You Have Science, I Have Magic

v1 Chapter 79: Chinese martial arts fight dummy, time b

   His light face, as well as the expressions of disdain and teasing on the faces of the people he brought, made Lin Bin frown slightly.

"What's the meaning?"

   "It's very simple."

   The brawny man smiled and pointed to himself: "I, Shibo, I played in UFC for three years, and now I have retired. I am a professional passer-on to fight fakes."

   "If it is Chuanwu, I will challenge you, fight with you, and then prove that Chuanwu is a spicy chicken, something that should have been eliminated long ago. The so-called Chuanwu martial arts hall are all liars!"

   "If it's modern Kung Fu, then it's not necessary."

   Shi Bo stared at Lin Bin and moved his shoulders. The amazing muscles suddenly began to tremble, and everyone behind the hot was exclaimed: "Come on, tell me, is your so-called unlimited fighting, is it a martial art or modern kungfu?"

   In the live broadcast room, millions of viewers are watching the live broadcast.

   At this moment, there are a lot of bullet screens.

   "Fighting... this name sounds like modern Kungfu? It doesn't look like Chuanwu."

   "There are too many scammers who pass on martial arts, maybe change a more modern name to get through it? It's not impossible, right!"

   "Look at what I found? According to the address of this unlimited fighting, it turns out that half a month ago, this place was still a martial arts museum..."



   "It must be Chuanwu!"

   "Anchor, **** him!"

   "Fight up, fight up..."

   It’s not too much to watch the excitement.

   These audiences are not watching Shibo to reason with others. They originally watched the excitement and watching ‘fights’, hoping that Shibo would fight with people in various martial arts centers.

   It was at the beginning, and it is now.

   "Why don't you speak?"

   When I saw Lin Bin frowned, he was immediately unhappy: "Is it scared?"

   "If you are afraid, you can say that unlimited fighting is modern kung fu, but from now on, you can't use the gimmick of passing martial arts to deceive your disciples, otherwise, I will come back to ask for advice!"

   "Say it!"


   "Why don't you speak?!"

The live broadcasters and fans brought by Shibo also started to booze, and they all looked like ‘savage and evil’.

   "Maybe I was scared by the anchor."

   "That's right, Bo Ge is so good, I picked the family martial arts school in a week, and those people who beat all cried and called mother..."

   "This is the broken martial arts hall, huh."

   "Boy, where is your curator?"

   "Let him come out and talk, you can't be the master."

   "If you don't dare to fight, close the door early..."

   They shouted so loudly.

   There are more gifts in the live broadcast room...

   Lin Bin couldn't see the details in their live broadcast room, but as long as one looked at this scene, how could he not understand what was going on?

   "Shut up all of you."

   He looked at each other coldly, and said sharply: "First of all, I am the owner of the museum."

   "Secondly, unrestricted fighting. It is neither an inheritance of martial arts nor modern Kungfu. It is a brand-new genre, a self-defense technique."

   "Of course, based on your IQ, I think it is difficult to explain to you, because you will not understand it."

   "Boy, what are you talking about?!"

   Shibo's group suddenly became angry.

   "You said we have low IQ and no brains?"

   "Shut up, he didn't say that, you said it!"

   "But doesn't he mean that????···"

   "I asked you to silence it!"

   A few people actually quarreled by themselves, but Lin Bin still looked at each other coldly, feeling quite dissatisfied with their attitude.

   Shibo smiled.

"Ha ha."

   "Little brother, this is your fault."

   "I heard you say that you are the owner of the museum. I think you are small and young, so you definitely can't fight, so you are ready to give up the challenge."

   "Listen to you again that unlimited fighting is a brand new genre, not a martial arts passer... As a professional martial arts passerine, I am not going to take action anymore."

   "But you insult us as soon as you speak. As a warrior, I can't bear it anymore."

   "What do you pretend to be?"

   Lin Bin sneered: "Don't you just want to fight, want popularity, and want money?"

   "What is the difference between a person like you playing live broadcast and kneeling on the ground begging for money? Internet beggars are Internet beggars. Do you have to give yourself the name of counterfeiting, hypocrisy?"

   "To earn this money, throw your face on the ground and step on a few more feet, and then kneel down steadily."

  His face grew colder: "I don't care what others think of you, and I don't know what other martial arts people do to you, but with me, if you want to earn this money, you kneel and throw your face away."

   "Standing, still want to earn money?"


   Lin Bin is not disgusted with the live broadcast, but he dislikes some of the people in the live broadcast.

  Especially those who are a **** and have to set up a torii, ask for money, ask for money, how noble you have to fix yourself...

   For example, a live broadcast with fans who specialize in pits, obviously treat fans as pits!

   but a family member...

  , your sister!

  Aren't you guilty?

   In contrast, Lin Bin even thinks that Giao brother is more sincere than those people, at least he knows what he is, and he also knows that he is an online beggar, so he wants fans to pay for himself...

   But what about people like Shibo?

   I obviously want to be hot and want to make money, so I just gave myself a ‘righteous and awe-inspiring’ hat like fighting fakes and passing on martial arts.

   Don’t lose! ?

  Especially in Molan Chuan Wuben has fallen to the extreme, and it's almost gone!

  The current Chuanwu Martial Arts Center, which one is not a ‘combination of Chinese and Western’? At most, it is to teach some martial arts routines, the others are the ways of other martial arts genres.

   Even the transfer of martial arts has reached the point of precarious and critical survival.

   In the end, why do you still want to add fuel to the fire for your own self-interest?

   Therefore, Lin Bin didn't care about all the sloppy things. He just opened up everything when he opened his mouth, and didn't give the time any face at all.

   To this kind of person, do you have to talk about face?

"What did you say?!"

All the people who    Shibo brought were furious.

   Shi Bo was even more angry: "Boy, you are talking nonsense, do you know? You successfully aroused my anger."

   "I will challenge your martial arts gym now."

   He is angry!

  What does he want?

   What I want is to stand and earn money, even gilding my face.

   As a result, when Nima Linbin opened his mouth, he instantly discounted his legs, making money while standing? You should kneel down, even bluntly talking about Internet beggars...

   What are you doing this for? To pass on martial arts? In order to fight fakes?

   fart, just for popularity, for money.

   But knowing that Gui knows in my heart, it's different when I say it!

   In fact, everyone knows this, but no one will say it in public, especially in the live broadcast!

   Isn't this special to cut people and money? Breaking people's wealth is like killing a parent!

   Shibo almost didn't get angry!

   At this time, Li Zijie, Liu Yuan, and Wang Gang all arrived.

   Looking at the arrogant posture of the two sides, their complexions suddenly changed, and they quickly came to Lin Bin and glared at each other.