You Don’t Understand The Pain Of Being Popular

Chapter 95: The ninety-fifth day of fame

◎So in recent days, many people have discovered that there are promotional articles about "Tianya Ling" on the webpage. Although the amount of publicity is not much, but as a new play by Yao Bianliang, this kind of publicity is absolutely incredible◎

So in recent days, many people have discovered that there are promotional articles about "Tianya Ling" on the webpage.

Although the amount of publicity is not much, but as a new drama of Yao Bianliang, this kind of publicity is unique.

[Brothers, Tianya Order is about to start broadcasting! I didn't know this until now. 】

[Unexpectedly, Yao Bianliang's drama has also started to be promoted. 】

[There is no problem with proper publicity, as long as it is not overwhelming marketing hype, I can accept it. 】

[Support Liangliang's new drama! The end of the world made me chase after it. 】

[Hehe, just wait, this kind of commercial drama will definitely hit the street. Ling Huanxuan is the screenwriter of Anhua Biography, and Tianya Ling and Anhua Biography are the same routine. 】

After the promotional article was sent out, it did have a lot of publicity effects, but the response from the audience was mediocre.

It's not to blame the netizens, it's because Xia Hong, Wen Xuan and others gave the audience such a bad impression that they have almost become synonymous with bad dramas.

Even with Yao Bianliang's sea-fixing needle, most people are still skeptical.

Except for the fans who are actively promoting and Amway, the rest of the netizens are waiting and watching.

[Yao Bianliang's dramas in the past were all very good. I really don't understand why he can't find Xiao Xianrou to make commercial dramas. 】

[Yao Bianliang's beautiful martial arts scene is good, but in this case, at most, it is enough to watch the edited video, there is no need to watch the original film. 】

[I'm looking forward to Tianya Ling, maybe this drama is not as bad as everyone imagined. 】

[Traffic stars have good looks, let's watch the edited video and lick their faces and it's over. Anyone who watches the original film is an idiot. 】

【Although I have great confidence in Yao Bianliang, I really don't want to suffer from Xia Hong's bad acting skills anymore...】

【Sorry, I'm not very confident in Yao Bianliang either. After all, this is her first time as a director, and the quality may be questionable. 】

In fact, Xia Hong's acting skills are not as bad as those posted on the Internet.

But because he just acted in a movie that lost all his money, he left a very deep impression on the audience. So now, the public's perception of Xia Hong is stuck on the label of "bad acting skills".

After the previous tidbits were released, most netizens no longer had the initial rejection of Tianya Ling, but not many people really had hope for this drama.

It was in such an environment of public opinion that reporter Tang Sa received a text message from Yao Bianliang to be interviewed.

Tang Sa, a middle-aged woman, is a senior reporter of Anhua News, focusing on personal interviews with celebrities in the entertainment industry.

When she sent the invitation to Yao Bianliang, she originally had the mentality of giving it a try, and never thought that she would get a reply.

After all, Yao Bianliang never accepts interviews, this is no secret in the entire entertainment industry.

However, to her surprise, not long after the news was sent, she received a reply from Yao Bianliang's studio.

"I didn't expect that Hudi Entertainment Studio actually agreed to our invitation." When Tang Sa chatted with the photographer, he was still somewhat surprised and emotional.

That's Yao Bianliang!

You know, Yao Bianliang has not accepted any interviews since his debut. If they can really complete this interview, it means that they are the first media to interview Yao Bianliang.

What is in front of you is the bright traffic.

"I heard that Yao Bianliang's new drama will start broadcasting soon. With this interview, our performance this month will be able to meet the target perfectly."

Tang Sa and his fellow photographers were chatting while walking towards Hudi Entertainment Studio.

The studio is still a small workshop, and has not expanded because of Yao Bianliang's popularity. After entering the room, an assistant immediately led everyone to the living room to sit down and serve tea.

Tang Sa also finally met the rumored Yao Bianliang.

Without the beauty filter under the lens, Yao Bianliang's appearance is still impeccable. More importantly, she didn't have the lofty attitude of most celebrities, but was very kind, with a hint of... distress in her expression.

Wait, distressed?

Tang Sa was slightly surprised, Yao Bianliang's career was developing so prosperously, did he ever feel distressed?

"Mr. Yao, hello." Tang Sa greeted Yao Bianliang carefully.

"Hello." Yao Bianliang shook hands with Tang Sa, trying to calm down his emotions.

In fact, Tang Sa's perception is completely correct. Yao Bianliang is indeed full of distress and worry about the future.

She was worried that Tianyaling would not be able to rush to the street, and at the same time, she was also worried that her system mission would fail again.

I hope that after this interview, the public can get to know the real her!

Yao Bianliang was thinking this way in his heart.

She has already figured it out, blindly hiding is not the answer.

If you want the public not to misunderstand her, you have to try to get in touch with these marketing campaigns, and then show everyone her true colors directly!

Don't you think she doesn't care about fame and wealth, and doesn't care about traffic?

Then, she has to let those people know that she is actually a person who wants to market and promote, and she also needs traffic and popularity.

Yao Bianliang and Tang Sa had their own thoughts, and they greeted each other, and after a few pleasantries, they officially entered the interview session.

Tang Sa: "Mr. Yao, hello, we are really surprised that you accepted the interview invitation this time. I would like to ask, why did you suddenly decide to accept the interview?"

The questions that the reporters will ask were discussed in advance by both parties, so Yao Bianliang was not too surprised.

She has a smile similar to a WeChat chat on her face: "The reason for the interview is mainly to hope that everyone can know the real me."

This was an unexpected answer, Tang Sa was slightly taken aback.

In her mind, Yao Bianliang is synonymous with Qingliu in the entertainment industry.

She doesn't have any of the bad habits of today's internal entertainment. On the contrary, many of her qualities are what audiences and fans really need, and they are precious existences.

Sometimes Tang Sa even felt that Yao Bianliang didn't seem to come from this world, she seemed to come from another world's entertainment industry, and all her behaviors carried a taste different from this world.

Tang Sa couldn't help being curious: "Then, in your opinion, what does your real self look like?"

Speaking of this, Yao Bianliang couldn't help but feel depressed: "The real me? It's not that I don't care about fame and fortune, on the contrary, I care about my popularity and traffic."

——She wholeheartedly hoped that she would become cooler, and of course she cared about the heat and flow!

"I'm not as dedicated to my job as you imagined, and I want to be bad most of the time."

— It’s just that because of the system, she couldn’t put it into practice.

"Besides, I'm not as talented as the one uploaded on the Internet!" Yao Bianliang said sadly, "I didn't change the script of "Spring Warm Revlon", I just made a few random suggestions; as for good acting skills, that's just as an actor The most basic ability is nothing to praise."

"As for why I chose those excellent partners..."

"God knows, I didn't know those people were so good at all! I just picked them at random, and I accidentally picked a good one. This only shows that I am lucky, and it's not a matter of unique vision at all."

Tang Sa was astonished when he heard this, and his thoughts surged in his heart.

She nodded from time to time while carefully taking notes.

Yao Bianliang is very concerned about traffic, what does this mean? Does it mean that she is a vain person?

of course not!

Even though she cared about traffic and popularity in her heart, she resisted the temptation from the outside world and the trap of Vanity Fair in the entertainment industry. What kind of self-control and firmness she has!

In the same way, Yao Bianliang said that she really wanted to show off, but this does not mean that she is a person who has no pursuit.

This can only mean that, like all ordinary people, she has the desire to be bad in her heart.

But she has perseverance and persistence different from ordinary people, so she has firmly embarked on the current path and dedicated herself to acting career!

As for Yao Bianliang saying that she has no amazing talent, no unique vision...

Tang Sa couldn't help but smile slightly on the corner of his lips.

This, probably comes from the humility of the strong.

Even with such a strong ability, Yao Bianliang is still so self-deprecating, and attributes all his brilliant resumes to the three words "good luck".

After Yao Bianliang finished talking, he finally stopped and looked at Tang Sa who was in deep thought: "You...understand what I mean?"

Tang Sa showed a smile: "Understood, of course I understand! However, you really don't have to be so humble. Everyone sees what you do."

Yao Bianliang: "..."

No, what does that mean—who is humbled by you? !

I'm telling you seriously!

Yao Bianliang moved his lips, wanting to explain a few more words, but Tang Sa has already brought the topic to the next one.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Yao Bianliang had no choice but to put this topic aside for now.

Forget it, after the interview is over, it won't be too late for her to mention this reporter again.

The next few routine questions went relatively smoothly, and Yao Bianliang answered all of them according to the previous draft.

However, looking at Tang Sa smiling and nodding from time to time, with pensive eyes, Yao Bianliang always had an illusion—she felt that the reporter's imagination might be quite different from her original intention.

"So, at the end of the interview, I have one more question to ask you."

When Tang Sa said this, there was a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

"As for your new drama "Order of the End of the World", everyone is looking forward to it. I would like to ask, do you think this drama meets your expectations?"

Yao Bianliang couldn't help laughing in his heart.

In line with expectations? Heh, stop kidding.

The final effect of this drama is far from the "bad drama" she expected.

Her only hope now is that the quality of the content of this script is not good enough, and it will arouse the public's disgust like An Hua's biography.

Thinking of this, Yao Bianliang shook his head slightly: "It doesn't matter whether the character meets my expectations, what matters is whether the show is good or not."

Tang Sa: "Then do you think this drama is good?"

After Tang Sa said this, he looked at Yao Bianliang expectantly, waiting for her to comment on her new work.

Then, she only saw the other party wave his hand decisively: "This drama is not good enough."

Tang Sa: "..."

Tang Sa:? ?

The conversation between the two was clearly recorded by the camera.

In the picture, Yao Bianliang's tone is determined, his eyes are sincere, without any hesitation.

But Tang Sa's expression was slightly dull, and he didn't recover for a long time.

After the last question was asked, the interview came to an end.

The cameraman pressed the button and saved the video as usual.

At this time, he didn't know that in the near future, the phrase "not good-looking enough" would become the biggest meme of the year.