You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 113: make up your own


Ten days have passed since Yin Minghong and Yin Yinyin met. Today, the newspaper office finally officially opened, and Mu Qingmei finally went to work. In fact, the person who was hired has already come to work for several days, but it is not until now that everyone has been recruited.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the third floor of the newspaper office was transformed into a large conference room. The members of the newspaper office lined up for seats, and everyone hung a badge to indicate their position.

Although it is a newly established tabloid office, the departmental arrangement is quite formal, divided into news department, comment department, culture department, editorial department, distribution department, and printing department. Naturally, the editorial department: text editing, art editing, proofreading, typesetting. In this era when all aspects can only rely on manual labor, the editorial department is almost equivalent to physical labor in the brain, requiring multiple people to cooperate and divide the labor.

In addition, there is financial accounting, but this is naturally the Jing family sent someone to take charge, and will not recruit externally.

Mu Qingmei was naturally hired. Her current position is 'Editor of the Ministry of Culture'-although she is indeed a junior editor, but the title is too strange! ?

This kind of naming must be Jing Zhengwei's bad taste, he is too disrespectful!

From the editorial exam full of malicious but upright and awe-inspiring article, Mu Qingmei faintly realized that Jing Zhengwei is a literate man among profiteers, a hooligan among literate men, and the second ancestor among hooligans -- domineering and arrogant, wanton and reckless. , The sense of superiority is full, and at first glance, it is not beaten!

Mu Qingmei observed for a week and found that there is a big difference between the Youth Daily and other newspapers - excluding the editorial department, which is a coolie department, and putting it in other newspapers, they all have the largest number of members in the News Department and the Commentary Department, but the Youth Daily is a cultural The department has the most members, with only two people in the news department and the comment department combined—one in each department!

Just from the position distribution, Mu Qingmei knew that what the Youth Daily wanted to publish was definitely not a current affairs newspaper. The most important thing about current affairs newspapers is timeliness. The timeliness needs many journalists and comment editors to support it. Moreover, reporters are not enough. Reporters also need informants. Any news can be rushed to the first time, such as "Xuanzhu". The newspaper is the current affairs newspaper.

The emphasis on culture over news shows that the Youth Daily mainly focuses on themed cultural newspapers, and attracts attention by publishing articles on a certain theme. Various tricks of poker——Although the poker game is relatively small, the people who play poker are all diehards, and the poker newspaper is not cheap, so the newspaper is still alive and well.

Could it be that Jing Zhengwei intends to publish that kind of article that explicitly encourages and secretly bewitches the whole newspaper? But that smell is too strong, people will definitely feel physical discomfort after watching too much.

Just when Mu Qingmei was thinking wildly, a man and a woman walked into the conference room. The woman was dressed in Tsing Yi, with delicate makeup and glasses. She was full of the temperament of 'poetry and bookishness', but the bags under her eyes were a little heavy, as if she was overworked.

The man was wearing gorgeous clothes, his face was handsome, his eyebrows were refined, and he exuded a lazy and wealthy temperament. It wasn't the first time that Mu Qingmei saw him, but the more she looked, the more she felt that he looked a lot like the cat at home who didn't catch anything but eat, poop, bask in the sun and mice all day - there are really people alive these days Gotta be as lazy as a cat?

Everyone in the conference room immediately stood up and said hello: "Hello editor-in-chief, hello Young Master Jing!"

The two people who came in were naturally the editor-in-chief of the Youth Daily, Qing Lan, and the manipulator of the newspaper, Jing Zhengwei!

"No ceremony, sit down." Le Yu and Qing Lan sat on the main seat of the conference table and said casually, "You don't need to call me Young Master Jing here, just call me the editor-in-chief."

Mu Qingmei took a closer look and saw that Le Yu's badge had five big characters: "Editor-in-Chief of the Ministry of Culture"!

The editor-in-chief is different from the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief is responsible for the affairs of the entire newspaper office, and organizes and leads the daily business work of the editorial department, coordinating the layout configuration, and mobilizing manpower for interviews, while the editor-in-chief is only responsible for newspaper editing-related business. The former is the big butler who manages the entire newspaper office, and the latter is the small butler who only manages the cultural department of the editorial department.

In theory, the editor-in-chief should follow the leadership of the editor-in-chief.

But everyone took a look and immediately understood what Jing Zhengwei was thinking.

This is something the editor-in-chief does, nothing to do...

As for why Jing Zhengwei wanted to give himself the position of 'Editor-in-Chief', everyone thought about it. Mostly, this eldest son wanted to experience the hardships of the people. He worked in the newspaper for a few days to observe the public sentiment. It is estimated that a new editor-in-chief will be promoted after a few days of work. .

And since Jing Zhengwei is the editor-in-chief, he can find the editor-in-chief in the name of his job, and then in the editor-in-chief's office with excellent sound insulation...

Many editors don't know if they feel that they have the opportunity to become the editor-in-chief, or they imagine some scenes that are not suitable for teenagers. They all blushed and looked at Jing Zhengwei and Qing Lan expectantly.

Le Yu was not polite, and asked directly in the attitude of the person in charge: "Mr. Mustard, has the printing factory made arrangements?"

Mustard seed husband, a middle-aged man in his forties, he was actually the editor-in-chief of "Xuanzhubao" before, but later he was idle due to internal conflicts. Being hired by the Jing family, he returned to his old business without hesitation—he was a middle-class who lived a good life but could not squeeze into the bourgeoisie, and unemployment had the greatest impact on him.

After all, Le Yu is not a devil, and he is not ruthless enough to let Qing Lan be the editor-in-chief from scratch. If you play mobile games, you can get a five-star operator/sr/ cherished character, so Leyu Krypton has such an experienced editor-in-chief, which can at least save Qing Lan from taking a lot of detours and pass the novice stage smoothly.

"It's ready, and the layout template has been preliminarily designed." Mustard Zifu respectfully replied: "As long as the article is submitted, we will be able to print the first issue of the "Youth Daily" immediately."

Le Yu nodded with satisfaction, glanced at everyone in the conference room, and said: "Okay, then I won't say more nonsense, since you come to the Jing family's newspaper office, you should know what our Jing family is - let go of yours. Literary ideals, let go of your modesty and self-respect, this is not a place for you to express the truth, it is just a factory that produces goods."

There was no reaction from everyone. As Le Yu said, they already knew what kind of job they were applying for. But having said that, in the Xuanzhu County of Nuoda, there was no room for a desk, and a scholar who really wanted to mess with the law was sunk into the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

"The keynote of "Youth Daily" is an entertainment newspaper," Le Yu tapped on the table: "Although it is named after youth, it is not only for young people, but also for teenagers, middle-aged and elderly. The articles we publish don’t need to talk about current affairs that young people don’t care about, we want to publish the 'nutrition' they need and the 'reality' they care about."

"First of all, Lu Zhuqing." Le Yu looked at the art editor: "Are you able to paint colors and pictures?"

Lu Zhuqing was stunned, and he asked subconsciously, "What picture?"

"Color map."

"What color?"

"Color map."

"You mean the color map of red, blue and yellow?"

Le Yu's face turned dark: "If you make trouble again, I will have the security throw you off the third floor."

Lu Zhuqing, who has been reading poetry and books for more than 20 years and painting for more than 20 years, is usually respected and courteous, her face flushed: "But, what does that kind of picture have to do with newspapers?"

Le Yu slapped the table vigorously: "Of course it matters! What newspaper is this? Youth newspaper! What do young people like most? Good! And it's not just young people, middle-aged, old people also like it, don't you like Lu Zhuqing!?"

As soon as these remarks came out, everyone's expressions changed slightly. Several female editors were already blushing, and Mu Qingmei even clenched her fists. That is to say, there is no such thing as 'workplace harassment' in these years, otherwise Mu Qingmei would have directly lifted the table and punched her to death.

And Lu Zhuqing was so choked by Le Yu's words that he couldn't answer, but Le Yu was already impatient: "Just tell me if you can draw, I plan to publish pictures on the entire page on the first page, if you can't draw, I had no choice but to ask Gao Ming."

Shame on Sven!

Swain scum!

Clothes beast!

Heavenly reason!

God has no way, how can such a person be allowed to start a newspaper!

Lu Zhuqing's face turned pale with anger, he slapped the conference table with both hands fiercely, his eyes widened with anger, and he shouted at Le Yu with awe:

"I can draw!"

"If you know how to draw, then you can draw. Why are you yelling so loudly? Sit down." Le Yu pierced his ears, "I'll tell you what to draw... By the way, can you print colored newspapers now?"

The mustard husband shook his head: "No, only black and white."

After that, he gently advised: "Editor Jing, if he is too vulgar, he may be boycotted by the upper class and affect the sales of the newspaper..."

"Tsk, it can only be black and white... But black and white can also draw a lot of patterns." Le Yu felt a little pity, it seemed that the young Huiyao couldn't see the beautiful girl with blond hair and double ponytails with different eyes: "And don't worry, You guys, your understanding of Se-Tu is still too superficial, you only know how to sell meat with bare legs, but you don’t even know how magnificent the pinnacle of Se-Tu art is that can easily seduce people’s desires.”

When Le Yu said this, his self-confidence and sense of superiority could hardly be concealed and overflowed. It's hard for him not to feel superior - after all, there are no more color pictures that have appeared in this world for five thousand years than he has seen.

Don't underestimate the color and picture, you bastard!

However, in the eyes of others, this has become another characteristic of Jing Zhengwei's **** and lust.

Like Mu Qingmei, she has gone from being furious to being a little afraid of Le Yu—what kind of disgusting person can she say so openly?

She felt like she would get her fists dirty when hitting such a person.

However, Le Yu quickly returned to normal: "I will tell you about the specific plans of the Youth Daily."

"Youth Daily expects that each issue will be composed of three 4-part papers, that is, a total of 12 pages. In order to attract attention, the first page must have a full-page high-definition picture, and make sure that Xuanzhuqing middle-aged and elderly people see it. I can't move my legs;"

"From pages 2 to 4, I plan to set it up as a 'knowledge discussion area'. I know you have a lot of questions, so I have prepared a template."

Le Yu took out a piece of paper for everyone to pass to each other. After reading it, everyone was surprised, suddenly realized, or extremely surprised, and so on.

When Mu Qingmei took a look, she immediately understood why everyone reacted like this:

"What are we chasing after all our lives?"

"Selected answer—"

"Nietzsche (linguist, cultural critic, composer, thinker): Life has no purpose, only a process, and the so-called ultimate purpose is nothingness."

"Wang Luffi (ordinary scholar): Freedom.

We pursue money just to keep it from locking our hands;

We pursue power just to keep it from getting in our way;

We pursue knowledge only to keep our eyes from being bound by knowledge;

We pursue health only to prevent health from imprisoning our body.

People are poor all their lives, and all they pursue is to do what they want to do. Do the job you like, go to the place you like, spend your life with the person you like, that's all. "

"Edward Elric (Alchemist): In my profession, there is a saying..."

Just by looking at it, Mu Qingmei knew the value of this "knowledge discussion area" column: it allowed many people to express their opinions and discuss freely around a topic.

There are many similar articles, and even a lot can be said. Many classics contain quotations from debates between two people. There are also many writers, poets, and scholars who have made different answers in different times around the same proposition.

However, these articles are difficult to attract the general public, because they are either a dialogue between teachers and students, or a debate between two people, and there is always one party's point of view is better than the other, so the full text is a kind of "point of view output". The output of opinions is not bad, but there is always the taste of preaching.

And those different discussions on the same proposition across the era, the threshold is too high.

The most important point is that the grammar of the previous articles does not conform to the modern grammar. Even if it is translated, it will feel strange and uncomfortable, not to mention the bright spring and white snow in it, which is incomprehensible to the people of Liba.

The "knowledge discussion area" abandons the above shortcomings and combines all the advantages, allowing the respondents to discuss and answer the same proposition with modern grammar.

Everyone is equal and respects each other. No one is better than the other. As long as what you say makes sense, you should be praised by everyone.

Mu Qingmei answered several times in a row, and she could clearly feel the collision of different worldviews.

She seems to be able to see many people gathered together. These people have different identities, different ages, and different educational backgrounds. Some people are unknown, and some people are famous all over the world, but they all express their different ideas for the same proposition.

The collision of knowledge.

Clash of values.

Collision between people.

Mu Qingmei saw that her body trembled slightly because of her excitement, and handed the piece of paper to the editor next to her, and then the editor next to her also became excited.

After everyone had finished the circulation, Le Yu asked, "What do you think of the 'knowledge discussion area' model?"

"very good!"

"very good!"

"It's an epoch-making innovation!"

Even the steady mustard husband couldn't help clenching his fists: "Editor-in-chief, your idea is really great! I believe that as long as our "Youth Daily" starts to be published, the entire Dongyang District... No, the entire Huiyao All eyes on us! Newspapers will change because of us!”

The mustard husband's words made everyone Le Yu waved his hand: "How can it be so exaggerated, it would be good to sell well in Xuanzhu County."

At this time, Mu Qingmei asked, "Editor-in-chief, how does the knowledge discussion area work? We discuss a few topics every week, then find people to answer, and then select the best answers and publish them—"

Le Yu shook his head: "Why does it need to be so troublesome, I will think of a few topics every week. Don't worry, it will definitely cause readers to debate and ponder topics."

When it comes to attracting attention, how can the things discussed by the more than a dozen of you be comparable to the hot topics selected by the UC editor Zhihu in the big wave of gold rushing on the Internet? Le Yu casually recalled "If tomorrow is the end of the world", I feel that everyone in this conference room will be sad and sad.

Mu Qingmei reluctantly accepted Le Yu's 'arrogant' idea and asked, "What about the answer? We have to find someone to solicit papers, right?"

"You don't need to find someone to call for papers." Le Yu stretched out her index finger and swiped across all the people in the conference room.

"All the selected answers, you make up your own."