You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 553: good at


The harsh steel crashing sound of the bumper cars shattered the tranquility of the night. The advancing Le Yu glanced in the direction of the loud noise. With a slight change in his heart, he knew that something had happened to the Department of Criminal Justice or the Department of Statistics.

At present, there are only four departments in Yanjingli capable of intercepting themselves: the Judgment Department of the Ministry of Justice, the Statistics Department, the Inspection and Punishment Department, and Jinwuwei. Among them, Jin Wuwei was stationed in the imperial court and did not need to drive; the number of judges was small, and they preferred to walk through Yanjing with sharp knives and boots. Therefore, the troops driving in the middle of the night must be the Department of Criminal Justice or the Department of Statistics.

Who is helping him to stop the Department of Patrol and Punishment and the Department of Statistics... For some reason, the first candidate that appeared in Le Yu's mind was actually Chen Chen.

It is clear that there is an unresolved hatred between them, and it is clear that Xianchan Chenchen has no reason to help him this time, but Le Yu knows better that Xianchan Chenchen is an extremely neurotic and emotional animal. Fear of evil, playing with the weak and other 'rational traits', but more 'savage beasts' such as the pursuit of pleasure, morbid self-esteem, belligerence and madness, it can be said that there is a wrong name, not a wrong nickname - he is a Tanuki, you can never predict his next move.

Anyone who can get rid of his hair, such as Xie Chenyuan and Zhao Yebai, will obey his orders obediently; and anyone who touches his minefield, even if he doesn't dare to fry his hair on the spot, will be returned tenfold in the future!

It makes sense for Xie Chen to refrigerate raccoon slaves. He doesn't dare to send raccoon slaves alone. Chen Chen, who has no master to help him, is just a bag of flaming gunpowder that is lit, and his house may be demolished at any time.

Of course, there is no need for the cat to help Leyu, but he probably has a reason to demolish the house!

'If Xianchan Chenchen really helped me, then I'll reconcile with him. ' Le Yu thought to himself: 'After I take power, I will punish him to build 10,000 public toilets for the principal and pretend that nothing happened between us. ’

Le Yu avoided all the main roads and turned left and right in the alley. Just now, a patrol officer on duty at night sent out a fireworks signal the moment he met him, then turned around and ran away. Le Yu didn't have time to hunt down this wild mobs, but since the location was exposed, he naturally had to walk. Trail to avoid combat.

But this road to the imperial court seems destined to be full of thorns.


A figure in a black robe appeared on the road in the alley and walked towards Le Yu. In this narrow passage that only accommodates two people side by side, there is no space to avoid, and one has to step on one's corpse to pass.

Le Yu slowed down, and the two of them walked opposite each other. The man in black robe reached out his hand and touched his back, as if he was drawing out a weapon; Le Yu lowered his hands, and the streamer condensed his fingertips, and the light burst was about to explode.

When the two sides were less than three meters away, the two shot at the same time and slaughtered towards the other side!


The light of the knife shattered the night sky, and the explosion of light stunned the alley!

The two criminal judges who took the opportunity to sneak attack were directly hit by a knife and punch, smashed the wall and fell into a nearby house, unconscious!

"I heard that you were crazy before you were locked in." Le Yu said, "You are actually slashing with the back of a knife now. It seems that you are really crazy."

The visitor lifted his black robe, revealing the appearance of a Skyrim man with black hair and dreadlocks, and a long knife of the same height: "The order they received is not to kill you, just beat them to the point of incapacitation. .Do not kill unless necessary."

"It's inexplicably convincing to say this from the mouth of you, a veteran of a hundred battles, Nie Ruo."

The visitor is the strongest swordsman in the scabbard, Nie Ruo!

"If you have climbed out of the pile of dead people, you will know that kindness is actually a necessity for survival." Nie Ruo said calmly: "Beast nature can destroy everything, and human nature can keep itself from being destroyed... Those who cannot maintain human nature, after all, only To be able to return to that familiar battlefield and become one of the dead."

"Wearing too many crazy masks can make people become philosophers?" Le Yu laughed, walking out of the alley, "Why do you know I'm here? Why do you want to help me?"

"Shuangli Palace knows that your students want to rescue you and ask you to see Shuiyun Palace." Nie Ruo followed Le Yu: "She always feels guilty about Shuiyun Palace's enthronement. She thinks that the person who ascends the throne today should be She, the person in charge of Huiyao should also be her... Everything was because of her inaction, so Shuiyun Palace was forced to sit in that position."

Although it sounds arrogant, this is indeed Ming Shuangli's style - she is so confident that she feels guilty.

"So she asked me to come over to help you, even if it was just for you to see Shuiyun Palace, it would be a great comfort to her." Nie Ruo said, "Of course, she is also looking forward to...a miracle. "

The two rushed out of the alley and ran directly along the road. Now that the judge has found the location of Le Yu, the battle is inevitable, and it is meaningless to take the trail, so it is better to take the road and pile up all the troubles together to solve it!

Within a few minutes of walking, judges from the Ministry of Punishment wearing pure white masks emerged from the alleys in all directions. They didn't immediately rush over to intercept Le Yu, but stuck behind them not too far away, blocking Le Yu's other escape routes, and driving Le Yu towards the imperial court.

Soon, Le Yu and Nie Ruo understood the judge's intention - they saw at the end of the road, the judges piled up debris to form a simple defense line. Although it was vulnerable, it was enough to delay Le Yu's pace and give both sides to the front and rear judges. Opportunity to attack music before and after flowering!

Even if you can't kill Le Yu, but as the saying goes, strong girls are afraid of entanglement, and several big men entangle Le Yu together, can Le Yu, covered with big men, still escape?

However, Le Yu didn't hesitate when he saw this, instead he quickened his pace, his hands condensed light, and it was completely a posture that he wanted to face hard!

"Nie Ruo." He suddenly said at this time: "Before the search for the sword, a few Assassins in Skyrim came to my house to assassinate me. Are they yours?"


"No excuse?"

"Even if it's not my order, the beneficiary is also me." Nie Ruo said: "The person who climbed out of the dead pile really doesn't want to climb back... We are all members of the Sky Brotherhood, and the superior I used to follow was Dragon King Chen Fengfeng."

"If Ming Shuangli ascends the throne, then the Storm Army—"

"Impossible, the Shuangli Palace is just the worst choice for the Storm Army. If there is a chance to dominate their own destiny, the Skyrim people will never bet their future on the Central Plains people."

"Then you shouldn't persuade Ming Shuangli..."

"You might think that I was protecting the Shuangli Palace, but it was actually the Shuangli Palace that saved me. Although I am from the sky, I am the scabbard of the Shuangli Palace."

Le Yu sighed: "Those assassins killed an elder who loved me very much."

"Don't worry, I'll pay you back."

While speaking, the two had already approached the line of defense formed by the judge, and the judge who was chasing them quickly followed. A dozen warriors condensed light bursts together, and all the lights in the area became dim and hazy!

At this moment, the judges behind the defense line suddenly shouted loudly, and the simple defense line was destroyed and overturned by themselves. In the debris storm of debris, one after another, sharp spinning guns formed a side-by-side prairie gun array, occupying the place. All the spaces on the street rushed towards Leyu Nieruo with overwhelming momentum!

These judges are actually Liaoyuan warriors!

Among the established military warriors, there is nothing more comprehensive than holding a sword, and nothing more cruel than Liaoyuan! In the era before gun weapons appeared, the Liaoyuan martial artist was the spear that pierced through all the armies and shredded all defenses!

Le Yu and Nie Ruo's expressions changed drastically, but they had no time to evade, either retreating and being entangled by the judge behind, or breaking through the line of defense by smashing the spear formation!

When the confrontation was about to take place, Nie Ruotu took a step forward, stood in front of Le Yu, and slashed at the Liaoyuan spear formation with a long knife.

A long roar broke through the air: "Do you think Skyrim people will be afraid of having more holes in their bodies!?"


At this moment, the wall next to the street burst into pieces, and a group of boulders wrapped in flames suddenly hit the Liaoyuan Gun Formation horizontally like a cannonball. The judges couldn't react at all, and they were hit by a series of boulders, falling down one by one like wooden cards!

A figure stepping on Swift Knife boots jumped out from the wall, beckoned to Le Yu and the two, and took the initiative to open the way in front.

Le Yu and Nie Ruo did not hesitate, and immediately crossed the line of defense and moved on. The white-faced judge in the back yelled and cursed, leaving only one person to take care of the wounded, and all the other judges did their best to catch up with Le Yu!


Le Yu took it and found that it was the blade component of the Swift Knife boots - tying the blade component to your own shoes, you can form a pair of simple pirated Swift Knife boots.

Although it is definitely not as easy to use as the original version, and you may even eat **** on the spot due to the damage of the components in fierce battles, it is quite practical if it is only used for rushing. Moreover, it takes three or four minutes to equip the original Quick Knife Boots, while the blade components only need ten seconds. can be tied.

Le Yu glanced at the rescuer who had descended from the heavens, and smiled bitterly: "You are still thoughtful... but the chasing soldiers are so tight, I don't have the time to stop and assemble."

The person who suddenly threw the flaming boulder and smashed the judge's Liaoyuan spear formation was the younger brother of Qin Leyin, the head of the Steam Chamber of Commerce, the second master of the Qin family, and Qin Yueyang!

Qin Yueyang slowed down the speed of the swift knife and advanced side by side with Le Yu: "There are some judges intercepting in front of you, if you don't wear the swift sword boots as soon as possible and rush past, the judge will surely slow down the speed... It's only a matter of time before dawn. It's been half an hour."

"That is to say, people need to stop." Nie Ruo said lightly: "This kind of dirty work sounds like the work of people in the sky."

"Crossing the intersection ahead and turning right, there is a narrow hutong entrance, which is a dangerous place for a husband to be a passer-by and a million people to drive." Qin Yueyang said: "I stay with him and break the future."

A very complete plan, Le Yu couldn't pick out the slightest fault, nodded and said, "Okay."

When passing a public toilet, Qin Yueyang lit a small packet of gunpowder and threw it in. This is near the Yanjing residential area, and the public toilet has accumulated the amount of nearby residents for a whole day. After being blown up by gunpowder, the whole area suddenly turned into a Kingdee playground.

The white-faced judge behind him scolded, even though reason told them that they should rush directly through the golden rain, their bodies still flickered to the left and right to avoid them, buying a lot of time for Le Yu and others.

When I came to the hutong entrance that Qin Yueyang mentioned, it was not only very narrow, but also there were high-rise buildings on both sides. Nie Ruo stopped and did not move with the knife, and cultivated the force of the knife.

Le Yu sat down and tied the blade to the steel-soled boots, and Qin Yueyang also squatted down to help him with the other foot. The blade components fit perfectly into the Whisper's steel-soled boots, which appear to have been deliberately tailored.

"Moon Sun."


"Did you already notice that I've changed?"

As Qing Lan said, how could the close relatives who are in constant contact with each other not be aware of the abnormality after Le Yu's death? If Qin Yueshi hadn't taken the initiative to distance herself from Le Yu, she would have quickly discovered that something was wrong with Le Yu.

And Qin Yueyang is not only Qin Yueyin's close relative, but also Qin Yueyin's close comrade-in-arms, close subordinate, and close tool person. It can be said that no one in this world understands Qin Yueyin better than Qin Yueyang. It is estimated that Qin Yueyin The prolonged bathing time would make him feel strange, and Le Yu was full of flaws, how could Qin Yueyang not notice?


Le Yu originally wanted to ask him why he still carried out Qin Leyin's orders as always, but he didn't know what to say when the words came to his mouth, so he could only be silent. On the contrary, Qin Yueyang suddenly took out a very shabby notebook from his arms and handed it to Le Yu to signal him to take a look.

Le Yu opened it and found that there is not much content in it, it is all about the setting of a novel. This is a legendary novel, about the legendary story of the Flame Emperor Qin Yueyang, the Blood Emperor Qin Yueyin, and the Sword Emperor Qin Yueshi. Qin Yueyang's weapon is called "Angry Chain". Yueyang's usual anger, but once the lockdown is lifted, Qin Yueyang's anger will turn into substance and burn everything; Qin Yueyin's weapon is called "Crimson Embrace", and the appearance is a very gorgeous red windbreaker (which will glow). That kind), kills the enemy by forming a blood weapon; Qin Yueshi's weapon is called "Sanhua Yasha", which is a pair of luminous long swords made of colored glaze... The goal of the three brothers and sisters is to defy the sky, although they don't know that the sky offends What did they do to them, but in short, they wanted to defy the sky and become a hero to save the world.

But the emperor's road is not smooth, the three brothers and sisters will only understand their mission after experiencing catastrophe. Qin Yueyang mastered the ability of 'fire of anger' because of catastrophe when he was a child, but when he was about to burn everything, Qin Yueyin protected him in advance, so Qin Yueyang transformed from the first form of 'Flaming Demon' Become 'Flame King'.

Now Qin Leyin and Qin Yueshi are still in the first form of 'blood son' and 'sword slave', so they are still bad people, but as long as they experience the corresponding catastrophe, they will transform from the first form to the second form. The Seven Emotions Tactics master their true abilities and so on...

The notes are only a few pages thin, and there is not even the first chapter except for the background setting. It can be seen that Qin Yueyin is also a writing lover who writes the setting blessing to the heart and has a good pen, and looks forward to writing the main text. .

But Le Yu already understood what he was thinking.

"Do you think that my temperament changed greatly because I experienced the 'love robbery' of the Seven Emotions Warfare?"

Qin Yueyang nodded.

Le Yu smiled bitterly: "I'm disappointed you, I haven't experienced love calamity, and I haven't mastered the magical powers derived from the Seven Emotions Warfare... I'm not the blood emperor you Yueyang thought about it. , asked: "So, you have simply become a good person? "


Qin Yueyang stood up and stretched out her hand to pull up Yue Yu. Le Yu returned the notes to Qin Yueyang. Qin Yueyang looked at this book of her own work with a faint smile on her stiff face.

"so good."

Then Qin Yueyang stretched out his hand and pushed, and Le Yu, who stepped on the Swift Knife boots, slipped out. Le Yu turned back and saw Qin Yueyang waving at him.

"Brother, my hero, welcome back."

Qin Yueyang walked to the entrance of the alley and looked at the judges troop that had already caught up. A flame appeared from his fingertips, burning all the notes in his hand.

Nie Ruo glanced at him: "Isn't it a very important thing?"

"It's very important, so I'm going to bury it myself." Qin Yueyang said, "Since the dream has come true, there's no need to keep thinking about it."

"And," he murmured, "I'm really bad at writing."

"You two brothers are really incomprehensible, one is desperately trying to do something completely hopeless, the other is desperately trying to make the former one better..."

"Aren't you the same kind of person?"

"That's right." Nie Ruo held a long sword and drew a sword mark on the right wall: "The right side is mine, and the left side will be handed over to you. Is there a problem?"

"no problem."

Qin Yueyang's fists burst into fiery flames: "I've always been good at breaking the queen."

PS: 4000-word chapter!

Alas, motion sickness all the way, travel is really uncomfortable to buy with money...