You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 271: sniper blue flame

Unforeseen circumstances may arise, people may have good or bad times, menstrual disorders, hair loss, insomnia, frequent urination, and kidney deficiency.

The purpose of Lan Yan's visit, Le Yu is clear - the legal ownership of the gold and silver property under his feet already belongs to Lin Haijun. As the legal person and domineering president of Lin Haijun, it means that the money belongs to Lan Yan. of.

When Lan Yan was withdrawing money, Qin Leyin directly stabbed him horizontally and let him flee with the failed withdrawal. Naturally, Lan Yan would not let it go.

That's a million bucks!

Le Yu can live a luxurious and extravagant life in Yanjing as long as he takes a little bit of it!

Moreover, Lan Yan has brought Lin Haijun to conquer Dongyang this month, is it to liberate the toiling masses of Dongyang? Not for the money!

Seeing the creditor coming, Le Yu's first thought was of course to leave quickly.

He also never imagined that Lan Yan would come after him so quickly. After all, Qin Leyin's plan was very perfect: to kill the military team and bring chaos to Xuanzhu County. In the event of an accident at the starting place and the delivery rider at the same time, the news of the military robbery can be delayed for at least half a day, and it can be delayed for another half a day when Lan Yan sends someone to find out where the military expenses are. Arrived in Yanjing area.

Lan Yan was able to rush over so quickly, to rule out the possibility that he had an arbitrary door. He probably knew about the accident in the early morning of yesterday, and then tracked the convoy all night long, so that it was possible to catch up with their fleet before dark!

Le Yu is not interested in confronting a Lan Yan who hadn't slept all night. God knows how bad his temper is now.

"Hongle, there's no need to be so nervous." Shi Huaifeng was surprised: "There are only a few dozen of them, and the ship is far away from the shore. They don't even have a ship, so they can't approach us at all—"

"Fengzi, don't say such words that you will be slapped in the face quickly."

A young man with a six-point resemblance to Shi Huaifeng, with long hair and a ponytail hanging down his shoulders, wearing a gorgeous purple-black robe with a wheat-colored chest, walked up to them, fluttering his fan and laughing: "That's the whole thing. Dongyang bullied a man who was filthy and humiliating, even Jing Zhengwei was only his tax collector in the final analysis, and underestimating him is going to lose a layer of flesh~”

Shi Huaisong, the third young master of the poet, Le Yu had met him several times before. Most of the important affairs of the poet are in charge of Shi Huaifeng, while diplomatic reception is Shi Huaisong's specialty.

Being called Fengzi by the third brother, Shi Huaifeng did not show any dissatisfaction, and apparently gave up the treatment: "I didn't underestimate him, but he has no boat and no one. I can't think of him being any dangerous to us."

"Dangerous? His life is the greatest danger."

Le Yu snapped his fingers: "Can you make the boat speed up? Also, are there any Feihua Lingxu warriors here? Are there guns?"

Everyone on the deck looked at each other, and a middle-aged green-clothed operator stood up: "Walking with Hong Le, I am a Lingxu martial artist of the fusion and penetration realm."

Qin Yueyang said: "There are guns, but the ones with the longest range are standard rifles, not sniper guns."

Shi Huaisong suddenly said: "I know a little bit of flying flower tactics, I should be able to help, but don't count on me."

Are there really flying flower warriors? Le Yu glanced at Shi Huaisong and said, "Give us three guns, I'll aim at the main body, Tsing Yi aims at the right side, Shi Huaisong aims at the left side... You all know how to shoot Yan back?"

"Understood." They both nodded.

The Swallow Return Shooting Technique is an archery technique specially aimed at martial artists.

Ordinary warriors can avoid bullets in advance, and advanced warriors naturally avoid bullets like drinking water. But if three bullets are fired at the same time that block all evasive directions, even advanced warriors can only drink and hate on the spot.

Yan Hui was originally just a high-speed slashing technique in the sword-wielding technique. Later, everyone found that guns were much more useful than bullets, so this skill was magically changed to gun-fighting.

However, Yan's return shooting method requires at least three Lingxu Feihua warriors who can shoot accurately at long distances. Le Yu didn't have much hope. Can't kill Lan Yan!

He has no reason not to take action against Lan Yan.

Whether it is for self-protection, to avenge Qianyuliu, or to reduce a warlord ambition, he should take action.

As for Lan Yan's willingness to support Jing Zhengwei in reforming Dongyang, it was just a transaction, Jing Zhengwei gave money, Lan Yan gave power, that's all. Just like Lan Yan once supported Qianyu Liu, but after all, it was just to use this double-sided chess piece.

Le Yu still has feelings for Lan Yan. After all, he has used him, and he has also used him, which is simply a bad relationship.

That's why he will use the Yan back shot method to deal with Lan Yan, in order to kill with one blow.

Dead blue flames are the best blue flames!

The three loaded their bullets, and Le Yu said, "Don't aim, don't lift the gun, wait for him to reach the shore, listen to my order, I will count to three, two, one, and then aim for one second, and shoot at the same time!"

While they were talking, Lan Yan had already slid to the grass on the shore, and the straight-line distance from the ship was less than fifty meters.

He seemed to feel something, smiled and spread his hands to everyone on the boat, his hands were completely empty, his body was full of brilliance, and the layers of sunlight added a filter of divine grace to him.

"Three, two, one!"

Following Le Yu's order, the three of them raised their guns at the same time and took one second to aim. Then three gunshots rang out. The bullets burst out of the chamber with great kinetic energy, breaking the sound barrier, like a nail of fate shooting at Lan Yan. !

There are no obstructions around, and you don't even have a weapon in your hand.

I'll see what you Lan Yan uses to block bullets!

However, the moment they raised their guns, Lan Yan suddenly jumped up!

clang clang!

He flew forward and rotated for a circle, not only avoiding the bullets shot by Le Yu towards the body, but also using the steel blade of the quick knife boots to directly kick the blocking bullets on the left and right side!

Everyone on the boat was stunned.

The layman watches the fun, the layman calls the layman directly.

It is naturally impossible to kick a bullet. To be precise, the bullet hit his sharp knife and was bounced off by the sharp light on it.

This judgment and bravery instantly made everyone on board tense.

They finally realized that it was a ruthless man.

Lan Yan's voice crossed the fifty meters of the lake and sounded far on the deck of the ship: "Master Qin, is my performance good?"

Reverberation of the far sound, the use of sound of Aiki tactics.

Although Qin Leyin is not proficient in Aiki warfare, after learning the Wuxiang warfare, Le Yu has been pushing back and studying Jing Zhengwei's Qinri Aiki warfare and Lingxu warfare. The mastery of Aiki tactics is not bad, and he can also echo this kind of skill, so he replied loudly: "It's okay, can you show me holding a bullet in your mouth? I want to see that."

"Next time I'll perform this with Lan Yan slid along the shore at will, like an outing: "Since Master Qin is still satisfied, that's great, after all, Master Qin, your wonderful performance is not enough to make Lan Mou opened his eyes, and Lan Mou also had to express his heartfelt courtesy. "

Le Yu: "Now that the performance is over, go home for dinner. I think it might rain tonight. If you don't go back, it will be too late to collect your clothes."

Lan Yan just smiled and didn't speak. He looked at Le Yu from a distance, his hand lightly resting on the hilt of the long sword at his waist.


The moment Lan Yan was unsheathed, Le Yu turned his head to the side, and saw a stunning brilliance swept across his hair, cut off a strand of hair, and turned into a rainbow in the sky.

Even with sword-wielding tactics, fifty meters is far beyond its effective attack range. Even if Le Yu did not hide, at most there would be a red mark on his face that resembled a stick-like beating.

"Lan Yan, incompetent rage can't solve anything." Le Yu couldn't help laughing:

"You're a successful person, be respectable."