You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 558: Funeral of loyal minister IF Qin Leyin (

Years later, when Jing Zhengtang, a great entrepreneur of Chenfeng, started to draft his autobiography, he would definitely think of that trip to Yanjing where he attended the funeral. It was a hot afternoon. When he and his wife Feiwei arrived in Yanjing on the "Xingke-Yanjing" express train, the moment the train stopped, everyone was hurriedly escaping from the seats of the teppanyaki and the steamers. , poured into the Yanjing Chongsheng Station sweating profusely.

It was the worst era, the best era, and an era without air conditioners.

Fortunately, there is a small shop in the station. The most iced drink in it is naturally the "Five Flower Cola" produced by the Steam Chamber of Commerce, and it is packaged in a glass bottle, which is very rare in Morrowind. After drinking, the glass bottle must be put back.

Although the glazed products of the Steam Chamber of Commerce have long been popular, and the prices are so low that even beggars can beg for food in glazed bowls, the small shops still use glazed bottles to pack drinks, which still makes Jing Zhengtang secretly surprised—the people of Yanjing are already rich enough Will you steal the glass bottle?

Jing Zhengtang actually didn't like sweet drinks, but the sun was too hot. When a sip of iced drink ran down his throat and cooled his whole body, Jing Zhengtang suddenly felt alive.

He looked around for a week, couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then coughed again and again.

"As expected of Yanjing, even the air is filled with the sweetness of the factory..." Jing Zhengtang rubbed his nose, while Feiwei took out a handkerchief next to him and wiped the sweat from his forehead first, and then went to wipe the sweat of Jing Zhengtang.

Having been in love for many years, although Feiwei still has a bad temper in private, she will never let Jing Zhengtang lose face outside.

After the two finished packing, they went to line up to leave the station, and they had to undergo an identity check before leaving the station. When they arrived at Jingzhengtang, they took out the ID cards they had prepared for a long time: a two-page four-folded document with "Huiyao Resident ID Card" printed on the front page, and the following is the location, name, gender, Date of birth, nationality, serial number, date of issuance, and the seal of the local police department. The last three pages registered his occupation, black and white photos, parents and children, itinerary and other information, almost including all his personal information.

Although there are still many people who have not applied for ID cards, after all, black and white photos are a huge threshold, but the identification certificate is linked to the right to use the train, especially the train to Yanjing, it is absolutely impossible to get on the train without an ID card, so Jingzhengtang The two couples got their ID cards early and went to the only "Momentary Eternal" photo studio in Xingke County that can take pictures at their own expense at a high price to take their photos.

They even used their photos to apply for a marriage certificate. Their marriage certificate was the first marriage certificate in Chenfeng District. This is the most valuable sum of money Jing Zhengtang has spent in the past few years, second only to his funding for Xingke Baiye - Feiwei was happy for this certificate for several days.

If you don't pay at your own expense, wait for the photo studio of the Criminal Division to slowly line up. Even if the Steam Chamber of Commerce has increased the production capacity of cameras as much as possible, it will take at least another year.

From this, it can be seen that those who can have identity documents now either have a relationship with the Criminal Division, or have the ability to make money.

"Jing Zhengtang, Jing Feiwei..."

The black-clothed clerk from the Population Supervision Department of the Inspection and Penalty Department glanced at their ID cards, and while registering, asked, "What's the matter with coming to Yanjing? Just say it briefly, visiting relatives, working, sightseeing?"

Jing Zhengtang hesitated for a while: "Accepted my friend's invitation to come and see him."

"That is to visit relatives. You can only stay for a maximum of 30 days. Once it exceeds 30 days, the regular hotel will not allow you to continue to accept your stay. When you choose to leave by national transportation such as trains, you also need to explain why you are staying longer. But If you find a job, you can go to the nearest police officer with the certificate from your workplace to extend your temporary stay to one year." The black-clothed operative said a lot of reminders like a gun. Write today's date in the "Itinerary" on the fourth page, then take out the stamp and reprint the red "30 days" on the handwritten date.

"Go forward along the passage, and look at the signs to guide you to leave."

Jing Zhengtang lowered his head and said, "Thank you, thank you for your hard work." As he spoke, he secretly handed out a Zibao ticket printed with "Bright People's Bank".

In fact, Huiyao has long had a gold bank, such as Dongyang’s Silver and Blood Gold Bank, Chenfeng’s Linhai Gold Bank, Canglan Hunter’s Gold Bank… But the gold bank is often the property of local capitalists, aristocratic families, and officials, and the gold bank The main service targets are also local residents. Although there is also paper currency, but more often it is necessary to 'pay by face', and the money can be given only when the votes are combined.

Yanjing naturally also has a bank. It was a commercial bank opened by the Imperial Household Department, but it became the People's Bank after the reform of the Queen's enthronement. Thanks to the new anti-counterfeiting technology "Sacred Light Mark" created by Yan Yi, the Minister of Industry, the People's Bank of China The outflow treasure ticket can be checked for falsification in the simplest way: basking in the sun. The treasure ticket that will appear dazzlingly bright under the sun is true, otherwise it is false.

This kind of anti-counterfeiting technology is almost impossible to crack in this era, and it is said that it still uses the power of the sacred weapon "Sacred Sword Radiance", not to mention that the authority of the current imperial court is unprecedentedly prosperous. Therefore, once the Holy Light Treasure ticket was launched, it was trusted by countless people.

Treasure tickets are divided into four types: gold, purple, blue and black. Black treasure tickets are 1 money, Sapphire tickets are 10 money, Zibao tickets are 100 money, and Jinbao tickets are 1000 money. Gold Yuan is no longer used as a regular currency.

Now that a family can eat and drink well three times a day with only a dozen dollars, the value of a Zibao ticket is self-evident.

Sure enough, after taking away the Zibao ticket, the black-clothed clerk said with a smile on his face, "Going out along the aisle is the welcome hall. If someone picks you up, he will definitely be there waiting for you. People will receive you, continue to go out is the bus station, I recommend you to take bus No. 11 directly to Sheyang Street, where is the center of Yanjing, there are many hotels and restaurants, although it is not cheap, but it will definitely not deceive people from other areas."

To be honest, just this sentence 'will not deceive people from other areas' is already worth a Zibao ticket. If you accidentally stay in those black-hearted hotels, you will be defrauded of money, and you will lose the most if you get angry on this trip.

Jing Zhengtang thanked him again and walked along the passage with Feiwei's hand. As expected, he saw a huge plaque saying "Yanjing welcomes you".

At this time, Faey poked his waist slightly, and pointed to a service desk with a flag hanging in the hall. The flag read: "Guests with farewell invitations, please come here to register."

There was actually a blue-black operator and three black-clothed operators sitting at the service desk. Passengers who didn't know the truth secretly looked sideways, and they had all kinds of fantasies about the 'farewell invitation'.

Fei stared at Jing Zhengtang, Jing Zhengtang shook his head gently, led her with her luggage on her back, and left the welcome hall quickly, came to the bustling bus stop, queued up to get on the No. 11 bus, and quickly entered the main hall while shaking. urban area.

On the way, Jing Zhengtang saw people wearing Swift Knife boots passing by from time to time outside the window. There were no less than a dozen people in a few minutes. He couldn't help but say, "There are too many Swift runners."

"From outside the area?"

The short-haired woman sitting in front of him turned around and said something with interest, but then explained with a smile: "I don't mean anything else, but people from the outside often misunderstand because there are too many speedrunners here. In fact, they don't. So dangerous."

"Isn't it dangerous?" Jing Zhengtang asked, "They are faster than cars, and they dare to shuttle freely on the road. If they accidentally collide with each other, it's okay to break their limbs, but once their bodies are thrown out, they will be hit. , the internal organs will be passively shaken into minced meat, and the seven holes will bleed to death on the road, and maybe even because of hitting the head, the head explodes like a winter melon... I have seen many people who died on it, and the death was ugly. "

"Although they seem to be traveling everywhere, they actually follow certain rules. They can only speed on the road and never run to the sidewalk." The short-haired woman said: "And if you want to buy civilian knives boots, you must go through certain training. And you have to buy a helmet to go on the road, or you will be caught by the traffic department of the patrol and criminal department, and the Swift Knife boots will be confiscated directly - that is a loss that ordinary people can't bear."

"Of course, these measures can't prevent accidents, but at least they can prevent them from dying on the spot. As long as they don't die on the spot, the people next to them can help them, and the medical lawsuit has a great deal of preferential treatment for patients with serious traffic injuries. You can survive in half a month."

"Compared with the casualty rate of traffic accidents, the traffic efficiency improvement brought by the Swift Knife Boots is much higher." The short-haired woman said: "The out-of-city area can develop at a high speed in just a few years. Popularity is inseparable from relationships. It is a great waste to use something like this only in war, but for the people to use, it can free them from the shackles of the land and expand their possibilities.”

Jing Zhengtang said, "But isn't it a national policy that shines for thousands of years to let the people be bound by the land?"

"There is a sentence in the "Youth Daily" that says this," said the short-haired woman, "This is a change that has not happened in two thousand years."

"The Western Continent has already taken the lead in developing the New Continent. If Huiyao continues to be self-sufficient and maintains the policy of ignoring the weak and ignoring the people, sooner or later, the foreigners with blonde hair and blue eyes will open the country and gradually nibble away. We have already taken a step behind and can only do whatever it takes. chase."

"It's just that this step is too big." Jing Zhengtang said quietly: "The changes in the past few years are greater than in the past 100 years."

"Life is too short." The short-haired woman said softly, "After all, things like human beings are really too fragile. Maybe they will suddenly disappear at some point."

Jing Zhengtang's expression didn't change, and he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Miss, for answering the question. I don't know what to ask for? I know everything I can say."

"Sorry, I just thought you looked a lot like one of my subordinates, so I couldn't help but talk to you." The short-haired woman smiled.

"I don't know if the lady is..."

"My surname is Liu, and my name is Yueyan." Liu Yueyan said, "I have been working in Dongyang for the past few years."

"It turned out to be the Dongyang Inspector of Punishment!" Jing Zhengtang suddenly realized: "I look a lot like me... Could it be that you know my half-brother Jing Zhengfeng? In Xia Jingzhengtang, this is the insider Feiwei."

"You guys are really brothers." Liu Yueyan said, "Jing Zhengfeng is getting married next month, did you know?"

"I don't know." Jing Zhengtang smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I haven't contacted him for a long time."

"Since it's your family matter, I can't say anything, but I still recommend you to attend his wedding banquet." Liu Yueyan smiled and said, "He is a child who yearns for the warmth of a family."

"I'll think about it."

The bus stopped, the conductor called out the station name loudly, Liu Yueyan said goodbye and left: "I'll go first, I wish you a pleasant time in Yanjing."

Jing Zhengtang watched her back until the bus started, his face turned gloomy.

Until they parted, Liu Yueyan didn't ask him why he came to Yanjing, was he not interested, or...expected?

When the bus came to Sheyang Street Station, Jing Zhengtang took Feiwei and got off. Even if the two of them are people who have seen the world, they are stunned by the prosperity of Sheyang Street: the street is spacious enough for six cars to drive side by side.

Moreover, the shops here are dazzling, each with its own characteristics. For example, after Jing Zhengtang took two steps, he saw a "Card Trading" shop. The walls inside were covered with character cards from the "Wu Shuang Bang", and there were also cards below. The sale price was high enough to make Jingzhengtang wonder if the buyer was not obviously smart enough.

However, there is also a card purchase announcement next to it. The lowest purchase price is one Sapphire ticket, and the highest purchase price is 50 Jinbao tickets. The reward is naturally the first-time peerless list. Quan Huiyao only has nine flash cards. 'War Ghost' Blue Flame!

I asked where the nearest hotel is. When I walked over, Jing Zhengtang also found that there are many poker rooms in Yanjing. You only need to pay a little money to play cards all day. The store will provide standard packs and wind packs. , Lin Bao, and Military Fighting Packages are complete in "Unparalleled Kill", and they will also help to set up card games, eight-player games, five-player games, and three-player games. itch.

But he still remembered the main purpose of his journey. He quickly came to the hotel, used his ID card to register to open the room, put away his luggage and closed the doors and windows. At this time, Feiwei finally couldn't help but ask: "Isn't there someone at Chongsheng Station to receive us? Why not go?"

"Do you remember the purpose of our visit?"

"Didn't you come to Qin Leyin's funeral because you received an invitation letter?"

"Yes." Jing Zhengtang said: "But do you think Qin Leyin is the kind of person who is willing to die peacefully? He is the 'hidden phase' Qin Leyin, the third recording of the White Night ~Let Quan Huiyao's aristocratic family businessmen and officials become the 'price' in his 'whatever it takes', and the conspirators who play Huiyao in the palm of his hand!"

Feiwei has been helping her husband run a chamber of commerce for the past few years. Naturally, she knows that the government's administration in the past few years is full of Qin Leyin's shadow. When her husband said this, she also reacted: "Do you suspect this is a conspiracy?"

"I even suspect that Qin Leyin is not dead." Jing Zhengtang said: "But don't be afraid, even if there is any conspiracy, it can't be aimed at us, we don't have that much energy... But rashly mixing it in, but It will inevitably become Qin Yueyin's pawn."

"Gao Jin is now the clerk of the Yanjing Disciplinary Inspection Department. Based on our relationship with him, he will treat us frankly. I will see him tonight to ask about the situation. Even if something happens, he will protect us. ."

Feiwei also became nervous: "Is it so serious?"

"Actually, I hope Qin Leyin is still alive." Jing Zhengtang smiled bitterly: "I thought he would become more cautious after he was in power. Even if he didn't think about himself, he had to think about his family."

"But I didn't expect his actions to become more and more violent and his steps to become more and more hastily. Compared with what he has done in the past few years, the burning of the mysterious candle back then has become insignificant!"

"Qin Leyin is just like my eldest brother. People like them can't die peacefully, they can only step into the grave with vigor!

"If he really died, with his style..."

"He will definitely pull all the enemies and bury them together!"