You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 152: Ignite unwilling

"0:00, start"

The coastal areas in half of the city are surrounded by walls, and the lights are shining. Only in the southeast direction, due to the location of the factory, the factory blocked the street lights, which made this place extremely dim.

In addition, the two captain's duty booths are just in the northeast and south, so the southeast is the easiest area to sneak into.

In fact, there are many such areas. When the patrol team arranges patrols on duty, they also close this part of the area. However, because the light in the area is too dark, the patrol personnel will leave quickly after a glance, and even if the personnel on duty stay here, they try to stay within the range of the light.

For Huiyao people, light is almost a necessity for survival in the air - unless it is to sleep, or long-term in the dark area, normal Huiyao people will have psychological sleepiness and nausea. Therefore, the on-duty team members slightly deviate from the on-duty position, and others understand it.

More importantly, they didn't think someone would attack the half-city area. The last time the mob came to the factory area to smash, smash, loot and burn them, because no one in the factory area could stop them, and because the patrol guards' reaction speed was too slow, they managed to escape.

Now that the patrol guards have strengthened their night duty personnel, and there are patrols on duty everywhere in the half-city area, no one thinks that the backlit elements would dare to attack the factory area - they come to give away their heads!

Therefore, when Yin Minghong and the others climbed over the wall, the team members in the distant wall building were yawning, the team members in charge of patrolling various areas had just left, and the team members on duty nearby were basking in the fluorescent lamps.

Quietly, no one noticed.

"0:15, Knock down the guards"

The four warriors entered the light from the darkness, and the patrolling members who were in a daze under the street lamps on both sides were instantly knocked down by them, and they were blinded by covering their mouths without even uttering a scream. Even when they fell, they were caught on the back of the head by White Night Walker, and they slowly put them down without making much noise.

"0:35, infiltrate the four nearby factories in the fringe area and install the blazing gunpowder."

Under the raid of this batch of elite white night walkers, the left-behind workers in the factory were no match at all, not to mention that their guard arrangement had already been leaked by the 'Young Master Team' who came to deliver supper a few days ago.

They didn't even know what was going on. Their eyes went black and they fainted. Then White Night Walker quickly entered the factory, took out the blazing gunpowder hidden in the oil bag, and carefully pasted it on the machine.

Gunpowder was invented a long time ago, and the Huiyao people invented a special enhanced version of gunpowder - blazing gunpowder. Mixing splendid stone fragments in the gunpowder can increase the explosive power by a level. However, because the flaming gunpowder is too powerful and unstable, and it will ignite nearby materials, it is difficult to use for military purposes, and it is mostly used for mining.

Obviously, what the miners can get access to is equal to what they can get in the white night.

"0:55, in sequence, detonate the gunpowder of the factory in succession. According to the length of the leads, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 will be detonated in seconds and 60 seconds respectively. The team's attention is focused on this area."

When White Night Walker finished installing the gunpowder bomb, Yin Minghong and others quickly suppressed the large factory near the center of the half-city area. This factory is the factory of the Luo family, and there is a warrior who has entered the house with a wolf eagle. But obviously, because a certain understanding 'Young Master Team' was coming to play cards with him, Yin Minghong and others rushed directly into his resting room and let him have a good dream.

Yin Minghong and others hid in the corner of the wall, quietly counting down in their hearts: '5, 4, 3, 2...'



Two consecutive violent explosions made Yin Minghong's pupils shrink! He turned his head and saw a flame in the distance rushing straight into the sky, causing a prairie night!

Almost on the front and back feet, the No. 1 factory burst into gorgeous fireworks, and the surging flames lifted the roof of the factory to the sky!

A White Night Walker couldn't help but change his face: "How could there be an explosion over there!?"

The first explosion sound came from the central area of ​​the half city!

They are all here, so who bombed the central factory?

If it is an accident, it is impossible at all - this kind of flame that spews into the sky because of the violent combustion is the characteristic of the blazing gunpowder. It is impossible for an accident to have this effect, just like you have diarrhea at most when you have a stomachache. No blood flowers like burst hemorrhoids will come out from the third eye!

Before they could discuss how to deal with this sudden change, the ground in the factory area shook again!



Two more factories burst into flames!

In an instant, the lights in the entire half of the city were eclipsed, and the sky-high flames illuminated every corner of the factory area!

"Some people also chose to attack the factory area tonight." Yin Minghong, the second person in charge of the "Broken Bank Action", calmly analyzed: "And the timing perfectly matches ours."

"Although this time is indeed the best time, it happens to be the end of the patrol team's shift, the other team members unarmed and start to rest, and the people on the patrol guard side are also tired and unbearable; although the flaming gunpowder is indeed the best destruction tool, especially against factory machinery; though..."

"Although there are many occasions that can be explained, I believe that this is the inevitable arrangement." Yin Minghong said: "It seems that the 'friend' we cooperated with did not really believe in our ability and character, so he sent Another group of people came to 'support' us."

"Are our allies?" someone asked.

Yin Minghong nodded: "First place people in the factory, and then start the attack from the central area. This plan is actually also in our plan, and it is a secondary strategy. We originally planned to implement the main strategy and the deputy strategy together, so that it is possible Get the maximum results, but because there are not enough manpower, you can only implement the main strategy.”

"The main strategy is from the southeast to the southwest, and the deputy strategy is from the center to the north. The central factory and the southeast factory exploded continuously, and the patrol forces will definitely gather here."

"I didn't expect 'Friend' to have such a group of combat teams that can execute deputy strategies... Then we will fulfill his good intentions and continue to execute as planned, but the walkers responsible for sabotaging the central factory don't have to go again..."

Speaking of this, Yin Minghong frowned and climbed to the sentry building of the factory to look into the distance.

'The eight factories in that area belong to the Jing family, the Zhou family, and the Quan family. Among them, there are four from the Jing family, one from the Zhou family, and three from the Quan family... Why are the three factories in the Jing family gone, only the Jing family? Is Zhengwei's factory still there? ’

Yin Minghong remembers that in the plan, the eight factories in the central area are all key targets, because according to the investigation of Yin Yin Yin, they are all the most profitable production bases in the Silver Blood Association, and they must be used Weapons are strongly criticized.

If 'Yin Yin Yin' sent someone to execute the deputy strategy, why did they let Jing Zhengwei's factory go?

Yin Minghong doesn't believe that this is the selfishness of "Yin Yin Yin" - if he really doesn't want White Night Walker to attack Jing Zhengwei's factory, he can cross out the central area from the plan. After all, the action of 'Broken Silver' is urgent and the risk is extremely high. Bai Ye will not care about reducing a few attack targets.

If this is not the meaning of 'yin Yin Yin', it is the self-assertion of the group of 'men' he sent.

At this time, Yin Minghong suddenly remembered Wen Hong's guess about "Yin Yin Yin".

Qing Lan...

Jing Zhengwei...

Jing Zhengwei has an unknown source of intelligence and is suspected of having special forces...

The 'Yin Yin Yin' faction avoided Jing Zhengwei's factory...

Could it be that these 'allies' have something to do with Jing Zhengwei? 'Yin Yin Yin', is it really Qing Lan who can contact Jing Zhengwei's secret power?

In the blink of an eye, Yin Minghong flashed a lot of speculations in his mind, but he didn't have time to think about it now, "Those who are responsible for blowing up Factory No. 19 will act according to the original plan. Those in charge after Factory No. 19 are free to join others. Group action's time!"

In any case, it must be carried out according to the original plan.

Said that if you want to blow up all the eight factories in the central district, you must blow up all of them, even one less!

Since you can't bear to do it, let us do it for you!


At this time, the No. 2 factory burst into the sky, which means that the attack plan has entered the second stage!

"At 1:25, the No. 2 factory was blown up. Everyone moved separately. Instead of taking the bright road, they quickly reached all parts of the city through the dark path between the factories, creating the illusion of a large number of attackers."

Only a few wind chirps were heard, and everyone rushed out of the factory at the same time, like shadows 'drilling' into the small intestine path between the factory and the factory, and quickly wandered around the half-city area!

"At 1:55, the No. 4 factory exploded. The patrol is expected to move to the southeast. At this time, there should be no White Nightcrawlers in the northeast area."

"At 2:15, the No. 5 and No. 6 factories in the southern area exploded at the same time. It is expected that the central patrol will gather to the south, and the White Night Walkers will avoid it in advance."


All White Night Walkers are like clockwork robots. They follow the schedule in the plan with extreme precision and do the corresponding things at the corresponding time, never in advance or delayed!

A few days ago, when Yin Minghong saw this plan, he subconsciously thought it was impossible.

too fast!

This plan is too fast!

To attack half of the factories in half the city in just a few minutes, this is simply an impossible task!

Just like a tiger pounces on a goat, as long as the goat bends down and swipes its horns through the tiger's belly, it can complete the counter-kill - although it is theoretically possible, it is impossible in practice!

But after reading it carefully, Yin Minghong had to admit that if they can really find all the people to implement the plan, maybe, it is possible, there should be a little chance to achieve the strategic goal of this plan.

Although after all, a suitable candidate was found, Yin Minghong and the others were ready to die when they participated in the plan.

But having said that, in these years of Xuanzhu Baiye's actions, which time did he not hang his head on his waist?

The ants shake the tree,

The weak swing the sword to the strong,

The people at the bottom resist the tyranny of the ruler,

Naturally, I have to hold the determination that I will go even if I die.

In fact, Xuanzhu Baiye's attack on the half-city area this time, even if it succeeds, it doesn't have much practical significance.

The rule of the Silver Blood Association comes from the county governor's office, the Cheng Xuan government, the Heyang Army, and the Eighty-Eight Chamber of Commerce. The economy, military, politics, and even culture of the entire Dongyang District are all under the control of the Silver Blood Association.

Even if half of the city is completely destroyed, they can rebuild it. The damage Xuanzhu Baiye would cause to Silver Blood this time was not fatal, but on the other hand, if their group of White Night Walkers were caught, Xuanzhu Baiye could almost evacuate the Dongyang District—excluding the monster Mu Qingmei, The thirteen people here are almost the main force of Xuanzhu Baiye.

Risks and results are completely unequal, but why did Xuanzhu Baiye carry out this 'Silver Broken' operation?

Because they want the people of Dongyang to know.

We can slap them once, we can slap them twice!

Drag the aloof from the cloud into the quagmire.

Let those who live at the bottom boldly look up to the sky.

Let the sacred become the laughing stock, let the powerful reveal their weaknesses, and make people who are used to being squeezed by the silver blood realize that the so-called silver blood is nothing more than that.

Otherwise, the silver blood will be gone, and there will be county governors, consuls, and noble families to rule this land. The people must be made aware that these rulers from the old times are paper tigers, and Bai Ye can replace Hui Yao.

Bai Ye is not afraid that the people here are lazy, vain, delicious and lazy, and worship money for pleasure. These qualities are actually very normal human needs, and the Silver Blood Society just magnifies and utilizes these qualities.

What Bai Ye is afraid of is that the people here are content with the status quo.

'It's not bad to be a servant. ’

'It doesn't matter if I work 16 hours a As long as I don't make the master angry, as long as I work diligently, the master will not hit me. ’

Therefore, Xuanzhu Baiye urgently needed a hearty counterattack.

Bai Ye wants to let the people of Xuanzhu know that in addition to being content with the status quo, comforting themselves, and trying to survive, they can also produce another kind of mood that they brought from their blood and inherited from their souls—

Not reconciled.

They can, but they are not reconciled!

Yin Minghong walked to the sentry building and stood beside the man on guard who was stunned.

Looking at the fireworks all over the city, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and open his hands, as if he wanted to embrace everything in front of him.

"I have lived in Xuanzhu County for 24 years. This is the most beautiful scenery in Xuanzhu County that I have ever seen."




Just like the continuous fireworks, flames shot up from the factory, like the thunder of the sky and the fire, the thunder-like explosions continued one after another, the earth shook, and the mysterious candle trembled!

Five factories in a row were caught in a sea of ​​fire, and the raging flames turned the night sky of half the city into a white night!

Let this fire ignite half the city, and also ignite the people of Xuanzhu... 'Unwilling'!

"At 5:55, five factories were detonated at the same time, announcing the end of the second phase of the 'Silver Fragment' operation and entering the third phase."