You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 137: I also want to kill the Silver Blood Clu

Money is not everything.

For ordinary people, money is just currency, which is used to obtain the necessities of life. But for the rich, money is a resource — a near-universal resource.

Le Yu has played a military mobile game before, that is, each server is a map, and each map has many cities. Players need to save resources, build facilities, recruit troops, and recruit SSR talents. Building facilities, recruiting troops, and training are all items that require time to wait. Players either wait or spend money to push the progress to full capacity.

This kind of routine of making krypton gold stronger definitely doesn't exist in reality, but... it's not impossible.

When the Silver Blood Society was willing to throw coins, the entire Xuanzhu County was driven for it. The accumulation of money-worshiping thoughts can't help but corrupt the mind, and sometimes it can become a motivating force.

Le Yu came to the patrol camp in Bancheng, which was rebuilt from an abandoned factory. When Le Yu passed by last time, it was still overgrown with weeds, as if a haunted area of ​​wild monsters would emerge.

In just a few days, this place has become a heavily guarded medium-sized military barracks, dormitories, warehouses, armouries, and a large playground. Everything is complete. Running on the playground, the formation is neat, and the running is serious.

"Do you want to train at night?" Le Yu asked.

The soldier walking in front said respectfully: "Yes, the Jing team is right. The three patrol teams are divided into white team and night team. The white team trains daytime patrols during the day, and the night team trains night patrols at night."

Obviously, the white team is an elite team, and the night team is a tool team... Le Yu knew the mystery as soon as he heard it.

Not to mention the fact that the factory area does not need to be patrolled during the day, and it is impossible for anyone to attack the factory area during the day—the workers are all at work, and if someone comes to make trouble, they will definitely be caught in the face.

More importantly, it is only reasonable for people to be active during the day and rest at night. This is not my past life. In my past life, you can still say, 'Although I slept through the night every night, but I slept for eight hours, the doctor said I was normal', but here in Huiyao, Huiyao people rely on their spiritual power to subconsciously get rid of sunlight. To draw energy, training tactics is the process of using light energy.

Although the light energy of lights can also be used, the gap between the light energy of lights and the light energy of sunlight is larger than the gap between humans and dogs. If this training schedule is followed, the white team members will be able to beat the night team members in terms of personal strength sooner or later.

However, this is exactly what the Silver Blood Club expects - they form a patrol team, and protecting the half-city is only a secondary goal. The real purpose is to control a powerful army!

It is for this reason that the Silver Blood Society was willing to spend a lot of money, hired three instructors from the Yuan and Yang Army with high salaries, and recruited 150 young men with strong physique and a foundation in warfare. If you train them with treatment, naturally, you will soon be able to get a team with the embryonic form of a strong army.

This is the way of kryptonite in the real world - as long as enough resources are poured into it, the plan can also be advanced quickly!

And this is really only the silver and blood can do it. It's not enough to have money. If you have money, you will only be cheated. It is possible to have power, but it is not necessary. This can only be achieved when a group with strong financial resources like the Silver Blood Society wants to meddle in power.

Coming to the three-story building in the center, Le Yu turned left to the captain's lounge, pushed the door in and almost got smoked out.

The warm yellow chandelier in the lounge was covered with a hazy filter, and the whole space was smoky. A group of wealthy boys in patrol uniforms surrounded the bench, smoking, drinking, and playing cards. Le Yu dreamed of returning to the university dormitory. ——Until he saw a young man holding a woman in military uniform Hu Tianhudi.

Le Yu glanced at it, he knew how to play, not only that, but also an open battle.

Noticing that everyone else's eyes were straight, Le Yu had no doubt that when he came here tomorrow night, he would see a more exciting scene than Xiang Xuehai.

Le Yu took out his military ID card and inserted it into the black machine beside the door.

'Di, the duty card. ’

"Come on, Young Master Jing." Ting Chaozao, who was sitting in the main seat, said with a smile. Among all the people present, he was the only one who was dressed most neatly. He shook the cigarette between his fingers: "Are you busy at work? Do you want one? This is a special cigarette brought by Yuan Shao. It can't be bought outside, and it's only given to the county governor and others. We don't usually have it. I can get it."

"No, I don't smoke." Le Yu found a chair and sat down. He glanced at Mi Die and Li Sang behind him, and the two of them exited the lounge and closed the door, leaving the space for these young masters and soldiers, and their bodyguards were going to rest beside them.

The seductive chanting still continued, the sound of Tetris crashing was clearly audible, the smell of slightly fishy hormones filled the room, the music was disturbed, and an evil fire burned into my mind from below, violently Hit the square table!

With a bang, the entire square table was smashed by him, and the ashtrays and other sundries fell to the ground with a crackling sound, and the voices of the bodyguards sounded outside: "What happened—"


Ting Chaozao bent down, picked up the unbroken ashtray, put it in the palm of his hand, shook the ashtray gracefully and calmly, and said loudly, "Don't come in, there is no danger here!"

The others were only now coming back to their senses and looked at Le Yu in astonishment. The two also stopped moving, the woman was nervous, and the man was a little dissatisfied.

"Don't do such pickled things in my eyes."

As soon as the words came out, Le Yu realized that he should have been Jing Zhengwei's upper body just now.

Jing Zhengwei has been suppressing his physical instincts on weekdays because of Qinri's Aiki tactics. He has already achieved the realm of 'thinking Diaochan as a sow'. When he sees any beautiful woman, he can only take his heart and not his kidneys.

But even the master of rebooting, Jing Zhengwei, can't face the process of human reproduction and remain indifferent - he has never practiced!

It's no wonder that Le Yu was infected by Jing Zhengwei's will. If he watched and listened again, he might not be able to suppress the evil fire, and he subconsciously became furious to stop the inappropriate behavior of that pair of children.

If he can't suppress the evil fire, Le Yu doesn't know what will happen. In light of Le Yu, he rushes up and shouts, "Let go of that man and let me come." The person who is the overlord is **** the bow - as for whether the person next to him is a male or a female, that is not something that the person above the evil fire can distinguish.

But I'm slapping the table and arrogantly instructing me like this, isn't it too arrogant...?


Hearing Chao Zao put out the cigarette butt, and clapped his hands twice: "Young Master Jing is right, we are now the captain of the patrol team, and we must look like the captain. If you want to smoke, play cards, or play with women, go home and play again. When you come here, you are worthy of this class."

"I can't let the Silver Blood Society's face..."


There was a sound of porcelain bursting, but Chao Zao threw the ashtray in his hand heavily to the ground!

"...lost on us."

Ting Chaozao raised his head and looked around for a week: "Do you understand?"


"Understood, listen to Second Young Master."


Some young masters couldn't hold their faces, so they stood up and said, "It's time for shift, I'll go back first."

"I also……"

"Let's go together, let's go together."

Everyone left the lounge in a hurry, and the pair of dogs and men also left with the others. When passing by Le Yu, the young master was still angry and glared at Le Yu.

Le Yu glared back at him indifferently, smiled contemptuously, touched her index finger and thumb, and made a small gesture, "That's it?"

The young master was so angry that his face turned purple. If his bodyguards hadn't hurriedly pulled him away, Le Yu felt that he would have been so angry that he would have gone into shock on the spot. I heard that people who have just done exercise are more likely to die suddenly when they encounter strong mental stimulation.

After they all left the lounge, Ting Chao Zao stood up, kicked away the broken wooden debris on the ground, and said with a smile, "Master Jing..."

"In front of you, how could I dare to call you a young master. If you have something to say, let's be honest and listen to the second young master."

"Then I'll call you Zhengwei." Ting Chaozao obeyed and said: "I really thank you just now, I actually want to rectify their attitude, but it's not easy to say it. If you didn't lose your temper, I would look for it. Don't get a chance to talk about them."

Le Yu also calmed down: "Normal people will reprimand them when they see such a thing."

"But many of us are not normal people..."

Ting Chaozao shook his head, sighed, and then smiled again and said, "I will call someone to clean this place when I go out, and I will leave the patrol tonight to you. If you are sleepy, there is a place to sleep on the second floor."

"If you don't have you tonight, maybe their attitude will continue. In any case, I will accept your love. If you have anything in the future, feel free to come to me."

Le Yu shrugged: "It's just a matter of raising your hands."

Ting Chaozao looked at Le Yu, and was slightly absent-minded: "Perhaps, I should have known you earlier."

"See you tomorrow."

Watching Ting Chaozao leave the lounge, Le Yu didn't want to sit in this smoky and strange place, so he went out to find the toilet for metabolism.

However, he took a few steps in the corridor and was thinking about where the toilet was when he suddenly heard a playful voice coming from the shade next to him:

"I thought you would just kill them like this."

Le Yu was so frightened that she took two steps to the side, and looked at the man hiding in the shade in surprise.

I saw the soft moonlight passing through the checkered window, spreading like a gauze on the long-haired man in the military uniform, shining like a crystal. He was leaning against the wall at the turn, the red hair that was bright red and dripping blood during the day was now dull.

Qin Yue Yin!

Le Yu put on a defensive posture of biting tactics: "Meet again, Master Qin."

"It's too outlandish, you can call me Qin Leyin or Leyin, but my acquaintances prefer to use another name that better reflects my physical characteristics—" Qin Leyin pointed to his head: "Red fun."

"And correspondingly, I will also call you Zhengwei. Do you have any special hobbies? I think Westbrook is pretty good."

"It doesn't make sense for me to have a relationship." Le Yu narrowed his eyes: "Don't you really think that we are in-laws? Your sister is my brother's wife, and we are hostile, not to mention that you even instructed the Yitian Gang to assassinate me before— - Based on this alone, I have reason to kill you on the spot!"

"I don't know why you took the initiative to reveal this information to me, maybe you want to show it off, or maybe you think I can't do anything to you even if you let me know, or maybe you just want to test me... If you have these thoughts if……"

"Then eat the fruits of your own accord!"

Bite Tactics · Wild Bite!

Although there was only moonlight around, Le Yu grabbed with both hands, as if 'borrowing' a pure and flawless crescent moon from the moonlight, biting at the red-haired man leaning against the wall like a spiral storm!

At the same time, Le's tone sank into Dantian, and roared in a low voice:


Kotori Aiki Tactics: Thunder Strike!

The sound is like a stone thrown into the water, oscillating ripples in the space, Le Yu's body seems to be grabbing energy from this sound, and the Bite Light Blast becomes even more fiery!

Intimidate others, strengthen the attack!

These days, Leyu is not just coding!

He has preliminarily integrated Jing Zhengwei's Qinri Aiki tactics, Lingxu tactics, and his own intermediate biting tactics. Although he has not yet reached the level of leisurely walking, he can still make some combined attacks. !

'Thunder Strike' (Auxiliary Control) + 'Arbitrary Attack Technique' is a very useful routine!

No matter what kind of martial artist, Le Yu has the confidence to take advantage of this trick!

However, Qin Yueyin didn't show any emotion when facing Leyu's attack, and even stood there without dodging or avoiding, as if she was really deterred by the lightning strike.

It wasn't until the light burst over him that he lightly opened his crimson lips:

"God willing."

The Light Blast suddenly disappeared, and the dark corridor was now distorted by the light so that it was impossible to see anything clearly.

Le Yu's reaction was extremely fast, he drew a circle with his right hand, turned his left hand into a palm, and turned from attack to defense—

Bite tactics: Yu Yong!

Bite tactics: Huang Tan!

"It's hard to beat."

However, the figure in the moonlight seemed to have an insight into his next attack method, and slammed a punch. Le Yu wanted to use Yuyong to break his arm, but he twisted his wrist instead!

Seeing that the situation is not The long-awaited Huang Tan's light burst out, but the other party poked the palm of Zhong Leyu's left hand that was about to explode, annihilating Huang Tan's light burst in the bud. middle!

The two sides exchanged palms, and Le Yu took the opportunity to step back, looking at Qin Leyin who was smoothing out the folds of his clothes with a serious face.


Moreover, the techniques he used are similar to the official eighteen methods that Le Yu is familiar with, and are slightly different. Qianyu Liu Yin Yin Yin Yin Jing Zhengwei's combat experience is hardly helpful, and Le Yu can only use his body to familiarize himself with Qin Leyin's skills. Rhythm!

"Westbrook, we are businessmen, and making money with harmony is our way of survival. Fighting is an option we choose when we are helpless."

Qin Leyin took the initiative to walk over, seemingly undefended: "We actually have a lot of similarities, and we can become friends."

But Le Yu knew that Qin Leyin's agility and reflexes were extremely terrifying. With his current ability, it was impossible to kill him at a speed that Qin Leyin couldn't react at all. Even if Qin Leyin squatted in the toilet and was attacked by him, He will definitely be able to react in time and put on his pants to fight back against him.

Therefore, Le Yu continued to maintain a fighting stance and sneered: "Oh? What are the similarities between us? Do we have brothers?"

"for example--"

Qin Leyin stood still and pointed out the window.

Le Yu looked in the direction of his fingers and saw that the iron gate at the gate of the patrol camp was wide open, and several luxurious cars drove out of the patrol camp. It was obvious that the group of sons and brothers had left.

"I also want to kill all the people from the Silver Blood Society."