You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 222: "The president has read it, and the slau

"Sixth Cement Plant"

"Location: No. 91, Dingjiu, Outer City"

"Affiliation: Qinjia Chamber of Commerce"

"Number of Workers: Eighty-six"

"Recommended Receiver: Factory Captain Lu Qi"

"Current responsible person: Qin Shou"

Le Yu glanced at it, picked up the rectangular seal, dipped it in red mud, and reprinted two lines of words on this report—

"The president has read it, and the slaughter is allowed"

Then the next report was Tingjia Tianfu Restaurant. Le Yu quickly browsed it and still printed the same seal.

There are still one hundred and fifty-six reports like this, all submitted by Yin Minghong alone - of course, he said so, and Le Yu believed so, but everyone knew that this was Bai Ye. The intelligence collected during the week with painstaking efforts.

Le Yu gave the Silver-Blood Chamber of Commerce a week to raise money to fill the military spending pool. Silver Blood will buy time to investigate.

Like taking over the production materials of the Silver Blood Society, how could it be a good thing that the navy led the troops, punched the merchants and kicked the nobles, and then randomly selected a lucky audience to be the factory manager and it would be a good thing?

Although it is not impossible, it is too inefficient and prone to many risks.

Le Yu knew that there were definitely a lot of smart people like Wang Haigong, but at most they thought that the Jing family just wanted to dominate Dongyang with silver blood, and maybe they also wanted to join the alliance with Lan Yan to invade the world, so they didn't resist much - anyway If Le Yu wanted to rule, he had to be aristocratic ministers and merchants.

Now everyone with discernment knows that the next 20 years will be a change that Huiyao has not seen in two thousand years, and no one is willing to stick to the rotten tree of the Huiyao court.

Who knew that Jing Zhengwei would not be able to enter Yanjing and create a dynasty of thorns?

Even if Jing Zhengwei is defeated in the future, these noble merchants can still surrender to the next master.

Because they are the mainstay of the rule and the foundation of the prestige of the court, there will always be losers in those who get their hands on the throne, but they will always be winners.

If Jing Zhengwei is really the master of grand strategy, why not listen to his orders?

Of course, after all, Jing Zhengwei has the upper hand now. They can listen if they want to, or listen if they don't want to. After all, Jing Zhengwei even dared to lead an army to surround the mansion, and the silver-blooded nobles are also afraid of death, so they can only be optimistic about the good Think, I hope Jing Zhengwei is really the master.

But the premise of all this is that Jing Zhengwei will really continue to rule Dongyang with them.

And the next "military management" Dongyang is likely to make these smart people realize.

Jing Zhengwei.

Do not want to rely on them to rule Dongyang.

Their false fantasies are about to be shattered by an iron fist composed of red torrents.

In order to prevent them from counterattacking and preserving the 'legacy' of the Silver Blood Society as completely as possible, Le Yu could only make safety preparations beforehand, otherwise it would be embarrassing to find out that half of them would be counter-killed.

In fact, when the Heyang Army was defeated and the Lin Navy was staring at the outside world, the Silver Blood Society would have long since become hairy crabs without pincers, and had no ability to resist. Le Yu had drained their last trace of property these days, which is equivalent to other All their claws were stripped off, and all that awaited them was steaming and stir-frying.

But Le Yu is still very careful, because the workers themselves are the forces that capitalists can drive, and Xuanzhu County has a serious gold-worshiping atmosphere. If the workers are incited, will Le Yu do it or not?

In order to prevent this from happening, Le Yu had to cut off the contact between the silver-blooded merchants and the workers quickly, accurately and ruthlessly. He planned to replace all the factory leaders with worker representatives approved by Bai Ye within two days, and he did not need them to do anything. Just keep producing and stop listening to the capitalists.

This is the real killing of Le Yu.

Before the silver blood will react, all their property will be evaporated.

What is property? money? title deed? Jewelry? goods? People?

No, it's the equivalent.

It is a value that people agree on.

When Le Yu took the lead in the name of the president of the Silver Blood Association to help the factories and stores in Xuanzhu County establish trading channels, they would find that although the chamber of commerce, the factory manager, and the store manager were gone, they could still produce and trade normally.

Those who are high above, there is nothing remarkable.

Because it is we who operate the means of production.

It doesn't take too long, it only takes a month... no, it only takes a week, and they will find that although the capitalists say that without them, there will be no workers, but in fact they are gone, and the workers can still live well.

At this point, the silver-blooded merchants have completely lost their threat. What awaits them will be the 'public trial meeting' that Le Yu has racked his brains to recall.

As for her own safety, Le Yu was not worried at all.

Not to mention that he has shown to Bai Ye through "Yin Yin Yin" that Jing Zhengwei has become his own person and is willing to work together to build a harmonious society. More importantly, he is the undisputed protagonist of this movement.

It is he who is in charge of the navy's "military management" of Xuanzhu County;

When all the factory representatives were frightened, he recognized their identities as the president of the Silver Blood Society and organized them to resume production transactions;

When the silver blood will want to resist the wheel of history, he will also be the first to take the head;

When everyone can't turn their heads and try to restore the old system, he will stand up to reform the public ownership of the means of production and form a people's army.

Even if Bai Ye wanted to occupy the nest and dove, Le Yu didn't panic at all.

At that time, fame, people's hearts, and even the army may be on his side. It is not so easy to pick peaches, but on the other hand, Le Yu is easy to pick Bai Ye's peaches—whether he wants to or not. , as the actual owner of Xuanzhu County, all merits and demerits will be automatically counted on his head.

However, Le Yu felt that he mostly only wanted to be a knowledge porter.

After he applied all his understanding of the people's state to the land of Dongyang and created the prototype of an advanced civilized state, he was almost tired of it.

Although it is said that the **** decides the head, and sitting in the leadership position will become the leader, but Le Yu feels that he is really unfit to be a ruler, and he prefers to be a righteous assassin who slays the king and slanders the ministers.

When the time comes, it will be fine to hand over Dongyang to Bai Ye, or to other capable people. Anyway, Le Yu will retire with Qing Lan, hide in a small building and become unified, and find some Yaoshi craftsmen to study and fiddle with it to see if it can be used. Yao Shi makes air conditioners and refrigerators.

When Huiyao settled down, he and Qinglan wandered around in the mountains and waters, looking for the secret realm of heaven and earth, the well of gods and demons.

Even if you can't find it.

If he can find it, he will go in and take a look when Qing Lan is dead.

Speaking of which, before the end of the civil war, Huiyao is actually quite dangerous. It is better to get ready as soon as possible, go to Sijiadi to build a sea view villa, and live the days facing the sea early in the spring...

knock knock.

Yin Minghong pushed open the door and came in: "President."

"Second Master, you're here." Le Yu greeted him warmly, "I just finished processing these documents, you can take them."


Yin Minghong took away the stack of reports and was stunned when he saw "The president has read it and approved the slaughter."

Seeing that he wanted to flip through other pages, Le Yu waved his hand and said, "Don't look at it, all reports are the same approval result."



"Will this be too urgent..." Yin Minghong hesitated.

"Don't worry, the most important thing is to hurry." Le Yu shook his head: "If each of the 156 factories and stores asks them to hand over their power voluntarily, how long do you think it will take us? One month? Two months? "

"You have to know, the factory shop, that's their territory, what little tricks they want to do, it's too easy, and what do we have?"

"We only have five hundred in the navy."

"If we follow them slowly, we may not be able to fully take over the industry of Xuanzhu County in a year."

"More importantly," Le Yu said, "Lan Yan wrote to him two days ago, he will stay in Dongyang for another half a month at most."

"That is to say, after half a month, either we are celebrating the farewell of the invaders in the navy, or the Silver Blood will be celebrating our death."

Yin Minghong asked, "Do you have to kill someone?"

"If they are willing to accept the reality and get out, it's okay not to do it." Le Yu raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled: "Second Master, are you sympathetic to them?"

"I just... hate killing too many people." Yin Minghong said in a low voice, "I want to kill the Silver Blood Society, but I'm not doing it for revenge or hatred, but because I love the land of Dongyang."

"Murdering is just a means, not an end. The Silver Blood Society has indeed fed a lot of people, and it has even done a good job compared to the chaos in other governing areas."

"It's just that in this era, many people can't help themselves and go with the flow... Not everyone can meet... meet a virtuous inner helper who can change their lives like you, the president of you."

"Among these people, there may be people we can win over, and there are good people who usually take good care of the workers. It's just... I'm sorry, I seem to be talking too much."

"It's actually normal for you to think so," Le Yu said with a smile: "Compassion, compassion, fairness, justice... These are all beautiful qualities to be cherished, but practical interests are also very important. With mutual balance, the name ' Conspiracy' stuff."

"Of course, some of these leaders are good and sympathetic to the workers, but more of them are greedy capitalists who exploit the workers to enrich their own pockets. We don't have enough time to screen them out one by one, so we can only cut through the mess."

"This is a life-and-death struggle between two classes. It's not the opposite, or we bleed. Now they bleed more, we will bleed less in the future..."

"I see." Yin Minghong interrupted Poo rudely and turned to leave.

"A speck of dust from the falls on a person's head and is a mountain... Hey, I haven't finished talking yet, what are you anxious about?"

Le Yu stopped Yin Minghong and said, "If you want, you can ask the workers what they think, and make a decision based on your own judgment."

"Kill it, break the dog's leg, or even let it go, it's up to you."

"Anyway, it's not me, but you."

Yin Minghong suddenly bowed at a 90-degree angle and said seriously, "Thank you, President, for forgiving my waywardness."

"Hey, don't let Qing Lan hear such words, or she'll have doubts." Le Yu waved his hand: "Then, I'll leave it to the second boss for the next thing."

"Never fail the chairman's request."

Looking at the back of Yin Minghong leaving, Le Yu suddenly had an idea.

With the dual blessing of losing fear and absolute calm, he seems to have become... too confident.