You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 68: you should be on that train


Kui Zhao kicked hard and kicked Le Yu two or three meters away. Le Yu rolled several times on the ground, dyeing the ground bloody.

Kui Zhao's last move, the wolf eagle fist, caused a burst of blood to tear Le Yu's body in all directions. He now has almost no good flesh on his body. The clothes, flesh, and soil are mixed together, as if thrown into a washing machine full of sharp knives. I washed it inside and used it to make human meat char siu buns, and I thought the meat quality was not good.

But Kui Zhao was even worse.

He couldn't stop backing away, looking at the hole in his chest and abdomen with cold sweat on his head, his hands glowed with a healing green light that didn't help, and applied paste to his wound, as if filling the gap with paste.

"Cough, cough... Stop it! Stop it!" Kui Zhao frantically pressed the wound on his chest and abdomen, but blood still seeped out from the wound, adding a little crimson to his dark clothes.

"Ugh...cough!" The back flow of blood blocked the throat, Kui Zhao coughed heavily and spat out the blood, which also made him a little awake, regaining some sense of reason from the fear of death.

He glanced resentfully at Le Yu who was struggling on the ground, "Why... you have to destroy... my plan..."

Although he wanted to tear Le Yu into tens of thousands of pieces, Kui Zhao knew that the most important thing now was to save his life, so he continued to retreat without hesitation, preparing to go to the nearby garrison to find a military medical officer to stop the bleeding.

As long as the medical officer is found, as long as the medical officer is found...

Kui Zhao stared at Le Yu from the corner of his eye, but tripped over something on the ground. In the past, he stumbled when he tripped, but now he was seriously injured and fell directly to the ground.

"What..." Kui couldn't take care that the wound was torn and bleeding, and instantly got up from the ground to protect Le Yu's possible surprise attack. He turned his head and found that it was Chen Fu's body who had tripped over him just now.

The corners of Chen Fu's mouth twitched, revealing a faint smile, but in Kui Zhao's eyes, the smile seemed to be the dead man mocking him, a loser.

"Even a corpse can stop me, even a corpse can laugh at me...hahaha...cough...cough..."

Kui Zhao couldn't help laughing bleakly, but he kept coughing up blood. He glanced at Le Yu, who was about to stand up, no longer hesitated, covered the wound that ran through his chest and abdomen, stumbled out of the slaughterhouse, and walked out along the avenue.

As long as you live, you have not failed.

As long as you live, you can start all over again!

As long as the medical officer is found, as long as I can survive tonight, as long as I have a chance, as long as...

I don't know how long it took.

I don't know where to go.

The brain was like a mess, and the headache was splitting.

At this moment, Kui Zhao suddenly saw a shadow appear on the bright ground.

"Deputy Director, good evening."

Kui Zhao raised his head, and his face suddenly showed joy: "Gu Yue!"

The person who appeared in front of Kui Zhao was the captain of the third team of the Statistics Department, Yin Guyue! He is also his most trusted subordinate!

In the Statistics Division, it was precisely because of the support of Yin Guyue and others that Kui Zhao was able to stand up to Lan Yan. Yin Guyue was an operator brought out by Kui Zhao from the beginning, and he was promoted to captain because of Kui Zhao's full support, so Kui Zhao had no doubts about him.

"The injury is so serious, did you fail to capture the saint's relic, deputy director?" Yin Guyue wondered: "It stands to reason that Qian Yuliu has been transferred, and there should be no one there to stop you..."

"He's back, he's a lunatic...cough cough!" Kui Zhao covered his mouth and gasped, "Since you're here, go find the doctor, and then find someone to come back with me. Go now, you should, It's still too late...cough cough cough!"

Kui Zhao knelt on the ground and coughed up blood. The sound of coughing was full of pain. He bent over and stooped desolately. When others saw it, they felt grief and pity and couldn't help but go up to help him. However, Yin Guyue stood still, looked at Kui Zhao calmly, and suddenly sighed: "So, I really don't want to end it. According to the original transaction content, you should be the other party to solve the problem. ."

"What, what..."

"Don't pretend in front of me. I won't come within one meter of you until the blood on your palm dissipates."

Kui Zhao still knelt on the ground, facing the ground, but his coughing stopped. After a while, he asked in a bitter voice, "In the end... what's going on?"

"Where should I start... Well, it should start with Ding Yi." Yin Guyue shook his head, speaking of the former county governor, his tone was not respectful, but full of sneer: "As the county governor , Ding Yi is actually doing a good job, the only problem is that he has a lot of ambition and talent. He appointed Lan Yan as the director of the Statistics Department, and specially promoted you as the deputy director, I hope you can check and balance Lan Yan. "

"He misunderstood two points. First, Lan Yan is not something he can control. Second, you can't check and balance Lan Yan."

"Then Deputy Director, you are not satisfied with your current status, and it happened that Lu Zhong sent someone to win over you, so you naturally became Lu Zhong's inner responder. Well, compared to the stingy Ding Yi, I think Lu Zhong's report will definitely satisfy you... ...after all, I also know that the deputy director has been brooding about this after the defeat of the Admiralty Colonel."

"But what the deputy director may not know is..." Yin Guyue glanced at the river of blood flowing under Kui Zhao: "Lan Yan, you have been in contact with Lu Zhong long before you."

"It's funny to say that, the two heads of the Statistics Department who helped Ding Yi hold the throat of Xingke County, without exception, saw that Ding Yi was not a wise master and had betrayed Ding Yi to join Lu Zhong... Xi, good ministers choose their masters, this world is really cruel."

"Lu Zhong told you that there would be turmoil tonight, and asked you to take the relics of the saints from the Ding family. This is actually a helpless move, because Lu Zhong is in the inner court of Xingke County and can send out to fight for the relics of the saints. It's just you."

"And his calculus is the same as Ding Yi's: the relics of the saints must be robbed, and he would rather let the deputy director grab it than the Bi Ding family. Zhong also doesn't care about the destination of the saint's relic, he just thinks that you who have mastered the saint's relic can stand up to Lan Yan with this credit and force."

"To put it simply, Deputy Director, even if you are under Lu Zhong's command, your role is still... to balance Lan Yan."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Kui Zhao coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, raised his head slightly to look at Yin Guyue, his eagle-eyed wolf eyes were full of mocking smiles: "Arrogant."

Yin Guyue spread her hands: "Deputy Director, it's normal for you to think so. After all, you don't know Lan Yan's true strength, and this is just a guess that hasn't happened yet, so it's not true."

"However, in this plan, Lu Zhong and Lan Yan have not reached a consensus on one point. Lu Zhong wants to include the relic of the saint under his command, even if he asks the deputy director to **** it. But... Lan Yan has long been The saint's relics were traded out."


"Yes, make a deal." Yin Guyue spread her hands and looked at the half of the night sky lit by the flames behind him: "As a price, he obtained the turmoil that swept Xingke County and let Lu Zhong enter Xingke's plan. Much ahead of schedule. And he will also be in the navy ahead of schedule."

"Joining the navy, ha...cough!" Kui Zhao wanted to laugh when he heard this, but his body no longer allowed him to laugh.

Yin Guyue didn't care about Kui Zhao's mockery, and said, "In Lan Yan's plan, Deputy Director, you should be an extra to die while fighting for the saint's relic. No matter what Lu Zhong arranges, Lan Yan will always I don't want to see you again."

Kui Zhao sneered: "Because I can threaten his status? ... He knows that once I get the relic of the saint, his abacus will fail, and Governor Lu will turn to reuse me—"

"No." Yin Guyue shook her head: "He just thinks your braids are ugly."

"Hey? Your braids are gone? It's a pity. If you cut your braids earlier, you might not have to die."

Kui Zhao's body trembled.

He suddenly felt very cold, as if ice water flowed out of his chest.

"how about you?"

"Me? I was recruited by Lan Yan from the very beginning. If you can perform better, I might turn to you, but every action you make, Deputy Director, is pre-judged by Lan Yan. You really have no confidence."

Yin Guyue seemed to remember something funny, and showed a puzzled smile: "Speaking of which, Lan Yan said that I am very similar to you, so you must train me to become your confidant. I still don't understand, what the **** am I with you? Where is it like?"

At this time, he suddenly sighed: "I've told you for so long, should your blood be drained?"

Yin Guyue took out her light gun and aimed at Kui Zhao, who was unable to move.

"Then, Deputy Director Kui Zhao, Lan Yan greets you."




When Le Yu finally stood up from the ground, he could no longer see Kui Zhao's figure, only the **** path that Kui Zhao writhed out on the ground.

He didn't care about Kui Zhao anymore. After all, he had punched a hole in his chest, and Kui Zhao would definitely not survive. Even if there is an emergency, Kui Zhao survived...

Le Yu looked at himself, who was covered in scars and flesh.

If Kui Zhao survived, then waiting for him would also be a soul-shattering win.

Alas, can I live through tonight? After I live through Do you want to find a way to find someone to live in...

Le Yu had a few strange thoughts in his heart. He looked at the door of the slaughterhouse, stretched out his hand and pushed out a crack with all his strength.

His injury is too serious, even if there is 'ice blood' to suppress the pain and drive the body, but now his muscles, nerves and blood vessels are damaged. If 'Bingxue' is a super software that ignores the operating system virus Trojan and can drive the computer to work no matter what state the computer is in, then Leyu is now equivalent to burning the CPU, graphics card, memory, and motherboard.

Now that Le Yu can still stand up, it is already a miracle of biology and physics.

As the gap in the door widened, the light from outside gradually penetrated into the dark slaughterhouse. When Le Yu walked in, he couldn't see anything, only smelled a **** smell.

He couldn't tell what kind of animal blood it smelled.

"You came."

Yin Yinyin stood in front of the window not far from him, the sparse moonlight outside illuminated his pale hair and his pale face stained with blood. He was still wearing his night clothes, and he was holding a strange sword in his right hand.

Le Yu stopped in front of the darkness, stood in the light, nodded and asked, "Where's Wang Zongdao?"


"What about the saint's relic?"

"got it."

"Okay, we'll go over to support others now. With the relics of the saints, our odds of winning have increased..."

Le Yu turned to leave the slaughterhouse, but at this time he heard a faint sigh coming from behind.

"You found it."

Le Yu's body was stagnant.

A touch of coldness ran through the chest from the back pocket.

"Meteor, you should get on that train."