You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 341: goodbye kui nian weak

? In the Imperial Academy, credits are very important. Graduation requires credits, supplementary courses require credits, advanced warfare requires credits, and even if you want to enter politics, you need credits. Sister?

But credits are extremely scarce, and taking classes is the only way for most students to get credits. In a sense, taking classes is equivalent to taking time for credits. Although taking classes is meaningful, many students have established their life goals early, and many courses are not the skills they need, but they Had to go for the credits.

Therefore, the way to obtain credits is not limited to taking classes. The Academy has prepared a lot of additional DLC content for geniuses - what, you are not a genius? Then you can also find who is a genius from these extracurricular activities, and then bravely lick it, and you can hold your thighs and hang around after graduation.

The college provides a way out for every student, and everyone has a bright future.

The All-Seeing Eye exam is one of the most important DLC content in the Royal Academy. In addition to the pocket watch, credits, and canteen consumption quota, there are many hidden benefits in the reward - such as the priority of choosing a mate in the Royal Academy. For example, the chief reserve officer of the department.

In the four university departments of Konoe, Tianhui, Natural Disaster, and Nightmare, each department has a mentor, that is, a teacher who is responsible for supervising the students of the whole department; at the same time, there is a chief, who is the representative of the entire department, and is in many college activities. Will directly become the commander of the department.

The head of the department can be all-powerful in the academy, and he is not inferior outside. If the head is in politics after graduation, the rank will at least start from pure blue, and half of his feet will enter the ruling class.

The radiant grade is gold, purple, blue and black, and can be subdivided into pure black, blue-black, pure blue, purple-blue, pure purple, and golden-violet. Pure gold is the privilege of the royal family, and golden-violet is the political leader and the cabinet bachelor.

When Lan Yan was the head of the Statistics Department, he was only at the blue-black rank, which shows that the head of the department had a high start.

However, not all chiefs have such good treatment. The chief of 'the taller among the short' is obviously different from the chief of 'it's me'.

The most valuable chief is the one who becomes the chief in the second year of school, and no one can shake his position until he graduates; the second is to be the chief for at least two years.

As for those who got out after only one year of being the chief, their evaluation was a little better than that of ordinary students.

So how is the head of the department selected? knowledge? combat power? appearance? Popularity?

The all-seeing eye exam is a special exam that can assess the overall quality of students.

If you won the first place based on your strength, your knowledge is enough to be called the strongest student in this school year, and no one dares to disagree with your position of chief;

If you rely on cheating to get the first place, even the teachers in countless exam rooms can’t catch you. This strength is also worthy of praise, and it will definitely be invincible in the society, and you are qualified to be the chief;

If you won the first place through group cheating, it is even more powerful. This is enough to prove that your commanding ability, personal charm, eloquence, etc. have been recognized by other Imperial Academy students. These are the ultimate important qualities of the head of the department. , the position of chief is none other than you!

All the students who were able to become the chief in the second grade in history, all won the admiration of other students through their amazing 'cheating skills' in the previous year's All-Seeing Eye exam, and became the chief.

The above are all the meanings of the All-Seeing Eye exam to the students of the Imperial Academy, and for Le Yu, the All-Seeing Eye exam means the official opening of the sword-seeking competition.

"The point system is also adopted for the sword-seeking competition. Whoever gets enough points first, or ranks first in points at the end of the semester, can win the holy sword brilliance."

"Points and credits are very similar, or the swordsman directly copied the credit system, and the credits and points are converted one-to-one, but the credits in the past are not included, and people like Ming Shuangli also started with zero points. Except for the All-Knowing Eye exam In addition, the credits earned in normal classes are also counted, but the rule of '1.5 times the credits for completing a class with full marks' has been canceled to prevent some teachers from maliciously scoring points."

"The swordsman said: "Omniscience and omnipotence is the highest pursuit of governing a country. If the emperor can't do it, then let the courtiers do it - there will always be someone to work, but that person may not be the emperor."

The swordsman might not have made up the specific process of finding the sword and competing for the position... After listening to Ming Shuiyun's introduction, Le Yu had such an idea in his heart.

No matter how he thought about it, the swordsman seemed to have suddenly found out that the academy was going to hold the All-Seeing Eye exam, so he took advantage of this exam as the first game of the sword-seeking competition, and directly copied the credit system—just like those who didn’t prepare lessons. Teacher, it's as if I temporarily Baidu an exercise problem on the Internet and then let everyone test it in class.

Originally, Le Yu wanted to speculate on his character through the type of tasks assigned by the swordsman.

If it is a killing game, it means that the swordsman is fond of fighting;

If it is required to do good deeds, it means that the swordsman wants to choose a benevolent ruler;

If you ask to fall in love, it means that the swordsman is a love-minded person, and may be a little more patriarchal, thinking that the road to the queen is the last resort, and the focus of the game shifts to observing whether the boyfriend of the sword seeker is qualified to become the emperor's man.

After all, the swordsman is the only referee in this game, and any tendency he shows is very important. If Le Yu could directly aim at the sword holder's strike and slam hard, maybe he could turn the sword holder into his own shape.

And now, Le Yu can only know one thing—

The swordsman was a very lazy person and left nothing behind.

There is more than a week left before the Eye of Omniscience, and Ming Shuiyun obviously does not intend to abstain in the first competition. All three of them signed up for the Eye of Omniscience exam, and it is not accidental that the three of them eat together at noon-they are already discussing How to cheat.

Originally, Qian Yuya had no interest in the Eye of Omniscience, but she knew that Ming Shuiyun was the owner of Qin Leyin, and Ming Shuiyun's order was the fate of Qin Leyin. Naturally, she joined as a player who met a side quest. Come in.

Qin Yueshi also vaguely guessed that Ming Shuiyun and her eldest brother might be grasshoppers on the same line. Even if she still resents Qin Yueyin, she is willing to help Ming Shuiyun, and more importantly, cheating is the reason for her. She was very interested - such a high-risk and high-reward activity, Qin Yueshi, who had the blood of a businessman in her bones, couldn't refuse.

Although it was not mentioned in the announcement, the school rules have long stipulated that for those who cheat in the official exam, one credit will be deducted for the first time, five credits will be deducted twice, and three times will be directly dismissed.

Therefore, in addition to 10 dollars, those who plan to cheat in the All-Seeing Eye exam will also pay a 'preferential price' for their first cheating.

The Imperial Court does not prohibit cheating. It is your ability to escape the proctor's eyes.

But the Imperial Court prohibits low-quality cheating. After all, you can even be caught three times for cheating. If you have a bad mind and don't know the upper limit of your ability, it is better for you to go back to your hometown to farm.

Although the Imperial Court also advocates that 'honesty is a virtue', they do not just advocate verbally, but substantively and nakedly let all students understand this truth-every semester students are dismissed because of cheating. Other students felt that 'honesty' was indeed a virtue.

Virtue is not a literal trap for harming oneself and benefiting others, nor is it a stupid morality that restrains oneself, but a shortcut summed up by ordinary people for thousands of years. It is 'beauty', and it is 'de'.

However, even Qian Yuya, who has the best grades, clearly stated that she does not have much extracurricular knowledge. In this exam, how to convey information is second, and the most important thing is how to get the most correct answers as quickly as possible.

She came to look for Le Yu, but she actually wanted to ask if she wanted to let her roommates join in as well. Her friend Lin Xue's grades were no worse than hers. If they could join them, the success rate of cheating would be greatly increased.

But unlike the three of them, Lin Xue was a real outsider, so Qian Yuya came over to ask Le Yu—she actually tried it out, and found that Ming Shuiyun had the final say over Le Yu. Objection, I knew in my heart that although Ming Shuiyun said that he was the owner, he was actually just a **** shoveling officer of Le Yu.

No one noticed that when he heard the name Lin Xue, Le Yu was stunned for a moment, but immediately nodded in agreement.

Lin Xue, Lin Jinyao, Lin Xuen...

Le Yu originally thought that he had completely let go of the past, but when Qian Yuya brought it up, the names hidden deep in his heart stung him again.

Memories always jump out and bite you when you're not paying attention.

Think about it carefully, when did he live like he is now? He is an ordinary person who can't live without wifi in a peaceful and prosperous world. When did he become a careerist who can live comfortably in a troubled world?

When he saw his body lying in the dark alley?

Or when he killed Qianyuliu's mentor Lin Jinyao on that rainy night?

Or was it the moment when he was stabbed in the back by Yin Yin?

Or was it because of... that death battle with Kui Zhao who fought to the death like two beasts?

Every time he thinks of this, Le Yu becomes more determined, he must fight for the career of Lan Yan's black fans for the rest of his life, until (Lan Yan) dies.

It was he who deprived me of the chance to live mediocrely. The only way to soothe this resentment was to let him die a shocking death.

Thinking about it, Le Yu had already crossed the tree-lined path and came to the front of a white-washed cuboid building. In the afternoon, the sun shines on the pure white building. Students with book bags come in and out, and the surroundings are so quiet that only birds and cicadas are chirping.

The two famous buildings of the Yanjing Royal Academy, one is the "Platinum Tower" for the principal's office, and the other is the Royal Library "White Box", both named for their appearance.

It was also the first time for Le Yu to come to the White Box Library. He was not a person who liked reading books very much. He might as well play cards when he had time. Eight very useful little yellow books.

After knowing the nature of the exam of the Omniscient Eye, he had a bold idea.

In order to verify the feasibility of the idea, he needs to come to the library to find some materials - this is obviously the trainer Ming Shuiyun to run errands, but she has to go to class in the afternoon, only the scabbard elf is happy language to work.

After stepping into the white box, Le Yu's footsteps subconsciously became lighter.

The white box is full of bookshelves, tables and The floor is spotless, and many students are quietly reading. The afternoon sun is cut into square beams by the window lattice, and it gently pours on the flowers that will shine in the future. The chaos and darkness of the outside world seems to be completely isolated from here, and as long as you are still in the world, you can't bear to break this beautiful silence.

He looked left and right, and when he came to the counter, he found a girl with braids reading a book with her back to him. Le Yu had to knock on the counter and whispered, "Hello?"

But the other party seemed to be completely immersed in the fantasy world constructed by the author, Le Yu didn't dare to speak loudly, and Aiki tactics couldn't transmit voice to private chat, so he had to go around the counter and patted her on the shoulder lightly :"Hello?"


Before the other party screamed, Le Yu covered her mouth with one step, then her brows jumped, and she took a step back subconsciously.

"Sorry." The other party also immediately realized what had happened, and quickly apologized: "I was so fascinated by the book just now... red hair, fox eyes, **** lips, are you Teacher Qin Leyin?"

The next second, her face suddenly flushed, and she waved her hand and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not saying that you have coquettish eyes and **** lips, it's just that everyone said that... I, I, I don't approve of this behavior of discussing other people's appearance behind their backs. I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself first."

She clapped her hands lightly and took a deep breath: "Hello, I'm a first-year guard student who came to the library part-time."

"My name is Kui Nianchou, nice to meet you."

Memories always jump out and bite you when you're not paying attention.