You Have Science, I Have Magic

v2 Chapter 177: Red envelope rain, soaring strength! (W

First of all, when the same is the light messenger, when the East is unbeaten and becomes the light messenger, the strength is at least the same level as Xiang Wentian. Is this inevitable?

Secondly, everyone knows that the two masters of black and white in the rivers and lakes recognized that the undefeated martial arts of the East were number one in the world. However, after the undefeated Oriental undefeated practiced the "Sunflower Treasure", he became a superficial one, devoted himself to serving Yang Lianting and embroidering.

From this it can be seen that the undefeated "No. 1 in the world" title in the East may even have been created by him before practicing "The Sunflower Treasure", which is enough to prove its extraordinary strength.

Third: Ren Woxing has been imprisoned for more than ten years, and the information is not well informed, so he does not know whether the Oriental Unbeaten has practiced the "Sunflower Treasure", but he said that the Oriental Undefeated Martial Arts is not under him. It can be seen that he has not practiced " Before "Sunflower Treasure", the undefeated martial arts level of the East should have at least reached the level of any kind.

Fourth: It is also the most important point.

Ren Woxing passed the "Sunflower Treasure" to the East Unbeaten twelve years ago, but according to the book, the East Unbeaten was only practicing the "Sunflower Treasure" for more than three years!

There is a paragraph in the original text: Tong Baixiong shouted: "Brother Dongfang, I want to hear a word from you personally, and I am willing to die. You have not said a word for more than three years, and the brothers in teaching have been suspicious."

This sentence has a huge amount of information, and the voice will change after the palace. It can be seen that the East is not defeated at this time to start practicing the "Sunflower Treasure" stunt!

Now, Ren Woxing has not passed the Sunflower Book to the East Unbeaten, so there is no question about twelve years or so.

But even if the unbeaten East is not as good as it is, he is definitely a top player in the world, even if it is not the top, it will not be too far apart.

The first-rate masters in Swordsman's arena, their strength is really high for the current group of friends!

At this moment, the East Undefeated issued a red envelope.

The number of times you can receive is 99!

The content is... a skill!

Swipe it!

The group of friends received crazy.

With Lin Bin's'hand speed', it was only ranked seventh.

"Good guy, if you grab a red envelope with your phone, I'm afraid they can pierce the screen of the phone!"

At this moment, the group was quiet.

Everyone is fusing the undefeated skill of the East, even if it is only 60% of the strength for others, it is enough!

After all, before this, there were very few people in the group.

But now, it's just one person!

This is really an all-round improvement!

Sixty percent is enough to make them almost against the sky in their respective worlds.

"So strong."

Lin Bin was the most frightened.

What he accepted was 100%! It is precisely because of this that I can feel the strength of the unbeaten East at this moment. Even if I have not practiced the Sunflower Collection, it is more than ten times stronger than the internal strength of the Jiulong Hebi given by Zhao Xinchuan before!

"If he had this kind of internal power during the previous battle with Max...Even if he was physically invincible, he could easily penetrate the body and directly hit the viscera."

"Moreover, with the current vigorous degree of internal force..."

He came to the practice room and picked up an ordinary iron sword.

Immediately, in the puzzled eyes of the disciples, he waved the iron sword and cut to the wooden stakes who were practicing.

But he cut out this sword three meters away, which made Zhu Jianye look stupid.

"Master, is this?!"

"So far away?"

"Is this a warm-up? Move your body?"

However, before their voices fell, they heard a puff!

Lin Bin's sword was clearly more than two meters away from the wooden stake, but suddenly he saw a translucent wave flashing by.

Then, the wooden stake broke!


"Ah this?"

"Sword, sword spirit?!!!"

Everyone was stunned. Uncle Qin was drinking tea and resting, and by the way, he was staring at these apprentices practicing.

Seeing this scene, there was a thump, and he knelt directly: "Master, the master is here, I can't stand the admiration of my disciple, and I'm going to learn art from the teacher now!"

"You have a chance, don't get excited, and it's not sword energy."

Lin Bin slowly shook his head to appease everyone.

What others didn't know, thought it was sword aura, but he knew it was not true sword aura, at best it was a ‘pseudo sword aura.’

To put it simply, it is to pour it into the iron sword with its own strong enough internal force, and while cutting it out, control the internal force to spray out.

Formed such a ‘pseudo sword aura’!

Barely able to achieve the effect of ordinary sword aura, but both the speed and destructive power are lower than the real sword aura.

But even so, it was enough to shock everyone.

Long-range attack method!

Still so easy and freehand? !

This is simply "opposite waves"!

In the current era, who can imagine that a ‘warrior’ could still have this kind of near-fantasy ability?

"The East is invincible."

"Well, I can't be stingy either."

Soothing the disciples, Lin Bin thought for a while, decided to go to the back door, buy a few more strengthening liquids, and send a wave of benefits to the group of friends.


"What a powerful internal force!"

The world of "Sword Rain".

Jiang Asheng felt the rushing inside in the dantian, and couldn't help but marvel: "If I had this level of strength before, the king of runners? In my hands, I should not be able to survive three moves."

"However, such an astonishing internal strength can only enhance its own combat power and provide some assistance. Is the so-called Rama's body and Rama's internal power really just a legend?"

Let the **** grow a tintin?

The more I think about it, the more I find it impossible.

This is not something that internal functions can do!

"However, with this level of strength, I can also try to attack a higher field."

"And Rama's remains..."

"Just send it out and see if anyone can study it thoroughly. If there is Rama's internal power, even if the **** can't grow a tin, it can be regarded as a little bit of my heart for the group of friends."

Thinking of this, Jiang Asheng immediately took advantage of the absence of the drizzle, ran to dig out the body of Rama he had hidden, and sent it to the group through a red envelope.

"Everyone, there is Rama's body in my red envelope. If you have the conditions, you can get past research to see if you can find the legendary Rama's inner strength."

"But I hope that if I can find it, I will publish it in the group. Anyone who is interested can practice."

"Also, my swordsmanship can be accepted by any interested group of friends."

Suit thug: "The leader is atmospheric! Jiang Asheng is also atmospheric!!! 666!"

Zhang Tianzhi: "I really want to get this red envelope, but I know very well that with the technology of my time, it must not be researched thoroughly."

Feng Yuxiu: "I should be here too."

Devil muscle man: "You can only look at the group leader, right? After all, the technology of the group leader has long surpassed ours. If anyone in the group can study the remains of Torama, it can only be the group leader."

Invincible in the East: "Rama's body, is Rama's inner strength? I don't know whether it is true or not. If the legend is true, can I rely on Rama's body after practicing the Sunflower Canon..."

"Fine, now that a decision has been made, I don't want to touch the Sunflower Collection."

National Art Inheritor: "Then let me come, just as I am going to the laboratory of the Longevity Biological Group, maybe they can study some clues there."

Chen Yuniang: "Thank you for the gifts of the Eastern leader and Senior Jiang. Yuniang has nothing to do, so she can only take out all of her life learning, and I hope everyone will not dislike it."

Feng Yuxiu: "Me too!"

Suit mob: "My own fist and kicks, I believe everyone really looks down on it, but I can't help but send it."

"In addition, I also prepared for everyone the most advanced individual suit of my time, which contains various weapons, and distributes RPG, plus night vision, body armor, etc., I hope everyone will not dislike it. "

Zhang Tianzhi: "I... I also only have this Wing Chun Kungfu, which is quite useful, and I just tried it. If Wing Chun is stimulated by internal force, it will have unexpected effects. When playing Max, I use internal force. The stimulating Taijiquan has the same effect and the same effect, so I will give it to everyone, I hope it will be useful."

Chen Zhi: "I use internal force to draw the knife, and the blade can be extended by three feet! It is difficult to see clearly with the naked eye."

"It can be somewhat useful when facing the enemy, everyone, take it!"

At this moment, Chen Zhi was too excited.

He originally thought that with the unbeaten kung fu of the East, his own Wing Chun would be useless, so he could only throw it away?

For this reason, he still feels pity.

Although the unbeaten kung fu of the East is very strong, Wing Chun is his own heritage!

But after fusing the internal forces, he tried to bring up the Eight Swordsman, he was surprised to find that the two did not conflict, and they could even be a perfect fusion!

With such a moment of self, go out with a knife, and the invisible knife can easily cut off objects one meter away!

Rub your hands with a knife? !

If he was playing this now, Chen Zhi said, plus the length of his arm and the eight-cut knife, he could kill his opponent two meters away without knowing it!


Li Tianran: "Thank you all for the red envelopes, thank you, thank you, I have nothing to give, and only the ability to hide bullets at this time is not working well. I am really sorry. But I really have nothing to do. NS···"

Huang Feihong: "Sincerely, Foshan Wuyingjiao, Zuiquan, I hope you don’t refuse. In addition, my family has been a family of medicine for generations. People who practice martial arts will inevitably have some swords and shadows and bruises. I make the most precious ones. Jinshuang medicine and Chinese bone-setting wine are given as a gift for each of you."

Huo Yuanjia: "I also don't have any long things. The original house has been sold out to support the development of the Jingwu Gymnastics Club. Now, only Huo Jiaquan and Heartwarming Cannons are given to you. Be careful and disrespectful."

Chen Zhen: "Predecessors and masters face to face. I really can't get this point. Let me send you a copy of my experience of fusing Chinese martial arts and Western boxing. It should be able to help you integrate a variety of martial arts."

Devil muscle man: "My ancient Chinese boxing method, and the most important invincible Hot Wheel... Cough, don't spray me, I really only have some, cough."

Add money layman: "My knife skills, my... alas, it's a pity that red envelopes can't be sent to people, otherwise I will give everyone the two most moisturized little chicken girls."

West Factory Flower: "···, you'd better keep it for yourself. Anyone who is interested can get all kinds of unearthed knowledge of our company!"

"In addition, one thousand taels of gold per person, to express his heart."


Red envelope!

One by one, red envelopes rained directly in the group!

Besides, except for the only thing like Rama's body, all of them are directly filled, 99 copies!

Anyone can receive it!

After all, the undefeated Oriental has given out what he has learned. Who is ashamed to only receive it and not send it out? Even if the East is undefeated because it wants to abolish martial arts by itself, it is so ‘generous’, but when people send it, they just send it!

Have to return a gift!

Even if this gift in return is not good enough, you must have this heart!

What a rare opportunity?

It would be too much if you can't send it by picking and picking soso.

Everyone is happily receiving red envelopes, including Dongfang Unbeaten and Lin Bin!

Undefeated in the East will later abolish martial arts by himself. These kung fu and sword kung fu are exactly what he needs in the near future.

As for Lin Bin, he is further strengthening himself!

Although Lin Bin already has the skill of all his group friends, his group friends will also grow!

During this period of time, they are also exchanging the kung fu they need, and then either comprehend by analogy, or merge, or immerse themselves in training and improving themselves.

But no matter what the situation is, it is inevitable that their strength is improving!

The red envelopes issued now are naturally stronger than the red envelopes made a month or even a few months ago.

Red envelope ceremony! As a direct result, in addition to the undefeated East, the strength of everyone in the group soared by N times! And even if the East is unbeaten, there is a certain improvement.

When everyone gave out red envelopes, Lin Bin gave a notice: "Well, naturally, my eyebrow fist will not be hidden and tucked. In addition, I have prepared a strengthening fit for our eastern physique for everyone. Liquid, both first and second levels!"

"But wait, I'm on my way."

Add money layman: "??? Great, group owner YYDS!"

Suit mob: "You can learn how fast you can add money, but the owner of the group is indeed YYDS!"

"Strengthening liquid?" Dongfang Unbeaten exclaimed: "I heard from the group of friends before that they are all highly respected, and I am looking forward to it."


L18 laboratory.

Gan Zhi personally opened the door for Lin Bin, only to find that Lin Bin was carrying a tightly wrapped package.

It was just the first sentence, but she rolled her eyes and said, "Why did you come here in person? Shouldn't you be flirting with your Chris?"

"Men, how can they be influenced by their children's personal affection?"

Lin Bin shook his head and shook his head: "Ahem, I'm here this time to get some strengthening liquid. In addition, I will send you a research object."

"Research object?"

Gan Zhi was not surprised that Lin Bin wanted to take the strengthening liquid.

But what does this research object mean?

She stared at Lin Bin, her head full of question marks.

"A corpse."

Gan Zhi: "???"

"Corps... Corpse?"

Her expression suddenly changed: "The corpse of the ancestor of the legendary vampire? You got it back?!"

"Not so exaggerated."

Lin Bin waved his hand again and again: "In short, it is the remains of an ancient man. He was very strong and strong in his life."

"It is rumored that there is a deep internal skill hidden in this body. As long as you find it and practice it, you can gain amazing strength and even rebirth with a severed limb."

"Even if the hook is gone, it can grow back!"


Gan Zhi was taken aback: "Is it possible?"


"I also think it's impossible, but in our circle, there is a lot of rumors, so I want you to study it."

"If you have time, try it. It's best if you have something, but if you don't... Then there won't be any."


Gan Zhi nodded and responded, "I am also very curious about what kind of remains can have such an amazing legend, but I said Master..."

"Well, what?"

"I said, are you sure that it is not because of the strength of the ancestors that you have dug up the body of one of our ancestors?"

Her eyes were shining and she had a weird look.

Lin Bin: ????)···"

"You have a big brain!"

This guy couldn't laugh or cry: "It's not as exaggerated as you think, it's just an ancient human body. It has nothing to do with us. As long as you don't put the body on the street and publicize it, no one will come to make trouble."

"Do not worry."

For this, Lin Bin is still very confident.

The remains from the world of "Sword Rain" have nothing to do with Mo Lanxing, so no one will come to trouble.

Of course, the premise is that they don't think about it, run around carrying the corpse, or preach that they are studying the corpse of the ancients.

But this kind of thing, how much brain-dead can do it?

"I can rest assured that."

"Come with me, I will get you a strengthening liquid."

Gan Zhi took Lin Bin inside, disinfected layer by layer for four full times, and then put on protective clothing before entering the laboratory.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you."

While leading the way, Gan Zhi said: "Based on our research in the past few days and the feedback from volunteers after taking the medicine, we can draw conclusions."

"The first- and second-order enhancement effects of the Eastern-oriented enhancement liquid that we have researched here are better than the official enhancement liquid."

"Although the upper limit remains unchanged, the lower limit has generally increased from zero to zero."

"so smart?"

Lin Bin ahran.

The data does not seem to be high, but the problem is, this is the lower limit!

The lower limit of the official strengthening fluid is already very high, and then raise it above zero and three? This is already commendable!

"It's not amazing. Actually, we also think it's weird." Gan Zhi's expression became even more weird. He glanced at Lin Bin before whispering, "According to our careful research and comparative analysis, we finally discovered the direct cause of this result. It should be that their raw materials are much worse than ours."

At this moment, Gan Zhi was extremely moved.

What a good master! ! !

When this result first came out, they were very strange.

With the strength of the country, how could the strengthening liquid made out of it be inferior to their longevity? ! Although the longevity is not weak, but compared with the huge machine of the country, what counts?

But this is the result!

After careful analysis, I discovered that it should be a problem with raw materials.

What does this show? It shows that Lin Bin, for his apprentice, even spared the country less material, and kept the good ones for himself!


What are you doing so nice to others!

Go find your blonde and big wave beauty!


Gan Zhi muttered inwardly.

Lin Bin waved his hand and said, "Oh, it wasn't intentional, it wasn't intentional. I don't know which one is better and which is worse?"

"Give some casually, keep some."

"If this is the reason, it can only show that we are lucky."

Don't admit it yet? !


The corner of Gan Zhi's mouth curled up and said, "Oh, that's how it is."

"Now, just ahead!"

At this moment, she stopped and pointed to the large freezer in front.

Lin Bin stepped forward and opened the cabinet door.


Then I saw a lot of strengthening liquid! ! !

It turns out that this is not a freezer, like inside the door of the freezer, but in fact, it is an oversized cold storage room! There are two walls, both of which are neatly placed with first-order and second-order strengthening fluids.

The other two walls are strange things.

There are even many frozen ‘monster’ corpses and organs!

Seeing Lin Bin watching, Gan Zhi explained: "They are all alien creatures, there are corpses of intelligent creatures, and some are simple beasts."

"They all have a certain research value, and they have a formal approach, so don't worry."

"Worry is not enough, just... I'm very curious."

Lin Bin stared at a person's head, his brain buzzing.

Because it is a blue human head, which looks like an avatar!

On the side, there was a corpse with long horns on its head, but it was not a horn, but a fleshy foot.

Even Lin Bin looked at the many frozen objects and saw a thing that resembled a face-carrying bug, which made his hair horrified.

"what is that?"

"That's it? A parasitic creature that seems to be a companion to a certain humanoid creature?"

Listening to Gan Zhi's explanation, Lin Bin said: "Good fellow, don't tell me it is called a face-holding bug!"

"This is really not, I remember it was not, but I have forgotten the specific name."

While speaking, Gan Zhi opened the package he had received from Lin Bin and saw the remains of Rama that looked like charcoal.

"This corpse..."

"Is it broken in two?"

"In any case, the value of research is not high."

"But since you brought it, Master, give it a try, maybe there will be amazing discoveries."

"Be honest."

After Lin Bin installed some Tier 1 and Tier 2 strengthening fluids, he couldn't help but muttered: "It is reasonable, after reading the things in your laboratory, I feel that this Rama body is really hard to get out, nothing. Research value."

The ‘collection’ here is too rich.

All kinds of alien animals, plants, and even some liquid metal substances and some weird things that Lin Bin could not recognize.

In contrast, at least in terms of appearance, there is really nothing surprising about the coke-like Rama's body.

"Try it, and then you'll know."

Gan Zhi gradually calmed down, saying: "I feel that there may be unexpected gains."

Wearing gloves, she briefly inspected the body, then said: "This body looks like coke, but in fact it is not normal."

"For example, a normal corpse should be decayed. Even if it is processed, some drugs are necessary, but I don't think this corpse is that simple. It seems to have become like this naturally, which is very abnormal in itself."

"But the details will be known after anatomy and research."

"Don't worry, store it here temporarily. After the neutral strengthening liquid and the third-order strengthening liquid have some eyebrows, I will arrange for someone to start dissecting this ... called Rama's body, right?"

"When the time comes, I will stare at it myself."


Lin Bin nodded and responded.

"Then I won't bother?"

"Walk slowly, don't send it." Gan Zhi rolled his eyes gently.

This one has no conscience!

I am here to stare at the research day and night, and even go to battle in person. It's better for you to just say a few words and leave?


If it weren’t for the fact that the quality of the flowers of God you left for me is better than the official ones, I’ll have to ask you a few more words.

After sending Lin Bin away, Gan Zhi had a mind to plunge into the research.

As for other researchers...


If it's normal, Gan Zhi personally opened the door to someone they didn't know, and brought it to the collection library?

They must pay special attention.

But now, what can be more exciting than studying the flower of God?

Few people even noticed that Lin Bin had been here!


When Lin Bin returned to the martial arts hall, the sky was getting darker.

He immediately distributed the corresponding number of first and second order strengthening liquids according to the number of people in the group. Even the king's share has it, although it should be useless for the king, but it is better to have it than not.

And even if Dao Chang Wang didn't need it, he would return within three days, and there would be no loss.

That's how it is to be a man.

Whether they want it or not is their business.

Whether you give it or not, it's your business again.

In this society, there is no shortage of widows but unevenness. Lin Bin has already been taught, so when he speaks and does things, he always pays a little attention to it.

Although Wang Daochang is not such a person, he has to do things like this as well, which is a habit.

Group of friends swipe to receive.

Feng Yuxiu: "A group of friends! Ask for 10,000 women!"

Adding money layman: "Why is your blessing like this?! Do you want to exhaust the group leader? Or give me some. I think I should wish the group leader a long life."

Suit mob: "According to my understanding, the world of the group leader, plus the assistance of strengthening fluid, the blessing of internal strength, and superb medical technology..."

"To wish the owner a long life is basically the same as wishing him a premature death."

Add money layman: "Ah this?!"

Invincible in the East: "Is this the strengthening fluid?"

National Art Inheritor: "..., they are all taken at a cost price, which is not expensive. What's more, everyone is raining red envelopes today. I can't just hide it, right?"

"In addition, Lao Feng, Lay Shi, don't bless you at your level of education, you are completely debuffing me!"

"Haha!" Everyone laughed.

Lin Bin went on to say: "The first and second steps are marked on the syringe. Are there any illiterate people who don't know the words? Make no mistake."

"First find a safe place to inject the first stage, wait for a day or overnight, and wait for it to take effect, then find a chance to inject the second stage."

"Don't be mistaken, the second-order is expensive because it can continue to strengthen on the first-order, but if you inject the second-order first, and then inject the first-order, it will have no effect."

Feng Yuxiu: "···, don’t say that, host. Although my education level is not high, I have also studied in elementary school."

Add money layman: "What do you see me doing? I...I know."


"Is the strengthening fluid, a product of the future world? It's really unimaginable."

Invincible Dongfang played with two booster liquids, his eyes faintly: "It's okay."

"With this thing, coupled with the efforts of other group of friends, even if I dissipate my internal strength, I can be regarded as a second-rate or even a first-rate master in this world."

"It is enough to deal with some ordinary emergencies."

"The increased physique is in line with the characteristics of'unusual talent' and martial arts wizards. The chance of learning the Dugu Nine Swords from Feng Qingyang is even greater."

"Speaking of which, the Wuyue Sword Sect is indeed the most powerful of the Huashan Sect."

"Internal strength has Zixia Gong, and the moves have Dugu Nine Swords."

"It's a pity that the Huashan faction who got it in the sword-qi battle was cut in the middle. Yue Buqun has no talent for skirts, and Zixia Gong's practice is also unsightly."

"If you are someone with different talents, fellow practitioners Zixia Gong and Dugu Nine Swords, I'm afraid that even if I practice Sunflower Collection, I may not be the opponent."

"But this person will not be Linghu Chong!"

"The solution now is to find a safe place to inject the strengthening fluid. After all, the group owner said that after the strengthening fluid injection, there will be a period of time to fall into a drowsy state."



Invincible in the East is naturally literate.

How else would he practice Sunflower Collection?

"But having said that, if I don't leave now, it shouldn't take long for the Sunflower Book to be in my hands, right?"

Speculate based on the original development.

When Ren Woxing was rescued, he said that he had given himself the Sunflower Collection for twelve years.

How old was I at that time? I didn't say it clearly.

But it is estimated that he is in his thirties and is at the peak.

I am almost 20 years old now. If I don't want to leave Heimuya, I should be soon too?

"Think about it carefully. If you want to give me a sunflower treasure, it should be after I show some signs of ambition."

"Let me do this person, seemingly careless and careless, but in fact it is also rough and fine."

"I was afraid that it was deliberately cheating me and gave me the Sunflower Book, but he didn't expect that the Sunflower Book would be so strong after being refined."

"No, I don't want to. It's important to improve yourself first."


For the group of friends these two days, it is destined not to be peaceful.

They are all looking for a place, looking for opportunities to inject themselves with strengthening fluids!

Among them, adding money is the most troublesome.

Because he is now in an island country and has not completely calmed down all the unrest, although he went to a place to start a massacre, people would always run away when he heard the wind.

Hidden in the mountains is really hard to find.

After all, the number of people brought by the money-increasing layman is a thousand dead, and the number is too small, so you can only take it slowly.

For safety, he even drove the yacht alone to hide in the deep sea before injecting himself.

Chen Yuniang didn't have to be so troublesome, so she gave herself a shot.

Huo Yuanjia was also hiding in Tibet, and finally found a safe place before he started to inject himself.

Huang Feihong ran to his hometown, Chen Zhen hid very deeply, Feng Yuxiu asked Shan Ying to help look after, Liu Yubai ran to the deep mountains and old forests alone, Chen Shi asked Geng Liangchen to guard the door twenty-four hours...

Each has its own way!

It can be said that the eight immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Among them, before the injection, Chen Shi felt even more emotional in his heart.

He had a very loud abacus.

Geng Liangchen has a good talent, an individual talent, but an unrighteous mind, a villain. So when he used his abacus, he ruined a villain and realized his idea of ​​going north to fame, let Wing Chun take root in the north, no loss!

Because the rule here in Tianjin is that after challenging the eight martial arts schools, Geng Liangchen must be driven out of Tianjin.

For Chen Shi, it's just a villain, so what if he drove out?

As a result, such a villain, in fact, has an extraordinary temperament, flesh and blood, even if there are some imperfections, it is harmless.

Now, the martial arts hall has hit the seventh.

Chen Shi kept pressing and didn't let him choose the eighth house.

Because the eighth house is a fuse!

After the fight, all kinds of things came out.

Before today, the old-fashioned knowledge is already very strong, but what about directly overturning Tianjin? That is still impossible, after all, there are already guns in this era.

So, keep pressing!

I'm afraid that Geng Liangchen will regret it if there is another accident.

This is not a villain, but a talent!

Talents with extraordinary temperament and extremely talented people!

Gotta live!

"However, today, no, after tomorrow, everything will change."

"Eight? What if there are eighteen?"

"With me watching, no one can move him!"

With the undefeated Dongfang and nearly 60% of all members of the group now, he has the confidence to add the full version of the first and second order enhancement liquid!

Knife smashing bullets?

He is sure that he can do it, even if he is not afraid of guns!

Through the window, he glanced at the straight Geng Liangchen standing outside the window, and Chen Zhimeng gave himself a shot.


"I too... it's time to improve."

"Try it, the bonus to me, how about it."

After sending away many students and locking himself in the room, Lin Bin began to inject himself with strengthening fluid. You ask why the door is locked?

What if a big blonde wave sneaks in in the middle of the night?

The next day, Lin Bin was full of energy.

He felt very impulsive and wanted to test his current physical data, but he resisted it.

Another day passed.

He didn't start testing until the second-order strengthening fluid was also used.

The results are gratifying!

"Originally, the ultimate strength of my physical single punch was about 830 kilograms, but now... it basically reaches the standard of 2,000 kilograms!"

"Although it is still much lower than Max, but it is not several times different!"

When Lin Bin used Western strengthening fluids, the first and second order plus Chengdu was around ‘5’.

But now, it is close to the perfect strengthening state, which has increased the strength by nearly three times in one fell swoop!

From this point, it is not difficult to see why the East was hanged and beaten by Westerners in the field of fighting and confrontation.

The bonus gap is really big!

At every turn, the difference is double, double or even several times.

Can't fight!

But now, everything has changed.

"The strength of a single punch exceeds two thousand kilograms. Although it has just crossed the line, if it exceeds it, it exceeds it."

"Plus internal strength, I should be stronger than Max, who was taking drugs and was just zombified."

"If you add weapons..."

"Unfortunately, I don't have a good weapon."

Lin Bin frowned slightly.

Molanxing's technology, coupled with the possibility of import, can actually build a good weapon, but there is a difference in this good definition.

For example, the current "good weapon" refers to being sufficiently hard, sharp, tough and not easy to break, even memory metal, and the blade can be automatically restored...

After satisfying these attributes, the higher the value, the better.

But what about the "good" in martial arts?

But there are some differences in definition.

Such as the magic weapon of Jin Yong's world.

The biggest names should be the Dragon Slaying Sword and the Heavenly Sword.

The reason why these two knives are magic weapons, seems to be because they are sharp and hard?

But it is not!

The supreme martial arts, the sword slaying the dragon, command the world, don't dare to follow, and rely on the sky, who will fight for the front.

It's pretty good.

In fact, this ‘poem’ was written to the hidden Wu Mu sutra and the Jiuyin Scriptures, and it was not possible to directly force them to heaven with these two weapons.

"Well, I can only use it first with a hard and sharp weapon similar to the Heavenly Sword and the Dragon Sword."

"But if you really want to talk about it, the Heavenly Sword and the Dragon Slaying Sword also seem to have a bonus effect on stimulating sword energy and sword gangs, not just sharpness."

"There is no such thing as arousing sword gang and sword energy in the Sacred Technology Alliance, but there should be metals with similar properties, right?"

"It depends on whether I can find it later."


Whether it’s Lin Bin or the group of friends, they’re all busy!

With the invincible kung fu of the East, with the full attribute level 1 and 2 strengthening liquid, you can do what you wanted to do but couldn't do before!

At the same time, the actions of Western countries have never stopped.

A huge spaceship landed in the western main city, and then, with the support of a group of people, the three came to the conference room through numerous obstacles.

The three leaders of military, political and business have gathered here.

"Anthony, Portlem, Elena."

The military boss stood up and smiled: "It turns out that the three of you are back."

The three people in front of me, two men and one woman are all overwhelmingly popular, and even when they open their mouths, they can see four ‘tiger teeth’.

"The ancestor's body was stolen, and the Flower of God was obtained by the Ancient Eastern Kingdom. The BOSS cares about this, so let's come back first."

Elena whispered: "The BOSS will also rush back immediately after handling the matter at hand, so how is the situation now?"

The tripartite bosses immediately began to introduce.

After introducing everything in detail, the politician smiled bitterly: "Now our income from strengthening fluid has been reduced by more than 60%."

"Every day I suffer a huge loss."

"So, we must reverse all of this, even if it is a short time to give up the development and exploration in the universe!"


The three nodded solemnly.

"It is true that the situation needs to be reversed, but in my opinion, this kind of thing can be easily solved by any of the three of us when we come back. There is no need for the three of us to come back together, let alone alarm the boss."

Anthony spread his hands and said contemptuously: "As long as the opponent is not a booster of Tier 5 or above, I can easily kill it."

"Of course you have this strength." The military leader sighed: "But we must be cautious. Moreover, to succeed at one time, the longer the delay and the more attempts, the higher the probability of failure."

"Shut up, Anthony." Portlem looked at the politician: "You should have some clues now? Or, suspect?"


The politician solemnly tapped the desktop, and suddenly, the projection surfaced.

"We have listed all the suspects, 13 of whom are the key targets! They all set off from the main western city that day!"

Thirteen head projections appeared, and the biggest one was Lin Bin!


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