You Have Science, I Have Magic

v1 Chapter 168: Reissue, don’t decide if you’ve orde

But at the same time, he also had some doubts.

"Dao Master, how do you determine that he is a drought?"

Wang Daochang: "I'm still sure? I can see the name in the red envelope when I open the red envelope! I still know the four characters of the corpse of the drought!"

"Group leader, I think I want to take back what I said before, maybe your world can cultivate immortals? Otherwise, I don't understand, your world is not the earth at all, why is there a drought?"

The king is stupid!

Yuan Ying monk, sometimes called Yuan Ying Boss, is it amazing?

But when he opened the red envelope, he was shocked!

Directly prompt the corpse of the drought!

The scared Wang Daochang has not dared to receive the red envelope until now!

Who knows what is going on with this thing?

What if you suddenly resurrect after you bring it out, and give yourself a bite?

He doesn't know how strong Drought is, but no matter what he thinks, he is definitely stronger than his own little Nascent Soul monk countless times, right?

Get a red envelope?

If you don't dare to receive it, just look at it.

Even now he really wants to click the return button and return the red envelope to Lin Bin. This thing is definitely a hot potato!

"By the way, where did you get this welding torch corpse?"

Lin Bin gradually calmed down and returned: "I don't know she is a drought!"

Afterwards, he roughly explained the legend of the flower of God.

"It is said that this is the ancestor of vampires, who knows that this is the ancestor of zombies? I said that those Westerners also have pits in their brains. How could the ancestors of vampires be Eastern faces?!"

"But when I first saw this corpse, I just felt weird. I didn't expect her to be a drought!"

"Moreover, in my current situation, it's not good to take her away directly, and then think about it, if it's really the ancestor of the vampire, maybe only you can control it, so I will send it to you first."

"did not expect···"

He really didn't have time to think about it at the time, so he directly sent the corpse to Wang Daochang in a red envelope. After all, only Wang Daochang can control this kind of ‘supernatural existence’. At the same time, Wang Daochang’s character is also credible.

But who knew this was actually the legendary corpse?

"Only I can control it?"

Wang Daochang broke out in a cold sweat: "The lord, you value me too much. If she really jumps up, there will be ten me or 100 me who can only be sucked up by her!"

"You better take it away, what is the flower of God? I think those Westerners are playing with fire!"

"Listen to what you said, the so-called flower of God by those Westerners is clearly corpse poison! To be more ‘scientific’, it should be a zombie virus!"

"It's still a vampire... This is a real zombie!"

Feng Yuxiu: "I'm going!"

Zhang Tianzhi: "Unbelievable!"

Huang Feihong: "Uh, there are zombies in the world!"

Chen Zhen: "Master Huang and immortal cultivators have all appeared. Now that there are zombies, it is actually not that difficult to accept, right?"

Chen Yuniang: "It's really not too difficult to accept, but it's strange that there are zombies in the world of the group owner, or the drought in our traditional mythology."

Add money layman: "Then what, is it ugly?"

National Art Inheritor: "???"

Wang Daochang: "???, add money layman, you even the ancestor of the zombie?!"

Jia Qiang Shi: "Ah, don't get me wrong, I just asked casually."

At this moment, Lin Bin's brain was buzzing.

At this moment, he thought a lot.

After confirming the identity of the corpse, and then through Wang Daochang's reminder, Lin Bin understood!

The flower of God is most likely to be corpse poison, not zombie corpse poison, nor ‘corpse poison’ of vampires, but zombie corpse poison! ! !

In combination with what I said before, the possible side effects of the strengthening liquid before it is completely stabilized --- the bloodthirsty vampires that make the population grow fangs!

Fangs, bloodsucking, isn't that the way zombies are? !

The reason why I haven't thought about zombies before is because it's a bit weird, and if you want to study zombies, you should study the ancient eastern country, right? How did you go to the Western country?

So Lin Bin has never thought about it this way.

But now, after confirming that the corpse was a drought, everything made sense.

"I got a big fuck."

Lin Bin wanted to vomit, but he didn't want to vomit.

Even just want to swear.

I almost made myself miserable!

But at the same time, he was also very depressed.

Even if you want to study the corpse of the drought, you should study it in the ancient countries of the East. What is it to be living in a Western country? !

Isn't this a bullshit?

Strengthening fluid still has a higher bonus for Westerners?

This is clearly a special product made by Westerners based on their physique. Otherwise, how can it be a higher bonus for Easterners, right?

And fortunately, the drought should be completely dead.

Otherwise, suddenly jump up, still have a way to survive?

At this moment, Lin Bin combined with the previous analysis and known clues of the big goblin, and his scalp numb: "So, there is a high probability that Molan Star is indeed an earth immigrant from a parallel world?"

"But why does the technology of this parallel world develop so fast?"

"Why did the drought corpse fall into the hands of Western countries?"

"Not only does it fall into the hands of the Western countries, it seems that after falling into their hands, the people of the ancient eastern countries still don't know this clue at all?"

The speed of Lin Bin's feet did not decrease, but the doubts in his heart increased.

However, in contrast, some speculations that were once specious have now been confirmed a lot.

By confirming the identity of Han Yan, it can be confirmed that Star Molan is indeed an interstellar immigrant from some earth...

Um? wrong!

Lin Bin suddenly thought of another possibility.

The legendary Dryman is the daughter of the emperor and the ancestor of the zombies.

Yes, who said that the daughter and the emperor must be earthly people?

The earth is never mentioned in those myths!

If all the legends are confined to the earth, then of course it can be understood like this, but now Wang Daochang can already travel the universe physically, and Star Molan has already entered the interstellar age...

Who knows if the legend is passed down by immortal cultivators or by aliens?

If it is in these two cases, then it seems not surprising that the dross appear on other planets, or are not originally the products of the earth, because they have the ability to wander on other planets.

"No, it's still not right. Droughts are likely to belong to the earth, because the people of Molan Star can now be basically determined to be earth immigrants!"

"So, if Drizzle doesn't belong to the earth, then she shouldn't appear on Molan Star, but some other planet!"


"I have to find a way to meet the top government officials, they can definitely solve a lot of questions for me."

"Yes, that's it, I don't want to!"

"The question now is how can we return home safely as soon as possible."

Lin Bin decided that after returning to these questions, he would ask the senior officials of the country and ask them out of his mind.


Just by bringing back the corpse of the Dryman, it is enough to obtain this qualification!

But how can I go back safely?

In the process of Lin Bin's thinking, the group members were still communicating.

Finally, Zhang Tianzhi asked this question: "Group leader, according to your statement, you should be trapped in the main western city by now?"

"Unless you wait until electricity and electronic equipment are restored, it will be difficult for you to leave!"

"And once it is checked, even if Max and them are dead, it will be difficult for you to clear the suspicion."

"In other words, there is a high probability that the entire western main city will be under martial law. Just be careful not to leave it until you find it out. After all, the flower of God, or the ancestor of the vampire in their eyes, is too important and is their economic lifeline. It is also the only possibility for them to stand up as serfs and sing."

"Yes!" Lin Bin responded: "Judging from the current situation of Mo Lanxing, nothing they do is considered'excessive'."

Mo Lanxing's situation is actually very delicate.

It is completely opposite to the earth before the journey.

All kinds of weapons and life science and technology are completely beaten by the ancient eastern countries pressing down all the western countries! It's really rubbing on the ground.

Therefore, in fact, the international status of Western countries is not high, and even tends to be lower and lower.

Their only advantage is that they have the dominance of the'strengthening fluid', or in other words, the existence of the'flower of God' in their hands.

The flower of God is gone? Or got it by the ancient country of the East?

This is simply killing them.

That's why Lin Bin said that, based on the current situation, what the Western countries do is not "excessive" because they have no other choice.

Wang Daochang: "Speaking of which, the group leader is quite dangerous."

West Plant Plant Flower: "In my opinion, if it is really extremely dangerous, it would be better to be ruthless."

"Spread corpse poison! As a result of zombies raging, they naturally don't have the time and energy to deal with you."

Feng Yuxiu: "It's worthy of being a plant flower, really ruthless."

Suit mob: "Group owner, don't listen to their nonsense. Although the factory flower is highly powerful, but the times are different, his approach is not appropriate."

"As for Feng Yuxiu... don't expect him to give any reliable advice."

"I think, in this case, you can go to the embassy as the host."

"Of course, the premise is that Mo Lanxing also has an institution like an embassy."

The information of the suit thug made Lin Bin's eyes bright.



This fellow instantly remembered when he told the big goblin about this matter before, when he asked, ‘If I steal the flower of God, will it be dealt with by the state? ’.

Then, the big goblin rolled his eyes and responded: "If you really stole it back, you should watch the news of your execution in an extremely safe place, with good food and drink and accompanied by beautiful women~~ ~"

Lin Bin approves of the analysis of the big goblin.

Therefore, now I can go to the country or embassy for help.

Of course, there may also be dangers.

The premise is...

The embassy ambassador, who went to go to the embassy by himself, brought his subordinates to a collective sentence.

This possibility is too low, almost negligible.

"Good way! I'll rush to the embassy now."

Lin Bin said a word in the group, and then started rushing at full speed.

In fact, it's not that Lin Bin is brainless, unplanned, and reckless. But it all happened too suddenly.

According to his original idea, he must stay in the Western country for a while, and then through Max, try to slowly get the exact news of the flower of God, and then plan from start to finish.

How to shoot, how to leave, escape routes, etc., must be planned well.

But the problem was that the three guys Max found were too powerful and didn't give Lin Bin the time to plan.

And Lin Bin couldn't just watch them take the corpse away, so he could only act in advance. As a result, he still didn't have a complete plan, let alone an escape route.

Otherwise, how could it be so passive?


"The latest news is that there was a sudden emergency in a major western city. Terrorists detonated an alien imported super electromagnetic cloud bomb over the city, causing all electronic and electrical equipment to be paralyzed, causing extremely huge losses. Vehicles were out of control, planes crashed, and economy···"

"At present, the police, the military, and medical personnel are doing their best to search and rescue, but the information is not clear because electronic and electrical equipment are still unavailable."

"Let us pray for countless people..."

On the plane returning home.

Wang Gang sat in the business warehouse, keeping news and writing articles.

He was thinking about how to create a strong, positive image for his master, but the news suddenly made him shook and raised his head in astonishment.

"Ah this?!"

Wang Gang was so shocked that there was already riots in the cabin. Many of the family and friends of the people on the plane were in the main western city, and they couldn't help worrying about the people they cared about.

But Wang Gang was not too worried about Lin Bin, after all, Lin Bin's strength was there.

"In the main western city, this kind of thing can happen?"

"How on earth... huh?!"

Suddenly, he thought of what Lin Bin said to himself before.

"Master when I left after he finished playing, don't stay..."


He took a breath in an instant.

Because he thought of a very surprising question! If you didn't listen to Master and bought the nearest flight, then according to your original schedule, the flight departure time should be half an hour before? !

From the analysis of the news, at that point in time, the plane had just taken off, that is, it had not left the scope of the main western cities.

And if you were on that plane, now? ? ?

"Oh my God!"

Wang Gang shivered: "If it weren't for the reminder from Master, I would already be!!!"

"But why did the master know about this?"

At this moment, Wang Gang's complexion changed, which was far more powerful than the face-changing master of Sichuan Opera.


The main western city has been'paralyzed' for nearly two hours.

At this moment, the riots are finally less, but there are still many people who are in danger and have not been rescued, or are lying everywhere wailing.

The medical burden is too heavy to be too late.

Even if military doctors are temporarily used by civilians, it is still not enough.

Therefore, when viewed from a distance, it is like a ghastly purgatory on earth.

Cries, curses, and sighs were heard everywhere in the gloomy, terrifying, and gloomy streets.

Lin Bin walked through the street, looking at the dark buildings around him, a little speechless.

The development of science and technology has brought about all kinds of progress. For example, under normal circumstances, there will not necessarily be a power outage in ten or a hundred years.

This results in people not preparing temporary lighting appliances at all.

Oil lamps, candles?


Even if some people prepare it, it will be a headache, and the lighter can't be used!

So, walking on the street, Lin Bin didn't even see a fire.

There are people who are very ‘witty’ and have a wide range of knowledge in ‘making fire through wood’, but they have never succeeded.

Don't doubt, in this era, people who know how to make fire are really very knowledgeable. This is like an ordinary person knowing Oracle~!

Can knowledge not be broad?


What age is it, which textbook teaches you how to make fire?

It has been more than two thousand years since the immigrants of Molan Star, that is, it has entered the interstellar age at least two thousand years ago, at least more than two thousand years after entering the interstellar age, the textbook still teaches how to make fire?

Therefore, the Moran star people who can know this ‘knowledge point’ really have a wide range of knowledge.

It's a pity that knowing Gui knows whether it can succeed is another matter.


Inside the embassy of the ancient country of the East.

The ambassador had a solemn face, directing the security personnel to block all entrances, and his face solemnly told some ‘newcomers’ about their knowledge.

"Be careful!"

"These Western countries have a shit-like tradition, that is, once a riot occurs, there will definitely be some originally poor families suddenly with a lot of luxury goods, high-end electrical appliances, etc..."

"By the way, it will also launch an impact on shops, organizations and other forces in other countries."

"After all, they are very xenophobic, and they always love to target our ancient people in the East."

"Ah? The ambassador." A cute girl with glasses said puzzled: "But, we are the embassy, ​​the embassy of the ancient country of the East, do they dare to rush?"

"Under normal circumstances, I dare not."

The ambassador took a deep breath: "Because our weapons are more powerful and we have all kinds of electronic equipment, they will never run away."

"But now, weapons can't be used, and all electronic equipment is paralyzed..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone changed their faces and understood the seriousness of the matter.

To put it simply, weapons cannot be used, and the physical fitness of the people of the ancient eastern countries is obviously not as good as that of the western countries.

In addition, the monitoring equipment is useless, and if you encounter some madmen, it is really possible to have a crazy impact!

"That has to be careful."

"I'll help with defense."

"You can't have an accident!"

These men and women who had just been here a few days ago all had ugly faces and ran out to help. Many people even ran to the kitchen and took out the kitchen knives.

Fortunately, what they were worried about did not appear.

Didn't meet the kind of person whose skin can perfectly blend into the night to break through, but met a super handsome Dongfang brother?

The cute girl with big glasses looked wary: "Who are you?!"

Next to her are dozens of security guards wearing bulletproof suits.

Well, I also mentioned the ‘fire stick’.

"I am a good citizen. A 100% citizen of an ancient country in the East."

Lin Bin smiled kindly: "Come to the ambassador and report an extremely important thing!"

"Ah You?"

The cute girl with big glasses blushed, she secretly said that she was so handsome, and even controlled her mood and said: "You must prove your identity."

Generally speaking, it is not so troublesome.

Today's devices are globally connected, so you can use your face to prove your identity?

But now there is no choice but to cross-examine.

"I know him!"

At this time, a security guard pointed at Lin Bin, and said solemnly: "Lin Bin, the founder of Unrestricted Fighting, it is him who killed Dazhao Zhai and defeated Max!"

"It's you?!"

"It turned out to be him?!"

Everyone was shocked.

Lin Bin is already very famous now, but it hasn't reached the point where everyone knows him. It's just that these martial arts practitioners more or less know Lin Bin's name.

Seeing Lin Bin at this moment, all were extremely surprised.

too young!

Too handsome!

It is hard to imagine why such a handsome young guy has such a terrifying combat effectiveness, even he was known for being shameless at first?

"I know you."

The big glasses said, "It must be a rumor, how could such a handsome little brother be so shameless?"

Immediately, she took a deep breath: "Since you are sure it is you, you can go in, but are you sure you want to see the ambassador?"

"The ambassador is very busy now!"


Lin Bin smiled, with confidence on his face: "Trust me, no matter how busy the ambassador is, this news of me will make him put everything down!"


Cute girl with big glasses gritted her teeth: "I will take you there!"

"It's not compliant."

The security guard on the side whispered.

"I know." The cute girl with big glasses shook her head and said: "But I believe him, and he killed Dakazhai and defeated Max. Shouldn't it be harmful to our own people, right?"

"I thought you just thought he was handsome." Security murmured, letting go.

Sister paper: "ˉ\\_(ツ)_/ˉ?"

"Am I the kind of person who only looks at appearance?"

"You blush."

"Cough cough cough, that's because I am hot."

"Handsome... Uh, Lin Bin, come with me."

"Good Le."

Lin Bin didn't tell them much, and followed Mengmeizhi all the way in, and saw the ambassador in the hall...Of course, Lin Bin was not familiar.

The other party was also taken aback when he saw Lin Bin.


"Ambassador, he is Lin Bin, who defeated Max before."

Mengmei Zhilian introduced: "He has very important things to report to you."

"That's right." In response to the ambassador's puzzled look, Lin Bin nodded: "Very important!"

"what's up?"

The ambassador did not pursue whether the Mengmei paper was not in compliance with the rules, and asked for it.

"Very important, peerless secret!"

Lin Bin said solemnly: "Please the ambassador to let everyone else quit."


The ambassador hadn't spoken yet, and the two deputies on the side immediately stepped forward and stood in front of the ambassador: "You are not compliant with the ambassador so directly."

Another person said to the ambassador: "Ambassador, Lin Bin is too strong. Even Max is not his opponent. Now all electronic equipment is paralyzed. You can't talk to him alone..."

However, the ambassador looked at Lin Bin, his expression unsure, completely ignoring what the two said.

"Peerless secret?!"

"you sure?!"


Lin Bin nodded: "Very sure."

"You go out."

When the ambassador waved his hand, everyone was astonished: "The ambassador!"

"No, ambassador, in case you..."

"I said, get out, this is an order!"

Everyone was speechless and could only withdraw one after another and shut the door.

"Now let's talk about it." The ambassador stretched out his hand and asked Lin Bin to sit down before speaking.

After Lin Bin sat down, he took a deep breath: "Didn't you ask?"

"My surname is Shi, and my name is Shi Xinping."

"Ambassador Shi."

Lin Bin clasped his fists: "Lin Bin, a martial artist. But today I do have an extremely important report, but before that, I have a little question."

"But it doesn't matter." Shi Xinping motioned to Lin Bin and said straightforwardly.


Lin Bin paused slightly: "If I get the flower of God, can the country...can send me back safely?"

His voice is not loud.

But when the voice fell, the whole hall was silent for an instant, and the needle fell.

Shi Xinping opened her mouth, the shock on her face flashed away, then she lowered her head and stroked her glasses: "You are really kidding, if anyone can get the flower of God..."

"But as long as we get here, unless the rest of us are dead, there can be no danger."

"Oh?" Lin Bin smiled and nodded: "Then it will be troublesome."

"you sure?"

Shi Xinping stood up, with two whirlpools in her eyes, looking at Lin Bin deeply.

"It's no good for me to lie."

Lin Bin spread his hands.

"Does it have a tail?"

Shi Xinping pushed his glasses again.

"should have."

Are Max and Joe dead?

Originally, Lin Bin thought that they would definitely die, so he injected them with the blood of ‘suspected vampire’, hoping that they could live longer and help themselves attract targets.

Judging from the situation when they left, they did indeed attract the target.

But it has now been determined that the Flower of God is not a vampire virus at all, but a zombie virus!

So here comes the problem.

The zombie virus, in other words, those two guys are likely to have become zombies.

Nowadays, hot weapons cannot be used. If cold weapons are used, the defense power of the legendary zombies...Who can slash them to death?

They are tails!

But Lin Bin didn't say anything about these two people. In contrast, Western countries are the big trouble.

Lin Bin said: "After I left the hotel, I took a taxi and disappeared halfway after I got off the bus. Coupled with my personal force and ‘foreign’ status, it’s hard not to be investigated."

"Human evidence, physical evidence?"

"There is absolutely no physical evidence, there may be personal evidence, but I never showed my face."

Lin Bin didn't lie.

Max and Qiao knew that it was Lin Bin, but Lin Bin had always been invisible at that time. How could it be proved that the invisible person was Lin Bin?

"That's easy to say."

Shi Xinping's thoughts are like electricity, and the speed is super fast, and said: "You left the hotel because of boredom, man, and with such a strong physique, it is inevitable that you will have some thoughts, right?"

"What's more, it is inevitable that this is the first time I have come to this foreign country, I will want to change my taste."

"So it's normal to disappear halfway. You are also a decent person anyway. Of course, you don't want to be discovered when you're making an appointment abroad."

"But when you were about halfway through, suddenly everything around you fell into darkness."

"You are very worried, so rushed to the embassy to inquire about the situation and seek help."


Lin Bin was dumbfounded: "Can you do this?"

He understood that this was the ‘confession’ that Shi Xinping arranged for him. At first glance, this confession was indeed very reasonable.

Men, in this foreign country, it is normal to want to ride a foreign ocean horse, learn a foreign language, or play poker with a foreign girl.

Although not morally good, everyone knows this.

But the problem is, what about the witnesses?

Lin Bin raised this question.

"I will solve the testimony for you. I will let someone come over later. All you have to do is to get familiar with everything about the other person."

"Let all this become a fact in the eyes of others."

"As for the others, you don't know if you ask three questions, everything has nothing to do with you."

Can you arrange witnesses?

Lin Bin blinked: "Okay."

"Well, when the equipment is gradually restored, I will contact the domestic dispatch plane as soon as possible to pick me up and report back."

"When the time comes, you will be with me."

"no problem."

A few words.

No one mentions the flower of God except for the ‘if’ at the beginning.

But the meaning of the other party is well known to both of them.

Lin Bin was surprised at Shi Xinping's 666.

Shi Xinping's heartbeat accelerated to nearly two hundred!

Lin Bin got the flower of God? !

He couldn't believe it, but as Lin Bin said, what is the meaning of his deception? It's really unnecessary! And once you make a joke, what will happen to Lin Bin after he returns to China?

There is absolutely only one word, miserable!

So, the high probability is true?

Shi Xinping was shocked the more he thought about it, but he didn't show it at all. From the outside, he was extremely calm and said loudly, "Xiao Li."


The cute girl with big glasses just now opened the door and came in.

"come here."

He beckoned, and after saying a few words in Xiao Li's ear, Xiao Li strode away.

"Is she a newcomer?" Lin Bin was curious: "Why she?"


Shi Xinping didn't conceal: "I have only been to three blocks nearby, and I have contacted no more than ten foreigners."


Lin Bin suddenly realized.

This ambassador is thoughtful and capable of action!

In his heart, he couldn't help but look at Shi Xinping with admiration.

'Xiao Li' is a newcomer, maybe she will not act too swiftly, but it is also because she is a newcomer, she has not even contacted a few outsiders, and she has no idea what Lin Bin's purpose is, so the possibility of leaking is almost Is zero.

Less than half an hour later, Xiao Li will come.

She also carried a young girl with blond hair and big waves.

Well, the blonde has big waves, she's still pretty, and she's top-notch.

"It looks like a star?"

Lin Bin muttered.

At this time, Xiao Li had already retired.

"It's a star. It's almost a household name in Western countries." Shi Xinping patted Lin Bin on the shoulder and whispered: "The motherland has been cultivated for a long time."

"It's the first reward for you."

"Remember, you must understand each other's details."

"In order to prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry, at least a reasonable explanation must be given."

"With this explanation, they don't dare to do anything unless they want to go to war. But you believe me, they don't dare to go to war!"


"Relax, I will take everyone away, no one will come in within an hour, so what, one hour, is it enough?"

Shi Xinping waved her hand and left.

On the contrary, it was embarrassing to Lin Bin.

Seeing Lin Bin's embarrassment, the blonde big wavy girl Zhixiao bent over: "Have you never experienced it?"

"···Have you ever experienced it?"


"Who has experienced such a thing?"

The blonde big wavy girl covered her mouth and smiled: "But, how do you say it specifically?"

Lin Bin explained what Shi Xinping had just said.

"Understood, take it off, we need to remember the details of the other person, because they will definitely ask separately afterwards, but under our fight, it will be an online inquiry." The blonde big wave girl smiled and trembled.

"So, if you are embarrassed, just look at it."

"Of course, if you want to be more realistic, I will cooperate."

Her performance is remarkable, at least in Lin Bin's view, an agent can be trained to such a degree, it is really a good level.

However, he hadn't spoken yet, and the blonde big wavy girl said again: "But speaking, it seems that it really needs to be more truthful."

"Because I haven't had any experience in that area yet, I'm a complete body, so if they want to investigate thoroughly, it's easy to go wrong."

Lin Bin: "..., then there is no discussion?"

"You hate me?"

"That's not true, but... it feels strange."

Lin Bin scratched his head.

He really didn't think that Dao would develop to such a degree. To blame, he can only blame Shi Xinping. It is not good to think of something, but he has to think about it.

It's the first time that this sister paper, if you don't make it, people will know it is fake at first glance.

This this this...

The conscience of heaven and earth, he really didn't have this idea at first.

I also feel that the big deal is that the two sides have a look at each other and know some details.

Now, cough cough cough...

"Not only that."

Mei Zhi said again: "I am a small famous singer in the West, so it stands to reason that you can't make an appointment with me easily."

"So, we have to add this statement."

"How to add?"

Lin Bin found himself only scratching his head.

"It's very simple."

The blonde girl pulled down the zipper of the dress, the luxurious long skirt suddenly fell, and the snow-like skin was very eye-catching.

"In the beginning, you use strong."

Lin Bin: "???"

This is stunned.

Double stimulus, this is!

After all, why did you undress all of a sudden?

Just take off your clothes when you take off your clothes. Why do you still slander me using strong?

"Don't be surprised, it's just a statement, otherwise it won't make sense."

"But after successfully using Qiang, I think you are very good and I am very satisfied. So I decided not to prosecute you, and even changed from passive to active, and at the same time willing to make friends with you."

"That makes sense."

"Otherwise, you and I have no intersection at all, how can I make an appointment?"

"Ah this..."

Lin Bin was dumbfounded.

What kind of ghosts are these? !

I rubbed it!

Shi Xinping is okay, that is to say, I made a ‘mistake that a man would make’, and when I came to you, I just became a strong one and committed it?

Then do you think I am good and you are satisfied?

What does this mean? ? ?

Could it be what I mean?

This is too much, right?

What the hell!

Lin Bin was still in a daze, but she heard the blonde girl say again: "By the way, let me introduce, my name is Chris, remember my name."

"My name is···"

"I know you, Lin Bin, I watched the previous game between you and Max. It's such an amazing man."

"Why are you still standing? Why don't you take it off?"

Chris reminded: "We must know the details of each other now, but don't remember too clearly, you can make a mistake or two!"

"Because we are strictly speaking at most an overnight relationship, it is impossible to remember all the details of each other."

"When being asked, I deliberately made one or two mistakes, and at the same time hesitated for a while for some less obvious details, and then gave a correct or incorrect answer, so that it would be more true."

"No matter what the details are, the other person will immediately give an affirmative answer as soon as he asks it. In the ancient Chinese language of the East, it will show his feet instead."


Lin Bin nodded.

Good guy, really professional.

At this time, all right is not as reliable as a large part.

It's just that, undress or something, cough cough cough.

"Do you want me to help you?"

Seeing that Lin Bin hadn't moved yet, Chris walked over and started.

Good guys!

I am a big man, how can I let a woman pick up clothes? Don’t talk about feelings, you can’t be so passive, right?

Swipe it!

The boy took off cleanly, and then I saw Chris staring somewhere.

"..., what are you looking at?"


For the first time in front of the opposite sex, can you not be embarrassed?

"It's nothing, I took a look at it roughly. From your capital point of view, the reason I made up is perfect. After you use a strong force, women can easily be conquered by you."

Ah this? !

Lin Bin scratched his head again, embarrassing!

The toes are almost cut out of the three rooms and one hall.

"Then, it's your turn."

Chris smiled charmingly and gently hooked Lin Bin: "Come on, use strong."

"I will resist, and it's best to create some scars on me, so that it will be more real."

"It must be true!"

"This... To be honest, I have no experience at all."

"For men, isn't this instinct?"

"Then I try?"

"bring it on."

Lin Bin didn't scratch his head.

It's all here, if you still squeeze, is it still a man? Besides, Chris' figure and appearance are absolutely top-notch.

It is an excellent target for learning foreign languages ​​and playing poker.

Besides, isn't it just inexperienced?

Haven't eaten pork and haven't seen a pig run?

*****, I've seen a lot of them before crossing!

This guy rushed directly to the! "

Chris suddenly exclaimed.

Lin Bin was stunned, and paused halfway.

"Why did you stop? I'm trying to be true." Chris reminded.




Fall down.






The piece of cloth was torn apart.

Then it's playing poker.

Not to mention, playing poker is still an individual effort, especially Chris is also a second-order enhancer, and her physical strength can keep up.

But in the process, Lin Bin suddenly felt a burning pain behind his back.

"What are you doing?"

He asked while playing cards.

"Strive for truth."

Chris was sweating all over: "I scratched your back twice, and now you should have ten bloodstains on your back. It's absolutely true."


Lin Bin's mouth twitched.

Good guys!


Simply too professional!

Who knows, at this time, Chris whispered again: "And I just couldn't help it."

She looked at Lin Bin, her eyes were already full of tenderness.

"???? You won't fall in love with me, will you?"

"Strive for truth."

Chris once again emphasized: "I don't know what you are trying to hide, but my task is to make this happen successfully."

"So I have to experience this process and be conquered by the powerful you. Only in this way can I perform the feeling we want."

"Now, I think I succeeded."

Good guy, I'll call you good guy!

Lin Bin didn't know what to say, so he continued to play poker in a muffled voice.



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