You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 143: 5 sided spy

When the shift was over at 8:00 in the morning, Le Yu almost left the patrol camp in a hurry, as if running away.

Mainly because Qin Yueyin was too annoying.

Le Yu thought that he was in charge of publishing the newspaper for the cooperation, and the four guards of Huiyao were in charge of helping to spread the propaganda and so on, but Qin Leyin actually thought of meddling in the content of the newspaper!

Le Yu is naturally unhappy: I am an old justice netizen who has eaten countless melons on Weibo and laughed at the situation in the quagmire. How old are you? Just because you want to tell me how to do the newspaper?

Qin Leyin's suggestion made Le Yu couldn't help but look sideways:

①It’s okay to use astringent pictures on the cover, but don’t use this kind of fantasy as astringent pictures. It should be down-to-earth. For example, a maid comes out of a gorgeous room. The maid’s clothes are a little messy, her eyes are red and swollen, and there are tears in her eyes. The expression is aggrieved and painful, and the door of the room behind is like a dark abyss


In this way, when everyone sees it, they will conjure up a lot of pictures that make people grit their teeth and wish to replace them, and even many people will feel the same way - the secret crushes of many low-level young people in Xuanzhu County will indeed encounter this kind of thing.

If you do this, don't you want to go up?

It's astringent and conservative, it makes people fanciful but can't help but feel heartache, and more importantly, it can resonate with many people. Isn't this "dissatisfaction at the bottom" just going up?

②In the knowledge discussion area, you can add a bottom-level worker character. He didn't need to answer that he hated the Silver Blood Society openly and honestly, but he only needed to mention his tragic life from time to time in his answers: his father was gambling badly, his mother died of illness, his sister was betrayed, he was betrayed by a friend, and he was deaf...

But even so, he still studies and works very hard, and faces every day with optimism. However, his life is still not good.

In short, it is to make people feel miserable and tragic, and people can't help but think, 'Why did such a good person encounter such a life? What the **** is going wrong? ’

Simply put, it is the online answer of "Camel Xiangzi/Xianglin's Wife/Runtu".

Naturally, they will realize that silver blood will be the root of all evil. Isn't this [underlying dissatisfaction] greatly improved?

③ In the scolding area, that is, in the column of 'Replying to Letters from Readers', you don't need to let every contributor scold the poor, you can also make up a 'rich man' who treats workers kindly, treats the poor equally, and speaks on the side of the poor, But let this 'rich man' take a look at his life from time to time.

For example, the 'rich man' only got up this afternoon. After exercising with his newly married 17th concubine, he went to Tianfu Restaurant to eat delicious delicacies in the evening, and then went to the Nogui Lou to gamble on both hands... Let the 'rich man' be on the side. Encourage the poor while showing off their upper-class life.

Because in the face of the enemy, people will subconsciously get angry and raise the awareness of prevention, but if others are supporting you, praising you, and admiring you, people will let go of their guards and try to trust the other party.

Then when they find out that this kind 'rich man' is also a lazy rich businessman who enjoys all the glory and wealth, they will start to resent - why do we have to get up early and go home late when you have fun every day? Why do you encourage us to strive, but you are so lazy?

Dissatisfaction breeds resentment.

Compared with the anger that goes away quickly, resentment is the fuse that can make people unforgettable for a long time. Resentment is like athlete's foot, hemorrhoids, and pimples. Instead of going away, they get worse over time until it becomes unbearable.

[Dissatisfaction at the bottom] It will definitely soar!

Qin Leyin still has a lot of suggestions, all of which are basically targeted. After listening to Le Yu, he felt very old-fashioned, and almost thought that Qin Leyin was also a master of war.

But the most serious thing is that Qin Leyin is still his book fan!

"Will Liu Yu like his roommate?"

"Will Yin Yin rework the Tibetan sword tactics?"

"Will Wei Zheng be caught by the police?"

"What exactly is a computer? Is it a special machine made by Yaoshi? Can we make it now?"

Make a chassis, do it! Do you solder the CPU by hand? ?

I haven't thought about these questions yet. You ask me who I ask! ?

But overall, Qin Leyin is a very complicated person.

He is not only a businessman, but also a walker of the four guards of Huiyao; he supports Huiyao's 2000-year-old Taoism, but he wants to get his hands on the supreme power; he thinks that silver blood will not be a great weapon, but he wants to re-create a new one of his own in Yanjing The silver blood will...

The qualities of treacherous and loyal, bold and cautious, heroic and capable are displayed in him at the same time, but it does not make people feel anything wrong.

Le Yu tried it out and asked himself if he could join the Four Guards of Radiance - Le Yu didn't want to be loyal to the imperial court, but he wanted to join in to spy on information and collect stamps by the way.

Thinking about it carefully, he has already come into contact with three mysterious organizations: Bai Ye, Assassin Organization, and Radiant Four Guards. Among them, he has already opened his reputation in Baiye, and he only has some concepts of the assassin organization, but he also knows the contact information, while the four glorious four guards have just contacted and know the least.

Although it's a bit strange, Le Yu really wanted to try to join all the mysterious organizations at once - Statistics Division, Assassin Organization, White Night, Silver Blood Club, Four Guards of Radiance, Le Yu suddenly found out that he was already five family names... Bah, five-faced spies!

If this world is a game, then adding Mystery can obviously get achievements. A boring player like Leyu who can only play reality as a game because he doesn't have a computer is naturally reluctant to miss this opportunity.

But Qin Leyin rejected him.

"I am the only one who has joined the Huiyao Siwei, not only because I don't want to involve them in my ambitions, but also because the Huiyao Siwei has rules and regulations. From ancient times to the present, the total number of the Huiyao Siwei is almost Not much has changed, you can't bring in new people unless someone dies."


"Because each of the four glorious guards has 'power' in their hands. And 'power' is limited."

Le Yu suspected that Qin Leyin was secretly warning him, but he had no evidence.

Returning to Jing Mansion, Le Yu yawned, quickly cleaned his body and mouth, and prepared to go to sleep—the night shift was too uncomfortable, so he came again once or twice to investigate the details of the night patrol, and also transferred to the day shift.

Although these warriors do not sleep for three or four days or sleep only once, they can maintain their energy, but just like you can eat enough to eat, you can also eat hairy belly, yellow throat, crispy meat skewers, beef, spicy beef, fish, fish and tofu. If you’re full, would anyone still choose to eat only?

Back in the room, Le Yu sighed, "Have you not gone to work yet?"

I saw Qing Lan rolling around on the bed with the quilt, but it was already past eight o'clock—the newspaper office went to work at half past eight.

Don't say that Le Yu didn't sleep last night, even if Le Yu went to Xiangxuehai to have a good night, he is also qualified not to go to the newspaper office, but Qing Lan can't. The newspaper office can't run without the editor-in-chief!

Hearing the sound, Qing Lan was startled, and when she realized it was Le Yu, she covered her mouth and let out a yawn like a cat's yawn: "I didn't sleep well last night, I want to..."

"No, you don't want to." Le Yu came over and lifted her quilt: "Go to work, the newspaper needs Qing Lan grabbed the quilt: "Let me sleep for a while, just a while! "

"How old are you, you still stay in bed!?"

"Don't you stay in bed too, I came over after breakfast to wake you up a few days ago!"

Le Yu became annoyed: "Did you talk to your son like this!? Believe it or not, I kicked you out of bed?!"

"No no no no!"

Seeing that Qing Lan was going to stay in bed, Le Yu was helpless, sat down and said, "Then go to the newspaper office after you sleep for a while, don't really miss work, so many people in the newspaper office are staring at you."

"I don't care about them."

"But you are the editor-in-chief I promoted..."

Le Yu lay down, fell asleep face to face with Qing Lan, hugged Qing Lan's waist very skillfully, and his eyelids began to fight - last night, he had been concentrating on communicating with Qin Leyin, and he was not interested in the social dislike of Le Yu. Too much energy for autistic children.

"...I don't want others to look down on you..."

Qing Lan looked at Le Yu's sleeping face, the sunlight breaking through the window illuminated his profile, and the regular breathing and heartbeat became the only aria in the bedroom. She, who had already woken up from sleep, was now feeling drunk. drowsiness.

But after a while, Qing Lan carefully opened Le Yu's hand, changed her clothes lightly, took the car keys, and left the bedroom. Looking at the sun outside, she stretched out and said energetically:

"Okay, let's go to work."