You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7117: worry

  Chapter 7117 Worried

  His wife’s life shouldn’t be like this.

  He hugged Ye Xingbei and made up his mind: "This is the last child, and we will say nothing in the future!"

  He will go for sterilization tomorrow!

  Have a sterilization operation, there will always be no more "fish that slip through the net".

  However, he didn't tell Ye Xingbei about this decision.

  Although doctors say that sterilization for men is less harmful than sterilization for women, it is still the mainstream for women to perform sterilization, and it is rare for men to perform sterilization.

  If he talked to Ye Xingbei, Ye Xingbei might object.

  There is nothing to discuss, he can just do it tomorrow!

  "What silly thing to say?" Ye Xingbei said silently: "The baby called me mother when he was born, and he was not your own child. What are you sorry for? And I like babies very much, especially!"

  The key is to raise it.

  If she can't afford it, she doesn't dare to give birth to so many. Adults are affected and children suffer.

  The conditions at home are good, and it’s raised. A group of people surround their mother and child and take care of them. She is happy every day.

  If she is not worried that too many pregnancy is bad for her health, she will be fine if she has a few more births.

Seeing that Gu Junzhu was a little unhappy, she grabbed Gu Junzhu’s hand and placed it on her lower abdomen, “Feel it, this child may be a little princess! According to your probability, how should this child be? It's the little princess! Are you upset?"

   "Happy! Of course happy!" Gu Jun said gradually: "I'm just worried about your body..."

   Ye Xingbei was warm in his heart, and gently hugged him: "It's okay, I'm fine, there is a cliff, what are you worried about?"

She smoothed Gu Jun's frowning brows slightly, "Don't frown! When you gave birth to Xiao Jiangjiang, you almost jumped up with joy. If you are pregnant with this child, if you are sad, the baby in your belly will be upset. ."

  Gu Jun stroked her lower abdomen, "Of course I like our baby."

Ye Xingbei looked at him saying that he liked it, but there was not much joy on his face. He couldn't help but sighed: "I now know why many families are obviously children of the same father and the same mother, and some children are very different. To be favored, not to be liked by your parents, if this child is still a son, he will not be rejected by you, right?"

   "Of course not!" Gu Jun resolutely denied: "I was worried about your body. I couldn't slow down for a while. How could I dislike him?"

  Moreover, no matter how many sons he has with Ye Xingbei, they are all his father's darlings.

  If he dares to dislike his son, his dad will be the first to clean him up!

"Are you happy!" Ye Xingbei rubbed his face, "I was almost stupid when I knew I was pregnant the first two times. This time there is not even a smile on his face. If the baby knows that you don't welcome him so much, he Will be unhappy."

  Gu Jun: "……"

  He feels that this child is coming too soon, and he is worried that having children too frequently will hurt Ye Xingbei’s body, but he will never reject his child because of this.

  To dislike it, but also dislike himself.

  Obviously, he was very determined in other matters, but that incident was always a fluke. Only one or two failures made Ye Xingbei pregnant again.

"Don't worry, I'm blaming myself. I blame no one on our baby's head." Gu Jun kissed her hand and stroked her belly: "No matter how many births, they are all mine. The flesh and blood are my favorite babies."

  (End of this chapter)