You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 3553: I am weak and reasonable

  Chapter 3553 I am weak and I have reason

  He asked the person who hired him what the liquid in the vial was, but the person who hired him refused to say.

The person who hired him just told him that the liquid in the vial is colorless, odorless and tasteless, and when it is spilled on a person, it is like pouring a basin of clean water without any side effects, except that it will wet the clothes without causing any consequences. .

  The person who hired him also said that the contents of the vial will not work until at least two or three days.

  By then, Xie Yunlin would have forgotten about tonight, and would never doubt him.

  He didn't have the guts to do such a thing.

  But recently, he was short of money.

  He and his girlfriend have already discussed marriage, but his future mother-in-law asked him for a 200,000 bride price.

   His parents’ life savings are only enough to buy a house in their hometown. He hasn’t even saved enough money for decoration. Where can he get 200,000 for his mother-in-law?

  He and his girlfriend are high school classmates.

  After graduating from high school, neither of them went to college and went out to work together.

  He loves his girlfriend very much, but his mother-in-law said that there is no 200,000 yuan, and marriage is free.

  He is always worried in his dreams, worrying about where to get 200,000 yuan.

   Just when he was so worried that he couldn't sleep well, his employer found him and told him that as long as he helped him with one thing, he would give him 500,000.

  That's half a million!

  With 500,000, he can not only give his mother-in-law 200,000, but he can also decorate the new house, buy a diamond ring for his girlfriend, and then the wedding can be done gracefully.

  He was too short of money, so he couldn't resist the temptation and agreed to his employer.

  For the money, although he agreed, he was actually very scared.

  He believes he is not a bad person, and he has never done anything bad.

  This is the first time he has done something ignorant of his conscience.

  He was afraid that things would be revealed and implicated him, he couldn't help smelling the contents of the small bottle, it was really colorless, odorless and tasteless.

  Pour it into the basin, there is nothing strange at all.

  So, he was relieved a lot, and secretly thought that it was only half a basin of clear water, splashed on Xie Yunlin, at most he was scolded or beaten by Xie Yunlin.

  A curse or a beating, you can exchange 500,000, which is great!

  When he got the money, he resigned with his girlfriend, went back to his hometown to get married, and never came back again!

  He thought very well, but things did not move in the direction he imagined.

  According to what he thought, Xie Yunlin got wet with his clothes, and at most he was scolded or beaten, and he would be let go.

  But not.

  He was left behind.

  And there are bodyguards guarding him with eyes, he can't run even if he wants to.

  Not only that, they also hired experts to bring the water back to the laboratory for testing!

  He was so scared that his face was pale, and he was sweating outside all over.

  Things mixed in water are colorless, odorless and tasteless, invisible to the naked eye, and odorless to the nose, but it is finished after entering the laboratory.

  A test with a professional instrument will definitely detect something mixed in the water.

  At that time, these people must not spare him!

  If things are revealed, he won’t be able to get the money and he may be arrested and sent to jail.

   Then how does he get married?

  The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. He was trembling with fright. He couldn't help but knelt on the ground with weak legs.

He looked at Xie Yunlin and pleaded: "Xie Shao, please, please forgive me, I didn’t mean it, I really didn’t mean it! I will get married soon, if you don’t forgive me, the club will definitely Fire me, I have no job, my girlfriend will definitely break up with me! Xie Shao, the happiness of the rest of my life is held in your hands, please, be merciful and let me go!"

  (End of this chapter)