You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 62: monster blue flame


Ding Yi didn't ask the question, but An Qian helped him ask it.

Until now, the Ten Bai Ye still don't understand what happened just now.

Obviously everything went smoothly, they entered the county guard, defeated the mountain guards, killed the extraordinary Ding Bo, and surrounded the strategic target Ding Yi.

As long as Ding Yi dies, they will support Li Ming, the chief of the board of directors, as the county governor, and they will be able to control Xingke County, and Bai Ye will also get the first ark to sail into the future.

However, at this time, Lan Yan appeared and threw out Li Mingsheng's head.

They were stupid, and then Ding Yi threw the light bomb and ran away, and they realized why Ding Yi turned off all the lights in the main hall—it was to create a suitable environment for the light bomb.

Ding Yi successfully ran out, but was beheaded by Lan Yan's sword.

Their hearts are like peaks and ridges, they go up and down, and they don't understand what happened.

Why did Lan Yan kill Ding Yi? Is he ours too?

Then why did he kill Li Mingsheng? Li Mingsheng, the director of the main board, did not participate in this operation at all. How did he know that Li Mingsheng was a White Night Walker?

Many of their doubts needed to be answered urgently, but Lan Yan lightly touched his lips and said calmly, "Listen."

Everyone concentrated and listened, and found that the screams of killing nearby gradually stopped.

This situation only shows one problem: the battle is over, either their people in Bai Ye have been killed, or the county guards have died. But since Lan Yan is standing here, the former is obviously more likely.

"Even if you control the county governor, it's meaningless." Qi Shihao calmly said, "Ding Yi is dead."

As Ding Yi said, his biggest capital is not the mountain guards, or even the county guard army, but himself - as the county governor appointed and dismissed by the imperial court, he has natural legitimacy to rule, even if Lan Yan takes back the county governor's mansion, But as long as there is no Ding Yi, he can't get in the power of Xingke County at all.

"That's right, Ding Yi is dead." Lan Yan smiled and said, "Will the comfort brought by repeating the facts make you temporarily forget your panic?"

"You have already faintly noticed that in tonight's action, there have been factors beyond your control. Your heart is frightened, your reason is questioning, and your intuition is roaring, because you found out—"

"Ding Yi's death is not your fault."

An Qian frowned like a cat: "What did you say!?"

"Didn't you find that it went too smoothly? The White Night Branch was successfully established, you were not hindered in recruiting troops, and there was no interrogation in arranging an ambush, and even..." Lan Yan patted his chest lightly: "Even our Statistics Department, During this period of time, I haven't caught a single chaotic party against the light."

"It seems that God is helping you advance the plan, you must be very happy in your heart."

Ling Yun pointed at Lan Yan: "Tomorrow morning wind will be in chaos, Xing Ke County will be under our control, what you say is just—"

"Lu Zhizhi will not die, Chenfeng will not be in chaos, and it is not you who control Xingke County."

Lan Yan kicked Ding Yi's body away and said with a smile, "It's the ruler Lu who led the army to Xingke County to suppress the rebellion."

Qi Shihao's expression finally changed, "Are you from Lu Zhong?"

"Don't say that." Lan Yan shook his head: "Before Ding County was killed, I was still loyal to Ding County's Director of Statistics. But now Ding County has been killed by your backlit chaos, I For the safety of Xingke County, isn't it reasonable to take the initiative to welcome Lu Zhizhi, the top administrative official of Chenfeng District, into the city?"

Everyone was stunned, Ling Yun asked angrily, "Isn't Ding Yi your mentor? You actually betrayed your mentor to join Lu Zhong for the future? What did Lu Zhong promise you?"

"I asked myself that I didn't feel sorry for my mentor. In the past few years, I have worked diligently for his Ding family to be a bull and a horse, and I have already cleared my debts." Lan Yan said: "As for turning to Lu Zhong, where did you start? Birds choose wood to live in, good ministers choose masters to work, and since the Ding Junshou was killed by you, according to the court decree, I naturally belong to the ruler of Lu."

"It's just that I'm tired of the boring life of the Statistics Department... Perhaps, the navy is a good choice for me."

Ding Yi's body was at his feet, and Ding Yi's head was watching him not far away, yet he was still able to talk like this, the ten people in Bai Ye couldn't help but feel a shudder towards Lan Yan. This trembling was not a fear of his strength, but a physiological reaction like seeing a large colorful spider.

The Lan Yan in front of them seemed not to be human.

Hearing now, they also understood what they had discovered: Lan Yan deliberately created an opportunity for them in Bai Ye, and asked them to create turmoil to assassinate Ding Yi, and then Lan Yan made a plan. After they assassinated Ding Yi, they would clean up the mess and welcome Lu Zhong into the city.

However, An Qian was still puzzled and asked with a frown, "Aren't you Ding Yi's confidant? With your status, there are many opportunities to assassinate Ding Yi, why..."

"Actually, I also heard the county governor's teaching just now." Lan Yan said leisurely: "He is right, the name, in this era when the order still exists, still has great meaning."

"Lin Haijun and Chenfeng people are all loyal and loyal people. Regardless of whether they are the governor of Lu or the governor of Ding, whoever kills the other side will have a hard time gaining the full allegiance of the other side's forces. won't surrender."

"There is justice in the world, and people's hearts yearn for light."


Lan Yan pointed to An Qian: "Ding Yi can't die at the hands of others, only by your swords."

"In this way, the governor of Lu will be able to enter the star quarter with integrity and conquer the whole territory of Morrowind; and I, after taking revenge for Ding County, will also gain endless prestige."

Qi Shihao said coldly: "Impossible. Xingke County is under attack now, so what if you can hold us back? Other places will win one step faster, and finally gather the general trend and rush to the county governor's house to take you down. Destroy all this conspiracy!"

"Conspiracy? It's really ugly to say." Lan Yan adjusted his glasses and smiled, "Compared with your group of rats who are secretly rebelling, I think my plans are all conspiracies that follow the trend."

"Also, those important facilities that you choose to attack will not fall."

Ling Yun shook his head: "They were attacked in the middle of the night, the dragons had no leaders, and we had our inner supporters. How could they not be in chaos? If the army is in chaos, it will be a matter of time before their defeat."

Lan Yan glanced sideways at the chaotic Xingke County in the distance: "A group of dragons without a leader? I don't think so."

"Just rely on those low-level operative captains?" Ling Yun sneered: "They can't even calm down themselves, are they capable of resisting enemy attacks? The communication has been cut off, they have no way to contact the higher-level officials, and there is no one to command them!"

"What if it was me?"


"If I were to direct them, do you think there would be a way?" Lan Yan laughed.

"You Lan Yan's reputation and position can indeed temporarily command any facility in the city, and others are willing to hand over the command to you, who is Ding Yi's confidant." Ling Yun frowned: "But what can you do when you are here? To save the fire in the city?"

"The way, didn't you tell me?" Lan Yan snapped his fingers:

"I'll just have as many as I can."


Arms factory.

"I will take over the defense of the weapons factory in the name of Lan Yan, the Statistics Department! Guards, abandon the external checkpoint, retreat to the inside of the factory, and build trenches to defend!"

The factory guards, who were being beaten by the Bai Ye army and retreated, were instantly overjoyed. They turned their heads and saw Lan Yan standing in the room on the second floor, and they shouted in unison:

"It's Director Lan Yan!"

"Quick, retreat!"

"The county governor has sent reinforcements! The statistics department has arrived!"


Twilight Gate Tower.

"Don't panic, it's just a group of crazy gangsters. City Guards, listen to my orders, line up and step back to Weng City, and rearrange the formation."

"Yes! Director Lan!"



"Captain Qian! Director Lan has an order, the nearby armed forces will go to support the South Garrison of the County Guard!"

Le Yu stood up with a hula, looked at the communications soldier riding a military two-wheeled sports car, and asked in disbelief, "Director Lan's order? Is Director Lan at the South Garrison?"

"Yes, Director Lan is commanding the operation at the garrison! Please hurry up as soon as possible, there is being attacked by the chaotic army!" After speaking, the signal soldier rode his sports car and roared away.

Le Yu frowned and thought, shook his head, and said to Chen Fu, "I'll take someone there, you stay and watch."

He paused, then instructed: "No matter what happens, don't let anyone in."

Chen Fu nodded, "Brother Qian, don't worry."


"No one will know how many blue flames there They will only know..."

Inside the county governor's mansion, Lan Yan put his palms together gently: "Wherever Lan Yan appears, morale will rise and things will go smoothly."

Qi Shihao asked calmly, "In the white night, is there someone with you?"

Pseudo Lan Yan, killing Li Mingsheng, plus knowing all the details of Bai Ye's plan, the answer is ready: someone colluded with Lan Yan.

"You should know that I have a subordinate I cherish very much."

Lan Yan smiled and said:

"I found a consensus in him very early on."

The ten people in Bai Ye looked at each other, An Qian suddenly took a step forward and put on a fighting posture: "No matter how much preparation you have, as long as we kill you here and then go out and defeat them one by one, victory still belongs to Bai Ye!"

"Yes, you are the biggest variable, so I will solve you personally." Lan Yan took out a stone from his arms, wiped it lightly, and it ignited a bright light.

"You alone, want to challenge ten of us?" Ling Yun said with a smile, "I really can't think of anyone who can survive with ten of us working together."

Lan Yan threw the glowing stone out, illuminating the main hall of the county governor's office.

"This burning jade can illuminate for fifteen minutes."

Lan Yan raised two fingers: "You have two ways to survive now: you are still standing in fifteen minutes, or you can run out of the door behind me."

"As long as you can do one of these, I will spare you not to die."

Qi Shihao looked at Lan Yan with a stunned expression, and felt that the palm of his hand holding Pu Dao was getting wet.

Calculate Bai Ye, plan every plan, borrow a sword to kill the master, fight ten people alone... If he is not a whimsical madman, then he is...

A monster in human skin!