You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 339: "Unparalleled List" on sale

? "Outside the account, outside the account! The "Unparalleled List" is on sale with passion, buy it and get a poster of today's No. 1 warrior worth 20 yuan, "Unparalleled in the World: Lan Yan"! Quantities are limited, while stocks last! "

"It's in vain to read the peerless list in your life and read all the heroes! You don't need ninety-nine, ninety-nine, you can't buy it with nine money, you can't be fooled by it, and you can get the number one warrior character card 100% of the time. There is still a chance to draw flash cards worth thousands of gold dollars, what are you waiting for!”

"It's the epic character card "Zhanjiang Lanyan" that comes out of 100! Congratulations to this customer! If you are not interested in collecting the general card, you can go directly to the "Steam Chamber of Commerce" in Koi Hutong to exchange this card for money. According to the regulations, the epic card can be exchanged for one gold yuan unconditionally! "

Under the envious eyes of everyone, the young man who drew the epic card hurriedly put the exquisite card into his safe arms, turned around and left with the "Unparalleled List": "I won't sell it!"

In mid-September, the first edition of the "Unique List" was released shockingly. The Statistics Division announced and released the platform on its behalf, and the specific distribution distributor was the new chamber of commerce "Steam Chamber of Commerce" jointly invested by the two Shiqin. Because the Statistics Department has already communicated with various departments in Yanjing, no one dared to cause trouble to the Steam Chamber of Commerce.

At dawn, the shops purchased by the Steam Chamber of Commerce in the two bustling cities of Yanjing opened in shock, and the propaganda team that had been arranged long ago walked through the streets and alleys, beating gongs and trumpets to wake up the sleeping citizens of Yanjing. The full-bodied Yanjing citizens could clearly hear what was going on outside. First, they yelled, "I'm rushing to wear a filial hat."

In just one morning, "Unparalleled List" conquered the entire Yanjing.

First of all, the background of the statistics department is almost impossible to question - as the most notorious intelligence work department in Yanjing, Yantong is not trusted by the public, but that means good things, and it is full of 'challenging things' in the ranking list. 'The bad thing, the public will hardly question Yan Tong.

Only the Statistics Division dared to make a list like the martial artist ranking list!

Secondly, the comparison of combat effectiveness has always been a matter of literati, writers and scholars, and the common people of the market are talking about it. What are the things like 'Can't beat the gods of the land', 'My Feihua Martial Artist 800 meters away, and you will die with one shot. Debates such as "Sword Warriors" and "Whether five hundred sword-wielding warriors are invincible in land combat" have been prosperous for a long time, and even many people have started to stage Quanwu Xing after discussing it. Whichever can win is the right argument. .

Finally, this time, the sales model of the Wushuang List is very novel. Originally, only one copy of the list needs to be sold, and everyone can take turns to prostitute, so why do you need to buy it? However, "Wu Shuang Ranking" is also bound with a poster of today's No. 1 warrior and a character card. If an epic character card is issued, it can even be exchanged for one gold dollar directly, while the price of the Wushuang Ranking is only 9 coins!

Nearly a hundred times the profit!

Although the price of nine coins is not low, after all, the unparalleled list, posters and character cards are so arrogant that after all, they are three pieces of paper, which are not worth nine coins at all, and an ordinary worker’s food cost is only nine coins a day, but At the thought of buying the leaderboard and winning the lottery, everyone gave generously.

'Even if you don't draw epic cards, rare cards are not bad. ’ Everyone comforted themselves in this way, and then they issued the normal card “Mororwind Blue Flame”.

They looked at Lan Yan on the card with his hands behind his back, wearing glasses, standing on the city wall of Xingke County in the dark, smiling at the city surrounded by flames, and then there was another sentence:

"Fight for me."

A good-looking woman can certainly seduce the soul, but a domineering man doesn't give in too much.

Rao is a well-informed citizen of Yanjing, and he has never seen such a domineering first warrior. And this kind of domineering is not the same as the 'I am invincible' in their imagination, but another kind of confidence in 'playing the world', so they couldn't help buying a few more peerless rankings, just to see "Statistics Silan Will it be more flamboyant?

There were several lucky people who got the epic card. Under the cacophony of everyone, they couldn't help but directly exchange the epic card at the Steam Chamber of Commerce for money.

Then they regretted it in the afternoon - some rich people spent more gold dollars to buy epic cards, starting with two gold dollars.

Especially when all 10,000 copies of the Peerless List in Yanjing were sold out, the price of the epic card jumped to ten gold yuan, and the legendary flash card "Ghost Blue Flame" was even more powerful. Bid ten gold yuan - do not buy, this is just to see the price, if the other party is willing to sell, start with one hundred gold yuan!

After all, there are only one hundred epic cards in the entire Yanjing, and there are more than one hundred rich people in Yanjing? Many people didn't realize the unique sales routine of the Steam Chamber of Commerce early in the morning. When they realized the rarity of epic cards and flash cards, the unparalleled list was already sold out.

It is said that some rich people have already sent people to other districts to wait for the sales of the Wushuang List. After all, the Steam Chamber of Commerce has announced that the first edition of the Wushuang List Quan Huiyao has sold a total of 90,000 copies, and each district has a flash card and a hundred epic cards, which will not be added. Print Supplements, Epic Cards may be reprinted again, but Foil Cards are unique.

What do rich people care about most?

I have no one, but I am superior to others!

The Steam Chamber of Commerce gave them a bait for comparison, and most of them took the bait. Not to mention that there are indeed many people who have made up their minds to complete the 'Full Picture Book of God Generals', and more importantly, everyone can see the value-added space for the collection of God General cards - a mere card can be sold for hundreds of thousands of gold dollars. Wouldn't it be safe to run away with this card in the middle of a family situation? It's the Bitcoin of this era!

Of course, the premise of all this is that the Steam Chamber of Commerce must control the number of epic cards and flash cards on sale. Therefore, when Xianchan Chenchen sent someone to the academy to find Leyu and asked for a supplement to be printed to quickly make money, Leyu wrote a The big word 'go away' made the two trembling operators take them back to the bloated Inspector Tanuki.

The Imperial Court was inevitably affected by the wave of the peerless list. Unlike the card draw comparisons that have been carried out outside, the students of the Imperial Academy are really conducting academic research, discussing whether the rankings on the list are reasonable, and the main focus is whether Lan Yan is really the number one martial artist today.

However, Yan Tong has already stated that they will not list all the martial arts in Yanjing, so the students have no fulcrum if they want to, and Lan Yan does have this qualification in terms of record - he is currently the only one who has won the civil war. The warrior commander.

Gaishiwen, the governor of the Heyang Army, was humiliated again, and this time he was humiliated by Quan Yanjing.

Le Yu was eating in the pig's canteen, when he heard in his left ear 'Why is Lan Yan being the first? Principal Cha would definitely be better than him even if he didn't have a record', and in his right ear he heard, 'Unparalleled civilization is not going to stick to the Wolf Prison's shipyard. I'm going to die, but I'm so stupid and cheated out, why don't I come and be the governor', I'm very satisfied.

He knew from the Statistics Department that Lan Yan has been very quiet recently, and he has been resting in the Morrowind area without any trouble. UU reading

Offend me Le Yu, Lan Yan, do you still want to make a fortune in silence?

I will help you build Zhulou, I will help you entertain guests, and then I can watch your building collapse!

Thinking of this, Le Yu cleared his throat and used Aiki tactics to create voices from all directions: "Lan Yan is number one in the world, I'm not targeting Cha Huan, I mean that all Wu Zhu are trash!"

The pig restaurant was silent for a few seconds, and then a thunderous echo erupted at the same time:

"No, no, no, there are people who really believe that Lan Yan is number one in the world? Bah!"

"Merely Lan Yan, he's just the one who sells the first bid, and he will die when I graduate!"

"Tea Huan kills Lan Yan, like looking into a bag to get something!"

"Who's talking!? Stand up and I'll accept what you said if you beat me!"

"Huh? Lan Yan's admirers only dare to roar twice using Aiki tactics, don't they have the guts to stand up? Sure enough, only those who deceive the world and steal their names will only be accompanied by those who are flies and dogs."

"The admirers of Lan Yan get out of the Imperial Court!"

Succeeded in pulling a wave of hatred from the students of the Imperial Academy for Lan Yan and framed Lan Yan (1/1) (daily task completed).

As long as Le Yu, the number one black fan of Lan Yan, is in the Imperial Court for one day, he will not allow any Lan Yan fans other than him to appear in the Imperial Court!

"Brother Hongle."

Qian Yuya suddenly sat across from Le Yu with her plate in hand.

"Are we going to eat together?"