You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 163: exposed

People who hate can usually live a little longer, or in other words, people will eventually become more annoying after a long time.

Le Yu squatted beside Jing Zhengwu's body and looked at his pale and peaceful face. For some reason, instead of the joy of the death of the enemy, he felt that the blood vessels in his heart were tangled up, and an inexplicable sadness penetrated him. soul.

Jing Zhengwu is not a nasty person.

Although Le Yu knew that Jing Zhengwu assassinated himself with the help of a qin master, and that Jing Zhengwu had been fighting openly and secretly with him, but those were all interests, power and position. Although the two sides are in a life-and-death position, he doesn't hate this cheap brother.

After a few brief encounters, Le Yu realized a more real Jing Zhengwu: yin and yang, forbearance and boldness, never giving up, ruthless, and even a little childish.

When Jing Zhengwu had the upper hand, he did not feel disgusting or suppressed his brother. At most, he said a few strange words and showed off that he was valued by his father; when Jing Zhengwu was at a disadvantage, he did not become hysterical, but recharged his energy and waited for a counterattack. time.

Using a game as an analogy, Jing Zhengwu is equal to how many games will he play when he is dominant in the online game? ' Mocking the opponent, but after the gank was unsuccessful and was blown up by Le Yu, he silently went to the wild operation, neither admitting defeat nor giving up, and holding on to the enemy player who fought Le Yu to the end.

Le Yu will solve Jing Zhengwu sooner or later, but not as an enemy, but as an opponent.

Originally, after Le Yu and the others went to Tianfu Restaurant for lunch, he was still immersed in the joy of suddenly inheriting the family master. When he was thinking about how his younger brothers would fight back, suddenly a servant of the Jing family told him to go quickly. A trip to Jingyuan.

On the way back, Le Yu almost figured out the reasons for this series of changes.

Bai Ye's attack on the half-city area is a foregone conclusion. Originally, Le Yu would be very troublesome even if he didn't die this time, but he found the other five chambers of commerce heirs to share the pot with him. Not only did he not lose, but he also improved his social status invisibly.

The destruction of the Jing family's factories in the half-city area was a heavy blow to the Jing family, especially the three younger brothers. Although they have other industries, the most profitable ones are the Jing family under their management. factory.

Only Le Yu found another way through the Youth Daily. Although the Bancheng printing factory burned down, there are also printing factories outside the county. When everyone is losing money, if you can make a small profit, you are one level ahead of others.

No matter in terms of social status or business ability, Le Yu has already defeated the three younger brothers perfectly. Jing Qingfen wants to pass the position of the head of the family to him. Who approves and who opposes?

There are three reasons for choosing Jing Shou to pass the throne on the day of the silver blood discussion:

Although six people shared the blame for the Bancheng attack, in order to be safe, Jing Qingfen first passed on the title of the head of the family to Le Yu. With this amulet, even if all the other five people were sentenced to be dragged out to apologize, Le Yu would definitely be able to leave without guilt;

②Qin Leyin and others also said that the silver-blood meeting is the best time to announce, and every time the chamber of commerce changes its chief executive, it also needs to be reported on the silver-blood meeting. Anyway, come here, then settle everything together;

③Jing Qingquan couldn't wait.

When entering Jingyuan, Le Yu was also thinking about how to deal with his younger brothers. Jing Zhengfeng and Jing Zhengtang are relatively easy to solve, but Jing Zhengwu is a very hot potato.

It is impossible to let him go. Le Yu believes in his own judgment on him, and half of the Jing family supports Jing Zhengwu, and there is also the secret help of his mother's Tai family. Maybe one day he will rise up against Jing Zhengwei's tyranny - Le Yu has no interest in wasting time in family infighting.

He could consider putting him under house arrest, or deprive him of his assets and let him go to be the son-in-law of the Qin family. This is Le Yu's preferred plan. Although it is said that people like Jing Zhengwu will have a great chance of making a comeback or even more powerful after becoming a son-in-law, but at that time, Le Yu had already left Xuanzhu County and walked across the mountains and rivers to find the gods and demons. The well is gone, you Jing Zhengwu seek revenge for Jing Zhengwei, what's the matter with my Leyu?

But this plan is no different from letting him go. The internal hidden dangers of the Jing family still exist, and Jing Zhengwu's identity may become a sharp blade against Le Yu at any time.

And the most thorough and best plan is naturally—

kill him.

It's just that the problem of this plan is not small. Brothers reading the wall is not a good reputation after all, and the clansmen will be disheartened, and the Jing family may even fall apart. Even if Le Yu had no feelings for the Jing family, but the Jing family collapsed like this, he would be very upset.

After all, it took me a few months to win the Jing family, how could it be broken as soon as I got it?

At least let me play bad...

Before entering the door, Le Yu hadn't figured out how to deal with Jing Zhengwu.

And now, Jing Zhengwu, who 'suicide in fear of sin', is lying in front of Le Yu.

Someone has already handled everything for him.

But Le Yu was not happy.

Maybe he won't be a hated person after all.

The surroundings were very quiet, the clansmen didn't dare to breathe, and Jing Zhengtang stood silently behind. The fiancée who was inseparable from him was not by his side. Could it be that he was afraid of something?

"Master is awake, Master is awake!"

A servant ran in ecstatically and shouted, all the clansmen looked happy, and the depressed Jing Zhengtang couldn't help but get excited: "Dad is all right!?"

The servant said quickly: "Yes, after the treatment of the two medical officers, the master has woken up!"

"What happened?" Le Yu stood up and asked, "Apart from the second brother's accident, what other accidents happened today?"


The sad-faced old housekeeper walked to the door and forced a smile: "Eldest Young Master, Third Young Master, please come with me."

Jing Zhengtang nodded and went out, Le Yu glanced at Jing Zhengwu on the ground before leaving, and suddenly said, "It's very cold on the ground, you guys, move your second brother to his room for a while."

The few clansmen who were named by Le Yu were stunned and shook their heads: "Eldest young master, just let the next person do this..."

"Eldest young master." The old butler also said, "It is the master's order to place the second young master in the main hall. He hopes..."

"I understand, killing chickens to warn the monkeys, but the effect seems to be normal." Le Yu smiled: "Look, those cousins ​​don't seem to care about me, the new head of the family. I told them to do small things. , they also pushed three and four."

"Very good, I have remembered a few of you. I count five seconds. If the body of the second brother is still lying on the ground after five seconds, then I will have someone to choose next time to kill the chicken and warn the monkey. Five, two, one..."

Before Le Yu could finish speaking, those clansmen rushed over to pick it up, Le Yu urged loudly, "You guys walk neatly, don't mess up the body's appearance."

After speaking Le Yu, he couldn't help laughing, like a child who succeeded in mischief.

The old housekeeper sighed and walked with them and said, "Eldest young master, the reason why the Jing family has been able to develop and grow so far is because of the unity, unity and cooperation, as well as the leadership and personal charm of the head of the family..."

Le Yu said: "You are trying to persuade me that when I first became the head of the family, I should unite the clan, win over the faction, be humble and friendly, instead of being arrogant and arrogant when a new official takes office like this three fires?"

The old butler was silent, apparently agreeing with this statement.

Le Yu shook his head: "your idea is good, but even your master doesn't use your soft power."

The old butler couldn't help but say, "But the eldest young master is the eldest young master, and the master is the master!"

"Do you think I'm not as ruthless as him? You can rest assured about this."

Le Yu looked at the luxuriant Jing family garden in front of her, her eyes narrowed slightly: "You will know how ruthless I am in the future, whether it's towards the Silver Blood Society, the Jing family, or...myself."

The old housekeeper was silent for a moment, then said, "It's the old servant who has overstepped."

"It's okay, so what happened?"

The old butler sighed and his face became more and more sad: "This morning, Mrs. Tai... the mother of the second young master, she came to visit the master."

"The two of them were alone in the room, and there was no movement until Mrs. Tai walked out of the door and asked me to find the medical officer. When I entered the door, I found that the master had been stabbed in the chest and bleed the whole bed."

Jing Zhengtang's face was calm, obviously he had already understood it. Le Yu thought about it for a while, but instead of asking about the detailed plot, he asked, "Where is Mrs. Madam now?"

"In the wing room, the servants are guarding." The old housekeeper paused: "I ordered no one to approach Mrs. Tai. She should not know the news of the second young master by now."

Le Yu was amazed: "This is really... all sentient beings are sinful, and no one is wrong."

Hearing Le Yu's presumptuous comments, neither the old butler nor Jing Zhengtang reacted. They didn't know whether they agreed with Le Yu's statement or realized that Le Yu was qualified to do whatever he wanted.

When they came to Yunjiju, the two medical officers stood by the door tremblingly. They know who they are healing, and what kind of turmoil this person will cause when they die. They even think that many dignitaries have killed medical officials to hide the death of important people in order to stabilize the situation. Naturally, they are afraid Two battles.

The old housekeeper Xiao Sui walked in and saw Jing Qingfen sitting on the bed as if nothing had happened, without biting the hose of the hookah, his face became even more worried: "Master, the eldest and third young masters, here we come!"

Jing Qingfen said softly, "Let them come in, and everyone else will leave."

The old butler nodded and took orders, and left with the two medical officers. Before Le Yu entered, Jing Zhengtang couldn't wait to run into Yunji Residence, knelt in front of Jing Qingquan's bed, bowed his head and said in a trembling voice:

"Father, please let Feiwei go!"

Le Yu was shocked, his hands and feet were cold.

"Zhengtang, you are a smart boy." Jing Qingfen said, "It's just that the armor you were looking for to reduce Zhengwu's hostility has now become your weakness."

"You should be glad that I didn't choose you in the end. The head of the Jing family must not have such a big weakness."

Jing Zhengtang kowtowed heavily: "I beg father to let Feiwei go!"

"One day, you have one day. No matter what you do on this day, she will come back to you safe and sound tomorrow. You must finish everything today, go ahead."

Jing Zhengtang kowtowed three times in a and then turned to leave Yunjiju. At first, he was walking, followed by a trot, and then a distant sound of running.

There are only two people left in Yunjiju, one old and one young, the old one becomes one of the ancestors at any time, and the young and strong with an infinite future.

Looking at Jing Qingfen, Le Yu suddenly thought that maybe it's not that people become more annoying after living for a long time, but that only people who hate can live longer.

"Do you know why Zhengwu died?"

"I know."

"No, you don't know. Do you know why I used Feiwei to threaten Zhengtang?"

"I know."

"No, you don't know. Do you know why I have to pass on the title of Patriarch to you today?"

"I know."

"No, you still don't know." Jing Qingfen shook his head: "Do you know that among the two groups of people who attacked the half-city area yesterday, only one group was from Bai Ye?"

"I know."

As soon as the voice fell, Le Yu suddenly realized the problem.

Only a group of people who attacked the half-city area were White Night Walkers. Except for White Night, only those who participated in the Silver Blood discussions knew about this news. And Jing Qingyu had just woken up, and Jing Shou had no time to tell him.

Jing Qingfen deduced this information by himself, which means...

Thinking of the series of denials Jing Qingfen had just answered to himself, Le Yu suddenly had a terrifying thought in his heart: "Do you know that I have a connection with Bai Ye?"

Jing Qingfen's aged face showed an admiring smile:

"I know."