You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 404: The king wants money

"it has started."

On the roof of the Guards Department Building, Le Yu sat on the edge of the roof. With the bonus of Lingxu's tactics, his eyesight was enough to clearly see Ming Shuiyun in the classroom on the second floor walking onto the teaching altar, which was the first time in her life. speech.

He smashed his mouth, took out a bottle of red juice from his arms, took two sips to moisten his lips, and asked, "Is it arranged?"


Qin Yueyang, who had just walked behind her brother, said, "Now other classrooms in the Imperial Guard Department know that Shuiyun Palace is giving a speech, and they will gather there soon. Rumors have also started to spread in the pig canteen and dog food canteen. Before a class, the entire Imperial Court will know what the Shuiyun Palace said."

"What about the bulletin board?"

"Ten minutes later, there will be a post about the speech at Shuiyun Palace, and there will be 30 floors of replies. It is expected that it will become a hot post on the bulletin board today."

"Write it in advance?" Le Yu was a little surprised: "What if she has a problem?"

"It is to prevent problems, so it is necessary to prepare a lot of publicity work in advance."

Qin Yueyang said calmly: "When the statistics department is catching a bad light criminal, they will post a kill notice in advance, even if the criminal is not dead."

"What if you want to commit a crime and escape?"

"That's the same when he's dead."

"Then if he appears again..."

"Then say he is a fake, or try to kill him first, or say that what the Statistics Division caught was his stand-in... In any case, there must be no such thing as 'the Statistics Division failed to catch the crime in time'. problem."

"To prevent problems, in addition to directly solving the problem, you can also choose to delay the occurrence of the problem. The point is to get things done now, and there is no need to worry about the overall situation."

Le Yu nodded thoughtfully: "Your ability is getting stronger and stronger."

"All [ ] is the good leadership of the elder brother and Inspector Xianchan." Qin Yueyang handed over her hands and said.

Le Yu blushed slightly—he could have guessed everything about Xianchan Feifei, and he must have made things difficult for Qin Yueyang; and he was basically a hands-off shopkeeper, and this time he only gave an outline to let Qin Yueyang flower. Three days to complete the details of the plan.

With leaders like the two of them, it would be difficult for Qin Yueyang not to make progress.

"Brother, the sky is windy, why did you choose to meet here?" Qin Yueyang looked at the red hair blowing from the music and asked in confusion.

"The view here is good." Le Yu pointed to Shuiyun's classroom: "Like yesterday, as soon as I saw Shuiyun Palace running out, I rushed over from the rooftop and stopped her in the stairwell... She I must be thinking in my heart, did I happen to be waiting for her there, or did I expect her to run out at that time?"

"Hey, she definitely didn't expect that in order to create such an opportunity, I sat on the rooftop for two full days, just so that I could appear in front of her 'in time' when she needed me the most."

"In the future, whenever she wants to do anything behind my back, she will definitely think of that unpredictable red-haired figure standing in the stairwell."

Qin Yueyang said, "Brother has foresight."

"There is another reason, just like this, sitting at a high place and overlooking all beings, it is really..."

Le Yu suddenly remembered something, and took out the silk-wrapped mobile phone from his arms. He put his thumb on the power button, but hesitated, but didn't press it.

He estimated that the phone should still have some power, but it might just be 'some'. Compared to now, these electricity should be used in more meaningful places - for example, when Qing Lan arrives, take a wedding photo with her?

When he was in Xuanzhu County, he thought he had a future, so he didn't leave any moment.

Le Yu raised the phone to make a selfie gesture, looked at himself in the black mirror, made a V-shaped gesture foolishly, and put the phone back in satisfaction.

"...It makes me feel very handsome."



In the classroom, everyone was stunned.

Borrow money?

Ming Shuiyun borrowed money from us?

Emperor... No, the future emperor Ming Shuiyun, borrow money from us?

"Shuiyun Palace." Long Xiaoyuan said immediately: "I don't know how much you need, but the Long family has surplus food, which should be enough to meet your requirements..."

"Wait, Senior Sister Long." Ming Shuiyun interrupted her with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not short of money."

"Money is never lent to the poor. The richer you are, the easier it is to borrow money—because everyone thinks you can afford it." One of the classic quotes by Qin Yueyang, a moneylender.

"I've already said the simple things, and then I'm going to talk about complicated things, which is why I want to borrow money." Ming Shuiyun said with a hand spread, glanced at the speech, and said, "Perhaps many people know, although I I am a descendant of the royal family, but my ancestors have already left the imperial court. My family is an ordinary family in Yanjing. It can even be said that compared with many people here, I am an ordinary person. If it was not for the blessing of destiny, I would not have come here. this step."

"But since the destiny has returned, I have to try my best to seize the opportunity. But let alone compared with the prince of the royal family, even compared with other sisters, I have a lot of flaws - the most important thing is that I am not suitable. 's team."

"I don't have any servants."

"I am a lonely man."

"However, what kind of talent is comparable to the Imperial Court?" Ming Shuiyun looked at Long Xiaoyuan and others: "Therefore, I hope to find suitable talents in the Imperial Court, who can take charge of the imperial court after I ascend the throne."

"One emperor and one courtier, the future belongs to us young people, it belongs to me and it also belongs to you."

The students were agitated when they were told, not because of how good the speech was and how passionate Ming Shuiyun's tone was, but because of Ming Shuiyun's identity - the future emperor with the most hope of ascending the throne!

What are potential stocks? This is called potential stock!

In fact, there are many people who want to take refuge in Mingshuiyun, but Mingshuiyun was protected by Qian Yuya and others before, and then was contracted by An Guo Tea Party. They didn't have any chance to get close to Mingshuiyun, not even a chance to lick.

If you can lick Mingshuiyun by borrowing money, then they will definitely be willing!

"However, how do I identify talents? And what I care more about than ability is loyalty." Ming Shuiyun said: "I am still young, and I still have many shortcomings. Although I am eager for talented officials to take refuge in , but I also hope that there are many ordinary young people who are similar to me, willing to grow up with me and witness the glory."

Ordinary young people!

The students were agitated—Shuiyun Palace must be talking about me, right? Must be me, right? I'm just an ordinary young man!

"Loyalty is much simpler than the ability to be judged." Ming Shui Yun said loudly: "I read a sentence in the Youth Daily and I really agree with it - to love a person, you can't listen to what he says, but want to Look what he did."

"So is loyalty."

"The more you pay and invest in me, the more I can believe that you will not betray me at will. When you pay more and invest more in me, you will be more loyal to me and take the initiative to solve difficulties for me. ."

"Because you don't want your investment to go to waste, but to get more returns."

"Loyalty is not only a passion, but also requires 'price' as a warning, and 'interest' as a driving force!"

"Therefore, I, Ming Shuiyun, borrow money from everyone!"

"Everyone who lends me money, I will write down the name. You can not only get a certain share of the income from my future business, but also participate in the business I will create next, so that I can see your loyalty and ability!"

And such a good thing! ?

At this time, the classroom was crowded with students, and someone immediately asked, "How much do you want for Shuiyun Palace?"

"Minimum loan amount: 10 gold yuan!" Ming Shuiyun said an amount that made everyone gasp, but she couldn't stop talking, and continued: "But as I said earlier, I What I hope more is that can find loyal ministers in the Imperial Court who are willing to grow up with me!"

"I also have my political ambitions. After pacifying Huiyao, I hope to develop a group of fleets, open up sea frontiers, and expand territory! The chaos of Huiyao lies in the depletion of resources and land mergers. It is meaningless for us to fight in Huiyao. "Going out is the best way out!"

Hearing these words, everyone nodded. Ming Shuiyun's statement was also a mainstream view in the imperial court: after the emergence of Yaoshi-powered ships and trains, the sea and land transportation capacity increased greatly, and Huiyao must go to sea in the future to open up trade, and This is also the best way to resolve domestic conflicts.

"In order to realize my political ambitions, and to see the glorious age of voyages come in my lifetime, I need loyal ministers to guide me, accompany me, and assist me!"

"And the criteria for identifying loyal ministers are the same!"

Ming Shuiyun wrote two big characters on the blackboard, and it was 'Captain'!

"A person who is willing to lend me 198 gold dollars, I think he has what it takes to become a captain, and he also recognizes my great nautical ambitions! When listening to opinions, I will be more respectful or inclined to the captain's suggestion, because they express it with money. Loyalty to me!"

198 gold circles!

When everyone was stunned by this number, they suddenly heard a voice:

"Qin Yueshi is willing to become the first captain of Shuiyun Palace!"

Qin Yueshi stood up with her head held high, looked around, and said proudly:

"If you don't even want to borrow this amount of money, do you still have the qualifications to say that you are loyal to Shuiyun Palace?"