You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 2384: Red eyes

   Chapter 2384

   "Good!" Little Sapling cheered: "It's settled, I will supervise you!"

   "Okay," Ye Xingbei smiled and rubbed his little head, "You are welcome to supervise."

  Little Sapling tilted her head, rubbed it in her palm, and smiled sweetly at her, like a docile little beast.

  Ye Xingbei's heart was transformed by him.

  How about every parent want to give the best to their children?

  It’s really because they are so cute!

  After lunch, they took a nap.

   After getting up, Qin Junye took them to the nearby mountains to see the monkeys.

  Qin Junye knows this mountain forest well, and is a very competent little tour guide.

  After walking for more than an hour, they reached another mountain.

  Walking inside for ten minutes, they saw the monkey group.

  This side is off the beaten track, the monkeys are not afraid of people, standing on the rocks, looking at them curiously.

  Little tree seedlings have seen monkeys, but it is the first time to see so many monkeys, so excited to take pictures with Ye Xingbei’s mobile phone.

  Gu Chi handed him a banana.

  He handed him a little monkey near him.

  The little monkey snatched the banana away, holding the banana in both paws.

  Ye Xingbei was afraid that the monkey would hurt people, so he took the young sapling in his arms and protected the young sapling.

  The little tree seedlings watched the little monkey gnawing on the bananas with relish.

  Seeing enough monkeys, they went around around, returned to the camp, and ate and rested.

  The next day, they visited several nearby mountain peaks, took a lot of landscape photos, and basically went around the fun places.

  On the third day, they are about to end their journey and return to the capital.

  Gu Chi and Qin Junye took a few bodyguards, set off early, and rushed to Qin Junye’s uncle’s house.

  When they arrived at Uncle Qin Junye’s house, Qin Junye’s family was still eating.

  Seeing Qin Junye leading a group of strangers in, Qin Junye's uncle was a little nervous.

  He stood up, greeted him, "Saya, who is this?"

"Uncle, this is my friend," Qin Junye said, "Uncle, I want to go to the city to work with my friend. With my two cousins, we bought a house in the town and got you a job as a guardian at the town’s police station."

  He pointed to the policeman at the police station at the village head where they met: "He is the uncle of the policeman at the police station. He will take you to go through the procedures later."

  Qin Junye’s uncle was stunned, his eyes rounded, listening to the sky, "Xiao Ye, what are you talking about?"

  "Uncle, he didn't talk nonsense!" The policeman at the police station showed him his ID: "Look, uncle, I belong to the police station in our town. You may have seen me before, and I will take you through the procedures!"

  Qin Junye’s uncle was shocked and asked, “My friend Xiaoye’s company helped the poor. He bought us a house and also introduced me to work?”

   "Yes, sir," the policeman said, "It's true!"

   "What did you say? You say it again!" Qin Junye's second uncle rushed in with excitement: "Buy us a house? Did you introduce work?"

  "It's not for you!" The police looked at him up and down, and pointed at Qin Junye's uncle, "It's for Qin Junye's uncle!"

   "Aren't they all the same?" Qin Junye's second uncle said: "We are brothers. We bought them for my eldest brother, didn't we just buy them for me?"

  "It's different!" The policeman said solemnly: "When the transfer procedure was processed, only Uncle Qin Junye's name was written on the real estate certificate. It is Uncle Qin Junye's private property, and it has nothing to do with anyone else!"

"Why?" Qin Junye's second uncle blushed anxiously and his neck was thick: "My elder brother is Qin Junye's uncle, and I am Qin Junye's second uncle. The relationship between us is as close and far away, so why should I only give it to me? Brother buy it, won't you buy it for me?"

  (End of this chapter)