You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7849: Why not

   Chapter 7849 Why not do it

  Gu Yiman has been listening attentively. After listening to her stop talking, he asked, "What is the specific reason for the quarrel?"

"He buys everything for his younger brother and sister!" Shen Qiangwei said angrily, "From clothes and shoes, to houses and cars, as long as we have them, he will buy them for his brother and sister, spending a lot of money. !"

   "What about the attitude of his brother and sister?" Gu Yiman asked, "Respect you and thank you?"

  Shen Qiangwei was stunned for a moment before she said, "It's okay, I'm still grateful and respectful to us."

   Gu Yiman asked: "I'm very respectful and grateful. I treat you as close relatives, or is it just a compliment on the face, but I don't really appreciate you in my heart?"

  Shen Qiangwei was silent for a moment, and then she said uncomfortably: "It's not for face... My husband has a good relationship with his brother and sister, and they have a very good relationship with each other."

   Gu Yiman asked again: "Your husband buys things for his brother and sister. Is it within your financial capacity? Will it affect your life?"

   "No, Shen Qiangwei said, "We have accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, even if he bought a lot of things for his brother and sister, it would not affect our own quality of life. "

"Well, I see," Gu Yiman nodded and asked again, "if your husband doesn't listen to your advice, even if you quarrel with him and object to him emotionally, he still wants to buy things for his brother and sister. Divorce him?"

   Shen Qiangwei thought for a long time and shook her head: "No."

  I have to leave, I have already left.

   She and her husband have a very good relationship. They have gone from poverty to wealth together. She has not changed, and her husband has not changed.

  Her husband is gentle and considerate to her, loyal to her and family. He doesn't have the problem of some men becoming bad when they have money. He is an out-and-out high-quality man.

   Moreover, she and her husband have a son, a daughter and two children.

   Even if she was angry at her husband's unbounded love for his brother and sister, and quarreled fiercely, she could not divorce her husband.

"Since you don't plan to divorce, I can only persuade you to open up," Gu Yiman said sincerely, "I'll tell you the truth, don't be angry, I don't think your husband buys things for his brother and sister. Big problem."

   Shen Qiangwei frowned, her expression a little dissatisfied.

   "I say this with a premise," Gu Yiman explained, "The first premise is that your husband buys things for his brother and sister, and it doesn't affect your own quality of life.

   The second premise is that your husband's younger brother and sister are grateful for your contributions and respect your husband and you. "

   She looked into Shen Qiangwei's eyes and said earnestly, "As the saying goes, if one person attains the Tao, a chicken and a dog ascend to heaven.

  Although this sentence is not very pleasant, it is the truth, and it has been passed down for thousands of years.

   If one person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs can ascend to heaven, not to mention the brothers and sisters who have grown up together since childhood?

  If the siblings have a bad relationship, or if the siblings have a bad character, that’s all.

   But your husband's brothers and sisters, there is no problem in this regard. If I were your husband, I would also buy things for my brother and sister.

  In your eyes, you only see your husband's contribution, but for your husband, he gets happiness and a sense of accomplishment in his contribution.

  Happiness cannot be bought by money.

   But your husband bought happiness with money, and the money did not affect your daily life, so why not do it? "

   (end of this chapter)