You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 364: The son offers his head, the son offers

"My plan is to offer my head to the son!"

Le Yu looked around the surrounding woods and confirmed that no one was listening. He touched the metal badge in his trousers pocket and confirmed that the badge had been placed in a steel box to block calls, and then he leaned against a big tree and said slowly.

"It doesn't sound like a serious conspiracy," Nie Ruo said.

"I have already negotiated cooperation with other scabbards and promised them that I will seduce you to a remote place, and then join forces with other scabbards to surround and kill you." Le Yu said: "Although you are very powerful, you are still facing many swordsmen. The ambush of the sheath, you may not be able to withstand even a single face-to-face."

Because she was mentally prepared before, Nie Ruo didn't get angry because of Le Yu's words, just like Wu Dalang heard Pan Jinlian's confession that the medicine was poisonous, but he was relieved and believed that the other party had really changed his mind and stood on his side.

It seems that I did the right thing to forgive him for this step, otherwise he would be led into an ambush by him, isn't it... Thinking that Qin Leyin didn't kill them all, Nie Ruo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and she was surprised that Qin Leyin actually rose. Kind of grateful.

And this plan is also in line with Nie Ruo's understanding. He also knows that his side has become a thorn in the eyes of the scabbards. If Qin Leyin joins others to deal with him, others will surely agree.

Nie Ruo asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

"Follow the plan, the son offers his head." Le Yu scribbled on his neck: "As long as you leave the field with serious injuries, the tacit understanding of the other scabbards will be broken, and when the scabbards fight each other, it will be an opportunity for you and me. "

Nie Ruo frowned: "Am I seriously injured and retired?"

But soon, he relaxed his brows: "You mean, you and I are acting?"

"That's right," Le Yu nodded seriously: "You pretend to be defeated by my plot, you are powerless to fight again, or even run away with serious injuries, then the other scabbards will naturally not pay attention to you!"

"But the exam at Shuangli Palace..."

"Are you willing to believe me?" Le Yu said suddenly: "If you believe me, you can give me your cheaters for protection."

Nie Ruo didn't answer, just looked at Le Yu calmly.

"After you leave the arena, I will continue to put the scabbards together and let them fight each other until they are all seriously injured and unable to fight. At that time, it is time for you to come out and harvest." Le Yu said: "But The scabbards are all masters who don't see the rabbit but don't throw the eagle, if you are not seriously injured and out of the game, they will never go to war with all their strength, but would rather join the alliance to kill you, the 'first scabbard'."

"The game of my son's head offering, the point is that I offer your 'head', so that the scabbards may end up in civil war. If you don't believe me, then this game can't be discussed, because the head sacrificed People, must trust the head-devotees."

Nie Ruo was silent for a moment, and then commented: "It's a dark and bright conspiracy, you really can't figure it out."

"Because the young master's strategy of offering his head is exactly my housekeeping skill."

Le Yu hugged his hands and smiled: "Half a year ago, I sacrificed my brother-in-law Jing Zhengwu with this trick and won the trust of Jing Zhengwei; a month ago, I used the same trick to sacrifice Jing Zhengwei. , brought endless funds back to Yanjing."

"Interesting, will you be the material in your class?" Nie Ruo actually knew about the elective course of Le Yu: "The Eight Wonders of Silver Blood?"

"Although it seems strange to use myself as the subject, but... yes, in the next class, I will use myself as a blueprint to let the students realize how despicable I was in the past." Le Yu said: "If you are interested, you can come and listen to the legendary life of 'Silver Blood Sanqiqin Leyin'."

Nieruo: "If we don't have red eyes when we meet, then I will accompany Shuangli Palace to the lecture."

"That is to say," Le Yu raised his eyebrows: "Are you willing to believe me?"

"You have the value that I believe in you once." Nie Ruo said: "Even if I am deceived by you, then my biggest loss is only that Shuangli Gong failed in the Eye of Omniscience exam, and there is still a chance to recover it in the future; But if you don't lie to me, then I may remove the other scabbards, and then I just need to concentrate on fighting you."

"High-risk, high-reward, if Shuangli Palace knew that I didn't participate in this kind of gambling, she would definitely scold me afterwards." Nie Ruo smiled: "She is an adventurous person. You are right, on In the big picture, I'm not as good as Shuangli Palace... She will seize every opportunity to end the war early, and I only want to win a partial victory."

"If you lied to me, I will go to Shuangli Palace to receive the punishment, and I will be the enemy when we meet again, as always. Anyway, the world is hot and cold, and human feelings are warm and cold. I have seen too much, and I may not even be angry. "

Nie Ruo threw an object to Le Yu, and Le Yu saw that it was a signal flare.

"But if you didn't lie to me by acting," Nie Ruo said, "then I will look forward to how you can summarize your life into a drama in class."

"Then you can look forward to it, because my life is more exciting than acting."

Le Yu put away the signal flare, strode away, raised his hands to the sky, spread his fingers in a gesture of holding the cup, his eyes glowed with blood, and his whole body was radiant and restrained.

It is rare to have a target that can't move and is particularly resistant to beatings. Le Yu decided to use Nieruo to practice Qin Leyin's ultimate trump card, which is the blood-drinking eight rice flow...a taboo nirvana!




Following a clear explosion in the woods, everyone near the Nightmare Teaching Building saw a **** light burst out of the woods, followed by birds flying and leaves falling, as if there was a fierce battle between gods and demons!

Mie Tangya, who was waiting nearby, no longer hesitated, and immediately hurried over with Ling Xu's steps, only to see Qin Leyin, who was covered in blood, come out of the woods.

Before Mie Tang Ya could speak, Le Yu, whose half of his face was covered in blood, raised his head and said, "Nie Ruo has been severely injured by my backstab. The next person to leave is you Mie Tang Ya!"


Before Mie Tangya could say a word, Le Yu stepped on a dark and tricky path to kill him. His speed was faster than before, and his figure was more blurred than before!

Although I don't know what Qin Leyin's plans are, Mie Tang Ya directly protected his body with three layers of light armor, shouted and danced out the spear shadows that filled the sky and clashed head-to-head with Qin Leyin!

Liaoyuan Tactics: Falling Star Clash!

However, as soon as they fought, Mie Tang Ya felt a heavy pressure.


Qin Yue Yin has become very strong!

The speed, explosiveness, and reflexes have gone up a step higher than before. Just after a few rounds, Mie Tang Ya was beaten back and forth by Qin and was even beaten into the woods!

Mie Tangya doesn't know, the current music is the perfect fighting stance. After biting Nie Ruo's blood, the passive skill of Blood Drinking Badaoliu was fully activated, and all the attributes of Le Yu increased significantly, and his ice-blood physique helped him suppress the mental distortion and madness caused by "Blood Drinking", naturally it was comprehensive Suppressing the fangs!

You must know that even a cautious master like Le Yu thought that he was the first person under the condition of mastery. It can be seen that the blood drinking eight rice flow really brings great confidence to Le Yu!

Shocking Tactics: Sunflower Triple Combo!

Le Yu found the gap, directly knocked Mie Tang Ya to the ground three times in a row, and took advantage of the situation to press against him, and quickly said in a low voice: "Nie Ruo has been planned to leave the stage by me, and now the scabbard on the bright side is only You and I are left, and the other scabbards are almost lurking, and if we continue like this, we will definitely be attacked to death by them first!"

"The plan for now is to let you retire with serious injuries, and then I will provoke a scabbard infighting and wait for the opportunity. When the time comes, I will let you harvest the heads, and then we will have another showdown, that's it!"

"You don't have the IQ to provoke infighting. This important task can only be left to me. You are responsible for leaving the field with injuries... Hold on, I'm going to start!"

"Ah!? Hey!? Me!?"

The fifteen-year-old boy Mo Tangya was stunned, and before he could digest Le Yu's information, he saw Le Yu raise a fist the size of a casserole. He hides neither to block nor to block, so he can only cry and raise his hands with light armor in front of his chest, saying humbly and pitifully:

"You, take it easy..."