You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 427: you're just too full

The sixth floor of the Platinum Tower suddenly became quiet, Le Yu stood beside the desk, did not speak, and quietly looked at Ming Shuiyun. After Ming Shuiyun calmed down, he realized that what he said just now contained too much meaning, and immediately blushed to the base of his ears, and stammered and explained: "I mean, that's it, we are the sword master and the scabbard, if you If I die, I definitely won't have a chance to win..."

Le Yu smiled kindly, making Ming Shuiyun even more embarrassed. However, he turned and walked to the front of the wall, looking at a decorative painting hanging on the wall, the painting was a beautiful back view of a lady watching the sunset.

"Supernatural reaction." Le Yu suddenly spit out a noun.

"Ah?" Ming Shuiyun was stunned for a moment.

"Within one day after death, the organs and tissues of the human body can still maintain certain activities and functions for a short period of time, and will respond to external stimuli to a certain extent. The rumored 'resurrection of the corpse' and 'corpse sit-ups' are supernatural The manifestation of the reaction.”

"Muscle relaxation."

"After death, the muscles and skin will lose their elasticity, so the corpse will feel soft to the touch. At this time, the corpse's pupils will be enlarged, the eyes will be slightly opened, the mouth will be open, and the face will have no expression. If there is no excretion before, it will even appear. Incontinence."

Originally, when she heard the front, Shi Ming Shuiyun couldn't help being a little scared. She felt that the sixth floor was suddenly cold, but after hearing the last sentence, she suddenly wanted to go to the toilet.


"Within three hours, the muscles of the corpse will gradually stiffen until the joints are immobilized. After half a day, the joints of the corpse are basically stiff."


"After a person dies, the body temperature will drop to close to the ambient temperature, or even lower than the ambient temperature."

"Corpse spots."

"After a person dies, the blood stops flowing, and naturally accumulates in the compressed blood vessels in the lower part, resulting in colored scars on the skin, one side of which is purple-red."


"A dead person's eyeballs are like lime in water, not as transparent and beautiful as a living person's."


"When you die for a long time, the internal organs of the human body will melt, just like wax melts under high temperature, and the internal organs will also melt into a puddle of mud, which is sticky and extremely disgusting."

"That's why dead people wear shrouds and burials. Because dead people are ugly, disgusting, and frightening. Unless special treatment is done, human corpses are not much different from smelly pork."

Le Yu turned to look at Ming Shuiyun: "So, do you understand?"

"I, I don't care what will happen to me after I die!" Ming Shuiyun shook his head repeatedly and said seriously, "If you can't handle things that are alive, what's the point of caring about things after you die?"

"What about your wish?" Le Yu said, "What about your wish that made you willing to participate in the search for the sword, even if you die under the sword of Nieruo, what about your wish hidden deep in your heart?"

"If your ambition is too far away, you are now number one in the search for swordsmanship, and the glory and wealth of becoming an emperor are within your reach. Don't you want to be drunk on the knees of a beauty and get drunk on the power of the world?"

"If you don't care about prosperity, wealth, and honor, then the "Unparalleled Killing" that you managed with your own hands has already begun to shine, you have met many good friends, and you have lived a fulfilling and happy campus life in the Imperial Court... Don't you want to watch "Unparalleled Killing" is all the rage, don't you want to be able to chat with your good friends for one night after five years, ten years and twenty years, don't you want to continue to live a satisfying and happy life in the future?"

Le Yu took out a hand gun and pointed at Ming Shuiyun's brow.

"If you die like this, will you be willing?"

Ming Shuiyun looked at the pitch-black mouth of the gun, unable to utter a sound in his throat, and his legs were even a little soft. However, Le Yu quickly reversed the gun and retracted it, and said softly, "So, do you understand?"

"I, I just..."

"You just think it's cool to say 'die together'."

Le Yu stretched out her hand and seemed to want to touch Shuiyun's head, but in the end she patted her on the shoulder: "You're just too full."

Almost there, no need to say more, Le Yu thought.

From the beginning, Le Yu did not want to have a good relationship with the sword master, as long as the sword master has the will to seize the holy sword, it is enough, and Ming Shuiyun is stubborn and will never give up because he is chased by Nieruo in the dark night. just got his offer.

On the other hand, Le Yu didn't want a too sentimental Sword Master.

For example, what Rakuyu wanted was Emiya Kiritsugu, not Emiya Shirou.

At first, Le Yu thought he had found the card he wanted, but he didn't expect Ming Shuiyun to sell dog meat with a sheep's head. . But there are only seven cards in this card pool, and each person can only draw once, Leyu has no choice, and can only be cultivated slowly.

Alas, the card pools vary greatly from place to place. Like the 'Silver Blood Club' card pool, Le Yu randomly draws ten consecutive draws, at least nine of them are ruthless and selfish, and the remaining one is White Night Walker; In the card pool, Le Yu has yet to find a high-level card that comes with a 'heroic posture'. Ming Shuangli was quite domineering at first, but now it seems that he is also an inferior scabbard trainer who cares about Nie Ruo's life and death.

Hearing the faint sobbing behind him, Le Yu knew that he had killed Ming Shuiyun this time without leaving behind. Next, she should be angry, and then remembering that she is the sword master, she will slap the table hard and scold Le Yu, then turn around and leave...

If there is a narration in this world, it will sound at this time: "Qin Leyin would not know, when he rejected Ming Shuiyun's kindness, he also completely wiped out all Ming Shuiyun's kindness. When that strong girl walked out of the White Gold Tower, there will be no clear water clouds in this world, only the future Jagged Queen, Water Cloud Palace!"

A very perfect script. Le Yu praised his screenwriting ability. It seems that writing more novels (carrying more) is still beneficial.


Suddenly, a table slap sounded from behind!

Okay, let's begin!

"Qin Leyin!"

Le Yu turned around and saluted, and said politely, "Yes, dear owner, do you have any orders?"

"You said I was too full..."

"Perhaps my wording is a bit inappropriate. After all, owner, your body is still quite well-proportioned, and it has not changed because of a regular and good diet. Too full just means that you are full and have nothing to do, too idle..."

"That's right, I'm just too full!" Ming Shuiyun said through gritted teeth.

That's why you're blind and take care of your life!

Le Yu helped her think about the second half of the sentence!

He stood up straight, because Ming Shuiyun was very likely to slap him when she said this, to express her thoughts, feelings and emotional catharsis. Le Yu thought quickly, which would be better to grab her wrist or let her fan? Grabbing her wrist will cause huge mental damage to her; letting her fan it will make her accumulated emotions plummet...

Before Le Yu could think about it, he saw Ming Shuiyun punch him!

How could it be a fist!

Young man, you don't talk about martial arts!

Le Yu subconsciously stretched out her hand to block Ming Shuiyun's fist, but found that her fist was soft and lacking any strength. It didn't look like she was angry at all, but rather...

"But I'm so full because I was fed by you."

Ming Shuiyun's eyes were flushed with tears, and he weakly smashed his fist into Le Yu's palm.

"I know it will be ugly after I know I can't do anything after death."

"I know that no one will remember me after I die."

"I know that I will not be reconciled when I die!"

Every time she said a word, she smashed Le Yu's palm with her fist, and tears spilled out.

"But so what, those things didn't belong to me in the first place!" Ming Shuiyun snorted, with a cry in his voice: "You helped me win the first points, and you helped me find my friends, Wushuang. It was you who gave me the idea to kill, and you even wrote the speech for me when I borrowed money!"

"Everything I have now is given to me by you."

"Yes, I also know that my plan is very naive, and it is very childish to say that we die together. But I also came to you with the courage, and I was very shy when I said this! Qin Leyin, you It's just scum who doesn't know what to do, can you think about what this means, can you..."

"...Let me do something for you too..."

Ming Shuiyun slumped on the ground, stubbornly pulling Le Yu's wrist with her right hand, looking down at the ground with her head lowered, her shoulders shrugged silently, and big tears fell on her dress. Le Yu looked at her calmly, looked at the upper right corner, looked at the upper left corner, looked at the lower left corner, looked at the lower right corner, and finally his eyes returned to her.

He slowly raised his palm, stagnated in the air for a moment, and gently landed on Ming Shuiyun's head.

"But after all, you can only live once, and you can't waste like me."