You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 158: Landlord

The silver blood discussion was unexpectedly fast.

There is no polite chatter, and there is no hidden strategy. The entire silver blood discussion has only two steps: the acting president listens to Jiu and proposes an issue, everyone raises their hands, agrees, or rejects.

Do not raise your hand to veto by default.

If more than half of the people agree, the agenda will be adopted.

The chairman has 1.5 votes when voting.

It is such a democracy with almost no rules that improves the efficiency of silver-blooded discussions to a level that shocks even Leyu.

After being persuaded by the 'fair silver-blooded members', Ting Jiu took advantage of the situation and proposed a 'punishment' for the six team leaders and deputy: fined and confiscated their patrol wages for the past few months.

The members of the patrol team have a salary, and the team leader and deputy naturally also have it, but this salary is almost ceremonial. For the heirs of the Sixth Chamber of Commerce, it is not even pocket money. This punishment is equivalent to no punishment. cup.

At that time, Le Yu thought that many people would not raise their hands to express their opposition, and put pressure on the Six Chambers of Commerce through collective democracy. After all, democracy, in a certain sense, is an internal adjustment mechanism for the weak to form a group to force the strong.

But at the time of voting, the agitation of the spiritual sea made Le Yu's mind extremely clear, almost forcing Le Yu to make a decision:

— The attack was not the culprit of the six people.

- Investigating six people will only cause internal consumption of silver blood.

—I would benefit from this issue.

——For myself, for the Silver Blood Society.


"Sixty-eight people agree, pass."

When Le Yu came to his senses, he raised his hand to agree to the issue. Although he himself is the beneficiary of this issue, his raising his hand is inevitable, but Le Yu was shocked that he could not control his opposition!

Just now Tingjiu asked everyone whether they agreed that he would preside over the discussion and punish Ting Chaozao on behalf of Tingjia. Le Yu didn't think much about raising his hand to agree, so he didn't notice the influence of the spiritual sea.

This time, when he consciously wanted to oppose the issue, the power of the spiritual sea of ​​the council chamber finally emerged.

Just like the spirit sea of ​​the training ground makes all recruits try their best to squeeze out their potential and train hard, the effect of the spirit sea of ​​the council hall is to force the attendees to make choices that maximize their benefits!

As long as you are sitting here, you cannot vote against your own heart, and you will inevitably make the most beneficial judgment on each issue based on your existing intelligence and analysis, and vote!

At the same time, the spirit sea will also enhance the goodwill and recognition of each other among the attendees, and will firmly implant 'Silver Blood Rongyao' into their personal will, even if they no longer think so after they leave, but they are discussing matters. At the same time, the 'Silver Blood Society's interests' will also be taken into account, and the interests of the 'Silver Blood Society' will be maximized!

Almost all of the Silver Blood members sitting here have become absolutely rational decision-making machines!

This is the secret that Silver Blood will stand for over a hundred years.

No matter how unbearable the silver blood will be on the outside, how to squeeze the bottom, how bloated, but they have an excellent and efficient decision-making mechanism, as well as teamwork that is almost without ghosts, even if they go the wrong way, they can turn around in time to get back.

This world is often afraid of not only god-like opponents, but also pig-like teammates, but there are too few god-like opponents and too many pig-like teammates.

That is to say, it is only possible for the Silver Blood Club to create such a spiritual sea and decision-making mechanism, because there is essentially no exclusivity among businessmen. Everyone is trying to make more money. As for where the money comes from, they don't care. But other decision-making bodies are different. For example, most of the officials of the court are fighting for power and profit, and "power" is exclusive - either you listen to me, or I listen to you, there is no possibility of compromise.

So there is only 'to get rich together', not 'to be emperor together'.

The emperor took turns to do more or less.

The next agenda is also promoted with the same efficiency, 'adding a 150-person patrol brigade', 'semi-city re-planning plan', 'worker resettlement plan', these will take several days or even months to coordinate and contact, affecting the entire Xuanzhu County Even Dongyang District's motions are arranged here almost like a child's play.

Not all issues will be passed. For example, in the 'Worker Resettlement Plan', Tingjiu's proposal was extremely harsh on the workers, only 32 votes in favor, and then he came up with a second slightly more favorable proposal, which was approved by 59 votes.

Le Yu found that although the power of the president of the Silver Blood Club is not so large that he can overwhelm the sky, it is not too small. They cannot control other members to agree with their excessive issues, but they can lower the conditions step by step and test everyone's reactions. If half of the members agree, the issue can be successfully implemented.

And apart from the chairman, others have no right to propose, or in other words, others have only one right to propose—that is, to propose the removal of the chairman.

After dealing with the issue of the half-city area and the patrol team, the Eighty-Eighth Council moved to the next agenda: how to deal with the backlit elements.

As Yin Minghong said before, there are also a lot of two or five youngsters in Xuanzhu Baiye, so Yinxue will clearly know that among the two groups of people who attacked the half-city area yesterday, one group is the White Night Walker, and it can even be accurate to the number of people. Thirteen people.

As for the other group, Tingjiu didn't get any specific information, so he could only include them in Baiye's party first.

Ting Jiu first proposed a plan that made Le Yu's scalp numb: transfer hatred, clear Xuan Zhu, and smear both sides.

This plan can be divided into three steps: The first step is to unite the county government and the Yang Army to arrest workers and civilians who are usually dissatisfied with the Silver Blood Society, put them on trial in public, and unilaterally identify them as backlit elements. execution;

In the second step, the merchants of the Silver Blood Society cry everywhere that their factories are gone and cannot feed other workers, which makes the workers feel the same hatred against Bai Ye;

The third step is to hire the foreman to march on the street together with other workers, calling on everyone to report the backlit elements who are destroying the harmonious society of Xuanzhu. When the workers are marching, they must send people to attack the workers and smear the backlit elements; at the same time, they must also send people to mix among the workers to beat, smash, loot and burn, so that others will lower their perception of the workers.

"In short, it is necessary to kill people, let Xuanzhu County shed blood, in order to deter the backlight organization and other ulterior motives, and must not expose the weakness of the Silver Blood Society!"

"Then transfer the hatred to Bai Ye, show that he and the workers are also victims, and let the workers hate Bai Ye."

"But the workers are also our enemies. During the reconstruction of the half-city area, there will inevitably be a large number of dissatisfied workers gathering, so we have to do it first - let them assemble and march first, and then send people to carry out violent attacks inside, and at the same time Wipe away the black and white nights and the workers, and make other Xuanzhu people hate them."

"In this way, the crisis will be resolved by itself, and the silver blood will be safe."

No wonder Bai Ye couldn't beat the Silver Blood Club.

Even in the silver-blooded spiritual sea, Le Yu couldn't help but feel a chill - the difficulty of the battle between the two sides was not at the same level.

Under the circumstance that the Silver Blood Society has already brainwashed and deceived the majority of Xuanzhu people, if Bai Ye wants to overthrow the Silver Blood Society and start a revolution, he must open up the wisdom of the people and make the people fully realize that they are in a wrong society.

But Silver Blood will do the opposite to Bai Ye.

What they want to take advantage of is the stupid sympathy and weakness of the people!

They can pour black water on Bai Ye, but Bai Ye can't even wash himself!

If this issue is really passed, Le Yu feels that she can pack her bags and go on a trip. Sooner or later, if she stays here, she will drown with Bai Ye, so she might as well go to the Well of Gods and Demons.

But to Le Yu's surprise, this seemingly infallible issue has only 11 votes in favor.

Other members of Silver Blood have expressed their objection reasons:

They couldn't trust the county governor's office and the Yang Army, nor could they trust the workers.

No one can be sure whether the patrol guards and Yang Jun will expand the scope of their attacks when they arrest people, and slap a slap in the face of the Silver Blood Association. Not only could this issue not be passed, but even the county governor's hand had to be blocked - this matter should be resolved by the Silver Blood Association, and the government army should not be allowed to intervene.

As for the workers' march, it was even more dangerous.

What if they riot on a large scale?

What if they attack the inner city?

No one can be sure that such a conspiracy involving many people will work as planned, but if something goes wrong, the price may not be affordable.

After all, although the Silver Blood Club was hit hard by Bai Ye once, the Silver Blood Club has a great career, and there is no need to risk their lives to confront those rotten stones in Bai Ye.

After a brief discussion, only the risk-free issue of "Silver-blooded Merchants Complaining to Workers" was passed.

Le Yu retracted his evaluation of the Silver Blood Club - although their decision-making is efficient, their overall decision-making tends to be conservative because of the short-sighted nature of businessmen.

Actually, being conservative is not a bad thing. After all, if you hesitate, you will lose, and if you are decisive, you will give in vain. At other times, there is nothing wrong with the conservative style of the Silver Blood Society, but now it can be seen that the world is about to change.

Thinking of this, Le Yu subconsciously glanced at Qin Leyin who was not far away, and found that his expression was also smiling with a hint of sarcasm. He turned his head to look at Tingjiu, and found that the president of the current generation had dark eyes, and the corners of his mouth were upturned, which was quite disdainful.

No wonder the four guards of Huiyao wanted to overthrow the Silver Blood Society, and even swallowed the elephant with a small snake. This is completely the confidence that Silver Blood will give them.

Who doesn't want to eat such a large piece of fat that is sitting still and waiting to be eaten?

Ting Jia tried his best to control the patrol team, I'm afraid it was also for the sake of annexing the silver blood.

Qin Leyin said that he was afraid that Silver Blood would join other warlords, but he was not lying—he definitely felt that as long as the warlords near Dongyang District became a climate, Silver Blood would be eaten at any time!

Actually, Le Yu didn't see so many details on Qin Leyin and Tingjiu's expressions. He made up all the above, but it should be inseparable.

In all fairness, the mechanism of the Silver Blood Society is already quite superior and efficient.

But, times are about to change.

The agenda of how to deal with backlit elements was soon over, and issues such as increasing the bounty for reporting White Night Walkers, and smearing backlit elements through various media were quickly passed—because of the "Youth Daily", UU Reading www. Le Yu on was also named and asked to write the black material of Bai Ye, and Le Yu immediately said that I am good at it.

After the two agendas were over, Hearing Dou stood up and said, "The meeting is dismissed."

He stroked his left chest with his right hand: "For greater silver blood."

Everyone saluted: "For the greater silver blood."

The greater Silver Blood... Even though the strong identification with the Silver Blood Society has not dissipated due to the influence of the Spiritual Sea, Le Yu still wanted to laugh.

Everyone left their seats and walked out of the conference hall. Le Yu saw Jing Shou kept walking and was about to leave, so he hurried over to stop him: "Uncle Shou."

Jing Shou's face was calm: "Eldest young master, what's the matter?"

"Someone said just now that I'm already the head of the Jing Family Chamber of Commerce, what does that mean?" Le Yu looked at the seats in the conference hall: "I can represent the Jing Family Chamber of Commerce to participate in the silver blood discussion in the future, is there anything special? Meaning?"

"The meaning inside is the same as what you think now."

"I hope you can tell me the truth so as not to misunderstand me."

Before Jing Shou could speak, Le Yu felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head and found that it was Qin Leyin and other members of the blame team coming over.

Hearing Chao Zao's congratulatory smile, Luo Zhen was upset, Lan Jianbo was expressionless, and Quan Xin's face was full of envy.

"The permanent seat of the Silver-Blood Council only means one thing."

Qin Leyin bowed slightly and said politely:

"Good noon, Master Jing, would you like to have lunch with us?"