World of Gods

Chapter 789: God magic

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"I probably know it. You can just say something blasphemous." Su Ye walked in front of the bookshelf while flipping through the book pupils. He only needs to scan his mind to see the book pupil's catalog like a book.

Elise wagged her tail excitedly and said: "The origin of the blasphemous words is the evil god's babbling, but without exception, every cult god's babbling researcher will either be swallowed by the evil **** or die, or he will incarnate into the evil god. It was not until later that some people studied the evil god’s babbling together with the power of the gods, so the embryonic form of the blasphemous word was born. With the rise of witchcraft and the development of magic, the blasphemous word was formally perfected, and the great Crimson Pope He is the master of blasphemy. He has perfected the language of blasphemy, and based on blasphemy, reconstructed a better blasphemous magic. At least in the field of blasphemous magic, the great crimson priest family It has surpassed humans, after all, humans dare not study this kind of magic in depth."

"The blasphemous language is a kind of magical language. We all know that the power of the existing gods is almost derived from nature. They are born with this power and can be used directly without learning and research. All demons think , All the creatures under the gods can have truly powerful power only by obtaining the gifts of the gods. Even when witchcraft appears, because the power of witchcraft is limited, it is essentially an imitation of natural power and the power of gods. "

"Until the emergence of magic. The great Crimson Pope said that the essence of magic is to create a magical medium, language or hub. By learning magic, ordinary creatures can re-understand everything in the world, including the power of gods, and then , To learn rather than imitate all power, including the power of gods."


After Su Ye finished speaking, he fell into deep thought.

Elise stood quietly to the side, looking at Su Ye curiously.

Su Ye's brain turned rapidly. This was the first time someone had heard the essence of magic.

Although there is no fixed angle to the essence of magic, there are various opinions, but I really didn't think about it from this angle before.

"In the eyes of the Crimson Pope, magic is a'universal language'. After learning this universal language, one can interpret all powers and learn all powers. This is just a metaphor. So, translate it, Crimson The Pope is actually saying that the methods, principles, and thinking contained in magic can be used to analyze all powers, then all powers, including the power of gods, can also be mastered. Well, this is what the Crimson Pope really wants to say. Knowing is his focus..."

Su Ye carefully pondered the words of the Crimson Pope, and after a while, he said: "Find out the original text of this sentence. I have to look at the original text. Remember, it is the original text. It is the earliest book containing this sentence."

As soon as Elise stretched out his hand, an eyeball full of ancient aura and even cracks on the surface fell and suspended in front of Su Ye.

Unlike other book pupils, this book pupil is more shriveled, and there is a dark red behind the eyeball, like a second pupil.

"I don't understand why you want to study the original texts. We all start from the most basic and simplest blasphemy books. Of course, I will follow your orders. This "blasphemy" is the great Crimson cult The first book written by His Majesty Zong, that sentence comes from here. And the second book written by him is also a classic, called "The Principles of Blasphemy."

Su Ye immediately said: "Okay, give me that one too. I will read these two first."

Elise was puzzled and picked the second book.

Su Ye looked at the pupils of the "Book of Blasphemy", the scarlet pupils separated, and the red light shone.

At this moment, Su Ye felt a peculiar state. He was not looking through the words, not looking, but experiencing, experiencing the world constructed by the words in the book.

In fact, because the mental body is strong enough, in the process of high-speed reading, one's knowledge is closely connected with the knowledge in the "Book of Blasphemy", which is like experiencing a new world.

This blasphemous book was written in standard devilish language plus basic blasphemous language. Su Ye did not understand blasphemous language, but the Purgatory Demon knew a little bit, so Su Ye could understand it completely.

Su Ye finished reading this grand work with a total of more than one million words in just half an hour.

This is because Su Ye slowed down slightly.

After reading, Su Ye looked pale and meditated on the spot.

Elise immediately pointed at Su Ye, and a blood-colored shield lowered to surround Su Ye to avoid any accidental interference.

After ten minutes, Su Ye finished his meditation, recovered his spirit, and let out a long breath.

It is indeed the concentration of the power of the evil **** and the true god, and the complete blasphemy is indeed the strangest language I have learned.

This kind of language seems to have a kind of weird magic, what kind of meaning the language means, you will be affected by what kind.

Blasphemy magic based on blasphemous words basically contains a variety of negative forces such as destruction, destruction, blasphemy, evil, filth, and viciousness. After seeing the relevant words, my mind will be affected by these words.

Once he read the word "destruction", Su Ye wanted to give up everything and destroy the entire world.

Once you read the word "filthy", you can't help but create filth and ugliness, polluting all good and beautiful.

Once he read the word "blasphemy", Su Ye wanted to go to war with the gods and steal the power of the gods...

This process is completely out of control.

No creature can be immune to the influence of this kind of weird words, as long as they learn and use, they will definitely be affected.

In the process of reading the "Book of Blasphemy," 70% of Su Ye's energy was used to fight against the weird power of blasphemy, and only 30% was used for learning.

"Interesting, very interesting."

Only then did Su Ye understand why humans have not spread blasphemy magic, let alone ordinary magicians, even legendary masters will be affected by blasphemy over time.

In fact, even if the human legendary masters learn blasphemous magic, they will deliberately avoid blasphemous words, but they can avoid blasphemous words, the power of blasphemous magic will be greatly reduced, and the practicality is not as good as normal legendary magic.

Su Ye thought quietly.

"The Crimson Pope's understanding is not wrong, but he is thinking from his own'cognitive world'. He believes that only with the power of the evil **** can he better obtain the power of the true **** and master powerful magic. There is no problem with his view on the essence of magic. The problem is that he himself has forgotten to'stick to the essence'."

"His original intention was to analyze and learn all power through learning magic. But the actual situation is that he analyzes and learns the power of true God through magic and the power of evil gods. Perhaps after a long time, the Crimson Pope will be able to completely eliminate the blasphemous words. Negative effect, but this is still a detour. What I need to do is to analyze why the use of the power of the evil **** can better control the power of the true god, so that, completely abandon the power of the evil god, and directly control the power of the true **** with the power of magic. Even I can analyze the power of the evil god, but abandon that negative influence and leave only what is useful to me."

"Obviously, analyzing the power of the evil **** is far more difficult than analyzing the power of the true god. Um... Next, I will learn blasphemy, and then learn blasphemy magic, but the influence of the evil god's power on me will be kept to a minimum. , Through what you have learned, directly study the nature of the power of the gods, and even the nature of the power of the entire infinite plane."

Su Ye turned out the magic book, and put the book of "The Blasphemy Book" on the magic book for full transcription.

The new text does not contain the power of evil gods, only its original meaning.

Then, Su Ye read and studied the "Principles of Blasphemy". After finishing the study, his eyes were red, and his gaze was uncontrollably peeking at Elise.

With a smile on her face, Elise frankly met Su Ye's gaze, but her stiff tail exposed her tension.

However, Su Ye quickly suppressed the power of the evil god.

After transcribing the "Principles of Blasphemy" into Greek, Su Ye left the crimson eye sockets and went directly into the plane of the volcano to meditate on the plane. It took several hours before he returned to normal.

"The terrible blasphemy, the terrible power of the evil god. The blasphemous magic in this direction is indeed suitable for monsters, but it is not suitable for me. For me, the safest way is to analyze directly. Deify magic."

Even if the deification magic cannot be completely analyzed, only a little breakthrough is needed. With the passage of time, with the help of the entire magic world, the mystery of the gods will be completely lifted.

"The Crimson Pope..."

"It's a pity that he didn't really understand the essence of magic after all. With the help of the power of the evil god, he just didn't believe in magic. I suspect that he was just learning magic and didn't go deep into the foundation of magic, which is philosophy."

"I firmly believe that magic is a power higher than the power of true gods and evil gods, but our knowledge, understanding and mastery of magic are not enough."

"So, let's follow our own paths and let the future witness what is the path of magic."

Su Ye continued to learn blasphemy and blasphemy, but his perspective on the two was completely different from that of the Crimson Pope.

The blasphemous magic of the Crimson Pope is actually based on the evil god's babbling, and uses magic as the link to gain the power of the true god.

Su Ye didn’t pay attention to the power of Cthulhu’s babble at all, but penetrated the power of Cthulhu’s babble, and abstractly analyzed the nature, structure, principle, etc. Stop the research and the influence of the evil god's babbling will dissipate.

Su Ye, completely based on magic, studied the evil gods and true gods, and studied blasphemous magic.

After only an hour, Su Ye made a change.

Change all the "blasphemy magic" in the magic book to "god-level magic".

At the moment of change, Su Ye only felt clear and clear.

It's not that magic is blaspheming the power of the gods, but that magic absorbs and learns a kind of ordinary and normal power, and then becomes a more powerful new magic!