You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 185: change of heart (below)

It's a wonderful feeling that you can't deceive yourself.

Le Yu looked back now, only to find out the real reason why he stayed in Xingke County and didn't get on the train.

He couldn't deceive himself with the lie of 'even without me in the white night', let alone 'I don't care about those lives and deaths'.

If Le Yu was an ordinary person, he could make himself escape through fear and cowardice, but his ice-blood physique made him face his purest desire.

He just cared about the lives and deaths of the poisonous-tongued doctor Yin Yin Yin, the eldest sister An Qian, the tool man Chen Fu and others, so he stayed in Xingke County.

In the past, Le Yu could use many reasons to deceive herself, for example, she would embark on a journey to a secret realm in the future, for example, she didn’t know how she liked it, for example, she was simply greedy for her body... However, after activating the 'ice-blood physique' , he thoroughly penetrated his innermost thoughts.

Le Yu sat on the bed, stretched out her hands and hugged the cute Qing Lan tightly.

"Hey, hey, hey—" Qing Lan made the sound of the kettle boiling, and swayed her hands in confusion, her face blushing like a small tomato that would burst juice at any time, before she hugged Le Yu shyly for a while.

"Okay, so suddenly..."

"Love comes like a tornado." Le Yu said a lyric casually: "I think this is good, the rain has stopped, the sky is clear, the night is late, you like me, and I like you too."

"I can't wait until the time of life and death before I confess. In that case, I can't hold you so well."

Qing Lan pushed him away shyly and gently, wrapped her arms around his neck, looked into his eyes and asked, "Do you like hugging me?"

"There is nothing better than hugging. When I wrap you tightly in my arms with my arms, there is nothing better than that to make people feel what it means to have."

Le Yu said softly, "You saved me that night."

Qing Lan knew what he was talking about, and asked warmly, "Is that maid named Shuangye important to you?"

"No, I didn't know her name until that day. But her death made me feel very lonely."

"That's why you fell in love with me who was always by your side because of your loneliness?"

Le Yu nodded and shook his head again.

"I like your superb poker skills when you play poker with me."

"I also like that no matter what I do, you will support my trust."

"I prefer your confidence in managing the newspaper office to thrive."

"I have many reasons for liking you." Le Yu thought about it, and then said, "Perhaps, I like you, so everything about you becomes the reason."

Qing Lan raised her eyebrows slightly, and said with a complicated expression: "But the reason why I play battle cards is because you like it, so I went to learn it."

"I will only support you because you didn't tell me anything. I have no reason to discourage you. I can only silently wish you a safe return."

"If it wasn't for you to let me manage the newspaper, I wouldn't be bothered to manage it. It was for you that I tried my best to learn how to become a qualified editor-in-chief."

"There are many, many..."

Qing Lan lightly hammered Le Yu's chest: "You really don't pay attention to details at all, which ruined a lot of my tenderness."

Under the light, Qing Lan is still as crystal clear without Fendai, and Le Yu's coquettish expression makes Le Yu slightly absent-minded.

When he came back to his senses, he and Qinglan had already drawn their lips, and the silk thread connecting the two was about to be broken, and the transparent glowing, there was an inexplicable ambiguity, which made the temperature of the room soar.

"Master, are you going to do something dangerous again?" Qing Lan asked suddenly.

"Why do you say that?"

"The newspaper office is also working overtime today, and the news of the defeat of the Heyang Army has reached Xuanzhu County. Everyone knows that the Chenfeng people are going to come in." Qing Lan lowered her eyebrows and said in a soft voice, "Young Master, today you have become So... active, so I think..."

"I think I'm going to die, and I know what I think, so I want to show you my heart, at least to die?" Le Yu saw Qing Lan nodded slightly, and he shook his head with a smile: "You're right, but not right. ."

"I do want to prepare to do a dangerous thing, and I'm sure I'm clear about my thoughts, but the relationship is the other way around - it's because I care about you so much that I want to do that dangerous thing."

Le Yu's heart changed.

He wanted to give up the idea of ​​traveling around the world, the idea of ​​walking away, and the sassy idea of ​​'getting away with one vote'.

He wants to stay.

When he was alone, Le Yu could of course just walk away. One person was fed and the whole family was not hungry. One person was killed and the whole family moved. Even if he was kidnapped and sold by human traffickers, Le Yu could enjoy himself and live at ease.

But with the bond and responsibility, his thoughts changed.

Just like when he was in Xingke County, Le Yu tried his best to send Qian Yuya away, because Xingke County would be very dangerous, and his inner moral laws could not sit back and watch him leave Qian Yuya in this chaotic place.

Now Xuanzhu County is more dangerous than Xingke County, and Le Yu has two options: send Qing Lan away or let her stay. Before that, Le Yu tended to send her away. First, it was simple, convenient and experienced. Second, for Qing Lan, Xuanzhu County was not her hometown, but a prison where she struggled to survive.

But Le Yu's heart changed.

He wants to stabilize, he wants to start a family with Qinglan.

He couldn't deceive himself—why did he keep obsessing over the Well of Gods and Demons? Why did you always want to escape from Xuanzhu County? Why do you do everything on a whim?

Because he is so lonely.

Since he came into this world, he has been alone.

He has no home, and nowhere is his hometown; he has no relatives, and the 'Le Yu' everyone knows is just an alien soul in human skin; he doesn't even have a comrade, his inner moral law transcends this era, and All are out of place.

So Le Yu became a rootless duckweed, following the trend and following his heart, seeking the well of gods and demons with all his heart.

That was his ultimate hope to return to "home" and get rid of "loneliness" completely.

How could he not know that the Well of Gods and Demons might just be an ethereal legend, but if there is no hope at all, Le Yu feels that he will collapse sooner or later.

But if Le Yu has a home and roots again, maybe he can get rid of this tarsal maggot-like loneliness.

In fact, Le Yu still has many fatal problems that cannot be solved. For example, Qing Lan will eventually grow old, but he is a long-lived seed that will never die. For example, he has never been in love. For example, who is green with Jing Zhengwei? ...

But at this moment, Le Yu just wanted to follow her inner thoughts.

Become the president of the Silver Blood Society, unite with Bai Ye, reform Dongyang, and then...

Create a world where he and Qinglan can live in peace.

"What if I said, could you not do dangerous things for me?" Qing Lan leaned on his collarbone, rubbing her face, making Le Yu feel a little itchy.

"Actually, I wanted the third brother to go at first, but the third brother refused this dangerous mission for his fiancée. Because he knew that if he died, his fiancée would also go with him." Le Yu "And I'm not the same, and you're not the same."

"Because, I won't die."

"Also, even if I'm not here, you're already a woman who can be alone."

Qing Lan snorted: "It sounds nice, but in the end, it's not like he won't listen to me at all."

"Then I can only say... come back early, I will play cards with you, I have found the sure way to win in the battle cards."

"True or false!?" Le Yu was shocked: "Teach me, I want to live forever!"

Qing Lan nodded Leyu's forehead angrily: "Young master, look at the atmosphere."

"But you didn't reply to me."

"What reply?"

"I like you, then what?" Le Yu asked, "Do you like me too?"

Qing Lan immediately shook her head: "I don't like Young Master."

Then Qing Lan lay on the bed with Le Yu in her arms, nose to nose, touching his face gently and said:

"I just want to sleep with you on a big soft bed,

Open the curtains a little in the morning,

Then I hugged you and watched the sun shine in every inch,

In the afternoon, put on comfortable clothes,

Hand in hand, we went to Damen Stone Street to eat delicious food

Stay in the bedroom after dark, I read books, you write books,

If it were you, I would like to live like this for the rest of my life. "

"What about work?" Le Yu asked: "Joining work is a characteristic of independent women..."

"Don't talk."

Qing Lan blocked Le Yu's mouth. The skills of both of them were so jerky that it only took a few minutes to become proficient, and then they were able to pull out a perfect and beautiful silk thread.

Just when Mi Die was listening intently outside, she suddenly heard a shocked voice from her son.


Le Yu sat up with a serious expression: "I seem to have been poisoned, and there is something strange in my body!"

Ice-blood constitution is not immune to toxins, but it allows Le Yu to ignore all the effects of toxins and reduce the duration of any negative status by 50%.

So the poisonous music will still be poisoned.

Seeing Le Yu's Qing Lan suddenly remembered something, blushed and pulled Le Yu to lie down.

"Don't worry, I'm poisoned, someone must have poisoned me, the Jing family is not safe—"

"I'm down." Qing Lan said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Le Yu was stunned.

"Many people in the newspaper are discussing that Chenfeng people will come to attack Xuanzhu County. Some people even say that the Heyang Army has been completely wiped out, and Xuanzhu County will be captured at any time." Qing Lan stammered and said: "So, so I think, this matter can't be delayed any more, so, so I put it in the honey five-flower tea..."

Le Yu blinked: "Tiger and wolf medicine?"

Qing Lan nodded.

The Leyu people are stupid—you must know that he is an intermediate-level martial artist with a weakened ice-blood physique, but the strange feeling of his body is still so strong.

How much medicine did Qing Lan take!

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"I don't know that you will be so active tonight..." Qing Lan said, and suddenly became awkward: "Forget it, anyway, I am a despicable person that the son bought from Xiang Xuehai, what do you think, son? Look at me how you see me..."

"I noticed your tenderness." Le Yu tilted his head: "Then I'll take a good look at you—"

"Wait, I take off my glasses—"

"Don't take it off."

Qing Lan blushed and said shyly, "Young Master, do you want me to take good care of you?"

"Well... there is also this reason." Le Yu said: "There is another insignificant factor--"

"Glasses are actually my special hobby."