You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 433: love mind battle

"What! Teacher Yan likes Teacher Qin!?"

"Shh! Shh!"

Outside the Imperial Guard Teaching Building, Ming Shuiyun, who was walking on the afterglow of the sunset, quickly looked around for a week, and raised his finger to signal for silence: "Don't be so loud!"

Li Ying immediately covered her mouth, and Kui Nianqiang, who hesitated for a second or two, asked weakly, "Which Teacher Yan? Is that Teacher Yan Yi?

Ming Shuiyun nodded, pulled them to the side avenue, told them what he saw on the sixth floor at noon, and instructed them, "Don't spread the word! Don't!"

It doesn't mean that Shuiyun pays more attention to privacy. If she really pays attention to privacy, she will not tell the little sisters about it. Only after experiencing the power of the reversal of public opinion, Ming Shuiyun has initially understood the power of copying others' opinions - she is sure that if other students know about this, it will inevitably lead to two results:

First of all, he was booing, and he was happy to see it happen, and even took the initiative to match Qin Yueyin and Yan Yi;

Second, Yan Yi's admirers will challenge Qin Yueyin, but this is only a chance for Qin Yueyin to show Yan Yi's strength!

That is to say, the positive and negative effects caused by the leak of this incident will almost make the relationship between the two people in public opinion even closer!

Therefore, Ming Shuiyun kept this matter until the evening after class and left the teaching building before telling them to them, in order to prevent people from talking too much in the classroom.

"Mr. Yan..." Lin Xue thought for a while, then said, "She is indeed a good match for Teacher Qin. They are the same in appearance and have their own advantages in career."

"Indeed." Qian Yuya nodded: "She is worthy of Brother Hong Le. The children they give birth may have the same aptitude and the same fate as Brother Hong Le."

"Ah, are you already thinking about having a baby?" Kui Nian was startled.

"Big brother and Teacher Yan are not too young, aren't they?" Qin Yueshi also said seriously: "They are all powerful warriors, and the age at which warriors can have children is only a few years old. It's not too early or too late. If they really They are in love, maybe they will get married this year, and have a baby next year... Even if the eldest brother doesn't want to, the second brother and I will definitely urge him, the Qin family really needs an heir."

"Especially, Teacher Yan's strength is not bad, and their suitable age range for childbearing is even narrower. This matter cannot be delayed at all."

Kui Nianruo said in surprise, "Sister Shi, you understand so well!"

"I have learned about pregnancy preparation in detail before." Qin Yueshi's expression was a little sad: "The youth of a warrior is actually very short."

Although Yaoshi activated the mental power of Huiyao people, making them almost invulnerable to all diseases, strong in body, and too fast in metabolism, but the price it brought was a significant reduction in reproductive ability. Ordinary people are at least twenty years old before they can give birth, and after forty years old, there is no possibility of giving birth, and warriors are reduced to twenty-five to thirty-five years old - the more blazing mental power, The deeper the imprint on the germ cells, only the martial artist whose physical fitness is at the peak can weaken the negative impact of mental power.

This is the reason why Huiyao has few aristocratic families and few family heirs: the probability of extinction is too high. Even the direct line of the royal family has been changed eight times, and the blood connection between the Hui Yaotian girls and the ancestors is a little stronger than that of ordinary people.

Especially martial artists, most of the ancient martial artists who were successful in their cultivation base basically felt that 'love is a hindrance' when they were young. When they turned around, almost all of them were over the age suitable for childbearing, and they were unwilling to lose their martial arts skills. , Naturally, they have established schools to pass on.

There have been many such people in all dynasties and dynasties. When everyone warms up to each other, they don’t mind exchanging knowledge of tactics—in any case, they don’t need to be passed on to their children. This kind of tactics is passed on to apprentices, and it’s also passed on to good friends. If there is no blood relationship, is the apprentice closer than a good friend?

This is the realistic basis for the open communication of tactics: there are too many single dogs in the future.

When the warriors know that they are invincible, they naturally fall in love with tactics more. The more they practice, the better they become.

Do you really think that a tactic that can be practiced to the 'extreme state' is a street stall? More than a thousand years ago, each of the eighteen methods of warfare was regarded as a 'celestial martial arts', a 'sacred secret book', and a 'Xianjia catalogue'. !

"Wait!" Ming Shuiyun hurriedly stopped them: "I told you about this, not to get your approval!"

"So what do you mean, you want us to object?" Lin Xue raised his eyebrows: "But—why should we object? They are unmarried and unmarried, and the conditions are suitable. Do we have any reason to object?"

Ming Shuiyun was at a loss for words, but he quickly thought of an excuse: "Teacher Qin is now my scabbard! How do we know if Yan Yi is a beautician sent by someone else to seduce Teacher Qin and steal information? Even instigating Teacher Qin and making us lose the battle for the throne?"

Ming Shuiyun's reason is simply impeccable. It is about finding a sword and competing for the throne. No matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful. It's impossible to falsify whether it's a spy, even if you say you're not, but as long as I doubt it, then you can't be trusted.

"What if brother Hongle likes her very much?" Qian Yuya asked.

"No!" Ming Shuiyun immediately retorted: "He won't like that show... Teacher Yan!"

"What if?" Li Ying also asked maliciously, "If he likes Teacher Yan's type and insists on being with her, what are you going to do with Shuiyun?"

"Even if this is the case, we will talk about it after half a year!" Ming Shuiyun said righteously: "After half a year, the dust will settle and the battle for the throne will be over. Wouldn't it be better to discuss life-long affairs at that time? Don't they even have this point? Can't wait for time?"

Li Ying, Qian Yuya, Qin Yueshi, Lin Xue and the others looked at each other and saw a hint of surprise in the eyes of the others.

Mingshuiyun, has grown.

She was different from the submissive girl who was strong on the outside and inferior on the inside when she first met. Now Ming Shuiyun has become confident, proud, full of ambition, and she has also learned some tricks.

Except for Kui Nianwei, they are not blind, how can they not see Ming Shuiyun's attachment to Qin Yueyin? But Ming Shuiyun's remarks are not leaking. She wraps her selfishness with a public heart, and hides her own desires with great desires. More importantly, she shows her own attitude——

She only needs half a year!

Half a year later, even Yan Yi, the dream lover of the popular goddess of the Imperial Academy, the tutor of the Tianhui Department, and the youngest resident teacher of the Imperial Academy, she is not afraid at all!

Because by then, she will be a glorious emperor!

This was what surprised Lin Xue and the others the most—no longer a mere emperor candidate, Ming Shuiyun had already regarded himself as an emperor. She no longer has any fear and anxiety about that position, only can't wait and long for it!

Even if it is just out of the simple desire of greedy men, it is a great improvement for Ming Shuiyun.

Lin Xue and Li Ying even thought badly—could it be that Qin Leyin did it on purpose? He used himself as bait just to catch such a queen?

"If you really think so, then the matter is easy to solve." Qian Yuya said: "You can just tell Brother Hongle directly. You are his master, if you ask him with reason, he will definitely agree. ."

"This..." Ming Shuiyun instantly lost his arrogance, and said awkwardly, "I think it's better for you to talk..."

"Why?" Li Ying asked, "Is it inconvenient for you?"

As Qin Yueshi, who has the highest love rank here, she instantly understood Ming Shuiyun's entanglement: she didn't want to make such excessive demands on her own initiative.

How much has Qin Leyin helped her along the way? But why did Qin Leyin ask for anything from her? It even gave her the greatest freedom. Even when Ming Shuiyun and Long Xiaoyuan were in contact, Qin Leyin didn't say a word, and only gave help when Ming Shuiyun needed it.

It doesn't matter if it means that Shuiyun is an ungrateful little person, or that she is a dog to be at the mercy of Qin Leyin. But the problem is, she knows how to be grateful, and she has a bad idea about Qin Yueyin.

Just like women pay attention to appearance when they meet important people, Ming Shuiyun now knows to maintain her image in Qin Leyin's heart, so she is not willing to take any risk and tell her friends about it.

Ming Shuiyun's plan is that Qian Yuya's group of friends will be villains and give advice to Qin Leyin; on the surface, she herself wants to show a 'generous self-confidence', 'I believe in you', 'I don't care' The attitude of the palace is to improve Qin Yueyin's favorability to him.

The reason why Qin Yueshi is so clear is that she has done similar things - there were quite a few mad bees and butterflies that stalked Jing Zhengwu in the past, but if she took the initiative to send them away, it would be too expensive, but to send other sisters to solve the problem. , She usually doesn't say a word when she gets along with Jing Zhengwu, and she always maintains Jing Zhengwu's face, which makes her fiance more fascinated by her.

This method is not particularly delicate, but Qin Yueshi also learned it from her circle of friends. Ming Shuiyun has been in the imperial court these days, and no one has taught her this kind of work skills, which means that she realized it by herself?

"No problem." Qin Yueshi took the job on her own initiative: "We'll go talk to him tomorrow."

Ming Shuiyun breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I'll leave it to you then, thank you. Ah, I made an appointment with Teacher Qin for dinner. I'll go to him now, see you tomorrow!"

Looking at Ming Shuiyun's brisk back, Qin Yueshi suddenly felt a little regret-compared to an empress who knew how to play tricks, it seemed that the female teacher of the Imperial Academy would be more comfortable as a sister-in-law...

Suddenly there was a tap on the shoulder, Qin Yueshi turned around and saw that it was Li Ying.

"No matter what you say, Shui Yun is our friend." Li Ying blinked: "It's not wrong to help her."


Pessimist, Qin Yueshi.

Optimist, Li Ying.

"Huh?" Kui Nian weakly scratched his head: "What happened?"

"It's time to go home for dinner!" Li Ying tapped on Kui Nian's weak head, and the group walked towards the school gate.

When they walked to the school gate, they happened to see a bus stop at the gate, which immediately attracted the attention of the students nearby - the bus stop was at the next intersection, not the main entrance.

"I said no need to send it, as if I couldn't walk."

"This is what juniors should do."

I saw Cha Huan dressed in red getting off the bus. He turned to the long-haired man in purple and green uniform and said, "Want to come to my place for a cup of tea?"

He lifted the tea bag in his hand: "Heijiaoqing from Canglan tastes pretty good, try it?"

"I'm busy with official business. Next time, I'll give you an invitation, and I'll come to you again." The long-haired man laughed, the automatic door closed quickly, and the bus immediately drove along the avenue, without stopping at the bulletin booth at all - the whole bus , there are only two passengers, he and Cha Huan!

"Hello, Principal!" The nearby students greeted immediately, Cha Huan hummed twice, and let out a thunderous roar: "Hello, classmates!"

It was so shocking that within three seconds there were all his reverberations, and Cha Huan looked around for a week: "No one said hello, right? Then I'm leaving."

I saw him take a few steps into the air, and each step was like the end of the world, and soon disappeared in the eyes of everyone, returning directly to the Platinum Tower.

"The principal is so ugly today." Li Ying couldn't help but say, "It's as red as a roast chicken."

Kui Nianruo found that Lin Xue and Qian Yuya were both staring at the direction the bus was leaving, and asked strangely, "What are you looking at?"

"is it him?"

"It's him."

When Lin Xue and Qian Yuya asked and answered, the others were puzzled. Qin Yueshi asked, "Do you know the person who came back with the principal?"

"Don't you know him?" Lin Xue asked rhetorically, "The Qin family cooperates with the Statistics Department. I thought you would meet him."

Qin Yueshi was startled: "Did you mean..."

"Director of the Statistics Department of Yanjing, Xie Chenyuan."