You Have Science, I Have Magic

v1 Chapter 153: Liu Yubai, Zhao Xinchuan! (W word)

Lin Bin felt that his heart was congested, oh, it was the feeling of myocardial infarction.

He doesn't know which gene fragments of these three animals and insects that the big goblin intercepted to strengthen him, but he can think of it with a high probability?

For example, the explosiveness of leopards and the flexibility of cats.

Killer bee?

That thing is fast and powerful...

Feelings about this big goblin...huh? !

Lin Bin suddenly reacted: "No wonder that Gou Jianqiang would say that you are a ruthless person. Let me be careful. It turns out that you are really a ruthless person!"

With the fusion of the genes of these three animals, even if their ‘attribute ratio’ cannot be restored 100%, it’s already a metamorphosis, right?

"The dog also said this?"

The big goblin raised his brows: "I think he wants to be beaten."


Lin Bin reacted again: "Daodaozhai's face changed a lot after we arrived at the scene, is it because he saw you? He knows you?"

"In general, if you pay more attention to some league news, you will know me more or less?"

The big goblin put his jade feet on the coffee table: "But you can see that your kid basically didn't pay attention."

"Why am I paying attention to that stuff?"

Lin Bin couldn't laugh or cry.

I didn't understand this one-third of Binhai's land before, so I started to pay attention to the alliance? Just like party members and officials, they must watch the news broadcast every day.

But you let a farmer watch the news feed every day?

are you crazy!

People were probably still in the field or busy cooking at that time.

"By the way, Auntie, there should be a lot of masters and ruthless people that Mo Lanxing has mixed in the league, right?"

"There are still eight thousand children, but you have to say more..."

The big goblin spreads his hands: "As far as the proportion of our Meran Star is the lowest, more than 50 billion people, only 8,000 are mixed in the league, and most of them are officially sent by the team."

"You know what I mean?"

"So we, Mo Lanxing, are mixed up badly?"


The big goblin lowered his voice, a little serious: "There are some things that can't be inquired or found inside Star Molan."

"for example?"

"For example, it has not been more than two thousand years since Star Molan joined the alliance, and it is also the only planet that has newly joined the alliance since this time."

"For another example, the Star Molan was actually an uninhabited planet more than two thousand years ago."


Lin Bin finally changed his face when he heard this.

"So we are?!"

"Interstellar immigration."

The big goblin squinted his eyes slightly: "I can't reveal this matter without revealing it. As for why we emigrated and where our previous home star was, I can't find out in the alliance."

"I only know that not long after I came here, I was discovered by some nearby life planets, and many planets and ethnic groups were eyeing them."

"But at that time, there was a ruthless man who killed dozens of life planets by one person."

"That is to say, since then, our Star Molan barely has the qualifications to join the alliance and have equal dialogue with other planets in the alliance."

"Others are very vague."

"I just heard vaguely, it seems that since then, the league has issued a restriction."

"It seems that...everything is not allowed to be refined?"

Lin Bin: "···"

He was a little confused.

But then, he was silent and began to digest all this quickly.

Molan Ephemeris, 2081!

This is the current year!

He had always thought that this came because of a certain event or a certain time node, just like the earth's AD.

However, he couldn't find anything about the events and history before 2081!


There seems to be no ancient in this world!

There are almost no antiques.

He always felt strange.

There was nothing in the Warring States, Qin and Han Dynasties, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.


Is it the era of high technology when the people of Mo Lanxing were born?

But now it seems that when you know the time at the beginning of this new year, it is actually the time when the ‘interstellar migration’ arrived on the Star of Meran? !

Then, according to the analysis of interstellar immigration, everything makes sense.

It has been 2081 since immigrating.

Why is there no history?

Because Molan Star had no history before 2081, it was deserted and there were no people.

Then why does Mo Lanxing circulate classic works such as the four great masterpieces and various myths and legends? It seems reasonable and reasonable to bring in interstellar immigration for analysis.

"So!" Lin Bin was shocked in his heart: "Molan Star is actually in a parallel time and space to the Earth, but for some reason, did the people on Earth undergo interstellar migration?"

"If this is the case, what is hidden in this?"

"Moreover, one person killed dozens of life planets?"

"How is this possible?!"

Lin Bin stared at the big goblin and couldn't help but said: "You can't make a mistake, are you? A person kills dozens of life planets, is that still a human?"

"I am not a person two thousand years ago, how would I know?"

The big goblin spread his hands: "But that's what vaguely found out."

"In fact, I also find it quite unbelievable. How can you say that a person can kill dozens of life planets? And they are all planets with a higher level of technology than the current Meran Star!"

"Isn't this bullshit?"

"It's a Tier 10 enhancer. It's a big deal if a more powerful missile comes down, it's also an instant death."

"Not to mention that every planet of life has its own weapon of destruction..."

The big goblin became more and more mysterious as she spoke, and even she herself showed inexplicable and unbelievable colors.

"Originally I didn't believe it, but recently I found another problem."

"what is the problem?"

"The life planets in the alliance even began to study the strengthening liquid at the time when Star Molan joined the alliance and was recognized as a member of the alliance by the alliance."

"Molan Star is fully advocating martial arts, and even countless ethnic groups and intelligent species in the entire alliance began to gradually attach importance to individual force, and it was also from around that time period!"

Lin Bin was shocked.

"So if you want to analyze it like this?!"

"So." The big goblin spread his hands: "The legend that one person killed dozens of intelligent planets may be true."

"Although I still can't understand now, what kind of person can do it."

"Could it be the legendary Tathagata Buddha?"

"Is it really a fairy or something?"

Lin Bin frowned.

Key words were outlined and gathered in his mind.

Not allowed to become refined!

One person killed dozens of smart planets!

Strengthening fluid.

Not only Star Molan, but the entire Sacred Technology Alliance, tens of thousands of planets, and countless ethnic groups, are starting to attach importance to individual combat power? !

Putting aside the first three points for the time being, the fourth point is actually very abnormal.

The higher the technology, the lower the need for individual combat power.

According to the development of the normal world of science and technology, when technology reaches a certain level and is extremely convenient, it is very likely that the bodies of intelligent organisms will rapidly degenerate and even affect their health.

So, at this time, perhaps the government will force residents to exercise to stay healthy or something.

But what the **** is individual combat power and individual force? !

Laser swords have been updated for several generations!

Even as far as Lin Bin knows, there are more than one or two planets in the alliance that have developed causal weapons, and even some planets are trying to impact the four-dimensional space!

With the development of science and technology to this degree, what kind of personal force is not a single shot?

The current gun is not a gunpowder + bullet gun.

Laser guns, micro nuclear guns and even more powerful guns are the mainstream.

You are a Tier 10 enhancer, you can't stop it! ! !

So, why is this? !

When all the questions are brought together and combined with the ‘timeline’, all of this is too coincidental. Even if Lin Bin finds it unbelievable, he still has to admit that the big goblin’s guess is very reasonable.

Because according to normal development, it is absolutely impossible for all members of a highly developed ‘universe’ such as the Holy Science and Technology Alliance to suddenly start pursuing individual combat power while simultaneously starting to develop strengthening fluids.

Is technology so advanced, isn't it good to enjoy it? Who doesn't want to enjoy it?

If there is no stimulation, this situation will never happen. After all, this is almost the opposite of the ‘technological universe’.

The pursuit of science and technology has never been individual force!

Even if you want to pursue it, you are inventing awesome individual equipment.

Because under the nuclear bomb, all carbon-based organisms are equal. There is no need to put aside the existing scientific and technological achievements and the mature route, and instead open up a new route, unless it is stimulated.

So, the source of this stimulus...

Who the **** is it?

Suddenly like this?

One person kills dozens of intelligent planets, it's **** scary to think about it!

Putting yourself in the situation, Lin Bin believes that if he is a high-level alliance or a decision-maker of a race, after receiving this kind of planet, he will definitely want to explore and pursue it.

Because the force of that person has even surpassed dozens of life planets!

Who is not jealous and depressed in this special lady?

Then, restrict the ‘being refined’?

That is to say...

Lin Bin pondered: "In other words, they are afraid of that person, and they don't want to see him again!"

"Being a spirit, can it be that that person is actually a spirit? Fairy?"

The big goblin put his cheek in one hand: "Then I don't know, anyway, the water inside is very deep, not to mention you, it's my old aunt, I can't grasp it at the moment."

"Hold your eyes!"

Suddenly she patted Lin Bin on the shoulder, and then hugged the boyfriend over and said, "Will you receive the prize tomorrow? One billion Union Coins, a little bit of the old aunt, how about being pocket money?"


Lin Bin smiled and scolded: "I have never seen an elder like you, no way!"

"Wow, you don't love me anymore!"

"I'm your beloved relatives and friends, your aunts!"

"No, you picked it up."

"Bah! Stingy!"

The goblin is gone.

Angrily said that he was going to have a big meal.

Lin Bin was alone at home, lost in thought.

"What kind of person can one person penetrate dozens of intelligent planets, and they are all planets that have entered the interstellar age?"

"Sun Wukong?"

"That's too mythical."

"So, if'Martial Arts' achieves this level, who does it have to be? How fierce?"


This guy suddenly felt his toothache.


The outside world has been noisy.

The island nation is kneeling.

But other countries in the Eastern Continent didn't have many powerful weapons masters, and they didn't even need Lin Bin to take action. Qin Feng and his group were enough to handle it.

Therefore, it is basically certain that the authorization of the second-order strengthening fluid of the Eastern Continent will eventually fall into the ancient eastern country.

The islanders are scolding.

People from the ancient eastern country cheered and took Lin Bin to the altar several times.

All kinds of news are endless, and there are all kinds of things to say.

However, Lin Bin didn't bother to take care of these.

On the official Weibo of the Martial Arts Hall, there are many people who forecast famous martial arts. Although most of them are scared off by the cost of tens of thousands of ancient national coins every month, because of Lin Bin's previous performance, there are still tens of thousands!

If you learn unlimited fighting, there will be more.

Unfortunately, the forecast name does not count.

Therefore, the system does not give the qualification to invite new group members.

The next day, early morning.

Lin Bin went out to start the'journey of receiving awards'.

Too much!

There are many varieties, more or less, and more than one hundred companies have offered a reward before, and the leader is the Changsheng Biological Group.

They are the ones who give the most.

Lin Bin found out that Gan Ye had been waiting with his "property" long ago, and completed the remittance and transfer within a few minutes.

But when I was transferred to other companies, I realized that it was not that simple.

They don't want to fall back on the bill, but they all have a requirement, they have to cooperate in taking photos, being an image spokesperson or something.

Lin Bin was not polite to these people either.

Take pictures, spokesperson?

Yes you can!

But we also have a request, we have to print the words such as Unlimited Fighting Martial Arts Hall and "National Art" on the poster! Do you advertise?

I also fight!

In this way, both sides are happy.

After being happy, giving money is happy.

But this is the case. It took more than half a month to travel all over the country and cooperate.

When Lin Bin met Binhai again, the big goblin had already left.

Regarding this, Lin Bin was very happy, but also very melancholy.

The happy thing is that this big goblin finally won't think of harming herself every day. What's sad is that with such a thick hole card, suddenly she flies!

You just say it's not uncomfortable, right? !

More than half a month passed, but Lin Bin's reputation became more and more thoughtful.

Various companies are making essays, advertising, and publicizing Lin Bin's achievements, which directly caused Lin Bin's reputation in China to explode. It is difficult to think of not being famous!

After waiting a few more days, finally, the rebuilding of the martial arts hall was completed.

On 328 square meters of land, a 19-story brand-new martial arts hall was built, which can accommodate thousands of people to practice martial arts at the same time!

Compared with before, it is a world of difference.

Various decorations are also approaching technological and modernization.

The lounge, bathroom, and gym are all available.

There is even a ‘test’ room where you can test your punch strength, reaction speed, running speed, etc., and change shotguns.

And it uses high-tech environmental protection materials, no radiation, no formaldehyde pollution, and you can move in at any time.

On this day, Unlimited Fighting reopened!

The flower basket at the door almost blocked the whole street.

Most of them came from companies that cooperated with Lin Bin, and the rest were donations from many martial arts gyms, martial arts associations, martial arts circles, disciples and others.

Today, Lin Bin's reputation is too great.

When a person becomes popular, there are naturally more people who want to curry favor.

There are even people who crazily praise Lin Bin secretly, wanting to kill him with one hand.

Lin Bin was aware of this, but didn't care.

To kill?

Then you have to kill it.

When I finished talking with the big goblin before, Lin Bin's gaze was no longer limited to Mo Lanxing. He knew that sooner or later he was going to walk around and take a look around the league.


It shouldn't just re-emerge and become famous in Molan Star, but should also occupy a place in the entire alliance.

At the same time, he wanted to explore the truth of the year!

Is it true that you have traveled to the future of parallel time and space on the earth?

Who was the man who killed dozens of life planets with his own power?

But before that, the rear must be stabilized.

At the same time, Lin Bin really wanted to figure out what the flower of God was, and could he get that thing and hand it over to the country, so that they could develop a strengthening liquid that is more suitable for the physique of the East?

Otherwise, you will suffer!

He knows very well that he is currently regarded as a first-class expert or even a top-level expert within Molan Star, but if he puts it in the league, it is a fart?

The first and second order reinforcements seem to be the weakest, but in fact they are the foundation.

The foundation is not high, and the subsequent bonus gap will only get bigger and bigger.



Onomatopoeia firecrackers resounded through the sky, and it was very lively.

Unlimited fighting martial arts hall reopened, too many people came.

Apprentices, colleagues in the martial arts industry, entrepreneurs, and even the old Gan couple from the Longevity Biological Group, all arrived in person.

It should be noted that they are very busy during this time.

We are competing with other pharmaceutical companies for the authorization of the second-order enhancement liquid!

Lin Bin was also very surprised when he saw them. He couldn't help but look at the big apprentice who stood behind him, who was more beautiful than Hua'er: "Aren't your parents busy?"

"Very busy, but the dust is about to settle."

Gan Zhi replied: "It is estimated that there is already a certain amount of confidence, otherwise it is estimated that they will not be able to come."


Lin Bin nodded: "That's pretty good."

Immediately, Lin Bin looked at the people on both sides of him, feeling deeply moved.

It's only a month, and the changes are too great.

At that time, the entire martial arts hall was a teacher by himself.

now what?

It can be called talented people.

The three elders of the Qin family, plus the young Qin Feng.

Bajiquan Chen Shanhai and Lu Tianqing with kicks!

They are all well-known masters, even if they are not as good as themselves, but they are definitely enough for teaching.

In addition, there was a little black dog sitting at Lin Bin's feet, looking at a beautiful reporter, Harazi was almost on the ground!

Gou strong.

This guy is hired to teach unlimited fighting.

The thief is reasonable!


After the excitement, return to calm.

As Gan Zhi said, everything is about to settle down.

In the early morning of the next day, the official press announced that the only authorized party of the second-order enhanced liquid Eastern Continent was the Longevity Biological Group.

In this regard, the Western countries and the island countries are very upset, but the prerequisite is that they have proposed that Lin Bin and the ancient east country are only victorious within the rules, and they can only stare at them no matter how upset they are.

When the Changsheng Biological Group began to pump out the production line and began to orderly produce the second-stage strengthening fluid, Lin Bin has also begun to work overtime to screen students.

National martial arts is not the same as unlimited fighting.

Unrestricted fighting can be learned as long as the limbs are sound and the brain is good.

Even if there are some problems with the limbs, it is better to barely learn it than not to learn!

But Chinese martial arts, sound limbs may not be appropriate.

If you want to learn the true martial arts, you still have to learn it in accordance with the ancient laws. Scientific fitness is okay, but standing is indispensable.

Not just for stability!

If you really want to develop your skills, for example, if you want to train your internal energy, these hardenings are really indispensable.

Another very important factor is talent!

Another one, money.

National martial arts is not overnight, but for years and months. Every month, three to fifty thousand ancient national coins buy medicinal materials. After many years, how many people can persist in living?

Although it is said in the name of the forecast, many people still come with the mentality of giving it a try.

So, now we have to filter another wave.

After screening again in this way, there are really not many people left.

But Lin Bin, Qin Feng and others are busy.

Others don't understand this, only those who really practice Chinese martial arts can tell whether it is suitable or not in a short period of time! Therefore, you can only do it yourself.

But even so, in the end, many people expressed dissatisfaction.

Came from a thousand miles away, and was said to have no talent? !

Annoyance is also normal.

Therefore, Lin Bin just asked Gan Zhi to explain it carefully on the official Weibo, and did not quarrel with them.

But what he didn't expect was that some martial arts gymnasiums that played side-by-side **** suddenly became so excited that they began to preach that what they taught was also true national art...

Most of the people who were brushed down on Lin Bin's side were taken away by them.

Ordinary people really don't know so much.

Lin Bin won with the national martial arts, and now the national martial arts is very hot, they want to learn the national martial arts!

Who is true and who is false?

Where do they know?

What's more, those museum owners are not completely fakes. In this era of national martial arts, real fakes simply cannot survive.

There are some skills.

But how much can be learned?

This can't be said.


Five full days!

Only then did the online forecasting schools of famous Chinese martial arts be screened one by one.

There are a total of one hundred and eighty-six people.

With the addition of the previous disciples, Lin Bin's current total number of disciples has exceeded the two hundred mark.

This day and night.

Lin Bin washed away his exhaustion, holding a jar of Happy Water, and immediately began to hustle and bustle, until he was satisfied with the hiccup, he "opened" in his mind.

"System, invite new group members!"

"Ding: Group members are randomly invited, please wait..."


The world of "October Siege".

A beggar sat silently on the side of the road, his dirty clothes, dark face, and messy beard made him look extremely sloppy.

"Ding: Congratulations, join the Guoshu chat group."


The beggar lifted his eyelids lightly, but said nothing, not even interested in exploring.

"Liu Gongzi!"

At this time, a coachman passed by and threw a silver dollar.

The beggar smiled suddenly, picked up the silver dollar, and staggered away.


The world of "Taoist Going Down the Mountain".

In a mountain forest, Zhao Xinchuan is practicing boxing.

One move, one move, seems soft and weak, but in fact, there is a different kind of air surging.


Suddenly, he patted his hands forward. At this moment, his back was like a dragon, and the hot air was rising, even the air was distorted.

Almost at the same time, the dust was flying ahead, and fragments of rubble rose from the ground!


"Congratulations, join the Guoshu chat group."


Zhao Xinchuan stood up, frowning.

"Guoshu chat group?"


"Ding: Liu Yubai joined the chat group."

"Ding: Zhao Xinchuan joined the chat group."

When the two joined the chat group, Lin Bin was simultaneously prompted here, and then his eyes beamed, a little surprised.

Looking at the avatars of the two men, and clicking on the personal interface again, after checking the information, Lin Bin was so excited that he almost jumped up.


"Internal strength!"

Zhao Xinchuan!

Among the Taoist priests going down the mountain, the most powerful martial arts is the ape-strike technique. To a certain extent, the ape-strike technique even has the characteristics of cultivating immortals.

For example, when Zhou Xiyu shot, it was like a weakened version of the god.

When Cha boss shot, he jumped tens of meters high, just like teleporting.

Besides the ape-strike technique, what is the strongest martial arts?

Nine Dragons Harmony!

But the most amazing thing is that these two kinds of martial arts turned out to be from the "Peng Family", and Zhao Xinchuan is one of the two people who can combine the nine dragons!

The so-called "Nine Dragons", in simple terms, has truly reached the point where internal forces can be released externally.

They can beat people even far away, and even hit the bulls in the air!

For example, as soon as Zhao Xinchuan appeared on the stage, he broke the lock of the medicine shop through the gate, and then when he showed it, he directly smashed the rockery and other things inside through the fish tank.

In other words, learning to combine nine dragons together means that you have learned internal strength, and it is a very advanced internal strength, far surpassing Gang Jin!

If you learn the ape-strike technique...

That is even more fierce!

"In my impression, the film of Taoist Going Down the Mountain is not very high, because many places are a bit clouded and misty. Among them, after He An went to avenge the master of the drugstore, he even ran to find a monk to kneel down and confess, and was even more Taoist. People squirt blood on their heads."

"However, in terms of martial arts level, the factory flower is far behind the masters in "Taoist Down the Mountain"."


"Perhaps, I was wrong before."

"The mysterious change does not mean that female group members can be invited, but that the'internal force' system is truly opened up. It is only due to a random relationship that Chen Yuniang was invited last time, not a master of internal strength such as Zhao Xinchuan."

"As for Liu Yubai..."

Looking at the sloppy beggar on his head, Lin Bin sighed lightly.

"real man."

Liu Yubai, originally the noble son of Yangzhou, was a champion at the age of 17, and the champion at that time was definitely the ceiling of national combat power.

Later, because he fell in love with his father's woman, the old man was furious, and the youngest mother also judged herself in front of him.

The double blow made Liu Yubai completely degenerate, caught a big smoke, and then lost all his family property and became a beggar living on the streets of Hong Kong.

It was at that time that Li Yutang acquired Liu Yubai's assets, Jinliyuan, at a low price, and became a generation of wealthy businessman.

For 18 years, Liu Yubai has been with Da Yan all day long, and he has not even had the courage to stop himself.

And Li Yutang has always felt ashamed of Liu Yubai, so every time he passes by the place where he begs, he always gives him a piece of ocean.

Until that time, Li Yutang found Liu Yubai, hoping that he could participate in the team to protect Sun Yat-sen. At the same time, Li Yutang helped Liu Yubai redeem his heirloom Wujin iron fan.

For the face of the heirloom, Liu Yubai finally agreed.

"Leave me the most dangerous place."

Afterwards, Liu Yubai seemed to change, dreaming back to the seventeen-year-old son Liu who was a champion eighteen years ago. He is handsome, free and easy, handsome, light and warm, and a fan of the enemy.

One person, one fan, and dozens of people fought fiercely at the bridge.

However, because he was unwilling to be cruel, smoked a lot of cigarettes and damaged his body, coupled with eighteen years of wastefulness, he finally exhausted his strength. This was so, and he tried his last breath, and was later killed by Yan Xiaoguo.

Liu Yubai is definitely a character.

A character with a story.

Songs and tears, but sad and talkative.

In terms of strength, even in his heyday, he should be no better than Zhao Xinchuan, weaker than Boss Cha and Zhou Xiyu, but he is definitely not weak, and he is properly the ceiling of "October Besieged".


After briefly recalling the past of the two, Lin Bin was immediately in the group @ two persons, and said: "Welcome two, newcomers must read and understand?"

At the same time, other group members also ‘jumped’ out.

Feng Yuxiu: "There are newcomers again! @刘郁白, @赵心川, good two, I am Feng Yuxiu!"

Add money Jushi: "@刘郁白, @赵心川, welcome, so what, do you have money?"

Chen Yuniang: "Welcome to both of you!"

Huo Yuanjia: "When you look at the two of them, they are like dragons and phoenixes!"

Everyone appeared, with the exception of Wang Daochang.

However, after all welcome and no response, they immediately changed their goals.

Zhang Tianzhi: "Group owner, ask for a movie~"

Suit thug: "+1!"

Devil muscle man: "+1!"

Chen Zhen: "+1!"

Lin Bin didn't let them wait too long, extracting and uploading the two video files.


Group reminder: The group owner uploads the video file "Liu Yubai".

Group reminder: The group owner uploads the video file "Zhao Xinchuan".

Almost at the same time, the members of the group watched two movies separately based on their first impressions.

After that, they were all shocked!

Feng Yuxiu: "···, Liu Yubai, Liu Gongzi, what a good Liu Gongzi, who has smoked opium for more than ten years, can still be so powerful, admire!!!"

Huo Yuanjia: "You deserve to be the champion of Wu, @刘郁白, if there is a chance, I will definitely offer you a cup!"

Zhang Tianzhi: "Lao Feng, I don't know how powerful Young Master Liu is, but Zhao Xinchuan is really amazing. Forgive me, even the plant flower is far inferior!"

West Factory Plant Flower: "My Lord is naturally inferior. I didn't expect that he actually has internal strength and is so tyrannical! Before this, my father thought that it was just a fiction. The combination of nine dragons and the ape-strike technique... incredible! "

Devil muscle man: "Lao Feng, we saw the other you, just a little stupid, and stupidly ran to find a monk to kowtow and confess."

Feng Yuxiu: "What?! Zhao Xinchuan is so powerful?!"

"There is another me? Don't tell me, I will watch "Zhao Xinchuan" quickly."

The group of friends were shocked, and after a brief exchange, they began to watch another ‘movie’.

They were amazed at the tyranny of Jiulong Bibi and Ape Strike, and they were also amazed at Liu Yubai's life.

In terms of strength, anyone who knows opium knows how much it hurts.

People who practice martial arts know that martial arts practice is like going against the current and retreating without advancing. It must be persistent day after day and year after year, but Liu Yubai can be as strong as that on the basis of smoking a lot and being abandoned for 18 years. , Has also been called incredible.

These are two legends!



However, the group of friends were surprised, shocked, and unbelievable. As for Liu Yubai himself, he wanted to die in the smokehouse...

Sounds and text messages in your mind?

He was all sucked by himself and hallucinated.


Zhao Xinchuan has watched his own "Movie".

Only now, his brow furrowed into Chuan.

"According to the must-read for newcomers, this so-called national skill exchange group is for us group members to communicate, learn, and help each other."

"In the group files, there are almost everyone named'video files'. In other words, can I understand their lives?"

"But, is this true or not?"

Zhao Xinchuan was silent.

Will you be attacked or killed by Master? !

He didn't want to believe it.

However, based on my understanding of Master, I feel that this is not impossible.

To say that Zhao Xinchuan's personality is definitely not bad.

Perhaps the only thing he did wrong in his life was to steal Master’s Nine Dragons. But in fact, the root cause of the scourge of life is not to learn from the combination of Kowloon.

But the talent is too good, much better than Peng Qianwu's son Peng Qizi and even all the juniors in the Peng family, and they are even better than Peng Qianwu from the blue.

Just like the words Peng Qianwu said before Zhao Xinchuan's death: "Don't blame the master, you are not dead, the Peng family juniors are difficult to convince the crowd..."

In other words, the root cause of Zhao Xinchuan's death was Peng Qianwu's selfishness.

According to Zhao Xinchuan's own understanding, Master Peng Qianwu is indeed such a person.

It's just that he still doesn't want to believe it.


"You asked me to fight, really to kill me?"

At this moment, the timeline where he was, had already made an appointment to fight with Master.

Even after he finished practicing, he would go to the city to buy a bottle of medicinal wine as a little bit of his own mind. If he accidentally injured Master, he could use it as soon as possible.

Everything points to the fact that the ‘movie’ is true!

But Zhao Xinchuan still had a trace of expectation and persistence.

"I hope all this is fake."

He whispered, instead of speaking in the group, he got up and hurried away like a city.

He is going to buy wine!

He is not prepared to change what he does because he may know the future.

He wants to confirm.

This confirms whether Master Peng Qianwu wants to take this opportunity to kill himself!


The drugstore is exactly the same as the experience in the ‘video file’.

When Zhao Xinchuan met He Anxia, ​​at the request and entanglement of the other party, he simply taught him the combination of nine dragons, like a dragon's back, and he grinned straightly.

All in all, it seems there is no difference in the movie.

Then, He An was fascinated by the combination of Kowloon and kept following secretly.

Zhao Xinchuan has been paying attention, so he noticed He Anxia's stalking.

Originally, he shouldn't know.

At this moment, when he knew and realized that everything was the same as what he had seen, Zhao Xinchuan was even more silent.


The rain is majestic.

Zhao Xinchuan ignored He An, who was following, and went straight to the basketball court.

Peng Ganwu stood there, holding a black umbrella, smiling but not smiling: "Why, the medicinal liquor for Master's internal injuries is ready?"

Zhao Xinchuan's face was calm, without any clues.

"The wine is for Master's birthday, and the apprentice dare not forget your birthday."

"Hahaha." Peng Qianwu laughed, put away the black umbrella, and threw it far into the basketball hoop.

This scene made Zhao Xinchuan's heart even more sad.

"Master, happy birthday."

He didn't show it, and he followed the normal process to congratulate and deliver the wine.

However, everything was the same as what he saw.


Peng Qianwu hit the Feijiu Altar, followed by a series of black fists hitting the face door, hitting Zhao Xinchuan's mouth with blood, and then flying kick and kicking Zhao Xinchuan more than ten meters away.

Finally kicked the wine jar, Zhao Xinchuan looked dignified and avoided.

The wine jar bounced back, and Peng Ganwu caught it, haha ​​and smiled: "Hahaha, how did the master teach you? A defensive heart is indispensable. If I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago."

"The wine is still in Master's hand, I have done what I wished."

Zhao Xinchuan is confirming!

At this moment, he didn't want to say any more, he just wanted to confirm, whether what he saw was true or not.


Peng Qianwu fell the wine jar and laughed.

"Master doesn't like it, even if he fell." Zhao Xinchuan felt even colder.

So far, everything is not different!

"Don't be angry for no reason, good! Good!"

"bring it on!"

Peng Qianwu smiled and put on a posture, Tai Chi starting pose.

Their door is actually Peng's Tai Chi door.

The battle between master and apprentice began.

As soon as Zhao Xinchuan shot, Peng Qianwu was almost under pressure, and soon he vomited blood.

"now it's right!"

Peng Qianwu smiled: "I won't let you, and you won't let me."

"Listen to Master!!!"

Zhao Xinchuan's heart is already sad.

The rain is pouring.

The two hit the wire from the ground, and then Peng Qianwu pretended to faint and fall.

Zhao Xinchuan knew that Peng Qianwu was deliberately pretending, but he still rushed forward, grabbed him, and rescued him. As a result, what was waiting for Zhao Xinchuan was a set of combos.

Bang, bang, bang.

Aiming at the front door and thumping Peng Qianwu asked in a cold voice.

"Not convinced?"

"Not satisfied."

Boom boom boom!

"Not convinced?"

"Not satisfied!"

Boom boom boom!

Zhao Xinchuan soon had a bleeding in his mouth and nose, a bruised nose and a swollen face.

When the heavy rain stopped, Peng Qianwu smiled contemptuously: "Thank you for your wine."


Zhao Xinchuan stood up, his hands drooping, and his luck was fierce.


The surrounding basketballs flew up in an instant, as he pushed out with both palms, all the basketballs shot at Peng Qianwu like cannonballs. In an instant, Peng Qianwu was hit, flying backwards and vomiting blood.

Zhao Xinchuan kept his heart cold, and quickly stepped forward to help him up.

"Apprentice, Master lost."

"I stole Master's Nine Dragon Combinations, but didn't tell Master."

"Master is old, you are the new head of Tai Chi Sect."

"You passed the level."

"Tai Chi Gate belongs to the Peng family."

"No, Kung Fu belongs to the world."

"Come back with me."


After a brief exchange, Zhao Xinchuan trot to open the iron net door: "Master, please."

"Hey, go and go, go."

Peng Qianwu waved his hands and let Zhao Xinchuan go first.

At this moment, he was holding a black umbrella in his hand.

Zhao Xinchuan's brows twitched.

Turning around, exposed the vest in front of Peng Qianwu.

However, after just taking a step, he slammed to the right, and at the same time, a tingling pain came from his back.

He looked back and found that the tip of the umbrella was sliding over his back. The wound was not deep, but it was very long. Although it is not a serious injury, it can be regarded as a physical injury.

At the same time, Peng Qianwu was shocked and couldn't figure out why Zhao Xinchuan could avoid his close-range sneak attack.


Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Book Fun Pavilion_Mobile version reading URL: