You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 532: Demon King

The three top Martial Pillars joined forces to kill the Demon Emperor, but they couldn't kill him even when they were tired. It was the most shameful in the world.

But in fact, it is also a matter of course: the smiling Myriad Hua Divine Abilities will be born and annihilated. If he tries to attack, there may be a flaw. When he does not have to be distracted to attack and concentrate on defense, who can easily break his defense?

The smiling ninth-layer bodyguard is not a temporary combat skill, but the result of his decades of practice. It was not ninth-layer at the beginning, but one-layer, two-layer, three-layer... layer by layer. Superimposed, until the smile can now generate nine layers of protective qi almost subconsciously.

If Smile were given a few more decades to upgrade the nine layers of body protection to eighteen layers of hell, then Cha Huan and the others might not even be able to break the defense.

The so-called body protection is actually a smile that turns the air into a 'fine steel wall'. The superposition of nine layers is the nine-layer stainless steel wall, which can be worn away by either barrage storm or concentrated light cannon. It is extremely difficult to penetrate by normal physical means. The only solution is to crack the mental light explosion and disrupt it with mental power. The magical power that smiles add to the air.

Therefore, Cha Huan and the others can only use the light blast to penetrate the protective qi, as if the light burst is not strong enough, they cannot break the defense at all; even if they can pierce the qi, they can only damage the smile for a very short time, because the smile will return after a short time. Nine layers of body protection will be generated.

Obviously they attacked with all their strength, but they could only cause short-term injuries... So although Cha Huan and the others were tired, Smile was not seriously injured at all. At most, the outer skin was peeled off. It just looks scary.

When Cha Huan and the others stopped to chat, he smiled softly with a silent and defensive smile: "Want to rest? I can wait."

Xie Chenyuan and Yu Ke glanced at Cha Huan, the corner of Cha Huan's mouth twitched, and his old face showed a hint of shame.

Xie Chenyuan and Yu Ke still have spare energy, but Cha Huan is really tired - whether it is spiritual explosion or combat skills, it is a deep combination of spirit and energy, which consumes a lot of energy.

It is natural for people to get old and weak. Even if Cha Huan tries his best to maintain it, his physical condition is naturally not as good as when he was young. But he can make up for the growth of time with more efficient tactics and skills, and fight more fiercely, faster and more fiercely. As long as he knocks down the enemy before he gets tired, naturally no one will know that you are tired.

Cha Huan never thought that he would become a shortcoming in the battle. But even if it's embarrassing, Cha Huan must stop and rest - if he can't keep up with the rhythm of the battle due to physical exhaustion, and can't form a perfect combination of tactics, smiling counterattacks will definitely make the three of them die very artistically.

As for giving up smiling and running to support other places, that is even more impossible.

Not to mention that Smile might run away, but once the three of them are separated, Smile will definitely stare at one until it bites to death. Whether it was Smile or Cha Huan, they all knew a fact in their hearts: Nuo Da was a big one in Yanjing, and apart from the three of them, no one could stop this Demon Emperor.

As Xie Chenyuan said, if they can't kill the demon emperor tonight, then the surviving demon emperor will become more cunning, stronger, and more cautious, and Quan Huiyao will become his hunting ground. Will become a real living immortal, his command is the fate of the earth.

At that time, the only thing humans can do is to pray for the radiance of the holy sword.

Therefore, no matter what, they must make this place the coffin of the demon emperor tonight, finally Beamon's tomb, and the eternal resting place of the demons' ambitions!

"However, you'd better not rest for too long." The smiling one-eyed is full of jokes: "In terms of resilience, you are not even comparable to ordinary monsters, and you are even more arrogant about me as Beamon."

After just ten seconds to stop fighting, the wounds on Smile's body stopped bleeding, and some old wounds even started to scab. As the smile says, even though he is a small Beamon with a natural disability, his resilience is far beyond that of a human.

Cha Huan regained a little mana, not only did he regain full mana, but even his health was full! If the three of Cha Huan are all full-level Six Gods costumes, then Smile is to add a big item and one more skill to this foundation, and Smile is still a meat shield hero in the late stage!

Ordinary people have long been desperate in the face of this kind of enemy, but Cha Huan and the others just frowned slightly, never showing the slightest fear on their faces. Xie Chenyuan suddenly said: "You don't think this is our full strength, do you? You won't be able to last even a minute when it is dawn."

"Wait until dawn, you humans will be exhausted." He smiled and said: "Maybe you don't need to wait until dawn, someone may come to help after a while. As long as someone disturbs your mind, I will completely eliminate your fatigue, May you rest forever."

Although both sides are intimidating with false words, everyone knows that the only way to break the deadlock at present is to see the balance of victory and defeat on the battlefield outside.

The deadlock did not last long, and soon, a man covered in blood walked into the ruins that had been ravaged dozens of times.

"I killed Mo Yu."

When Cui Yan said it, he was shocked: "He turned into a werewolf and rushed over to help me kill the Caoman... But after eating Caoman's brain, he still chose to do something to me. However, this time "Zi Resentment" "It didn't disappoint me. Although I lost my left hand, Mo Yu was relieved. "

"Release?" He smiled and said, "Actually, the demon change will only last for one night, and it will end when the morning dawns. I didn't expect that it would actually be able to get rid of a Yanjing Martial Pillar. It's a pleasant surprise."

Cui Yan's face froze, and Yu Ke shook his head: "It's urgent to follow the power, why do you care so much? Da Sikou, the words of the demon emperor are difficult to distinguish between true and false. Don't be shaken by this."

"I didn't waver." Cui Yan's face was strange: "Even if it really changes at dawn, I have a clear conscience. Mo Yu attacked me, and I was justified in defense. There is no law in this world that defenders are punished for counterattacking. I thought you had already solved this enemy, but I didn't expect you to be chatting, do you want to help?"

"No!" Xie Chenyuan said immediately: "I don't need you here, you go to Bai Letian or Yin Lingbo - no, you go to Bai Letian, kill the savage, and bring its head to the demon emperor to see Look!"

He smiled and sneered: "Do you think you can irritate me with the head of the same clan and expose my flaws? Will the emperor care about the life and death of his subjects? Will Xian really pay attention to the ants at his feet?"

"It has always been a practical skill of our Statistics Department." Xie Chenyuan said calmly: "It turns out that there are fewer people in this world who can let go, and more people who can't be ruthless. Cui Yan, let's go."

Although he didn't know what was going on with them, Cui Yan, who had dealt with the Statistics Department many times, knew Xie Chenyuan's skills and courage, so he chose to follow his instructions and turned around and left.

At this time, a long sigh sounded from heaven and earth: "Stop."

Cui Yan stopped, not because of the words, but because he felt a deadly murderous intent covering his body. A strong whim was warning him that if he dared to take a step forward, there was absolutely no chance of him surviving.

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Xie Chenyuan looked at the smile and said, "Demon Emperor, are you teaching our human beings to do things? Cui Yan, go, I'll keep you all right!"

But Cui Yan was even more afraid to move when he heard this, because Xie Chenyuan didn't stand between him and the smile, but ran to a position that was more suitable for interception - to put it nicely, this is called attacking and defending; Just use him as bait to seduce smiles!

"Our tribe, unlike you humans, doesn't have so many levels."

At this time, smiled faintly and said: "In the tribe, there are only two identities: one is a compatriot, and the other is a teacher."

"The so-called teacher is the one who preaches and teaches and solves puzzles. It not only educates the disciples, but also protects the disciples. The teacher is the most respected existence in the tribe, and it is also the reason why the tribe can survive."

"As a teacher, you must do three things: you must pass on your knowledge without reservation, you must reproduce as much as possible without reservation, and you must protect your disciples as much as possible without reservation."

"So," the bloodshot eye of the smile stared at Xie Chenyuan: "You won."

"That is to say," Xie Chenyuan reached out and stopped Cui Yan: "Demon Emperor, are you willing to surrender?"

"If you don't stop him, he will kill Shi Pantuo, and then the battle situation will become one-sided, you Yanjing Wuzhu occupy the top, I can only be trapped here by you, dawn is the time of my death; if If I want to stop him or even kill him, I can't maintain the nine-layer defense all the time, you will take the opportunity to hit me hard, but the war situation will not favor me."

"Since I was trapped and killed here by the three of you, I have lost the ability to affect the situation of the battle." Smile looked back at the rear courtyard: "I was even praying for a miracle... Obviously, fate did not respond to my unreasonable request. ."

"The immortal should be someone else's miracle, not pray for a miracle." Yu Ke couldn't help laughing.

"You're right." Nodding with a smile, looking at Cui Yan: "From the moment Judge Cui appeared, I knew I lost... If it was any alien, the situation would be completely reversed. It's a pity , it's your human side, and the scale of victory has tipped in your favor."

"The next ending will be nothing more than defeat, and the remnants are the end of the road."

"So... go."

Everyone present felt that a chain seemed to be broken on their bodies, and at the same time, a red light broke out of the ground and flew into the distance.


At the same time, Shi Pantuo, who was fighting with Bai Letian, the deputy commander of the Twelve Guards, saw a red light flashing in front of his eyes, and the next second, a blood-colored gem was in his hand like a beating heart!

A smiling voice sounded in my ears: "Go, go back to the tribe, and have more monkeys."

Shi Pantuo froze in place, Bai Letian didn't miss this opportunity, and the spear stabbed at the golden-spun ape like a star!


Only the sound of the fog dissipating and the smoke disappearing was heard, and the four golden-haired demon apes fled in four directions. This time, it was Bai Letian's turn to be stunned—he couldn't tell who was real and who was fake for a while!

Shi Pantuo did not stop at all along the way, and did not participate in the battle at all. When intercepted by human beings, he directly cloned and escaped, and he did not hesitate to use his magical powers.

It wasn't until he ran out of Yanjing that he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the back, then lowered his head and glanced at the blood essence stone that was stirring, a turbid tear slipped down Mao's face and hit the blood essence stone.


Looking at Shi Pantuo's escaped back, everyone knew what the smile was doing, but no one could stop it - not to mention whether it was possible to catch up with the monster ape, but now the heart-loving smile is obviously impossible to destroy His final plan.

Not only did they dare not leave, but they even had to stay here to prevent the smile from bursting out and taking Wu Zhu away—if they really showed their flaws, the smile would definitely tear them to shreds!

"Why is this?" At this time, Xie Chenyuan was a good person: "Even if you want to run, you should leave as the demon emperor. Although I don't know the status of the barbarian, I can't compare to it. you."

"You can't let me leave alive. If I don't protect Shi Panduo while he is still alive, the tribe will really lose hope."

"Then you should also let the savage come over to create opportunities for you to leave, not the other way around." Xie Chenyuan said: "Although the chances are slim, it is normal to 'let others live 100%' and 'to give yourself a chance to live'. Don't people choose the latter?"

"Hid bad intentions in good hearts, hide malice in good intentions... You still want to persuade me to call Shi Pantuo back. If I had Xie Chenyuan and you were half cunning, maybe the demon clan would have risen long ago." Smile Half ridicule and half admiration: "Unfortunately, I am not you. Fortunately, I am not you."

"But as a teacher, protecting your disciples is a matter of course and righteousness. Without the sacrifice of the teachers back then, there would be no Xianzhen Demon Emperor today. Of the three disciples I brought from the tribe, one betrayed and the other became a new tomb. , this last one, I must make him return to the tribe alive."

Xie Chenyuan smiled and said, "But what's the use of him going back? Only you can revive the barbarian."

"If the teachers thought like you, the tribe would have been extinct long ago." He smiled and said: "The strong will eventually grow old, the weak will eventually grow, and those who can revitalize the tribe will always be young monsters, as long as there is a next generation. , there will always be hope... Moreover, he will definitely learn my lesson when he goes back this time, he will become more cunning, more cautious, more powerful, and then make a comeback!"

"The tribe can lose a failed demon but not a selfish teacher... Two thousand years ago, you humans should have reproduced like us, right?"

Originally, Xie Chenyuan wanted to say something, but she was silent when she heard the last sentence.

At this moment, a blood-red rainbow light appeared on Xiao Xiao's body, as if it was about to burn. But after a few seconds, Smile did not make any special move, and Cha Huan suddenly reacted: "This is an offering of vitality... He returned his huge blood essence to the blood essence stone from a distance!"

Even if Xie Chenyuan immediately tried to interrupt him, it was too late.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground with a smile, his body glowed like a rainbow of blood, and he screamed in the sky:

"Burning my body and thanking God, from now on, my life is inexorable."

"Burning my body and thanking Shi'en, how can my generation be ruthless?"

With the echoing long whistling sound, the last demon emperor of the demon clan quickly withered away in the blood, turned into a handful of clean ashes, and blown away with the wind.