You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 236: 0 years Jingjia

"However, if you give up now, it's too early."

Le Yu's gaze crossed the courtyard entrance and looked at Jing Shou, who had been eavesdropping outside at some point: "Uncle Shou, how many people are in Jing Garden now?"

Jing Shou didn't seem to have heard what they said from the bottom of his heart, and replied calmly: "There are two hundred and fifty-six servants, seventy-two guards, thirty guards in the navy, and Captain Liu Lao, a warrior who 'reaches the peak'."

"Very good." Le Yu nodded: "Whether it's a conspiracy or a coincidence, but now the people who subvert Xuanzhu County are a group of rabble. Even if they harbor hatred and anger, they are just unorganized and undirected turbulence."

"The turbulence is of course rough, but as long as our ship has a firm rudder, we can still be safe."

"Are there going to be force suppression?"

As soon as Mu Qingmei said these words, she was stunned. The face illuminated by the light showed a trace of confusion.

She and Yin Minghong's eldest brother, Shui Xingzhou, died under the military suppression of the Silver Blood Society because of the miners' riot. Yin Minghong obtained the advanced level by betraying her brother, and has been lurking to this day, while she is cultivating her tactics and waiting for an opportunity.

Even if the times change, her determination is often eroded by greed and laziness and other foreign demons, but her hatred for the Silver Blood Society is not lost in the least bit. It is an indelible blood feud.

But now, in order to save Jing Zhengwei's life, she actually proposed a forceful suppression.

She actually suggested to the president of the Silver Blood Society to pick up a butcher's knife and suppress the common people who were as poor and helpless as her.

She subconsciously.

Think of Jing Zhengwei's life.

Much more important than the lives of those who shouted in anger.

"Yes!" Qing Lan immediately followed: "As long as we organize a group of elites and kill a group of people who are making a mess of mahjong, the others will definitely surrender. Those people haven't even practiced warfare at all, even if It’s not easy to get weapons, they are certainly imposing now, but once they hit a hard rock, the followers will naturally run away in fear!”

Huyan Siluo also said: "There are also many guards in Wanghai Gongfu, and we can cooperate. The streets in the inner city are not wide, and no matter how many mobs there are, there is no advantage. On the contrary, the army formed by the elite guards is almost unstoppable!"

Yin Minghong's lips moved, but he remained silent after all.

"It's a good idea, I agree with it, but you overlooked one point." Le Yu smiled and clapped his hands: "My enemies are not just the people."

Without giving them more time to discuss, Le Yu turned to Jing Shou and said, "Uncle Shou, you should inform the old butler to dismiss the servants, and have the guards and Lin Haijun wait at the door. We will leave Jing Garden in ten minutes. Those who want to go with us can come, but they won't be late."

"Yes." Jing Shou nodded as usual and left.

"Are we leaving Jing Garden?" Qing Lan asked softly.

"Don't worry, as long as tonight is over, there are plenty of places to live, but most of Jingyuan is about to be destroyed." Le Yu hugged his hands and smiled and said, "By the way, you haven't sold that house in the outer city yet?"

"No." Qing Lan shook her head: "That was the residence of the son, and I often ask someone to clean it."

"That's good. If there is no place to live in the future, then I can only let rich lady Qinglan take me in, and let me sleep with a roof over my head, as long as I don't sleep on the floor." Le Yu said pitifully.

Even if the atmosphere was not right, Qing Lan was still amused. She nodded earnestly and held Le Yu's hand tightly: "There will be a bed for you to sleep in, as long as you are not afraid of being squeezed."

"Don't you even have a big bed?"

"There is a big bed, but because you want to sleep two people, you have to squeeze it." Qing Lan pretended to be angry: "Dislike it? If you dislike it, then you can sleep alone."

"What, there is such a good thing?" Le Yu was shocked.

"But you have to play cards with me every night, and you can go back to sleep when I'm satisfied with the game." Qing Lan's face blushed, "I've waived your rent, just let you play cards, isn't it too much?"

"It's not too much, but I'm afraid you want to play strip cards... Alas, let's do it." Le Yu sighed, with a look of bearing humiliation and hatred: "It's really a tiger falling and Pingyang being bullied by a dog... "

Seeing these two people suddenly feeding dog food regardless of the occasion and time, the heavy anxiety in the other people's hearts was gradually replaced by the feeling of crying and laughing, feeling much more relaxed, even a little sour. A few young people didn't say anything, even Mi Die, a half-old lady, was thinking about whether the son was serious when he said that she was mature and charming...

"Patriarch." Jing Shou shouted from a distance, and Le Yu beckoned to everyone, "Let's go."

"Let's go like this? Do you have anything to bring?" Mu Qingmei asked curiously, "I thought you rich people must be carrying a few boxes of gold and silver treasures..."

"That's not running, that's moving." Le Yu strode out of the Negative Jing Bieyuan, shook his head and said, "There is nothing in Jing Garden that is worthy of my nostalgia, that's all."

Everyone was secretly convinced, and even the top five luxury manors in Xuanzhu County had no nostalgia for it. Is this the heart of Jing Zhengwei who turned the earth upside down in Dongyang?

But it's not that Le Yu was deliberately trying to force, in fact, most places are similar to him.

Anyway, there are no air conditioners, refrigerators and flush toilets.

Not to mention the external things such as money, Le Yu has only two most precious things, one is the relic of the saint, which is now worn as a bracelet; the other is the mobile phone, even if he keeps turning it off, the battery will be long gone. Exhausted, now put it on his chest like a brick, maybe he can stop a bullet at any time.

Arriving at the gate of Jingyuan, the guards and Lin Haijun had already finished their outfits. In contrast, the Jing family guards had a lot of fear on their faces, but Lin Haijun looked as usual, and even was in the mood to laugh at each other and judge at a high level.

There were also a few members of the Jing family waiting at the door, but there were not many, and Le Yu was not surprised - ten minutes would not be enough for the Jing family who regarded wealth as their fate? Even if you give them another ten hours, it's not enough for them to pack, how could they just throw away their money?

However, Le Yu glanced around for a week and saw no familiar figures, so he asked the old housekeeper, "Where are the third brother and the third sister-in-law?"

Although it has been almost two months since Le Yu inherited the Jing family, the management of Jing family affairs is no different from before. Jingyuan is still in charge of the old housekeeper, but Qinglan can give pointers; and family affairs are still handled by Jing Shou. Yin Minghong is only responsible for the dirty work of 'pretending to be slapped in the face'.

Le Yu was actually quite surprised when he didn't see Jing Zhengtang. After all, the two of them are the only remaining SSRs of the Jing family. Now that the situation is so rotten, Le Yu's order is very simple and straightforward. It's just a matter of saying 'wait to die if you don't come'. The two smart people can't still be here. Pack up your belongings?

The old housekeeper saluted Le Yu respectfully, and took out a letter from his sleeve: "The servant saw no one in the third young master's room, but found this letter left on the desk."

Le Yu took the letter. There were three words on the envelope, "To Big Brother". The mouth of the letter was not sealed with fire wax. He took out the letter and found that there was only one line written on it:

Qing Lan asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Good thing."

"A good thing?"

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about how to deal with our relatives in the future." Le Yu put the letter back in the envelope and signaled Yin Minghong, the dog leg, to make a fire and burn up the letter: "Ah, no, there seems to be another, But don't worry about it... my son, I'm still alone now."

According to Le Yu's agreement with Jing Zhengtang, Jing Zhengtang can do things for Le Yu and help him subdue the Jing family, but as a price, Le Yu cannot interfere with Jing Zhengtang's actions, and Jing Zhengtang will be allowed to leave together with Feiwei in the future.

From the very beginning, Jing Zhengtang didn't plan to stay in the Jing family for long.

Feiwei has long seen that the Jing family is not the end of Le Yu, but a starting point for him.

Even if Le Yu gained power through the navy and other clansmen changed their minds to be loyal to the head of the family, the two of them still did not change their minds - unlike other people who wanted to gain the Tao through Le Yu and followed him to heaven, they always believed that they were under Le Yu's command. It's too dangerous to wait.

They would rather go out and explore the world on their own.

In fact, they also have this capital.

Le Yu guessed that Jing Zhengtang had wanted to leave for a long time, but Le Yu had only covered the sky these days. They were afraid that it would only lead to more restrictions, so they kept working silently, waiting for an opportunity to speak out.

Now is the opportunity.

Although I don't know how the two of them escaped from the inner city, the two targets must be much smaller than the target of the large group of people like Le Yu.

Since they are so decisive, it shows that they are fully confident.

"Young Master, you are not alone." Qing Lan shook her head: "I will always be by your side."

"No, I think I still want some personal space..."

Le Yu quickly put aside the matter of Jing Zhengtang and said to Yin Minghong, "You are in charge of commanding the guards and the navy, and—"


Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded in the distance, and a fire dragon shot straight into the night sky!

Yin Minghong's face changed drastically!

Blazing Gunpowder!

They used this kind of flaming gunpowder when they bombed half of the city in Bai Ye. It is very powerful and extremely unstable. It is often used to open mountains and mines!

"... There is not much time left for the Silver Blood Club, the second master, let's go!"

Yin Minghong nodded, and immediately commanded the guards and Lin Haijun to open the way outside as the front army. Le Yu and others were located in the safe middle and rear, forming a protective formation and advancing steadily.

Le Yu walked out of Jing Garden and turned around to see the old housekeeper still behind the gate. He couldn't help but wonder, "Fu Lao, what's wrong with you? Are your legs and feet inconvenient? Do you need someone to help you leave?"

The old housekeeper shook his head: "Young master, the old servant will not leave."


"The old servant grew up in Jingyuan, and was fortunate to serve Master Qingfu. He was trusted by Master Qingfu and took care of Jingyuan for decades. Although there was no credit, he asked himself that this ancestral house was passed down from generation to generation by the Jing family. Shame, but also did not live up to the trust of Master Qingfen."

"If the old servant watched Jingyuan's glory being tarnished by the pariahs in order to save his life, then the old servant would have no face to see Master Qingfen again after his death."

Le Yu snorted, "What's there to see about Jing Qingfen?"

The old butler didn't get angry or refuted, just nodded to Le Yu kindly: "My old only have a bunch of outdated memories, if I still follow the young master, I will only Let the young master feel an eyesore."

"Young Master, take the Jing family and let's go."

Le Yu glanced at this magnificent and decaying manor, and the old man who was clinging to the past, and nodded.

"let's go."

When Jingyuan closed the gate, Le Yu and the others suddenly heard a desolate and loud singing from inside:

"I was born with thorns all over my body,

Even if it is ugly,

What do you say to make concessions and seek peace?

Bah! Only have an inch!

What to say to hold back your breath,

Bah! Only intensified!

Peace is the most precious thing, so sooner or later I will beg for rice.

All kinds of martial arts are worse than bullying the weak.

The rich are vicious, the poor are despicable, and is there a peaceful place in the world?

A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood, all nine domains are former residences.

Haha, it's not bad if you don't repay your kindness.

Hehe, if you have revenge, don't take revenge on the righteous scum!

How can there be a born evil,

Thorns are also for survival! "

Le Yu rummaged through his memory and found that Jing Zhengwei had heard this song once when he was a child.

This is the family song of the Jing family, "Thorns". Back then, the Jing family was just a miner chief who was bullied and ridden by others. The ancestors of the Jing family grew step by step. In the generation of Jing Qingfu, the Jing family has become a big business association that no one dares to deceive, and this clan song is also ignored. Only some old people will remember this song.

The century-old Jing family.

Someone abandoned it.

Some people regard it as a treasure.