in an instant, standing still.

   Su Ye seized Andre and sent it to the Giant Hills, then with the power of the Lord of the Planes, he stripped Andre in an instant, and continued to cast various seals.

   Thanks to the strengthening of the Lord of the Planes, all the effects of Su Ye's spells have reached a very high level.

   There is the breath of theocracy, and the power of the revenge goddess has not been stimulated.

   Since Andre’s eyes darkened, he didn’t react.

   After sealing Andre, Su Ye took off one of his hair and swallowed it with True Transfiguration.

   But Andre is a god-given legend after all. His rank is too high and he can absorb very little memory.

   So, Su Ye stretched out his hand and raised it so that True Transfiguration had absorbed all of Andre's hair, but the memory was still too little.

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