You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 294: Huiyao is very good, will come again nex

In Qin Leyin's memory, Qin Xiao was not like the rude and strong Skyrim person in rumors.

He is gentle and elegant, like a kind uncle next door, and even a little chatty, he can chat with anyone for a long time. When Qin Leyin met him for the first time, he was teaching a few little kids to read "Hui Yao Fu" in the outer city of Xuanzhu County.

Seeing the inconspicuous bruises on Qin Leyin's body, he didn't say anything, but suddenly changed the culture class into a combat class class, teaching a few little kids how to cause effective harm to adults under the pressure of height. He was knocked down several times by the little brats that day, and he invited everyone to eat mung bean soup.

After Qin Leyin went back, he used the tricks he learned on the street to bring down his father for the first time.

His father was very surprised, and then used tactics to beat Qin Leyin even worse.

When Qin Leyin went to Qin Xiao with a bruised face, Qin Xiao seemed to be ready, and called a medical officer to help Qin Leyin treat him, and then began to teach him how to fight.

A spy who likes to trick children, this is Qin Leyin's initial impression of Qin Xiao.

"Actually, this kind of thing happens every few years in the sky, and it's nothing to be surprised." Bai Prison said: "Yanjing regards the people who go to Tiantian as an official as a sacrifice, and when the Tiantian people kill the sacrifice, Naturally it will die down.”

"But that year was different."

Le Yu: "What's the difference?"

"The political situation is different." Baiyu said: "The first emperor wanted to reform and revitalize the backwater. The factions of the imperial court confronted each other, but they refused to let the royal family embezzle their interests, so the sky became a breakthrough."

"The imperial guards in Yanjing cannot move, so the imperial court plans to recruit elite soldiers from the seven districts to form a new army to conquer the sky. Because the imperial guards have already been polluted and infiltrated by the court officials, the former emperor wants to form a force that obeys his orders and has combat power. , the Outer Zone Coalition Army is the best choice."

"And the factions of the imperial court have no objection. Although everyone knows the emperor's thoughts, this move can weaken the combat power in the outer area. The Yanjing family, who is worried about the wealthy family in the outer area, is naturally willing. Moreover, this feast of the new army is really good. Will it be exclusively enjoyed by the emperor? Everyone has their own ideas and passed this decree."

"For a time, all the other seven districts except Skyrim sent troops to support Yanjing, forming a new army of 30,000. The interesting point is that Qin Xiao's contribution was indispensable to the reason why the previous emperor had the confidence to form a new army."

Le Yu was a little stunned: "What does this have to do with Qin Xiao?"

"His repairs and repairs to Yanjing in those years have enriched the national treasury again. In addition, Qin Xiao contributed greatly to the connection of railways, bridge repairs and roads."

"Without him, the new army would never have been able to form so quickly or even pass the proposal."

Baiyu smiled, but there was no smile in his voice: "It's ridiculous, it is because of his hard work that the court has the confidence to form a new army and annihilate his hometown."

Le Yu couldn't help but ask: "In fact, wouldn't it be better to suppress the rebellion? Why do you have to launch annihilation?"

Annihilation, the cruelty of the word itself can be seen in its words - it means killing all able-bodied adults, leaving only children.

Radiance rarely launches a war of annihilation, except against the barbarians, but even against the barbarians, it is rare because the barbarians have been crippled by thousands of years of defense.

But in the early days of Huiyao's founding, the word "war of annihilation" was quite common - after all, the eighth districts of Huiyao were not given away by phone bills. Rather than persuading the savages, the Huiyao people were more willing to completely wipe out all the barbarians.

For the regular army, even if the barbarians can hide in the barren mountains and mountains, it is difficult for the army to pass, but they only need to send an elite team of warriors who have entered the room, and they can eliminate those savages who have not practiced tactics once and for all.

Baiyu shook the ashes and said, "If you suppress the rebellion, you don't need the new army at all. Just let the Skyrim Army suppress it by itself. At most, it will be time-consuming and laborious, but after all, it is a local army, and the effect is better."

"Perhaps the formation of a new army has to be tempered through war, or the imperial court is impatient with the frequent civil upheaval in the Skyrim area, and wants to solve the problem once and for all, and does not want to continue the previous policy of Huairou... Of course, there are also It could be the whim of the bigwigs."

"Anyway, there are no officials in the imperial court who are from Skyrim, destroying a group of people who have nothing to do with them but often make trouble. Of course, everyone doesn't care...except him."

"It wasn't until Qin Xiao stood up at the court meeting that everyone knew that he was actually from Tiantian."

Bai Prison shrugged: "How can ants be a car? All the friends who are familiar with him, including me, advised him not to be stubborn. How could he resist the power of the imperial court? You are an orphan in the sky and have no family, even if you have, You just take it, why are you contradicting Zhu Zi?"

"What everyone agrees on, you don't agree with, how old are you?"

"Then he let everyone know how old he was."

"He used his personal connections. He could not only make the old rusty machine in Yanjing work with lubricating oil, but he also had a way to make the machine malfunction. Although he didn't dare to support Qin Xiao openly, his friend— - including me - slowed down the pace of the new army's expedition."

"At that time, either the railway derailed, or the sun lamp failed and no one was replaced. Food and grass, ordnance, clothing, and all material preparations were delayed, which successfully delayed the speed of the new army."

"Of course, these things are just to delay time. Qin Xiao's real purpose is to find the Zhongwei Jun seat."

Le Yu was startled: "Zhongwei Junzuo?"

Bai Prison nodded: "It is said that every Zhongwei Junzuo is a person who has a close relationship with the royal family, and only Zhongwei Junzuo can directly influence the decision-making of the court. No one knows whether he has found Zhongwei Junzuo, but the result is, The war of annihilation was canceled, Skyrim suppressed the rebellion on its own, and Qin Xiao, who had a moment of glory, was dispatched to Dongyang District."

"As for what he did in Dongyang, you know better than me."

Yes, Le Yu knew very well what Qin Xiao had done in Dongyang.

He brought the hookah and directly poisoned the Silver Blood Guild for an entire generation.

He conspired with Jing Qingquan to try to destroy the Silver Blood Society by joining forces with officials and businessmen.

Both Le Yu and Qin Leyin believed that Qin Xiao was an ambitious politician. But now, Le Yu has a new understanding of him.

Suddenly, Le Yu's heart moved and asked, "How did he die?"

This is not only a problem of music language, but also a problem of qin and music yin. Qin Leyin came to Yanjing for many purposes, one of which was to investigate Qin Xiao's death first, and then avenge him.

"The first emperor thought that Qin Xiao was a talented person, and he was also a person who offended many factions. He wanted to call Qin Xiao back to be a solitary minister." Baiyu said softly, "But others fear him."


Bai Prison exhaled a wisp of smoke: "Qin Xiao's ability exposed when he slowed down the new army made the civil and military capitals of the Manchu Dynasty vigilant. He can mobilize all departments of Yanjing by himself, which means that if the emperor directly After cleaning up all the ministers in the court and even the entire cabinet, Qin Xiao has the ability to keep the court running!"

"Moreover, he has no family, no wife and daughter, so he can't pose a threat to the imperial power. He will become the sharpest knife and the strongest shield of the royal family!"

"A reform-minded emperor, a carefree outstanding person, who is not afraid, who is not afraid?"

"Qin Xiao went back to Beijing to be idle for a year, and the four glorious guards, the imperial court factions, and the royal family also secretly fought for a year. Little people like me, I don't know what exchange of interests they have reached, but the result is that Qin Xiao was imprisoned and charged with the crime. for the inverse."


"That is, to buy people's hearts and to conspire."

Le Yu couldn't help laughing: "Is this what good people get rewarded for?"

"I asked him the same way when I went to see him in prison." Prison Bai also smiled: "Guess what? He actually nodded, saying that this is what a good man has to offer."

"If it weren't for the relationship established before, how could he slow down the pace of the new army? If it wasn't for his hard work, how could Junzuo be willing to stop the court's decision-making?"

"If you pay, you will gain, and good people will have good rewards. It's fair."

"He said his biggest regret was that he got the news too late. If he was given enough time to operate, he might be able to become the new army marshal and make the funeral a happy event... But even Junzuo did not agree to him. Please, because the emperor will not hand over the new army to someone who disagrees with him."

The cigarette was extinguished, and the prisoner was unaware, and muttered: "After all, it was a conversation ten years ago. I forgot a lot of content, but I still remember, I asked him, do you have any regrets?"

The voice of the prisoner changed, as if he was repeating someone's words: "Regret is inevitable, but I just want to be worthy of my heart."

"I was originally a mediocre person. It's worth it to use my life to eliminate a war. We save our lives, isn't it just to sacrifice for a certain reason at a certain time?"

"Haha, it's been a long time since I've seen you look like a prisoner. Usually, after you look at me with this foolish look, I'll tell you how good it would be for me to do this good deed... But I'm sorry, this time I really There is no real benefit to it, and if I have to say it, I can only say that I am very happy.”

"Yeah, how can good people have good rewards, how can this world be so fair? Good people have good rewards, it's just a lie used by rulers to maintain the stability of the people, a curse used by literati to exploit the common people... and the simple wishes of ordinary people ”

"I don't want to be a hero, I just want to be an expert, an expert who can solve the troubles of ordinary people and do things in a down-to-earth manner, but I don't know why I have come this far. Maybe it's the will of God."

"Huh? Haha, the secret of 'good people have good rewards' is of course a lie to you, did you just find out now?"

"As for why you do this... Of course, it's because I know that everyone is selfish. Or, how can there be selfless people?"

"But selfishness and selflessness are not opposites, they are mutually inclusive... Since everyone is selfish, I will give you reasons to do good things with selfish purposes. The effect is also good, isn't it? "

"I do so much, of course, because I want to get ahead, be famous, have power, and...I'm very patriotic."

"You look at me with that look again... Indeed, I am an orphan of Skyrim, a prisoner, and a victim of political struggles. How can I say such high-sounding words?"

"Everyone likes to be selfish now. Of course, this is because of the world. Only selfish people can survive. Selfless people have long since died... Also, shouldn't patriotism be the right of a big man, like an orphan? , butchers, and workers, what qualifications are there to be patriotic?”

"I thought the same thing when I was a kid, until I was on that rainy night, when I encountered a walker with only half of his body left, exhausting the last shred of vitality, and begging me to pass on information."

"At that time, I suddenly realized that there are some things that are above life. The person who walked passed me not only information, but also his will."

"I hide this will in my heart. The older I grow, the stronger my will. The glorious culture, history, hard-working people, magnificent buildings, everything is settled in my heart. But since the world is like this , I can only adapt to the world and use selfish methods to do selfless things.”

"I am not loyal to the imperial court, not loyal to the Siwei, not loyal to the royal family, but only loyal to the glory. I hope that this land and the people living on it can live better and better, and will no longer be tortured by hunger, cold, war and exploitation. "

"Prison, don't cry, it's really ugly... Also, you don't need to follow me because of being moved, you can just do your duty. This world doesn't need heroes, only experts. With his job, the world will be at peace long ago.”

"Don't resent the emperor and Junzuo, Junzuo has no obligation to continue to save me, and the emperor is an ambitious man, but his ambition can make the world better. My death is inevitable, maybe because I have done so much Good thing, so I can live a few more years.”

"That student of mine may come to Yanjing in the future. You can take care of him... Maybe you don't need to take care of him, he is also a ruthless man."

"So really don't cry, I want to cry when you cry... Although I said I have regrets, if I can do it all over again, I should still be like this."

"You have to work hard for what you want to do, so that even if you fail, you can blame the world as much as you want without angering yourself."

"I live for my justice and I die for my justice."

"Hui Yao is very good, I will come again next time."

After praying to the prison, there was only silence in the bedroom.

After a while.

Le Yu suddenly realized that Bai Prison asked not to turn on the lights, maybe he had foreseen this moment.

After a Bai Prison said in his usual voice: "I said so much, not to ask Hongle to inherit his will, but to let you know the past history. "

"Faced with a game that requires your life, what kind of consciousness did you do? After knowing Qin Xiao's fate, are you really willing to squeeze into this life-and-death political struggle?"

Le Yu felt that praying to prison was very tangled.

He was not only surprised that Qin Leyin had the same characteristics as Qin Xiao, but also was afraid that he would personally send Qin Xiao's only student to death, so he found Qin Leyin on the eve of the war, told everything he had hidden, and let Qin Leyin die. Sanctions against him—whether yes or no, is punishment for him.

Just when Le Yu was thinking about how to answer, a broken voice suddenly came from outside.

clap clap clap-

The dim lights outside the window went out one by one, and the entire bedroom was dark and dark in an instant, as if in the abyss!

Immediately afterwards, they heard a 'creak' sound from the door.