You Have Science, I Have Magic

v1 Chapter 111: These long legs

?? This night, the eggless people collectively sleepless.

?? Blood loss!

?? Not only did I have no eggs, but the reputation of my own martial arts hall dropped to the end, and it was directly at freezing point. Many students were clamoring for a refund!

?? What is it called? !

?? They sighed, sighed, and helpless.

?? The blood mother has lost money! !

?? At the same time, there are also many people who are cherishing hatred, wondering how to reverse the situation, and how to make Lin Bin pay the price.


?? In the exchange group of Binhai Wushu Association.

?? Has been cold for a long time.

?? But at this moment, someone has emerged.

?? "Tomorrow, will you still fight?"

?? "···"

?? "Does it make sense?"

?? "Why is it meaningless?"

?? "You must fight! Not only to fight, but also to fight beautifully and win wonderfully! Otherwise, this time, not only the forty-four martial arts gymnasiums, but also our martial arts associations, will be seriously injured!"


?? "Everyone, I would like to remind you that many martial arts associations and martial arts clubs all over the country and even the world are watching our jokes."



?? They can't help but scold their mother.

?? They are all people with status and status, but now they don’t use any status and status. They just want to curse and are so irritating!



?? Liu Yuan was lying on the hospital bed, watching the public opinion and situation on Weibo that had been completely reversed, and finally smiled: "It's still a big sister!"

?? "So you deserve to be a big sister?" Chen Tao was also shocked.

?? They all know that Gan Zhi is a big sister, but they all think that Gan Zhi has already ‘run away’. Who would have thought that such a scene would happen?

?? "I won't come tomorrow."

?? Chen Tao said again: "Your case will open tomorrow. Let the second senior brother come and accompany you to help you with the lawsuit. I'll go to the martial arts hall!"

?? You Zai whispered: "I was scared at first, but now I really don't persuade."

?? "There will definitely be someone to challenge or even make trouble tomorrow, I have to stare a little bit."

?? "Actually I want to go too." Liu Yuan rubbed his hands: "Master burst out today, so cool~!"

?? Chen Tao: "···"

?? "Don't say, I am also very handy, oh, I should say that my feet are itchy."

?? If it is kicking ordinary people, or criminals who have not practiced, they will not feel excited yet, let alone any blood.

?? But the other party is a martial arts person who has practiced!

?? are still the existence of the owner of a museum.

?? So many kicks in one day, tusk!


?? The next day, early morning.

?? There is a lot of news on Lin Bin's phone.

?? A closer look, it turns out that they were all those students who dropped out of school and refunded fees early yesterday morning.

?? The message sent today has only one subject. I want to come back and continue to learn unlimited fighting. By the way, I apologized, said that I had a brain pump yesterday, that I was confused by lard, and I was forced by my family.

?? Nearly 30 ran away, and 25 of them all expressed their desire to come back.

?? "I have left, and want to come back?"

?? "There is no regret taking medicine in this world."

?? Lin Bin muttered, replying to the news one by one.

?? "Good horses don't want to turn their heads back, and hope that they will be well."

?? I want to come back after I left, where is such a cheap thing!

?? If something happens, you hide, and if it is resolved, will you come out and show up?

?? Should we really have no temper?

?? You want to refund the fee and we will not stay, but I want to come back after the refund, it is impossible!

?? The group is still lively.

?? Jia Qiang Shi has learned to drive and recorded a video!

?? Click to open a look, Lin Bin suddenly laughed.

?? Surrounded by a turquoise grass, lush forest in the distance, and occasionally smoke curling.

?? It's just that this comfortable, natural-looking scene was broken by the roar of the engine, and Jia Qiang Shi galloped on the grass in a big G.

?? The surrounding birds were frightened and flew away.

?? A wild horse rushed over, seeming to be extremely curious about this steel monster.

?? I want to catch up, but I can't catch up at all.

?? Tear!

?? Even in the end, the rise of the money-raising layman, there was a drift!

?? "How about, brothers, isn't handsome, huh?! Isn't handsome?!"

?? The video ends.

?? The group of friends came out to speak.

?? Suit thug: "It's just driving, what's so great?"

?? Feng Yuxiu: "I don't have a driver's license..."

?? Zhang Tianzhi: "I took a car today, Jiefang card."

?? Huo Yuanjia: "Brother Ding, you are enough!"

?? Chen Shi: "I took the classic car that you said."

?? Lin Bin laughed: "Puff! So sour."

?? "These talents."

?? The wealth of the suit thug, it's okay to open a big G or something, he should really think it's nothing great.

?? But for other people, even if Feng Yuxiu is rich now, he is busy with the martial arts, spending money like running water, really reluctant to spend millions to buy a car.

?? Zhang Tianzhi, Huo Yuanjia, and Chen Zhi are limited by the times. There were cars in that era, but if you want to drive a big G, you must have trouble!

?? Although they are all martial arts masters and masters of a generation, they can't waver in the age of guns.

?? So they can only think about it.

?? Then, this guy began to speak.

?? "@加钱居士, stay steady, if this is overturned, you may lose your life."

?? "@张天志, Lao Zhang, do you mean that the house arrest is lifted? What have they researched?"

?? "@陈识, Old Chen, who should your apprentice hit today?"

?? After sending a few messages, Lin Bin cooked a bowl of noodles by himself, and then opened the door.

?? The apprentices are already waiting outside the door!

?? Only Zhu Jianye was replaced by Chen Tao.

?? Zhang Xiaomei is also here, wearing a police uniform. Her vacation is over, and she has to start working today. Seeing her come together, Lin Bin is very curious: "Aren't you going to work?"

?? "Come on."

?? Zhang Xiaomei straightened her hat: "I'm on it now."


?? Everyone is puzzled.

?? Zhang Xiaomei explained with a smile: "As a criminal policeman, there may be criminal cases here today. It is reasonable to patrol here, right?"

"It's reasonable!" Lin Bin's mouth twitched.

?? Now that I hear the words "reasonable and reasonable", I always feel a bit abnormal. What's the matter?

?? The other people showed knowing smiles.

?? It's really reasonable... isn't it?

?? "Have you eaten yet?"

?? Lin Bin asked casually, this is the basic etiquette of our Chinese nation.

?? But, hh hh hh!

?? Everyone shook their heads, including Zhang Xiaomei.

?? Lin Bin: "???"

?? Seeing them looking at themselves eagerly, they are full of black lines.

?? I really just asked casually, right? Look at this, do you want me to have dinner?

?? He shook his head and smiled: "Let's go, eat noodles, I can't afford a big meal."


?? On the roof of Gan Zhi's villa, Liu Jiaxiong waited awkwardly.

?? I received a call early in the morning and asked him to come over.

?? However, when I first arrived, I saw the boss's flying car coming over, and then entered the villa with a dark face. Vaguely, I could still hear the voice of the father and daughter confronting each other, and even spraying each other.

?? This makes him guilty, such as sitting on pins and needles.

?? This wait is more than an hour.

?? Finally, the boss came out.


?? The little old man glared at Liu Jiaxiong, then snorted coldly, got in the car and left.

?? Not long after, Gan Zhi still came out in a training suit and got on the train.

?? "Go, go to the next one."

?? Liu Jiaxiong's heart jumped: "The boss's side???"

?? "I am your boss now."

?? Gan Zhi noodles do not change color.


?? Liu Jiaxiong muttered secretly and started the flying car.


?? At the moment when Lin Bin invited the apprentices to eat noodles, the apprentices were very happy, telling the fierceness of Lin Bin yesterday and the mighty power of the master sister.

?? The noodle shop owner was shocked and glanced at them from time to time.

?? Several people in the group also gave a reply.

?? Add money layman: "Don't worry, the owner, I can't die, the manual of this car is clearly written, and the safety is super high."

?? Lin Bin: "···"

?? Okay.

?? Of course, the safety of Molanxing's car is far superior to that of the earth.

?? But the money layman is obviously determined to wander around, and he can't help it.

?? Zhang Tianzhi: "They don't understand the research of the old man machine, and they don't even dare to split too many parts at random, but the big brother seems to be a little eye-catching."

?? "According to the physical machine and the data, I am trying to imitate it."

?? "Yesterday I rode in the car to meet the great man, but the great man repeatedly asked me where these things came from."

?? Feng Yuxiu: "How do you answer?"

?? Zhang Tianzhi: "I picked it up."

?? Feng Yuxiu: "Puff!"

?? Suit thug: "Puff!"

?? Chen Zhi: "···"

?? Lin Bin is also happy, but said: "Don't say, although this answer is very nonsense, but it is the simplest, convenient, and trouble-free answer."

?? "As long as you insist that you picked it up in Xiangjiang, who can prove that you didn't pick it up?"

?? "As long as you don't let go, you can say that as long as anyone asks you."

?? Lin Bin also thought about how to answer this kind of thing.

?? Someone gave it?

?? That obviously won't work!

?? Invented by myself? Then you give me a try?

?? Can't you say that it was given to yourself by an alien, right?

?? So picking up is actually the easiest way. As for whether others believe it or not, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I say that I picked it up. Others can't find any evidence that I didn't pick it up. This is enough.

?? Big Brother and the old machine are still things that have never appeared in Zhang Tianzhi's world, and have no origin. As long as Zhang Tianzhi doesn't talk nonsense, everything is in order.

?? Suspicion does not matter, as long as there is no evidence is enough.

?? Of course, another way is to pretend to be dumb and unpredictable.

?? Don't say anything.

?? Feng Yuxiu: "So how is the situation now?"

?? Zhang Tianzhi: "Promise to give me some convenience, but did not give me money, according to what you said before, I should be given a lot of money, but I am still very poor."

?? Feng Yuxiu: "/Question, shouldn't, you didn't say that you have no money to open a martial arts gym?"

?? Lin Bin was also very curious, but Feng Yuxiu asked, he didn't continue to ask.

?? Zhang Tianzhi: "That's it, who said it's easy to handle, give me an interest-free loan of 100 million yuan..."

?? "One billion, how can I pay it back?"

?? "What can I do, I'm so worried."

?? Lin Bin: "···"

?? Suit thug: "···"

?? Feng Yuxiu: "..., I always thought that my brain was not good, I was a martial idiot, the martial lunatic of others, I didn't expect your brain to be better than mine."

?? "What is the difference between an interest-free loan and giving you money?"

?? Zhang Tianzhi: "Huh? Isn't the loan to be repaid?"

?? Chinese inheritor: "Ahem, did you tell you how many years of loan?"

?? Zhang Tianzhi was silent for a moment: "I didn't say this. I flipped through the contract, but there was nothing written on it."

?? Huo Yuanjia: "Oh, indefinite interest-free loan...100 million, you said you have no money?"

?? Zhang Tianzhi hasn't figured it out yet: "Bringing that is always a loan."

?? Lin Bin can't stand it anymore: "Lao Zhang, why are you so axis? You can't see it on weekdays! Do you want that person to directly say that I will give you 100 million, you spend whatever you want?"

?? "Although he has a high position, he can't play like this. Isn't this in feudal society, he said that he was awarded a reward?"

?? "It is said that it is an indefinite interest-free loan, but in fact it is given to you in a changed direction. You can take advantage of it."

?? "But then again, in your age, one hundred million, I am afraid that it will not be spent."

?? Zhang Tianzhi: "Ah? Is that true?"

?? "Then I can rest assured, the money is indeed a lot, then I will find a way to open a martial arts gym in what you call the second ring of Kyoto??"

?? "Open, must open, open now!"

?? The group of friends are very supportive.

?? Lin Bin talked, and went back to the martial arts hall with the apprentices who were eating bowl of noodles.

?? At this moment, there is already a large crowd of people eating melons outside the martial arts hall, more than yesterday!

?? There are also many reporters, but people from Binhai Times are missing.

?? No way, the case has been filed for investigation. This time, Binhai Times was mostly cold, and other media and newspapers were also investigated, but it was not as strict as Binhai Times.

?? This has directly led to people from various media greeted the entire family of women as the editor-in-chief of Binhai Times seven or eight hundred times.

?? But the challenger has not come yet.

?? Yesterday, none of the martial arts halls that lingered for a long time and finally escaped were gone.

?? I waited for more than ten minutes, no one came to challenge.

?? Some people who eat melon said strangely: "It's weird, didn't it mean someone challenged it early today?"

?? "I heard that many martial arts and martial arts people from other cities in Southern Province also rushed over yesterday. It's just that the time is not suitable, so I didn't challenge yesterday. Why didn't you come this early?"


?? When the chat box opens, there are more people communicating.

?? "I also heard, what's the matter?"

?? "Hey, what else? I'm afraid!"

?? "The Unrestricted Fighting School is so fierce! A Lin Bin exploded the eggs of the heroes, and a master sister swept many martial arts halls."

?? "Maybe you are not afraid of being swept away in the martial arts hall, but as a man, who is not afraid of being blown up?"

?? "Hey! I'm really scared of this."

?? "I am also persuaded to change me."

?? "Once you miss it, tsk..."

?? In the crowd, there is constant communication, and from time to time there are some mocking words coming out.

?? After Gan Zhi's video was released and disseminated, public opinion was largely reversed in a short period of time, causing them to talk about unlimited fighting now that they are less resistant.

?? On the contrary, he laughed at the'counseling behavior' of those martial arts people.

?? The reporters are very impatient.


?? "Why no one?"

?? Chen Tao craned his neck.

?? There is no such reason!

?? Yesterday I was not on the scene and challenged one by one. Today I came by myself, but no one challenged? ? ?

?? "Isn't they all afraid of me?"

?? Zhou Manman covered his mouth and smiled: "Shameless."

?? The other disciples are also a little uncomfortable.

?? But Lin Bin is very calm.

?? He knows very well that this kind of broken egg blow is too oppressive! The reason why I chose to explode every challenger yesterday is also because of this.

?? is to make people scared and afraid to come!

?? Otherwise, are you still bored?

?? He dared to be so mad in the response, but he didn't get mad at his brain, but he had a complete set of ideas long ago.

?? This idea actually originated from ‘Ms. Chen’.

?? After he exploded those people's eggs in Hangzhou Wulin Square, although there are still many martial arts people who scolded him for unlimited fighting, mad dog boxing, and even scolding him, let’s see who else dares to challenge his unlimited fighting faction. ?

?? Who would dare to fight against fakes with unlimited fighters?

?? No one!

?? Lin Bin wants this effect!

?? "However, it should not be so easy."

?? "In the era when the whole people were martial arts and everyone was like Tyson, it would be weird if there were not a few rash men, and those countless genres and associations would definitely not just let it go."

?? "So, what are you doing?"

??"I am waiting."

?? Lin Bin is not in a hurry.

?? He even asked Li Zijie to enter the house to remove the recliners from the counter, and went directly to the door to doze off.

?? Wow~!

?? This move caused an uproar among the people eating melons.

?? "Cow! Bull!"

?? "Too crazy, great!"

?? "I like to be so crazy, I just sleep at the door, if you are not convinced, you will challenge me!?"

?? "Martial arts person: Dandan is important, next time, next time."

?? "God **** next time, hahaha..."

?? Lin Bin ignored the thoughts and attitudes of these people who eat melons.

?? Because the group is busy again.

?? Chen Shi: "Everyone, you said before that you want to see my apprentice go to the gym. Today should be a fight with that woman. Do you want to watch the live broadcast?"

?? Add money layman: "Look! My car is not driving anymore, hurry up and start the live broadcast!"

?? Suit thug: "vulgar! But a mere woman... where is the live broadcast?"

?? Zhang Tianzhi: "Oh, this reminds me of the woman I am destined to meet. Should I bring him back?"

?? Feng Yuxiu: "Your wife is so beautiful, envious! What a pity my snow...Alas! But, UU reading live broadcast, you are @陈识."

?? Chen Zhi: "Here is here, you are optimistic about it."

?? Soon, the live broadcast of Chen Zhi came out.

?? Originally, every time Geng Liangchen challenged and competed, Chen Zhi was not on the scene. It was not that he couldn't go, but he didn't want to.

?? But since the group members want to watch, there is nothing wrong with the scene.

?? Soon, Geng Liangchen and the other side both played.

?? Seeing that the other party is a woman, and that the cheongsam and the cheongsam's **** have reached the hips, Geng Liangchen couldn't help frowning: "Look down on me?"

?? "I know after playing."

?? The woman smiled.


?? The challenge begins.

?? The woman took the knife, Geng Liangchen blocked.

?? But suddenly, the woman kicked out.

?? The ultra-high cheongsam with slits can't stop it at all. The woman's long white and tender legs are so eye-catching, Geng Liangchen was ‘dazzled’ and directly hit.

?? The two separated, Geng Liangchen said depressed: "Is it a shameful trick?"

?? "Ahem."

?? In the live broadcast room, Chen Shi coughed awkwardly and looked away.

?? Add money layman: "Hey! What's the matter with this? Look! This kind of landscape is not seen in my age, tusk, this woman must be very moist!"

?? Zhang Tianzhi: "It's all men, what's the embarrassment? Your woman is also very beautiful! Don't lose him."

?? Chen Zhi: "That is natural."

?? Suit thug: "@张天志, I agree with the saying that they are all men, right? @霍元甲."

?? Fearless: "···"

?? At this moment, Lao Huo is embarrassed, what does this have to do with me? @What am I doing.

??:. :


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