World of Warcraft Sword Saint

v3 Chapter 371: The first confrontation between Ao Tian

It used to be the boundless realm shrouded in crimson, it is still the city, and it is still the dim hall in the palace where the magic flames lightly burn...

Above the huge throne, the sleeping emperor, suddenly opened the sound of burning~, slowly echoing in the hall...

"Someone actually tried to erase the spiritual imprint I left in the ring of hypocrisy|Courage. It's really not small..."

"But Yingshun is really useless. Even the ring I gave will be taken away... Haha. I haven't fought with anyone for five hundred years. Today. Let's fight this delusional person. Let's fight for life..." The light laughter is in the hall. It brings up a violent and fearful aura...

A faint green light. Slightly lit up u+. Vortex...

The vortex is beginning to end. A fierce aura with a strong dragon power. It is delivered from the ring of fierce outer hypocrisy. Fierce aura. Unceremoniously will be big. + smash...

In the main hall. Several dark shadows flashed quickly. They didn't stop until they withdrew from the dragon. They looked at each other. They were all a bit horrified. Thousands of miles apart, the mental power could still be so tyrannical. Look. Come to the master of this spiritual power. The strength is definitely in the emperor

"Hey. It's indeed a very strong mental power..." Looking at the frenzied mental power sweeping the hall, a whispered voice came from the man above the throne...

"This finally makes me interested..." With a low smile, the mental power that contains the smell of fear came out fiercely. It attacked straight into the green vortex...

I was also aware of the righteous master. The mental power from thousands of miles away. Also. unceremoniously led the mental power containing Longwei. Aiming at the green mental power at the door of the whirlpool, he slammed away...

"Bang..." There was a mental fluctuation that could not be noticed by the naked eye. It was violently in the hall. It swept out violently...

"Boom. Boom..." The sturdy hall u: cracked. Several huge cracks. Along the hall. Long stretched out... huge rubbles. Constantly smashed down inside the hall...

Ignoring the shattered hall. The green eyes of the man above the throne were more interested than fighting. A low laugh. The green mental power that filled the hall again strengthened the upper class with a strong spirit. The effect of fear. It slammed into the golden mental power that filled the green vortex...

"Boom..." This time it exploded fiercely. It actually took off the luxurious palace completely...

Seeing that such a change occurred in the center of the city. The defense forces full of the city were shocked. One of the palaces was full of horror...

Who is the owner of the palace. The people present are very clear. But who is it. Have the courage. And that ability to cause such terrible destruction here.

The elite black warriors all around flashed together. A wave of thoughts completely locked this piece...

"Retreat, you don't need you here..." Just when countless black warriors were about to rush into the broken palace. The faint, majestic voice u.

A faint voice. Stopped the tumult of the sky. One. Kneeling on one knee respectfully in front of the palace. Only then did he go backwards once in a while...

Although the guards retreated. But the residents of the city did not agree. One by one stood far away on the houses.> Staring fieryly at the faintly >: In the hall...

Dare to make the dwelling place of the Great Dread Devil like this. Even the fallen angel Frank and the evil wizard arcane magic have never done it...

Another fierce mental power swept across, finally shaking the last hall to pieces...

The scene under the hall was finally taken into the eyes of countless people...

On the huge throne. Sitting and standing a figure shrouded in green light. On the opposite side of the throne, in the middle of the air, a circle of green whirlpools slowly swirled. It was tyrannical. It was sprayed from it. And out...

Between the throne and the whirlpool just a few dozen meters, the space is constantly twisted...

Watching the fierceness of the golden light and green light

;: Fight mental power...

"However. These two people. They are really abnormal enough. Only the confrontation of mental power caused such destruction..." Looking at the dilapidated hall, countless people secretly said in their hearts...

On the ruins of the palace, black shadows slowly emerged from the ground. Then they stood stupidly...

"These. These are the trump cards under the hands of Lord Dreadlord. The dark shadows appearing strangely in the sky. The residents onlookers. Surprised and thought...

Ignoring the gaze of the sky, Titoodis still sits on the throne, staring at the golden whirlpool. He said faintly:

Tito's words did not specifically cover up. Therefore, the onlookers can also hear clearly...

"Who is that guy: Wang said so in agreement:.

A pair of sights suddenly moved, staying in the golden spinning

"You... are the dreadlord. Titootis: Rolling out of the vortex...

"I'm Titootis..." The man above the throne chuckled lightly...

"I am Ao Tian. I am an old person ten thousand years ago. I must be here now. No one knows me anymore..." In the whirlpool, Long Yin slightly rose. A jealous laugh came out.

"You want the ring of hypocrisy.

"I'm not interested in that broken ring. Erase your spiritual imprint. Just: _. Try your exact strength..." laughter. The whirlpool came out.

"The spirit is more powerful than fighting. It is not the upper level. And this can only be a slow beating. Titoodis smiled and said: It must be able to be level with me in a head-on confrontation. Between fighting with you. I. Your spirit. Power. It seems to be far beyond the power of your own body. Maybe this is inherited from you..."

"Your strength is indeed very strong. The middle of the imperial rank. Hehe. That's a guise..."

"No. I haven't worked with anyone for five hundred years. Five hundred years ago. I really only have the strength of the imperial mid-level..." Titoodis raised his arm and said lightly.

"If you want to know my true strength, then come to the "Nation of Natural Disasters". I look forward to your coming..."

Jin Guang rolled slightly. The words of jealousy laughed wildly and said: We will come to the "Nation of Natural Disasters"..."

"I'll wait..." Titoaudis's green light slowly converged. Nodding lightly...

Above the midair. The green vortex gradually dissipated u.+. It came out: Remember. Titoodis. Hegula’s eyeless bastard. We killed it. If you want to avenge him, wait. NS……"

The green vortex dissipated completely. Only a little echo is left...

Titoodis chuckled and shook his head. He whispered to himself: I've bothered for him. I really want to see your party. What's the matter?

Leaning slowly on the huge throne. A circle of green lights flashed by. People|