You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 390: ruthless

Ning Xinyuan took a deep breath to calm down and wanted to turn around and explain to Ming Shuangli, but Le Yu suddenly put her arms around her waist and gave her a hug, making her swallow all the explanations back into her stomach.

Well, it's useless to explain it now.

She looked at Le Yu with a puzzled face, her eyebrows were upright, and her dissatisfaction was visible to the naked eye, but Le Yu shook her head gently at her - the explanation is useful, but you have to see who the other party is.

Under normal circumstances, as long as Le Yu and Ning Xinyuan explained it well, they would definitely be able to persuade the students not to misunderstand and not to spread them, and not to spread rumors. After all, most students knew that the teacher's reputation was very important, and they didn't want to offend the teacher.

But Ming Shuangli happens to be that exception.

Huiyao Tiannv's information Le Yu has been recited for a long time, and she is just a new student like Ming Shuiyun, but Ming Shuangli is a third-year student and the president of the Shuangli Gunpowder Association. Even if she is not Ming, she is still considered A man of the school, Le Yu can ask any classmate at random, and he can know the glorious deeds and general character of Ming Shuangli.

To put it simply, Ming Shuangli is a **** stirrer.

She belongs to the kind of leader who likes to make a fuss during get out of class, and likes to make trouble after class. Being punished to write a self-criticism is commonplace, but there are many other leaders who support and help. She is the current 'four thorns' of the Imperial Academy. One seat.

But she is not considered a bad person, but is considered a 'partner of justice'. In her freshman year, she had a female classmate who was pursued by a senior student. Originally, her female classmate was reluctant, but the senior student has a deep family background and can help or suppress the female classmate's father, forcing the female classmate to give in.

After Ming Shuangli found out, he struggled with a group of classmates and several medical officers, and lived in senior students outside the school, tied his limbs, interrupted his fifth limb, and then let the medical officer treat, and then interrupted, and then treated, and interrupted, treat……

This incident caused a lot of trouble. The senior students almost directly stepped into the door of the new world and turned to like men. Naturally, the students’ family refused to give up. However, Ming Shuangli’s family background was even more prominent. Not only was she okay, but she also kept the female classmates. Father, he can be called the Demon King of Chaos.

The parents of the students approached Cha Huan and asked for justice, and Cha Huan directly replied, "Both sides are at fault in this matter. Since your son is trying to get his wife, it's fair to let Xia Shuangli promise each other."

Let this chaotic female devil marry into his own family to do evil and embezzle his own property by manipulating his broken son? You must know that when she was a freshman, Ming Shuangli's relatives were not dead yet. This cousin and the second uncle were all 'the future emperor's heirs'. She had the capital to do evil, who would dare to provoke her?

Ming Shuangli became a **** in the first battle, and the second year established the Shuangli Gunpowder Friendship Association. The goal was to 'blow up the Platinum Tower'. The reason was that 'the principal dared to marry me, and I would not be surnamed Xia if I didn't retaliate against it. understood.

She changed her last name to Ming.

All in all, Ming Shuangli is a person who is not afraid of power and fears that the world will not be in chaos. Even in the face of Cha Huan, he dares to make small moves. Explaining is useless to her, she will just do what she wants--what's more interesting than singing 'exotic red hair' Qin Leyin and 'local goddess' Ning Xinyuan?

This is Ming Shuangli - unable to lure, unable to threaten, unable to be emotional, unable to understand rationale, just think of a QQ news editor with a hot news headline!


Seeing Qin Leyin hugging the beautiful woman so boldly, Ming Shuangli covered his mouth and took a step back: "Did I come at the wrong time?"

Le Yu hugged Ning Xinyuan, pressed her head in her arms, and covered up the details of her clothes as much as possible, and said with a smile, "No, you're here just in time."


Ming Shuangli blinked his eyes, and he was not afraid but rejoiced when he heard the words, and said, "I didn't expect you to be such a person, Teacher Qin..."

"Young people dream less and read more." Le Yu said: "It's the second class time now. You are obviously not here for class. If I guess correctly, your purpose is the same as mine - that guy Nieruo is also I know that my diplomatic skills are poor, so I sent you to explore the wind, right?"

"This is called complementary advantages. What the ministers can't do, the monarch will take the lead." Ming Shuangli smiled, but his tone became serious: "You are also looking for... Teacher Yan?"


"Then do you know what?"

"I won't tell you."

"You have offended the future emperor. I tell you that you are dead. Even if you kneel down and wear a collar to be my male pet, I will not let you go."

Le Yu was shocked: "Is this the future of Nieruo?"

"Of course not!" Ming Shuangli retorted: "I'm not that casual, but I have to look at my face!"

Nie Ruo, sad.

Ning Xinyuan couldn't help laughing, her shoulders trembled slightly, and she drew Ming Shuangli's attention back: "Then this is..."

"Even if Nie Ruo wants to send you to get close to Teacher Yan, I have to find a way to get close to Teacher Yan." Le Yu patted Ning Xinyuan on the back and said, "This is my fiancee, I asked her to find Teacher Yan. Learn the tactics of war with a teacher, so as to bring the relationship closer.”

"Fiancée?" Ming Shuangli teased: "I thought that maid named Le Yu was your fiancée."

It's been so long, how can she still remember that I once played a woman... Le Yu said helplessly: "Sorry, Shuangli Palace, I did have a reason for that time."

"Okay, okay, I'm not a stingy person, not to mention that you were very beautiful that day, enough to erase my dissatisfaction." Ming Shuangli waved his hand and said: "But I always feel that you are lying to me—to Now your fiancée hasn't turned to look at me, does she look down on me?"

Le Yu smiled slightly: "Shuangli Palace, do you know that I have a fiancee?"

"I don't know, she didn't say anything about Shui Yun."

"No one knows she's my fiancée, so do you think I'll let you know what she looks like?"

Ming Shuangli just wanted to say something, and then nodded thoughtfully: "Also..."

"She is a powerless woman. The only way I can protect her is to let you all know her." Le Yu said calmly: "If it is possible, I would prefer her to stay in Xuanzhu County. I don't want her to come to Yanjing to be involved in this vortex."

Le Yu's remarks are not lies, but a revelation of the truth, all from the bottom of his heart. Ming Shuangli felt his sincerity, and after a moment of silence, he said, "I understand, and I won't tell this."


Le Yu and Ning Xinyuan were excited at the same time.

As Le Yu expected, Ming Shuangli belongs to someone with an excessive sense of justice. As long as he uses the reason of 'protecting others', he can easily gain her empathy, understanding, and even help!

" Ming Shuangli's words changed: "Nie Ruo told me that you Qin Leyin is a scheming bad guy, and he also told me how to judge you: don't listen to what you say, just watch You did it. "

"You said she was your fiancee...Prove it to me."

Nieruo, how can you teach a bad bear child casually?

However, before Le Yu could react, Ning Xinyuan raised her head and stood on tiptoe, brushed his lips lightly, and then lowered her head to hide in his arms.

Le Yu only felt that his lips were cold, and he lost his composure again.


I'm dirty again.

"Ah, I really want to see the front!" Mingshuangli stomped his feet, sighed and turned around: "Okay, I won't bother you, let's take a step first—"

"Wait." Le Yu stopped her: "I didn't mean to mock you when I said that you came just in time. Go down and find Nie Ruo and let him wait for me in the pavilion outside."

"What are you doing again?"

"Find Nie Ruo to do bad things together."

"Okay!" Ming Shuangli clasped his fists and said, "I wish you all a good relationship for a hundred years, have a precious son early, and grow old..."

"I also wish you every year to have today and every year to have today."

Ming Shuangli showed a bewildered expression, shook his head, took Ling Xu's pace, and rushed down the stairs like the wind.

As soon as Ming Shuangli's footsteps were far away, Ning Xinyuan immediately pushed Le Yu away, blushing like fire, and bowed her head slightly: "Goodbye, I'll leave first, and then you will leave, okay?"

"No problem, see you again." Le Yu smiled.

Ning Xinyuan nodded gratefully, turned around and walked down the steps. Le Yu looked at her back from above, took out an iron box from his trouser pocket, and took out a metal badge from the iron box.

The smile on his face turned into ruthlessness.

All crises are lifted.


It was the best time to test the most suspicious Ning Xinyuan, whether it was the "Yin" of the instant destroyer.