World of Xianxia

Chapter 163: Subdue

Yu Minghong and Duan Chenfeng have been speechless to Ye Yun. This guy is too perverted. The two still wanted to catch up with Ye Yun and tried it with him. But now, there is no such idea, although this guy was the last one to promote gas Environment, but has gone far, far.

Ye Yun collected Ziyun Dan, this elixir is extremely precious, and it is completely a holy product for monks in the gas refining realm. For thousands of years, Hua Yun has only refined ten pieces. After using two pieces, only eight pieces are left.

Huayun has prepared many things in the millennium, from gas refining to building bases, heavenly treasures, exotic flowers, various elixir, spiritual stones, etc., all placed in the tower of sentient beings. If these treasures are released, the entire Jin Kingdom will be in the blood.

Ye Yun doesn't actually have an intuitive judgment for most treasures. After all, he has never been exposed to so many natural treasures. Just the value of those treasures and spirits he knows are enough to compare with almost half of the resources of Tianzhufeng. As for the value of those treasures that you do n’t understand and have n’t seen before

"You adjust your interest and cultivate for a while, and I'll go and see the King of Shen Yu." Ye Yun crossed the two and walked towards King of Shen Yu.

The original bare body of the God Feather King began to slowly grow a layer of golden hair, and the golden feather on the head became more and more brilliant, and a golden halo flashed from time to time.

On its body, the feathers began to grow at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Nearly every breath, the new feathers will grow up. It is only half a column of incense. It has been covered with pale golden feathers and looks extremely gorgeous.

After an hour, the feathers of the King of God Feather King were covered, dense, and very beautiful. The golden light reflects the halo in the sun, and it looks gorgeous from afar.

Suddenly, the closed eyes of Shenyu King Wang slowly opened, only to see a light and direct light out, it was like a substance, a sound burst out in the air, even if you watch it slowly stand up.


There was a long beep, which was low at first, and then turned high, and the voice went straight into the sky, echoing for hundreds of miles.

Almost the entire area where Lao Feng was located heard this cry of going straight to the skies, and finally it slowly dissipated in the air.

All the disciples who participated in the test stopped their eyes, and looked at the peak of Qi Feng together, only to see a golden halo spreading suddenly on the top of Qi Feng, like a wave of water, extremely fast.

"What's going on?" A disciple in a yellow robe was startled, and the golden aura of his own power made him feel terrified.

"Is it the Vulture King? According to legend, it is already a Nine-level Peak Monster, and it has such strength."

"The Vulture King is just a monster, so it has such a momentum. What about those spirit beasts with great strength?"

"It's terrible, we quickly find a place to hide, anyway, there are already two tokens in our hands, to get the qualification for assessment."

"Do you say that it is possible for this vulture king to break through again and succeed in turning souls?"

Almost all the disciples looked at the golden halo that had spread from the top of the mountain and sighed in unison.

At a distance of about 20 miles from the peak, Zhen Huacheng had a dignified look and a somewhat complexion.

"Brother Zhen, what's the matter with you?" A disciple in black robes saw Zhen Huacheng's complexion and asked Shen Shen.

Zhen Huacheng shook his head, didn't say anything, turned around and left.

On the top of Ye Feng, Ye Yun smiled at his mouth and looked at Shen Yu.

"Boy, what are you looking at?" Shen Yuzhang yelled with a poor expression.

Ye Yunwei squinted his eyes and said, "Wang Wang Mofei has forgotten his previous oath? Is it possible to try the fierceness of Tianjie?"

The original fierce look of the king of the feathers plummeted immediately and said: "What do you want? I told you that although I swear to Heaven to drive you before, I want me to become your slave spirit beast completely, That is impossible."

"Then you're not afraid of disaster?" Ye Yun said with a smile.

"How do you come from me? Have you ever seen an ordinary eagle eagle that can live for more than a thousand years?" Shen Yu, the king's voice sank, and then said, "I am not an ordinary eagle eagle family, but a Golden-winged Dapeng. You know about the branch of the Golden-winged Dapeng? It is a family of immortals and beasts. A disciple of Qiqi who wants to be the master of the Golden-winged Dapeng? Not afraid of the anger of the heavens and erasing you. "

Ye Yun just looked at him and didn't say a word.

"King of the God Feathers, since you are a branch of the Golden-winged Dapeng, a noble spirit beast, you are actually indifferent, and you are not afraid to lose face." Yu Minghong couldn't stand it and yelled angrily.

"Xiao Yuzi said it right, you look at the bald bird, even worse than that Qu Yiping, no credit at all." Duan Chenfeng snorted his shoulders and snorted.

God Yuhuang Wang suddenly stood up, his eyes flickered with killing intently: "What are you two little guys talking about? I dare not kill you?"

"Just do it, if you kill us anyway, Ye Yun will definitely take revenge on us. By then, you will have no dead body and no hair left." Duan Chenfeng shrugged, indifferent. Look like.

"You ..." God Yuhuang Wang was furious, with wings spreading, the wind and dust surging.

"Well, King Wang, you don't need to be angry. As Brother Duan said, if you dare to kill them, then I will inevitably lead Tianjie to make you dead without a burial place." Ye Yun waved his hand, Shen said.

"Boy, you dare ..."

Ye Yun laughed: "Since you don't want to be my slave, then it doesn't matter. I can lift the vow with you, but you have to give me enough benefits."

King Shen Yu's eyes brightened and he hurried, "What's the benefit?"

"For example, give me millions of top-grade spirit stones, or strange flowers and grasses of more than a thousand years, heaven and earth treasures. Or what three-level exercises, second-level fairy skills, etc. I haven't thought about the specifics yet. "Ye Yun shrugged and smiled.

When the King of God Feathers was not familiar with the human monk when he had not passed through the Tempest of Calamity, now he opened his mind and heard Ye Yun's words, he almost did not fall to the ground.

Fortunately, there is always a way to get some. It is not impossible to find the strange flowers and herbs of more than 1,000 years. However, what is the third-grade method and the second-grade fairy skill? Is this level of skill available in a small gate like Tianjianzong? For the entire Tian Jianzong, it is estimated that the strongest method is the fourth-level immortal skill. Although the God Feather King entered Jinfeng for a full thousand years, he has never heard of Tian Jianzong's third-level or even second-level immortality. Technical presence.

"Boy are you playing with me?"

Ye Yun shrugged, and said, "It can't be done? Then forget it, or be at ease and be my slave for me to drive."

"Don't you go too far, boy," Shen Yu screamed, and then whispered, "Is there any other way?"

Ye Yun squinted his eyes and smiled, "You are so greedy, King Wang, if so, give you another choice."


"For me to drive for a thousand years, I will not treat you as a slave, only in ordinary employment relations. If you perform well in the future and do not want to leave me, then it will follow you." Ye Yun said slowly.

There was a flash of fierce light in the eyes of King Shen Yu, saying: "A thousand years is too long, and I can't do everything for you."

"That's it, you're waiting for Tianjie to come." Ye Yun's voice became cold.

God Yuyu was furious, but was helpless. After a long while, he nodded and said, "Okay, just a thousand years, anyway, for my golden-winged Dapeng tribe, the millennium is just at the fingertips, and it's a fleeting moment. But I really don't Maybe everything is done for you, such as you have to deal with my race, how can I promise? "

"That's not necessary. That's good. You have to shoot for me ten times a year. In addition, if you want, you can do it. You are unwilling to watch." Ye Yun laughed, as if suddenly remembering something, then said: "But Since you have become a spirit beast, and you have driven me for thousands of years, we are partners in this millennium. You ca n’t give your back to the other comrade in arms. You can be the spirit beast I ride, so whether it ’s chasing or fleeing, Or hurrying, etc., can save a lot of time. "

King Shenyu twisted his head, and his head was no longer bald, in a layer of golden fluff ~ ~ The golden feather was particularly noticeable.

"Okay, I promise."

"That's fine. In the future, we will be companions, and we must support each other." Ye Yun laughed. Originally, he wanted to use the God Yuyu King to practice his hands and increase combat experience. At best, it was to kill it and seize the demon core.

But now, it is to let the King of God Yu become his slave, for him to be driven within a thousand years. Although he can only make 10 shots a year, it is enough. Importantly, the King of God Yu will also become Ye Yun's ride. The spirit beast, the descendant of the Golden-winged Dapeng, should have infinite potential, and it may not be possible to hit the peak of the spirit beast in a short time.

"Huh! But remember, I will only do it ten times a year for you." Although the God King Yuyu is more than a thousand years old, for the race of the Golden-winged Dapeng, the thousand-year-old is actually not as human as a baby. What a big difference, an adult Golden-winged Dapeng can live at least 100,000 years.

The golden-winged Dapeng race is extremely rare, and it has been rare to see it across the continent for thousands of years, let alone a small place like Jin.

It's just that although the King of the God Feathers is a descendant of the Golden-winged Dapeng, they don't know it at all, and the three of them Ye Yun's impression of the Golden-winged Dapeng is only in the dimness that seems to have been heard before. meaning.

"Okay, well, I know. You guys have so much talk. You should practice first when you're smart. Don't rush to talk in a hurry." Ye Yun waved his hands and looked under the peaks.

This assessment was too easy for him to describe. Zhong Ying was beheaded. The other disciples were not worth mentioning at all, only one Zhen Huacheng.

If Zhen Huacheng was still in Ye Yun's eyes a few days ago, now he doesn't know how many times he has expanded his vision. A former disciple of Zipao is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

"This assessment is really boring!"