You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 518: great script

The dirty earth has heard more unyielding cries than the clear sky.

He smiled and grinned at the dirt in front of him, his breath exhaled golden blood into the ground, his mouth was covered with ash, and his face was full of unwilling hatred.

He was cast into the mortal world.

"Theory of War", he also studied. Like the Eighteen Ways of War, there is no threshold for the Bright Art of War, and everyone can learn it. He used to learn the entire book in a second-rate military academy in Xiamu District.

The thirty-six chapters of the Art of War Theory mainly write about the use of various terrains, various arms, and various weathers. It is known as the world's first military book, "The battles that have happened under the sun are not new in this book." But the art of war is a game between people, so no matter how good a student's grades are on paper, they may not be as good as a soldier who has been on the battlefield for ten years.

But no matter how you say it, the art of war is used to command large corps to fight, and the combined attack tactics such as Cha Huan, Yu Ke, and Xie Chenyuan are simply unheard of! What kind of art of war are you guys, what exactly are you teaching Cha Huan, and the adaptation is not random, is it really okay for you to teach like this! ?

Smile's guess is correct, this is really the educational achievement of Cha Huan after revising the Art of War.

In fact, there is no so-called 'joint attack tactics' in Huiyao. Before the appearance of gun weapons, the ultimate realm was a land fairy. No matter how many people you surrounded and attacked, they were just ants in the eyes of the fairy; after the appearance of gun weapons, as long as Surrounding the peak and building the peak, and firing dozens of rounds of bullets in a row, the peak can be broken into a hole, and there is no need for joint strikes.

In cross-border battles, combined attacks are useless, but in same-level battles, combined attacks are even more useless - warriors are all mortals, as long as there is a warrior of the same realm to deal with in front, the other stabs a knife in the back, the enemy faces front and rear attacks, not Handing over the **** is handing over the front. What other combined attack tactics are needed?

And if many people cooperate, it must be run in for a long time. Wouldn't it be better to have this break-in time to practice, call people, and set traps? Moreover, once the run-in players suffer casualties, the newcomers must re-run again. The training cost of this combined attack tactic is too high. The sword-wielding warriors uniformly slashed forward with a sword light, and used a single martial art to produce a large-scale AOE effect.

There is a combination of multiple people against multiple people; there is absolutely no combination of multiple people to beat one person.

Studying combined attack tactics is undoubtedly a very low cost-effective business that non-geniuses cannot get involved in, but it is a pity that there are geniuses and leisure people like Cha Huan in this world.

As a lecturer of "Theory of Warfare" in those years, he was bored with the teaching of moving Xuanke, and secondly, he wanted to play the students' muscles and bones, so he came up with the idea of ​​"single-man army, combining the art of war", really He has developed a combined attack strategy that can be used in actual combat.

Cha Huan even thought about whether to include the art of war in the Imperial Academy curriculum package, which would increase the student’s academic burden, but after reviewing the idea, he gave up the idea: Although it has been simplified a lot, the art of war still requires a long period of running-in. With the cooperation of teammates who are proficient in this technique, the joint attack of the art of warfare is directly invalidated, and ordinary people learn more than the gain.

However, as the DLC of "Theory of War", the combined attack of the art of war can review the old and learn new things, and it can add a lot of fun between classes. Therefore, Cha Huan taught students to practice the combined attack of the art of war in those years.

The advanced point of the art of war combined attack is that as long as you know "The Art of War Theory", as long as you know which position of the army you represent, then you only need to substitute "The Art of War Theory" to know what to do. Even if the teammates are wild, they can perform exquisitely coordinated operations.

However, when Cha Huan retired from the teaching front line, the DLC of Combining the Art of War was abolished. It's not that the art of war is not good, but besides Cha Huan, it is good that other teachers can teach "Theory of War" well, and there is no room to add DLC.

Combining the art of warfare has become the unique skill of the students who graduated from the Imperial Academy in those years. Having said that, those students didn't think the skill would be useful one day - would they encounter an enemy that they had to fight together to defeat? When encountering such an enemy, will there be classmates who are proficient in the art of warfare?

So the only reason Smile failed was because of his bad luck.

Yu Ke, the commander of the Twelve Guards, an outstanding graduate of the class of 2068 and the chief of the Tianhui Department, ranked first in the school in "Theory of War".

Xie Chenyuan, director of the Statistics Department, outstanding graduate of the class of 2071 and chief of the Department of Natural Disasters, ranked first in the school in "Theory of War".

President Cha Huan, professor of "Theory of Warfare", inventor of "The Art of War".

In the whole of Huiyao, no one is qualified to let the three of them shoot at the same time. Tonight is a miracle that can never be repeated.

When Smile was beaten to the ground, Yu Ke and Xie Chenyuan also realized that if the three of them didn't happen to be here tonight, if they were replaced by any other Wuzhu, they would definitely be annihilated by the Beamon Demon Emperor. .

"Destiny is mine!" Yu Ke let out a long roar, the flames at the tip of the spear turned into a glow, and the two spears stabbed, and the cold glow came first, shining ten paces!

"Blessed by radiance." Xie Chenyuan flicked his fingers, and his fingertips shot out the blue sword silk, but unlike just now, the sword silk did not leave his fingertips, but stretched like his fingernails, wrapping around the smile like a spider's prey, Spooky!

Cha Huan looked at the smiling back, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, but he still clenched his sword fingers and slashed towards the smiling neck.

"Be a human in your next life."

Just before the three lore is about to be imposed on the body, the smiling one-eyed blood is covered with blood, and the lips are bitten by the fangs. He suddenly looks up at the night sky, and makes a scream!

At the same time, the blood essence stone not far away burst into the sky with **** light, like a smashed lake surface, with blood-colored ripples spreading out!

Cha Huan, Yu Ke, and Xie Chenyuan were instantly repelled by this scream. This is the ultimate Aiki warfare cultivation base. Coupled with the stirring of the smile with his vast spiritual power, the shock wave caused by it is no less than The train hits.

But that's all, with the prepared three people, if the next smile is repeated, they will naturally use Aiki tactics to offset Aiki tactics. They held the three directions of the smile respectively, Yu Ke was in the east, Xie Chenyuan was in the west, and Cha Huan was in the top.

Smile realized something, stood up and laughed angrily: "You guys, you actually think I want to run away? You think I, the emperor of the demon clan, and finally Beamon, will run away!? Hahahaha!"

"You mean, you want to lose again?" Yu Ke smiled with two spears.

"Losing?" The smile revealed a hideous smile: "Do you think the casino will lose to the gamblers? Do you think that the loan shark will lose to the old Lai? Hugh said you can't kill me, even if you can kill me, but I Victory won't change in the slightest."

"Do you think my howl just now was the horn of the demon clan's charge? Wrong, it was the cheers of our victory. My victory was doomed from the From the moment I can live to today It's already doomed!"

"Why is a great script so great?" Smile roared arrogantly: "Because it is an irreversible destiny that cannot be changed!"

Smile obviously couldn't resist the combined attack of the three of them, but for some reason, Cha Huan, Yu Ke, and Xie Chenyuan all had a faint fear in their hearts. They are not afraid to smile, they are afraid of something...the key they ignore.


At this moment, a wolf howl suddenly sounded not far away, Cha Huan took a moment to glance, and his expression changed drastically!

I saw a human wolf with snow-white fur on the opposite side of the dark Nagash Sis in the distance. It screamed at the night moon, its eyes were irrational blood pupils, and suddenly rushed to the street below, waving its minions at the twelve imperial guards who were chasing after!

These are not problems, the problem is... The man wolf is wearing the clothes of the director of the patrol and punishment department, and the clothes of Mo Yu!

In an instant, Cha Huan thought a lot. He realized even more that he couldn't stop anything.

Because Yanjing is only a small part of this chessboard.