You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 249: I'm going to hit 10

Inside the Black Sun Bloody Battle Casino, the atmosphere is tense.


Le Yu looked at Wu Renxing indifferently, and as long as Wu Renxing gave an order, several blood holes would pop out of Le Yu's body.


No matter how fast he hides, it is impossible to avoid the bullet storm in all directions.


The two faced each other for a while, and finally Wu Renxing waved his hand and asked the gunmen to put down their weapons.


"Sure enough, I can't scare you." Wu Renxing sighed: "I should have known earlier that those who dare to hang out with Bai Ye at the cost of their wealth cannot be good."


Wu Renxing did not dare to make a move.


Even if he is the leader of hundreds of gang members, he has guns and money, but he still does not dare to provoke Bai Ye—if the organization is divided into four levels, there is no ideal without discipline, ideal without discipline, and discipline. Without ideals, with ideals and discipline, then their gang is the lowest level of the fourth-level organization, without ideals and discipline, and purely relying on monetary interests to maintain the organizational structure.


Silver and blood will be the second level, with discipline but no ideals. Although they are all for making money, they will vote together to the outside world, which can be regarded as the basic form of the democratic system.


And Bai Ye is the first level, with discipline and ideals.


It was precisely because he had cooperated with Bai Ye that Wu Renxing knew that the group of people in Bai Ye were lunatics - they had been engaged in revolutionary uprisings in Xuanzhu County for decades, who could be other than lunatics?


The most outrageous thing is that this group of lunatics really found a powerful lunatic to accompany them.


So Wu Renxing is sure that if he kills Jing Zhengwei here, he will never see the sun tomorrow - he can't be sure if there are any White Night Walkers among the hundreds of gang members present. Come on, he might not even have a late-night snack tonight.


Bai Ye was not an assassin, but his subordinates, who depended on money and loyalty to maintain him, were like a sand tower in front of the group of lunatics.


"Since I have nothing to do, I'll go first. I'll invite you to dinner next time."


Please eat in prison.


Le Yu secretly remembered Wu Renxing in the small book, and then arranged for Wu Renxing to share a cell with Mr. Tie, and invited him for two meals.


"Wait, President Jing, you can't leave for the time being."


"You want to put me under house arrest in a small dark room in the basement?" Le Yu looked at Wu Renxing's naked muscles: "This will make you die faster."


"...I just want to discuss a business with you." Wu Renxing said calmly, "I finally met President Jing. If I don't take this opportunity to discuss a big business, it would be a waste."


"Blackmail me?"




"Continue." Le Yu folded his hands, looking like he was listening.


"The Black Sun Society needs to be whitewashed." Wu Renxing said simply and neatly: "After tonight, the Silver Blood Society and the Patrol Guard will no longer exist. I need President Jing to give us a promise to make our Black Sun Society a new one. patrol guard."


"As long as you agree to this condition, we will immediately send you safely to Bai Ye, and we will be your loyal blades in the future, and we will no longer interfere in any gang affairs. But if Bai Ye has any opinions on us, please do your best to President Jing. Mediation."


Le Yu frowned slightly: "The patrol guards have the power to enforce the law in Xuanzhu County. This was originally a power that I and Bai Ye shared. You..."


"President Jing, Bai Ye already has enough influence among the workers. If you share the power of law enforcement with them, then you will no longer be able to check and balance their power." Wu Renxing pointed to himself: "But we The dark day will be different, and the white night must look down on us, and the workers don’t have a good look on us, so we must rely on you, and we can only rely on you.”


Le Yu seemed to think for a while in distress, and finally nodded: "Okay, I agree."


"Congratulations!" Wu Renxing said loudly, "Our Black Sun Society will become the new patrol guard!"




Amid the cheers of hundreds of gang members, Wu Renxing lowered his head to look at Le Yu: "In that case, President Jing, we can't delay, please make a small guarantee."


"What's the guarantee?" Le Yu said, "Signed and signed?"


"Hehe, President Jing is really joking, the value of black and white in the Silver Blood Club is not as good as a piece of scrap paper." Wu Renxing said: "After all, President Jing, you have the support of Bai Ye and the navy. We have the Black Sun Club store. The villain is rare, if you don't acknowledge the bill after you go out, then we will cry without tears."


"But how can I guarantee it?" Le Yu scratched his head pretending to be cute: "How about President Wu, you go to Baiye with me, and I will appoint you as the new director of the patrol department in front of the White Night Walker?"


"There is no need for such trouble, we have a simpler and more reliable 'guarantee'."


Wu Renxing snapped his fingers, and the thin middle-aged man handed him something, then he threw it down, and with a slam, it landed on the sand in front of Le Yu.


Le Yu looked down.


It was a collar.


Le Yu's always calm and even arrogant face finally revealed a shadow at this moment.


"President Jing, as long as you wear it around your neck, we will immediately send you to Bai Ye."


"Sorry, I don't have a dog collar."


"President Jing, you wouldn't recognize it, it's the grace lock, right?" Wu Renxing said with a smile, "Nothing can guarantee the agreement between you and me better than the grace lock."


"That's why I said it too," Le Yu said coldly, "I don't wear a dog collar."


Grace Lock, if the light energy is not replenished through the exclusive light energy replenisher in time, it will explode into pieces with a bang.


This is a thing used by silver-blooded merchants to control slaves. It is very easy to use. It is exported to overseas, and slave owners say it is good.


Not to mention the insult of personality, the reason why Le Yu simply refused was because he suspected that he was blown up to death by grace, and that he would not be able to activate if he died and died.


——How did you die?


——Bombed to death.


——Why were you bombed to death?


——Grace locks light energy is insufficient.


——Why is there insufficient light energy?


——Because the light energy was not replenished on the replenisher.


—Oh, I see, target, supplement!


Then Le Yu can start a robot life from scratch and complete the feat of mechanical ascension at a young age.


Of course, it is also possible that Yue Yu will successfully trigger death and replace him, but if it is not necessary, he does not want to take this risk.


Besides, Le Yu couldn't accept this kind of insult. Something like a collar and anklet, unless Qing Lan needed it, he would never wear it—nor would he ever wear it at the request of a man!


More importantly.


He just doesn't wear it.


How could Wu Renxing take him?


"It seems that we can't reach a consensus." Wu Renxing sighed.


"Yeah, it's a pity, let's talk next time." Le Yu strode to the door: "No need to send it."


Wu Renxing squinted at Le Yu who was walking towards the door: "Jing Zhengwei, if I were you, I wouldn't walk out of this door."


"If you want to kill me, hurry up, you can't kill anyone if you only talk about it."


"That's right, I dare not kill you. But what if you die on the street outside, and the person who kills you is an ordinary worker who hates the Silver Blood Society?"


The music, whose hand was already on the door handle, suddenly stopped.


"Since you refuse to do business with me, I have no choice but to do business with another person." Wu Renxing said lightly: "Tonight, the members of the Black Sun Society are guarding this tunnel, and it is not accidental."


"Originally, we just wanted to rob and kill the silver blood. After all, we know that there are actually a lot of silver blood in this secret passage. Those nobles have to be sneaky even to watch a **** battle. They don't want to go through the front door, they like to go through the back door... And I received another one. A business is to let me find a way to let you die at the hands of the workers when I meet you, Jing Zhengwei."


Le Yu turned his head to look at Wu Renxing: "Do I know the person who does business with you?"


"You probably don't know him." Wu Renxing said with a smile, "He's just an ordinary worker."


"ordinary worker?"


"Yes, a very ordinary worker, but he seems to have been promoted to the position of supervisor by your people recently. He is the smartest person I have ever met. If he hadn't firmly refused, I would have invited him to sit at the Black Sun Club. Number two."


"After the collapse of the Cape Gate in the evening, he immediately sent someone to tell me, let me guard the secret road, and ask me to kill you, Jing Zhengwei."


"If you can, it's better to let you die at the hands of ordinary workers, so that Bai Ye may not help you to reverse the case."


Le Yu narrowed his eyes: "The ordinary worker you mentioned, I don't sound ordinary at all."


"If he was born in the Silver Blood Society, I can guarantee that his achievements will never be worse than yours." Wu Renxing said: "I just heard that he has become the temporary leader of the workers going to the outer city and is leading people to attack the inner city. ."


"We low-class people are all waiting for an opportunity."


"And he waited, but you refused to give it to me, so I can only cooperate with him."


Le Yu asked, "What's the benefit for you to cooperate with him?"


"Kick off Bai Ye." Wu Renxing said, "If Bai Ye gains power, I have no choice but to escape. But if he takes advantage of this riot to become the leader, according to the relationship between the two of us, plus he needs a team Power to check and balance the white night, I believe that our black sun will also become the new patrol guard."


"But, I naturally prefer you, President Jing, compared to him, but you won't give me face, so I can only give him a face."


Le Yu was a little lost.


Among the gangsters, there are profiteers who are good at calculating; among the workers, there are also heroes who are waiting for an opportunity.


Silver Blood will suppress them for too so that when Le Yu looks at them, they are habitually regarded as a mediocre whole, a whole that needs to be managed, and a whole that needs to be saved.


But he forgot that people cannot generalize.


Tonight's riot gave these wild heroes who were dormant among the people an instant opportunity. This was a once-in-a-century opportunity for Xuanzhu County to jump in class, so they took advantage of the situation without hesitation.


And Leyu has become a roadblock for them to climb the class.


Le Yu exhaled a long breath: "Then what do you want to do? Take me and drag me outside, and find a few workers to eat me up?"


"Although I promised him, I don't want your death to make Bai Ye hate me." Wu Renxing said, "This is a **** casino, so we will follow the rules of the **** casino."


"How to say?"


"If you win a person here, I will let you run for ten seconds after you go out, and so on." Wu Renxing smiled: "I didn't expect that the president of the Silver Blood Club would be able to stage a **** battle here in Wu Renxing's lifetime. Everyone is happy. !?"




While the gang members were booing and scolding, Le Yu thought for a moment, then returned to the middle of the sandy land and waved at Wu Renxing: "Come on."


"How many do you want to fight?" Wu Renxing asked jokingly.


Le Yu twisted his neck and made a bone-crunching sound.


"I want to hit ten."