You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 111: rush, surging


Mu Qingmei looked at the 'Youth Newspaper Office' sitting next to the lecture square, smoothed the wrinkles of her clothes, and gathered up the courage to walk in.

When Yin Minghong announced that he had reached a cooperative relationship with Yin Yinyin, Xuanzhu Baiye did not question his decision, and the information brought by Yin Yinyin was also extremely important. After their discussion, they decided to accept Yin Yinyin's help and send someone Joined the newspaper as an editor, secretly assisting Xuanzhu Baiye's information transmission.

As for why this candidate is Mu Qingmei... In addition to the fact that Mu Qingmei has imprisoned Yin Minghong for a long time, it is also because Xuanzhu Baiye has no other better candidates - yes, they don't have so much free time to be qualified as editors personnel!

Unlike Xingke County, although the people at the bottom of Xingke County are quite poor, children have a lot of free time. They can go to the lecture square to receive enlightenment, but it is different in Xuanzhu County. It is normal to recruit child labor here. 'Abolishing the child union will make the factories and the common people unable to eat' is actually a truth that everyone agrees with here.

In this case, children naturally don't have much time to receive enlightenment, but literacy and tactics are the rigid needs of Huiyao's survival, so most of the people here learn some common words sporadically, and take time to practice tactics to exercise. . They watch and listen to a piece of music, and that's fine, but asking them to do text editing is just as unrealistic as letting the capitalists suddenly conscientiously discover that they betray the class.

Moreover, there are very few people in Xuanzhu Baiye.

Unlike Xing Ke Bai Ye, who was the head of the department and the director of the military academy, and the teachers of the military academy, who talked and laughed with great Confucianism, and did not have any exchanges, it was difficult for Xuan Zhu Bai Ye to carry out high-level and middle-level work.

After all, there has never been a miner who digs fast and well and becomes a mine owner. People who live well in Xuanzhu County may be diligent, but they are definitely not good people-for example, the two guards of Le Yu, Mi Die And Lisang, when Le Yu asked them to kill, they would never ask for a reason and leave no room for action.

Those who can occupy a place on the rotten and vigorous tree in Xuanzhu County will inevitably participate in the exploitation and squeezing of the bottom. The good people can only live at the bottom and be squeezed. The bad money drives out the good money, which is vividly reflected here.

Perhaps the reverse also makes sense. It should be good money driving out bad money—people like Mi Die, Bai Yulan, and Jing Zhengwei belong to the 'good money' here. And Bai Ye, who are out of place, are the 'bad money'.

The middle-level and high-level vested interests may have uneasy consciences, but the gravity of reality makes them afraid to raise their heads and listen to Bai Ye's preaching.

This is also why Yin Yinyin, a person who can 'mix' into the upper class of Xuanzhu, will get the attention of Xuanzhu Baiye - they really don't have any spy who can spy on the intelligence of the Silver Blood Association.

Xuanzhubaiye's manpower is too tight, everyone has a role to play. Rong Yao, a newcomer who can move freely, almost everyone is vying for it, and he can be regarded as everyone's public newcomer.

In fact, Rong Yao is also capable of serving as an editor, but he is a fugitive slave of Jing Zhengwei himself, and this newspaper was opened by Jing Zhengwei. When he went to the newspaper, he was like a soldier rushing to the tower, seeking his own death.

After thinking about it, Mu Qingmei was the only one who was capable and free.

Although Xuanzhu Baiye always wanted to throw out Mu Qingmei's trump card at a critical moment in the future, but only now can there be a future, and the risk of being an editor is relatively small. Even if something happens, with Mu Qingmei's personal force , she almost left when she wanted to in the outer city.

Even if Yin Minghong didn't agree, after a comprehensive evaluation, Mu Qingmei still got the task.

The newspaper office is very large and the location is also very good. In fact, it used to be a ready-to-wear store under the Jing family. After all, there are several plantations in the upstream industry of the Jing family. difference.

The newspaper office has three floors. On the first floor, there are two well-dressed consultants sitting at the front desk. There are two security guards standing next to them, showing a wealthy person.

But in Mu Qingmei's eyes, she had another interpretation: 'Hmph, the hateful profiteer's face, this is a long time ago that someone would come to smash this nonsense newspaper, so are you ready for a fight? ’

She had already learned from Yin Minghong that the purpose of the Jing family's establishment of this newspaper was to brainwash the people, so she naturally put on colored glasses to look at it all.

"Did you come to take the editing exam?" Seeing Mu Qingmei, the lady at the front desk said, "Please read this article again."

The front desk handed out a newspaper, Mu Qingmei took a look and found that it was an article in Xuanzhubao that introduced the current situation in the southern Chenfeng District. Although the words in it were not uncommon, they were not systematically studied. Most of them cannot be read out.

Although it is very simple, it can indeed filter out illiterate husbands who are illiterate and inexperienced. Mu Qingmei whispered, and the front desk nodded: "Register on the second floor, and then you can take the exam."

And exams, pretending to be very professional... Mu Qingmei was disdainful in her heart, and politely agreed on her face.

A businessman like Jing Zhengwei who smells like copper, how could he run a newspaper? Most of the so-called exams are because he found some questions, and wanted to screen out a group of rotten literati who had no character to drive him to write for him. As for the content of the manuscript, of course, "the poor must accept their fate" "loyalty is the most valuable. ' brainwashing text.

Mu Qingmei also read the "Xuanzhubao" at ordinary times. She had long read the stories of "loyal servants and benevolent masters", and she thought that the newspaper Jing Zhengwei could not escape this category.

Although he hated this kind of newspaper, Mu Qingmei didn't hate coming to the newspaper office. She is still very interested in the compilation of newspaper articles, and it is interesting to see how these people write such bad money articles up close.

When they came to the second floor, Mu Qingmei saw several long tables, and a dozen young scholars and senior scholars were sitting there, some thinking hard, some writing brilliantly, but there was no gap between them, and they could even turn their heads to the side. See what other people write... This exam is so irregular!

As soon as she came up, a staff member handed her a registration form. She signed her name and basic information, and then drew a ☆ five-pointed star after her name.

This is the signal of Yin Yin Yin's agreement with Bai Ye, he will let the person in charge unconditionally hire the person with the five-pointed star behind the name of the registration form. In fact, Mu Qingmei refused, because it would make her signature look cute, but in order to organize the task, she could only draw the five-pointed star more beautifully.

After the staff confirms that the information on the registration form is filled out, the registration form is reversed to the back: "Answer is at the back of the registration form, you can just sit there and write slowly, there is no time limit, but it must be written before 5 pm It's over, or we're going to get off work."

Mu Qingmei said in surprise, "What about the test questions?"

"The staff at pointed to several documents placed on the long table: "Your exam questions are different, everyone can take turns. "

Your newspapers are too stingy!

Answer the questions at the back of the registration form!

Even the exam questions take turns!

Disgrace your Jing family!

No, is this the style of the Jing family? It is no wonder that Jing Zhengwei was able to make a fortune because he recruited security guards with a brutal nature, and he was stingy and cruel to employees internally.

Mu Qingmei complained wildly in her heart. She sat down and picked up a test question to read, and immediately understood why this test was so random:

"Please write a similar short article after the following article, according to the central idea expressed by it."

"Let's Rush, Back Waves""