World of Xianxia

Chapter 291: Final calculation

Ye Yun turned his head, only to see a huge iron fist rushing towards him, hitting his face door fiercely.

He knew it for just a moment, the origin of the iron fist. In fact, he was always watching out for Jun Ruolan. Now that his face has been torn, Jun Ruolan will definitely not stand by and watch his shot when the real fire lion shoots.

All this was expected by Ye Yun. I saw that he patted the head of the King of God Yu lightly, and the King of Kings soared into the sky with a tacit understanding, and the electric light and flint avoided this iron fist.

At the same time, Ye Yun's body shot out suddenly, and there seemed to be a faint layer of light covering his body and face, facing the real fire.

The true fire flying lion was shot before it was spotted. It believes that even if this real fire can't hurt Ye Yun, its target is the God Feather King, which is said to be a spirit beast.

In its view, although Ye Yun is strong, he is not afraid of real fire. However, after all, it is human beings, and the God Feather King is a spirit beast. In the soul-breaking mountain range, if there are two spirit beasts of similar strength, it will be either you or me. There will be no second ending.

The true fire lion can be called the mount of the fire god. Of course, you know what kind of potential the spirit beast created by the robbery has. Once it is allowed to grow up, even an adult true fire lion is not sure. Able to defeat the God Feather King who has the blood of the Golden-winged Dapeng.

However, now this real fire was blocked by Ye Yun. This time the shield is not completely transparent as before, and there is a little soft light flickering. However, the ending has not changed. Ye Yun still resisted in front of Ye Yun and couldn't get in.

On the other side, the king of the feather feather King, who had escaped the attack of Jun Ruolan and used the villain to attack, fell to the top of those thirty foreheads very quickly.

The attack of thirty villains had just been struck, and the power had not subsided before they saw the golden light shining in the sky, and even when they saw the sharp claws falling from the sky, they grabbed the heads of two of them.

How fast is the attack of the King of God Feather? Its strength is comparable to the masters who build four or more bases. This claw will break the heads of two evildoers, pierce the claws into the skull, and mention it directly. They twisted their necks and died instantly.

The golden light suddenly rose, and then fell fiercely.

Between the flashes of gold, the two villains were killed without resistance, neatly.

Jun Ruolan looked far behind the villain, but she was not surprised at all on her pretty face. She turned her hands lightly, only to hear the bell ringing, and the remaining twenty or so villains turned abruptly, and then faced God. The king of feathers hit a fierce attack.

This time the attack was not concentrated on one person as before, but about three people joined forces to gather a total of eight attacks to cover the entire number of Shenyu King King, and it was impossible to escape.


Obviously, the King of Gods Fei didn't think that this group of villains would be so straightforward and the response would be so perfect. Even though it kept dodging, it was still hit by two boxers.

The cultivation of these villains is at least to build the foundation. The three of them combined with one punch or is very powerful, and the beating God Fei Wang Wang grinds his teeth and rises into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, twenty-six villains adjusted their formations, leaped backwards, and protected Jun Ruolan in an instant, and then connected in a circle to gather their strength together.

The King of God Feathers hovered in the air, and there was no good chance to attack for a while, and he could only wait.

On the other side, Su Ling and others who had been heard by Ye Yun for a long time, countless magic weapons shot out from their palms, forming a light and shadow behind Ye Yun, blocking the spirit beasts that came over.

Although in their current state, they can't really block the impact of these spirit beasts, but because of the suddenness, they let the spirit beasts go together for a moment, hesitating to look at the light and shadow in the sky.

The spirit beast hesitated, and the real fire flying lion hesitated even more. It saw that the deliberately spitting real fire was actually blocked by Ye Yun in advance, and it immediately pulled back ten feet. It still can't understand why. A low-level human being can resist its real fire attack, and even the real strength and the displayed strength are completely different, many times different.

The hesitation of the real fire flying lion was as expected. Ye Yun just turned back after blocking the real fire, and when the thunder light flickered, only purple light and shadow flew past the ground and cut to Jun Ruolan.

At the same time, the Winged King Yu Yu, who is hovering in the air, does not know when he has appeared on the top of Jun Ruolan's head, and his sharp claws turn into a golden light, rushing forward.

Up and down two attacks, instantly locked Jun Ruolan, even if her strength recovered to the peak, it is impossible to resist these two attacks.

All calculations are not spirit beasts or real fire lions, but Jun Ruolan. If Jun Ruolan cannot be beheaded or severely injured, and his combat power is lost, he will not be able to fight wholeheartedly in the face of real fire. No one knows when Jun Ruolan will mobilize 30 evildoers to attack.

Although the individual strengths of these thirty villains are no longer in Ye Yun's eyes, once they join forces, the power that erupts among them is extremely difficult to resist, and if accidentally, they will be seriously injured.

Apparently, Jun Ruolan didn't think that the real purpose of Ye Yun and Shenyu King Wang was her, and a trace of fear and confusion flashed on the beautiful face.

However, after all, Jun Ruolan is one of the most outstanding disciples of Tianshen Peak in these years. Even in the face of these two irresistible attacks, he was calmed down after a moment of confusion. The front danced in a circle, like a cover to protect her.

At the same time, a ray of light burst out from Jun Ruolan's body, and her body was a little hesitant at once. It seemed to turn into light and shadow, and would disappear at any time.


Claws, Thunder Sword.

Two attacks came at once, hitting Qianzhang Fenghuang fiercely.

Bright and dazzling. The brilliance of the light with violent shock waves across the Quartet, dozens of squares covered by the light, can see nothing.

Su Ling and Tianshenfeng disciples were far away from Baizhang and were swept by this squall wind. They almost couldn't stand their bodies, and hurried back to take a few steps.

And those spirit beasts blocked by magic weapon are even a little flustered, apparently the power of the outbreak of the three men's fighting made them flustered for a moment.

Guanghua dispersed, only to see the place where Jun Ruolan was standing, turned into Ye Yun and Shen Yu, the king of the king, Jun Ruolan disappeared without a trace, not even a piece of clothing corner.

Was it smashed and scattered with the wind?

"How did she do that?" Ye Yun's eyes were full of shock. In his calculations with King Shenyu, Jun Ruolan should definitely not be able to resist this attack, and he would have to be seriously injured and lose his combat power if he died.

But now she disappeared, because Ye Yun's attack did not hit her at all.

The king of Shen Yuyu was also full of surprise in his eyes and shook his head.

"Thousands of miles of shadow, this is the shadow symbol."

Suddenly, Su Yinxue's voice came into Ye Yun's ears with incomparable shock.

Although Ye Yun didn't know what the shadow charm was, but as the name suggests, it was a kind of escaped treasure.

The two attacks hit the air without any effect.

"This is the charm of a thousand miles of shadows. It can be transmitted thousands of miles away in an instant. It turns out that Jun Ruolan has everything counted. She has such a treasure and will never die." Su Yinxue understood Jun Ruolan Why did they face Ye Yun's attack so calmly?

"Isn't she already a thousand miles away? It's abominable." Duan Chenfeng growled.

"But although she wasn't able to kill her, she still achieved her purpose. By pushing her back, we can deal with the real fire lion." Su Yinxue's nervous expression on his face eased slightly.

Ye Yun looked around coldly, Jian Jian raised a question and said, "That's not necessarily it."

As soon as the words fell, I saw the twenty-six evildoers who had protected Jun Ruolan in a ring and shot suddenly. The violent power was like a whirlpool, enveloping Ye Yun and Shen Yu.

Ye Yun and King Shen Yu only felt an inexplicable force disturbing the air, forming a huge suction to hold them.

Suddenly, Ye Yun's face changed drastically ~ ~ If Jun Ruolan was really far away, then she would definitely not be able to control these 26 evildoers and play such a trap. Otherwise, Mo said that it was her, and even Elder Shi's cultivation could not control this array method thousands of miles away. Or it can be seen that Jun Ruolan is nearby.

Ye Yun looked up at the real fire lion for the first time. Sure enough, I saw a sudden appearance beside the real fire lion. It was Jun Ruolan.

I saw her launching with the real fire flying lions. Hundreds of real fires descended from the sky and shot at Ye Yun and Shenyu King. Behind the real fire, thousands of phoenixes turned into thousands of white horses, with pounds. Howling's killing intentions whistled.

What shocked Ye Yun the most was that these hundreds of real fires and white matches did not target them at all, but enveloped dozens of squares in it, and covered those evildoers as well. It is not allowed for Ye Yun and Shen Yuyu to escape.

Ye Yun's face was extremely ugly. He knew in his heart that all this seemed to be in Jun Ruolan's calculations. Using himself as a bait, he attracted Ye Yun and the King of God Feathers, then cast a shadow run to escape, and then used 26 evildoers to fight a trap, only to be able to trap Ye Yun and their breath. time. At the same time, just a hint of disappointment of the real fire flying lion violently violently broke out, cooperate with Jun Ruolan to launch the strongest attack.

This is the real killing of Jun Ruolan and Real Fire Lion.

Jun Ruolan counted almost everything in it, this killing move was completely beyond the expectation of Ye Yun and Shenyu King, how could they never think of such a trap.

But by the time I wanted to understand, it was too late.

Thousands of real fire and white horses whistled, and they fell in the range of dozens of feet without any difference.

Suddenly, the flames rose and the brilliance dazzled.