You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 55: knocking

"I thought you were just flawed in common sense, but I didn't expect your essence to be flawed in IQ."

In the basement of "Tooth, Hemorrhoids, Iron Strike", Yin Yin faintly pulled up Le Yu's clothes, carefully observed his chest, and said, "You don't even think about it, the county governor has tried every means to secretly deliver the items, but As a top student who has completed a complete education in the Military Academy, you have never heard of it. Even if you think about it with your ass, you should know that this kind of item is a military secret... How dare you ask Lan Yan?"

"He seemed like a good talker at the time..."

"The gift from the superior has already marked the price in secret. Now if you go outside, no one will hear your Qianyu Liu's noble and noble spirit, but only Lan Yan's good reputation of caring for his subordinates and facing the Ding family."

Yin Yinyin pulled his clothes back and said, "The medical case was handled very well, and it was even a little over-treated. Originally, you had to go home to rest for three days due to your injury, but now you just need to go home and sleep for the next day. You can go back to work."

"Isn't it good?" Le Yu said, "Perhaps it is the welfare of the statistics department operator?"

"You have three days less rest now, and you will lose thirty days of life in the future." Yin Yin said calmly: "Of course, if you fight and get injured every day with such high intensity, then you can probably walk ahead of me. It might end up being dead.”

Huiyao's medical technology is almost omnipotent. As long as you have money and can afford a medical officer, the living dead, flesh and bones, and continuous severed limbs are completely irrelevant. It is not impossible to remove scars without traces, make adjustments to the body, and switch genders. As long as you breathe With one breath, it will definitely be rescued.

Such a versatile technology is naturally not without a price. The essence of light therapy can be summed up in two words: regeneration. It is equivalent to replacing the broken parts with new ones when assembling the model. The same is true for light energy therapy. All the damaged tissues, cells and organs are removed from the human body, and then the injured stem cells are continuously proliferated and regenerated. In a short period of time It takes days or even tens of days of cell division to complete normal self-healing within the body, and as a result, of course, the patient lies in and jumps out.

The rapid division and regeneration of cells, the price is obviously the lifespan of the injured. It is no exaggeration to say that the next thirty days are three days now, and it is not that Huiyao people do not understand this truth.

However, the future is the future after all, and it's really cool when it's cool now. It's like everyone understands that staying up all night hurts their health, but they can't help but swipe their phone? What's more, it's much harder to "hold back from lying in the hospital" than "hold back from playing with your mobile phone".

If Le Yu really went to the hospital every three days and five days for rescue, as she did recently, maybe she could really compete with Yin Yin Yin for whoever died first. There are many generals in the history of Huiyao. When they were in their twenties, the brave champions and the three armies were the first in every battle. However, they often began to have "night deaths", "violent deaths" and "diarrhea toilet deaths" around the age of 30.

However, the 'violent death' is also a good result. More people on the battlefield can't get the moment when the medics come. Therefore, Le Yu didn't take Yin Yinyin's warning to heart. After all, he didn't think Qianyu Liu's vest could be used until the end of his life.

"Then, do you know what the relics of the extremist soldiers and saints are?" Le Yu asked.

Yin Yinyin took out a notebook from her bosom, flipped through a few pages and asked, "Actually, it's easy to understand literally, divine weapons, weapons used by gods, or... weapons created by humans to approach gods."

"The ultimate magic weapon, surpassing fantasy and conquering despair. This sentence points out the three levels of magic weapon, the limit of mortal skills, extreme magic weapon; creation beyond fantasy, magic magic weapon; artifact that conquers desperation, absolute **** soldier."

"But every magic weapon is a weapon that allows the user to reverse the situation and form an army. The relic of the saint is one of the supreme magic weapons."

"Wait, wait..." Le Yu rubbed his temples and said, "I always thought that although this world has spiritual power and can control light energy, it is still a very scientific world... How can there be such a different style of painting as a magic weapon? s things?"

Yin Yinyin understood Le Yu's nonsense: "You can't believe it, it's a normal reaction. When I first learned about the magic weapon, I had the same doubts about my common sense as you..."

"You are right to doubt, your common sense is not at all..."

"But actually!" Yin Yin faintly interrupted Le Yu's complaints: "Although divine weapons are information that is difficult for ordinary people to obtain, the glorious imperial court has never concealed the most powerful divine weapons in their possession. , and write it into the history books in a grand manner, and pass it on from generation to generation in the royal family. It's just that they wrote down the true power of the Absolute Soldier, and you ordinary people won't believe it."

"real or fake?"

"Haven't you heard of the inheritance symbol of the glorious royal family?"

Le Yu was stunned for a moment: "What are you talking about... the holy sword shines?"

Yin Yin recited with an expressionless face: "'On this day, Emperor Shenzong invited the holy sword Huiyao to come out of Yanjing to fight the rebel Han army alone.

"'Yi, the fire thief army surrounded Yanjing for one hundred and fifty days, and the ammunition and food in the capital ran out. It was the third prince of the night, and Emperor Renzong ascended the throne. Down.'"

"There are actually quite a lot of records like this." Yin Yin Yin shrugged and said, "Probably every three hundred years or so, Huiyao will be in chaos. When the rebels sweep the world and surround Yanjing, the emperor will invite the holy sword. Radiance is harvesting..."

Le Yu said: "I thought this was some kind of metaphor, for example, the royal family has a group of super special forces called 'Glory' and so on..."

"I thought the same as you before, but what is written in the history books is true." Yin Yin asked faintly, "You should be able to guess, what abilities does the holy sword Huiyao have?"

"It will glow? Very bright?"

"It's a bit close. To be precise, the holy sword Radiance can emit holy light covering a radius of 100 miles. The holy light ignores the spatial distance and can only be manipulated by the holder. All external light within the coverage area will be assimilated into holy light. During the activation period There is no need to consume mental power to manipulate the Holy Light."

Le Yu blinked his eyes.

The casting range is expanded to 50 kilometers, all spells become AOE, the spell consumption is 0, and all enemies within the range are banned from magic?

"This is a fart!"

"Yes, so as long as you see the line 'please bring out the holy sword Huiyao' in the history books, the content that follows is basically that Emperor Huiyao regained lost ground like the autumn wind swept away leaves."

Le Yu immediately thought of the key: "Does the Huiyao royal family still have the holy sword Huiyao?"

"Of course there is."

"Then why did we rebel?" Le Yu was stunned: "Wouldn't it be better to surrender and hug Yanjing's thigh?"

"Although they have, they can't use it." Yin Yin Yin said: "Over the years, countless people have already studied the holy sword Huiyao incisively and vividly. Restrictions are no secret."

"The holy sword Radiance has three limitations: ① It can only be controlled by people who have royal blood and are emperors; ② Each use will consume a certain amount of lifespan; ③ In the case that the previous generation emperor did not specify and the emperor has no descendants , the holy sword Radiance will automatically enter a state of confinement."

"The holy sword Radiance cannot move in the confinement state, it is fixed in one place, and the confinement time is as long as 20 years. Only when the current ruler with the highest popularity and the royal blood touches, the holy sword Radiance will lift the closed state. "

Yin Yin paused for a while: "The last Emperor Huiyao was a violent death without an edict and no descendants. That is to say, we don't have to worry about the threat of the holy sword Huiyao for at least 20 years."

"Why?" Le Yu was very puzzled: "I can understand the first two, but the third restriction should be artificially added? Why leave such a big hole?"

"Think about it with common sense. When the emperor died, he had no edict and no descendants. What is the probability of this?" Before Le Yu could answer, Yin Yinyin said, "The court conspiracy, the powerful ministers usurped."

"No matter what the situation is, it shows that the emperor is no longer able to control the court. Further inferences are that the court is corrupt, the people are in dire straits, and the nobles also have their own ghosts." Yin Yin Yin's mouth slightly evoked: "In fact, it is indeed the case. "

"Rather than watching the new imperial court survive among the dead wood, the Emperor Gaozu, who forged the glorious sword, chose another path, 'the emperor's soldiers are strong and strong,' and encouraged other members of the royal family to overthrow the imperial court, sweep away stubborn diseases, and continue to shine."

"Sometimes, Gaozu's plan succeeded, such as the Lie Zong who swept the world from the Southwest River; sometimes, the imperial court succeeded. The monarch and his ministers have been guarding Yanjing for twenty years, and please use the holy sword to cut off the rebellion."

After listening to Yin Yinyin's introduction, Le Yu couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions, imagining that he was holding the holy sword Huiyao and commanding the world to obey - there are actually props in this world that can be cleared as soon as you get them!

However, Le Yu still had questions: "Where did these magical soldiers come from? They were stolen from the tombs of ancient ruins?"

"...Your idea is very distinctive." Yin Yin shook his head faintly: "It is said that in ancient times there was a meteorite pyroxenite that fell from the sun to the earth. Emperor Gaozu gathered craftsmen from all over the world to melt and cast the meteorite pyroxenite to create four extraordinary weapons."

"Emperor Taizong yearned for the ancestral demeanor, and it coincided with the innovation of smelting technology, so he used the scraps of the supernatural soldiers as the main body to collect meteorite pyroxite from all over the world, and created eight magic weapons."

"After the splendid Emperor Liezong decided to rule the world, he felt that the imperial soldiers were scattered everywhere, so he used the scraps of the magic soldiers as the main body to collect the world's highest pyroxene ore, and produced twelve extremely magical soldiers. "

Le Yu was full of question marks when he heard: Jue Shenbing uses leftover material from the sun; Magic God Soldier uses leftover material from Jue God Soldier; Extreme God Soldier uses leftover material from Magic God Soldier... Got it!

"There will be no more magical weapons in the future, because of the exhaustion of materials." Yin Yin said faintly: "So you understand? Although the relic of the saint does not have the power of the holy sword Huiyao, it is at least enough to change small-scale battles. tactical weapons."

"But they've already been sent to the city." Le Yu spreads his hands: "I can't even grab it if I want to."

"No." Yin Yin shook his head faintly: "In this country where even guns and weapons have to be authenticated, do you think the magic weapon is something you can use when you get it? You also saw the ice coffin outside the saint's relic. Bar."

"Although the original intention of the imperial court was to give the soldiers and soldiers to expand the territory for the imperial court, how could they not leave behind? After all the soldiers change their owners, there must be a mechanism to re-identify their masters, otherwise others will be robbed. It doesn't work either, and this mechanism used to be known only to the royal family... and now it's almost common sense."

"Although this mechanism is meaningless, there have been many magical soldiers that have been embezzled, lost, lost in battle, and changed hands over the years, and no one has ever returned the magical soldiers to the royal family. For us, as long as the timing is right, it will not be difficult to bring the Extreme Soldier into our hands."

"The identification mechanism of the saint's relic is to absorb the dissipated mental power of a large number of creatures when they die in the state of the ice coffin, and it will automatically melt." Yin Yinyin glanced at the map: "In Xingke County, this condition is met. There are not many places, the most likely place is—”

Le Yu: "The Statistics Department is in jail!"

Yin Yin Yin Yin: "Slaughterhouse."

Yue Yu and Yin Yin Yin looked at each other, and Yin Yin shook his head slightly: "Although you are very proud of your work unit, your understanding of the word 'life' is obviously a little off."

Le Yu was speechless - I didn't expect that the extreme soldier is quite equal to all living beings. UU reading kills and kills pigs the same.

"The focus of your next mission is to investigate the location and security of the saint's relic. You are no longer needed in other places."

Yin Yinyin said this, as if Yueyu was a rag that could be thrown away after it was used up.

"Didn't we transport guns into the city? When will the rebellion be launched?" Le Yu asked excitedly.

"It's an uprising, or a revolution." Yin Yinyin corrected Le Yu's words and said, "Meteor, please pay attention to your identity. As a spy in the enemy camp, snooping on such confidential content will cause me great concern. suspicion."

"But I didn't betray you!"

"I didn't sell it, just because the price of the betrayal was not high enough. The price was enough, and even I would betray." Yin Yin said calmly: "The common sense in our industry is not to test human nature - as long as you don't know the plan, then you won't be able to. Chance to betray."

"Tsk." Le Yu said, "But don't I know about your stronghold? Even if I don't know the plan, as long as I leak you out here, won't you still fall into the hands of the Statistics Department?"

"Don't forget, this is my territory, and my hidden sword tactics are the most suitable for melee combat." Yin Yin Yin didn't look back, pointing to the door of the basement: "As long as I escape from there, Even if the Statistics Division flipped Eighteenth Street over and over again, they wouldn't be able to find—"



Suddenly, there was a knock on the door that Yin Yin was pointing to.

PS: The fever subsided and the diarrhea started.

You may not know the concept of diarrhea seven times in one afternoon. We generally call this kind of person: diarrhea!

The whole person is dizzy. I have tried my best to write 4,000 words. If I am in good shape tomorrow, I will make it up...