World of Xianxia

Chapter 793: Where to go

Ye Yun also looked back at the lonely blue glass, patted the other's slightly lowered head, and smiled: "Relax, since you want to pay back what I owe, I will take good care of you, this Please rest assured. "

After all, it is the young girl's peace of mind. When facing a person who is always alert to herself, I am afraid that the heartstrings are also tense, but this is not what I want to see. For myself, everything about the latter is There will not be a good way to deal with it, but it is also hoped that there will be more opportunities to place young girls.

As for the cultivation after the girl, I think it would be a good thing if the girl has since become a common demons and dies at the time of natural birth and death, and even if the girl wants to cultivate and improve her realm, for the current elixir continent In other words, no magic is the biggest limitation.

The demons without enchantment are really no different from mortals who cannot be cultivated. Even the enchantment that now supports the normal operation of girls is obtained from the enemies. Although the enchantment in the girl body is still relatively abundant, But if it is later, I am afraid that it can only be lost in vain.

Although I am unwilling to think about these things, I still have to find a suitable way for Qingli, not to let the latter spend a lifetime in tension and fear. Such things are better than He ended his life at the beginning.

Seeing the ancestors were already silent, Ye Yun looked at the constantly flashing scenery around him. In his eyes, these scenery are always so calming now, but he is unable to soothe the anxious girl next to him. What I said just now, even if the girl really wants to believe, I'm afraid there will be some anxiety.

"Master, are you here to stop here?" Qingli's pink eyes had tense tension that couldn't be concealed. At first, her mood had improved, but she couldn't help feeling after hearing Mo Tianxiao's words. He is just a slave to Ye Yun. Even if Ye Yun puts himself well, he can never get along with people like the people.

There will be some suspicions, I am afraid that they will also appear on themselves, and they can only bear in silence, because it is reasonable that their demons can be treated in this way, if Ye Yun ’s people enter the demon world, I am afraid I will accept a more painful experience.

I can be said to be lucky for now, but I still have some contentment if I do n’t know why. If Ye Yun can treat himself more equally, if he can see himself as an ordinary human race girl, maybe he still has a chance. Yes, if you look at it now, a succubus who is neither powerful nor able to practice again can only be viewed as a blank vase.

Ye Yun will not be a person who vents at will, and he does not need to worry about his situation, but the more so, the latter will also have a little reluctance. The only person he can rely on now is Ye Yun. The girl Ye Yun can rely on is afraid that she is far more than herself.

As for why such a state of mind occurred, she was also a little ignorant. Maybe Ye Yun was the first to be friendly to herself after she escaped. Maybe she can only understand it this way.

Seeing that the sky was gradually fading, Qingli was also an independent and obedient person standing beside Ye Yun, and she was a little uneasy in her heart. She didn't know how to do the next thing. She could only watch Ye Yun carefully. How it should behave, and at the same time learn quietly.

Looking at Qingli beside him, she was so cautious about herself. Ye Yun also did not see it. The girl must have thought this way because of Mo Tianxiao's words. Now Mo Tianxiao is recovering the lost spirit. Power and authenticity, he is also checking for the latter, and there is no extra effort to comfort Qingli.

Although she still had a good opinion of the young girl in her heart, it was purely a matter of kindness. However, looking at Qingli's mood, Ye Yun looked at Mo Tianxiao, who had nothing to do with her. Li, is there something hiding from me? Why doesn't it seem like I'm afraid of me? "

"No, no, since Qing Li is the master's slave, it is normal to have fear, and before Qing Li is arrested, she also sees the slaves of other demons. The master is very Well, why is Qingli afraid of her master, she just wants to maintain the minimum etiquette. "Qingli hurriedly shook her head and whispered.

"Your demons still have such etiquette, which is very rare." Looking at Qingli who was making excuses for himself, Ye Yun smiled, "But can you explain some of the demons things for me, I am The people in your demons are very clueless. Of course, if I don't want to, I won't force them. "

"Well, of course this is okay. Since Qingli was abandoned by the demons, there will be no difference between the so-called human race and demons." Nodded, since he was needed by Ye Yun, then It is already very good. As for whether he will be abandoned by Ye Yun in the future, he doesn't think much.

Even if it has its use value, as long as Ye Yun is willing, she can dedicate herself to the latter. This emotion is unknown to her, but she is also unwilling to think about it. After thinking about it for a long time, the girl also looked up. I still see too few things on the book tablet, the Devil has thousands of thousands, and I have seen nothing but a drop in the ocean.

"What does the host want to hear first." Qing Li tried not to touch Ye Yun's eyes carefully, and asked carefully.

"Let's start with the succubus that Qingli is in. I'm still more interested in Qingli's race." Ye Yun laughed, watching the girl look surprised at herself.

"Our position of the succubus in the demon world is actually very awkward, and it is not as powerful as the owner imagines." When she knew that Ye Yun wanted to know herself, the girl was first surprised, and then she bowed her head, "Because we are a tribe Compared with other demons, their combat effectiveness is only obediently beaten, so everyone is also unwilling to communicate with other demons. "

"Obviously beaten? Even so, the status of the succubus should be much higher than that of some ordinary demon clan, isn't it?" Ye Yun heard Qingli evaluating his succubus like this and asked in confusion. .

In his own eyes, although the succubus is inferior to other demons in terms of strength, if only its threat is concerned, I am afraid that when he entered the Tongtian Tower, it was fully reflected, and the ancestors were slightly inattentive. It will be deceived by him, not to mention that the immortal guardian who died on the seventh floor must have a high state of mind, otherwise such a mistake would not occur.

"Actually not, because of Lord Qingluo Tian, ​​our succubus family also became truly independent from the original affiliation of the Demons, but it was only a few thousand years after Lord Qingluo was promoted to the devil. At that time, we started to invade the human world, but at that time, the Lord Qingluo Tian didn't care, and the Demon Emperor was very fond of the Lord Qingluo Tian, ​​so he didn't pay much attention. "

"But since Lord Qing Luotian killed Lord Tianmo, my family's thriving status has also been hit unprecedentedly. It can be said that most of it is because of Lord Qingluo Tian, ​​but my family could have the status at that time. It's all because of Master Qingluo Tian. "Qingli said here, there is also bitterness in her eyes, and her own family prospered because of one person, and because of one person's decline, it is too sad.

"In fact, otherwise, although many people of the original tribe did not understand why Lord Qingluo did this, they also thought of the remorse they would receive, so most of them were ready for direct soul breaking. After all, my tribe Although he is weak, he still has dignity. "Qing Li said bitterly, also remembering that if he had accidentally found a door to the space of human world, I was afraid that he would die.

"When you hear Qingli say this, the demon emperor's actions are really quite excessive." Ye Yun naturally would not say that he killed the demon that day, although he believed that even if he told Qing himself Li and Qingli don't have many complaints, but they still don't want to tell the truth to the latter.

This kind of thing is not to be praised, and it doesn't need any extra compensation. It is just some trivial things, at least in my opinion.

"But when it comes to our demons, I do n’t know much, but when I ’m curious as to why they can fly, I have accidentally seen some demons with wings and are very interested in them. When I was a guest, I went back and took a quiet look, but after all, there are still few Demons with wings, but it may also be that Qingli ’s luck is not good, because many times because of cultivation, he has not forgotten many times. peep."

When the girl said this, she also glanced at Ye Yun's reaction quietly. When she found that Ye Yun had no other movements, she was relieved, and then waved with her hand on her head, saying, "But the master It was really fun for Qingli to have the opportunity to be so close to the sky, because Qingli had never been treated this way. "

Ye Yun only smiled and looked at Qingli with a smile, but the ancestor didn't know when to wake up. He laughed: "The ancestor said a long time ago, this little Nizi is kind, now How's it going? "

"It is indeed much better than the ordinary demons, but it is also impossible to deny her identity. You should know that the demons I faced on the battlefield of immortals were the demons of her tribe." Ye Yun said When I was here, I couldn't help but look at my hands. In the palm of this Bai Jie, there was more than one demon's blood.

"What is this? Once you are betrayed by the demons, you think these abandoned demons will still think about the demons, but it is just thinking of her hometown. The name you met in the tower Devil, isn't it the same? "The ancestor said slowly after thinking about it.

"Oh, is it him?" I remembered that there was only a handsome man with a skull that was devoured by his own demon god. The first time he was exposed to maggots and madness, when he insulted his hometown, he was also slightly Some are puzzled, why did the demons do this? Now, if you want to come, you should be doing something wrong, which is what caused the devil to fight back.

However, in the end, he did not get rid of the result that he devoured, but things go against his wishes. The demon **** I condensed is condensed by the rules of heaven and earth, and can withstand the simple immortal power of these gods and demons. Magic power is created by chance, and in the end I was also promoted by that woman. If not, my body may not be able to withstand the power of the magic of that day.

"Hey, ancestor naturally understands these things, but you don't need to take yourself too low to bear the result of this mighty power, which is a kind of recognition in itself, and you are not modest in vain." The ancestor said.

"But it suddenly came to my mind." Ye Yun also smiled when he heard the comfort of his ancestors, looked at Qingli who fell slightly asleep beside him, and closed his eyes briefly, but also slowly accepted. Passing the extreme cold inheritance in his own body.

When Ye Yun opened his eyes the next moment, the world he saw was a world completely sealed by ice. Everything here seemed to be a scene of snow and ice condensing. Ye Yun reached out and watched the snow falling from the sky. Exhaled, looked at the world with emotion.

When his consciousness was immersed in the extreme cold inheritance, the black figure that slowly appeared behind him also gave Ye Yun some helplessness. When he turned his head to look at the figure that was no different from his own, in addition to his hair color, When it was cold and snow-white, it couldn't be any different from what it looked like.

"Don't hate me like this, I'm sorry to be one with you in the future, but you and I are one after all, and I need to agree with this matter, right?" The magical energy that was constantly radiating outwards in his eyes, and Ye Yun smiled slightly, and his skin was stinging.

"Your cold can already affect me." Ye Yun looked at the magic side that appeared in front of himself again. His current state should not be able to accept the inheritance of Xueli Tianxian, and the reason can affect himself, fear It is because of some special reasons, for example, that the cold in this large world is absorbed into the body.

"But this should not be possible. If you can do this, I will be directly assimilated by you, how could you have the opportunity to resist so close to you now." Feeling ridiculous for this conjecture, Ye Yun slowly looked at himself in front of him, and his heart was also somewhat unhappy.

This is my hope now. If he is merged into the earth after the fairyland, he can return to the true self, and his own mentality caused by the magic can be completed, and the so-called mentality is only used by his ancestors. This enchantment separates his own mind, but the effect is no worse than that of Chizi, but on the key issue, it is far worse than Mozi of Chizi.

After all, mind and heart are two different representatives. Ye Yun also came to this conclusion after realizing that, and now the magic in his own magical side is always kept in a safe amount. You don't need to do anything on your own, just wait until your ice spirit is further improved, then you can make the final step.

"Take this immortal rule and deprive me of it." Ye Yun looked at the icy beasts that were looming around, showing a black light source in his palm. When the short condensation appeared, it was the most beginning. Absolutely absorb the ice and snow power of this world, and the snow and ice giants that appear one after another are of various shapes, but all the monsters that are thousands of meters are rushing to Ye Yun crazy, and stop the latter's behavior .

"It seems that absorbing as much as possible should not be too effective. It can only be changed again next time." The black light source in his hand turned over, and Ye Yun's soul fragments were about to be frozen by one of them. When the monster was crushed, he turned his back and walked away from the light gate that appeared in front of him.

When he was on the verge of leaving, when he saw the magical energy in the latter's eyes, he turned away without any attention, leaving only the roaring snow and ice giants in the frozen world, but after Ye Yun left, "Ye Yun "At this moment, too, there seemed to be spiritual knowledge. Suddenly, the magic in the eyes stopped dissipating, and the palms were slightly lifted up in the midst of the sky, trying to accommodate the magical power of thousands of miles.

"What's wrong?" The ancestor asked with a smile, watching Ye Yun return from the Celestial Inheritance.

"The situation isn't too bad, but it can't be regarded as too good. It can only be said that it is a five or five split account. If it wasn't the last one to leave early, I am afraid that the soul that was put in will be frozen in it." Yun Dan smiled.

"It's really dangerous. If you don't leave in time, I'm afraid your current state will be very uncomfortable." After hearing Ye Yun's words, the ancestor said with a smile: "But it can also be seen from this point. The demon soul of yours is still under your control. If he waits for his complete awakening consciousness to actively absorb the immortal inheritance, I am afraid it will be bad. "

"Yes," Ye Yun smiled and nodded, and said.

And looking at Ye Yun around her smiled, although Qingli didn't know what was happening, she also showed a happy face, as if Ye Yun was happy, that would make her happy too, and Ye Yun looked at her beside her. Li smiled, patted the latter's head, and smiled, "You Nizi, how so happy."

"Because the host is laughing, if Qingli doesn't laugh, will it make the host too embarrassing." Qingli felt the tenderness from her head and looked up.

"It's really understanding, but if you say this, it will really make me embarrassed." Ye Yun looked at Qing Li with a serious look, although there was a touch of warmth in her heart, but After just a few taps, he looked at Mo Tianxiao, who was guarding beside him. The latter's state at this moment should be almost restored.

"What's wrong?" Ye Yun smiled at Mo Tianxiao, who slowly opened his eyes.

"Almost everything has been restored, and the distance from Red City should not be too far ~ ~ As long as you are using a big sky teleportation array, you must be in Lingxiao City." Mo Tian Xiao smiled.

He is now at the peak of the Seventh Land of Wonderland. As long as he is taking a step forward, he can also stand in the position of the main combat power of the elixir continent. To this day, he has been waiting for too long.

"Are you going to the woman's territory again? Forget it, I just went to the Red Qianlou to eat a true dragon feast again." Ye Yun looked at Mo Tianxiao beside him, and said, "However, he arrived at Red Qian. Behind the building is to let Brother Tianxiao wait a few more hours. I still want to go to Hongqianlou once. "

"Haha, rare Brother Ye, you have the intention to go to the Red Qianlou. I heard that the banquet here is a good choice, but it is too expensive." Mo Tianxiao smiled when he heard Ye Yun going to the Red Qianlou. "But I just happened to go to the Beast Blood Pavilion once. When the beast blood I obtained originally fought with the two demon kings, it was already used. This time I went to see if there was anything more suitable for me."

"Being able to stay in the wind in front of the seven demon kings in these two wonderlands, this Mo Tianxiao's strength seems to have been hidden when fighting me." Ye Yun thought secretly.

"But it is no wonder that when he was fighting with me, he was just fighting Kendo will, and his real combat power should be more based on practicing exercises." Ye Yun looked at Mo Tianxiao and was about to leave, and got up. Looking at the few stars on the night scene, even though it is brilliant, it is an impoverished moon that cannot be matched.

"Forget it, these things are not what I have to consider. The next elder of Xiandao Sect, although I don't know when it started, but it will not be too far apart." If we can swell in this land now To survive, the position of the elders of Xiandaozong is undoubtedly the best cover.