You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 3669: Confused

  Chapter 3669 Confused

  His original intention is good.

  But he did not expect that his son and his nephew had a fight, and the two children fell into the water one after another.

  When the two children fell into the water, Qin Yi was not there and went to the cabin to get his son's jacket.

  He is playing cards with his mother on the deck.

  After learning that the two children had fallen into the water, he jumped down for the first time.

  He was very anxious at the time, he didn't have time to think about anything, he just wanted to save the children quickly.

  As for him jumping into the water, he didn’t know whether he wanted to save his nephew or his son.

  He must all want to save.

  Whether it is his son or his nephew, they are his most important people, and he hopes that they can all be safe.

  After he jumped into the water, he found his nephew first.

  His nephew has passed out.

  He dragged his nephew to the surface.

  Seeing that his nephew is not aware of the personnel, he panicked, holding his nephew on the painting.

   Waiting to control the water in his nephew’s belly, his nephew was sober, he thought of his son, and asked the bodyguard beside him: "Where is A Qi?"

  The bodyguard next to him pointed to the boat on the sea and said, "I was rescued by a kind man."

  He flew into a rage and scolded them, "What do you do for food? Missy asked you to protect the young master. Is that how you protect?"

The bodyguards lowered their heads in shame, but Wei Nuonuo said: "We thought you were saving the young master. We were afraid that there was something wrong with the young master, so we followed you on the boat. When we found out that you were not the young master, we wanted to jump down again. When the young master, the young master was already rescued by others..."

  At that time, he had his son in mind and didn't think about it.

  Now, recalling the situation at that time, it was like being slapped with a loud slap in the face, and it was unspeakable.

  Everyone takes it for granted that the child he rescued must be his son.

  But in fact it is not.

  He saved his nephew.

  He must have been stunned by the water.

  Seeing that his nephew was rescued by him, he did not know the personnel, and he even forgot his son who was still in the water.

  He didn’t think of his son until he took his nephew on the boat and saw his nephew wake up and was sure that his nephew’s life was not in danger.

   Then... his son doesn't want him.

  He did not save his son.

  Qin Yi went to the rescue.

  Qin Yi is not good at water, and almost died with his son.

  So, his son doesn't want him anymore, he wants Qin Yi.

  Recalling the picture of his son sitting on Qin Yi's lap, sharing a meat skewers with Qin Yi with a brilliant smile, the remorse flooded him like a sea tide.

  That is his son!

  His biological son!

  But his biological son, he would rather let a man who has no blood relationship with him be his father than his biological father...

  Ran Qinrui was right, his father was too failed and too sad.

  Before, even if he allocated one-third of the thoughts that he used to Ge Changdong to his son, today, the relationship between him and his son will not be so bad.

  Ran Qinrui is right.

  He is sorry for his son.

  He is not qualified to be the father of his son.

  He knew it was wrong.

  He is willing to treat his son well in the future, and is willing to double his compensation. seems...he has no chance.

  Ran Qinrui is going to get a marriage certificate with Qin Yi tomorrow.

  His son's household registration is registered in Ran Qinrui's household registration book.

  (End of this chapter)