You Have Science, I Have Magic

v2 Chapter 192: No drugs, no poison, how? (W word)


In shock, Lin Bin did understand Gan Zhi's thoughts.

Obviously, she is going to be the first to release the third-order enhancement liquid in the western countries!

The gameplay in the Western countries is not as ‘stable’ as the ancient Eastern countries. Everyone knows that when a company or a country-level existence is generally capable of developing something in the ancient Eastern country, how would it be played?

Open generation, hidden generation, research and development generation, exploration generation...

To put it simply, if the fortified fluid starts from the beginning, the ancient eastern country dominates.

Then it will be fun.

Is the market starting to sell first order?

That proves that the second-tier is actually done, and the third-tier is now being developed! Even Tier 4 is already exploring.

But Western countries are different. As capitalists, they don’t have that long time to research and develop, to wait, and to send out one generation as soon as possible, and to get the money in the purse first.

In other words, there is a high probability that there is no complete version of the third-order strengthening fluid in Western countries, and it is semi-finished at most, and it is even in the mid-term research and development stage.

If at this time, their Longevity Biology Group can release the third-order enhancement liquid first, then it will be fun.

"You...want to be a standard-setter?!"

Not only is it fun, Lin Bin also thought of a question, the standard! ! !

Who can formulate standards, who is the biggest beneficiary of this industry.

The first- and second-order strengthening fluids are in Western countries, the patents are also there, and the raw materials are tightly controlled by them. Relying on this, the first- and second-order strengthening fluids have directly become the most important economic lifeline of Western countries.

This shows the importance of establishing standards and controlling patents.

According to his own understanding of Gan Zhi, Lin Bin felt that such a strong woman would definitely not just want to release the third-order enhancement liquid first.

What she wants to do is to be a pioneer, a leader in this field, and a standard-setter!

"You can see this?"

Gan Zhi smiled on the phone: "In fact, I really think so. It is of course the best to formulate standards, and it is best to get related patents first."

"Even more."

"In the final analysis, the raw materials of our two parties are exactly the same, and the research and development methods are almost the same. As long as we obtain the relevant patents, they will be in trouble if they want to bypass it."

"Either they don't produce, or pay us high patent fees, or spend a lot of time to bypass our patents, but it's difficult."

"If you can firmly control the patents of the three third-order strengthening fluids: East, West, and neutral, they will definitely be very uncomfortable, and they will be light enough to jump."

"I don't even doubt that once we succeed, there will definitely be people in the Western countries that will burst the blood vessels of the brain."

"It must be inevitable."

Lin Bin shook his head and smiled: "I'm so excited to hear you say this, but there is one question, can you hold on to the anger from the Western countries?"

"I said, Master, you really are not for business."

Gan Zhi made a mockery and said: "Since we developed the neutral strengthening liquid, the Western countries have no longer tolerated our longevity biological group."

"So we have begun to recall, dismantle, and dismantle all branches and retail stores in Western countries, leaving only the online sales."

"Anyway, we will all be targeted. After the big deal, the people of our longevity biological group will not go to western countries. We will only receive orders in China and ship them online."

"One step back, that is, they are not allowed to import the strengthening liquid of our Longevity Biological Group. That's okay. Those who want it can come to the ancient eastern country and buy it by themselves."

"They can never prohibit their citizens from going abroad, right?"

"If the import of our fortified liquid is not prohibited, they can earn some import duties and other related expenses. Once prohibited, we have nothing to lose."

"As long as we are exclusive, it doesn't matter."

"We don't even give them after-sales! Buy as long as you like. If you don't buy it, it will be the only one."

Gan Zhi's voice was cheerful, with a smirk. Obviously, she was very excited and very happy.

In fact, for anyone in an extraordinary pharmaceutical company in the ancient oriental country, they will be very happy if they can do this.

Those who have been bullied by Western countries over the years are too cruel!

It's hard to get a chance to be the master of the house, how could it not be a heavy hammer?

"That said, it's not wrong."

Lin Bin scratched his forehead, originally wanting to persuade him, but after another thought, it didn't seem to be necessary, because this is the star of Molan, not the earth.

It seems that the pattern is similar.

In fact, the ancient country of the East is the father, with much stronger national power and strong military.

The era when the Western hegemony used the power of the country to sanction which company wanted to sanction it was completely gone.

Even if the Western countries are unhappy, at best, they can only find some trouble for the Longevity Biological Group in their own country, but the branch is not opened in your Western country directly. What can you do?


It would be nice if the ancient country of the East did not sanction you!

In this situation, after thinking about it, Lin Bin thinks that if he is a big boss in the western countries, there are only two or three roads to choose from, all of which are very aggrieved.

As for revenge...

It's not enough to come in the light, you can only come in secret.


Lin Bin asked softly.

"Of course!" Gan Zhi responded immediately.

"Also." Lin Bin responded: "Just do what you want, but after the third-order strengthening fluid is researched out, you can live in the martial arts hall."

"..., so are you worried about me?" Gan Zhi Yile, then said quietly.

"But you are not afraid that I will run away your anger?"

With her wisdom, she can naturally think that there is a certain danger in doing this. Just like the shameless temperament of the Western countries, there is no way to know it, and it will definitely go crazy behind the scenes.

Assassination or something is indispensable.

It is naturally safer to live in the martial arts hall. After all, the martial arts hall is now the residence of the military chief instructor. The official will certainly pay special attention to it, and the safety factor will increase linearly.

But thinking of Chrissy, Gan Zhi was more or less so resisted in his heart.

We feel uncomfortable, but we don’t hold back, we have to say it~

Eh~ just for fun~!

"Hey, actually, this matter is a little bit more complicated." Lin Bin didn't expect this to answer.

Gan Zhi was taken aback for a moment: "Just lose it a little bit?"

"Yes, just throw it away."


This means that there is only so much difficulty for me to settle down?


So in the end, am I that easy to settle? I want to hear how you plan to settle it, it's only a bit difficult.

Gan Zhi said immediately: "I would like to hear the details."

"Actually, that's how it is."

Lin Bin took advantage of the situation and briefly recounted his experience abroad, and Gan Zhi was stunned.

I couldn't say, it's hard to say before, because I was afraid that she would be involved, and it would be more and more troublesome. After all, the less people knew about this kind of thing, the better.

Now... no need to keep it secret.

Anyway, those people in Western countries have already identified themselves, and they still haven't been able to deceive them. In that case, there is nothing to say.

It's not like telling everyone that there is nothing wrong with it.

"So, she is a spy?!"

"Um, emmm···agents and spies should be a kind of profession, right?" Lin Bin was also a little uncertain: "If it is, then that's right."


Gan Zhi stared: "You were asleep by the spy?"


What the hell?

Lin Bin is stunned. Is this focus a bit strange? What does it mean to sleep with a spy? Could it be that the same person, just because she suddenly changed her career, is different?

"Then what, I think I have to correct it a bit, it's not that she slept with me, it was me who slept with her."

"Didn't you say that she took the initiative in the beginning?"


"Isn't that right? She took the initiative to sleep with you."

"What is your brain circuit?"

Lin Bin was a little dizzy, even stunned.

Is the focus of my big apprentice too crooked? What is she thinking in her head?

"Don't worry about my brain circuit. Anyway, that's what it is. Okay, I know, I will consider it later."

"Don't think about it, you'd better live here directly at that time, otherwise you, as the'initiator', are probably very dangerous."

"When the time comes, I will talk about it. I think that the West will release the news of the third-order strengthening liquid in the two days, such as preheating, etc., wait until then to see the specific results."

"Is that so?"

Lin Bin understood Gan Zhi's meaning after a little thought, and immediately nodded in response: "Well then, be careful yourself."

"I will, goodbye."


Hanging up the phone, Lin Bin touched his chin and muttered to himself: "So, in her opinion, after the defeat of the Western countries this time, the most likely countermeasure to take is to announce the news about the third-order strengthening fluid?"

Lin Bin can be sure that the research and development of the third-order strengthening fluid in the Western countries has already progressed to a pretty good level. Not long ago, didn't I meet a few people who injected the semi-finished third-order strengthening fluid in the western laboratory not long ago.

This guy feels that the current third-order strengthening liquid in the West should have been half...half of it.

Semi-finished products can be produced, but the yield rate is not high. On the other hand, the side effect of turning people into zombies is quite high.

But in any case, it was a little and a half successful.

The reputation, influence, and economic income of Western countries have fallen to their lowest points since modern times, and they will definitely find a way to reverse the situation.

How to reverse it?

"It's worthy of being a master sister."

"I just saw it thoroughly. They want to reverse the situation, and they really are the best to make a fuss about the third-order strengthening liquid."

"Although it is a semi-finished product, it can be released. If it goes on according to her vision..."

"This wave, this wave is called... forcibly holding back? What does that idiom say? Halfway through? This doesn't seem to be an idiom either."

This boy muttered to himself and muttered for a while.

In the laboratory, Gan Zhi was also hiding in the bathroom alone, looking at her red face in the mirror, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and patted her cheek.

"It turns out that this is the case."

"The so-called ** is really just **."

"Wait, this is the so-called Rijiushengqing?!"

"The most depressing thing is that not only should I not be angry, but I should also thank her? Otherwise, it was not so easy for Master to come back."


What is this? !

She wanted to laugh, but she couldn't.

There was even a sense of crisis in my heart.

Love for a long time! ! !

What if it comes true? !

No, after this is done, you must move in immediately, I have to watch it myself! ! !


On the same day, Lin Bin directly invited the teachers and disciples in the martial arts hall to have a good meal, and everyone was very happy.

It's just that they are very happy, but the Western countries can't be happy anyhow.

When night falls in the eastern countries, the western countries gradually welcome the sunrise.

But in the secret meeting room, the three leaders of military, political, and business have not closed their eyes from last night until now. For several years of age, their eyes have been bloodshot.

Even his complexion was already savage.

"Its daybreak!"

Someone slapped the table and said, "There are so many of us, can't we think of a feasible way?!"

"You don't need to think about the results of the inspections in Ancient Eastern Country. Regardless of the facts, the result is definitely that Lin Bin didn't drink stimulants or poisoned them!"

"This is our usual method, but they know us so well... we have reason to believe that they can do better!!!"


"How can the ancient eastern country even learn this, shameless!"

"Stop scolding, is it not enough to scold for one night? I'm going to die suddenly! A lot of years, all over 80 years old, have never stayed up overnight for work, let alone stayed up all night?"

"In the end, I just listen to you scolding, what's the use? Way! Way! Way!"

"If we can't come up with a feasible solution, we really won't have a chance to stand up. Economic and combat power... To be honest, it is Lin Bin, even if he doesn't take drugs, I feel terrible. He is only second order!! Once he is also Tier 5, Tier 6, or Tier 7 or 8, who can stop him?!"

"Strengthening fluid is our economic lifeline, and our personal strength gives us more advantages when exploring in the universe, so in the universe, our recognition is slightly higher, which is our biggest advantage."

"But now, the economic lifeline is cut directly from the neck, and with Lin Bin's existence, our greatest advantage will be completely lost after a short period of time. As a result, you seniors are cursing people here??? Swearing at night???"

Everyone was taken aback.

Someone was not angry, and whispered: "Aren't you scolding too?"

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air!

In an instant, everyone was embarrassed.

In the end, a military leader stood up and said, "Well, let's stop swearing, and don't fight each other. We work together to come up with a feasible way, at least to stabilize the situation a little bit."

"Yes, time is too hasty. At least we have to figure out a way to stabilize the situation and give us enough time to think of a solution."

"Originally I made an appointment with a beautiful woman to spend a good night together, but now I guess that beautiful woman can squirt me to death!!!"

"You are in your seventies, dear!!! But I am almost the same, cough, I need to catch up and refresh my mind."

A group of people began to "break the ice".

After all, they are all tycoons. They really suppress the anger and shamelessly. When thinking of various methods, a temporary solution is gradually perfected.

"I can only make a killer!"

"According to what everyone said, let me summarize it."

The head of the Ministry of Commerce sighed: "Currently, among the first- and second-order enhanced liquids, only Western enhanced liquids can't be made because of our patent restrictions."

"So, strictly speaking, we will not be'killed'. After all, our strengthening liquid has the best bonus effect for Westerners."

"However, price issues have directly caused our sales in the West to drop sharply. Many poor people or ordinary families will choose neutral fortification liquid. Only the rich who do not care about the price will choose our Western fortification. liquid."

"This is fatal to us!"

"For any power and country, the importance of the economy is unparalleled, and the economic benefits brought by the remaining orders are definitely not enough."

"Therefore, our Ministry of Commerce proposes to cut prices. Even if we cut profits, as long as we can sell enough, it is better than not being able to sell. The ancient state of the East called it small profits but quick turnover."

"Does everyone have an opinion?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Any comments on this?

The meat must not be eaten, and some soup is also good, it's so **** egg.


The tycoons of the Ministry of Commerce narrowed their eyes slightly: “The politicians propose to fully open the import of fortified liquids from the ancient eastern countries, but they will delay them as much as possible after importing for safety audits, reviews, and various strange reasons. Do you agree on the time to market?"

"Agree." A military chief yelled immediately: "The big deal is to let some capitalists temporarily pressure some funds in."

"But in terms of the overall situation of our country, it definitely has a big effect. Why don't you agree?!"

"Yes, agree!"


"I also agree, and I also propose to increase the ticket price to the ancient country of the East by a large margin! There are many benefits to this, and it can stabilize most people who want to buy a neutral strengthening fluid, so that they are not so eager to go to the East. Buying from an ancient country also demonstrates our great power."

"The most important point is that if you can suppress some of the funds of the ancient eastern country, you can at least disgust them fiercely!"

"The minority obey the majority, then pass!"

One proposal was put forward, and everyone voted by a show of hands. Soon, one after another was passed.

In the end, everyone looked serious.

The head of the Ministry of Commerce took a deep breath: "The last proposal..."

"Whether or not to do this, I personally don't know for sure. You must show your hands to vote."

"Moreover, it can only be implemented if more than two-thirds of the number of people agree."

Everyone was stunned: "What do you think?"


"Tell me!"

The head of the Ministry of Commerce nodded, and said calmly, "Tier-level strengthening fluid!"

"My idea is to directly disclose our research results and blur the time. It is said that the third-stage strengthening fluid has made breakthrough progress and will be officially sold in the near future."

"Even, we can fake the research data a little bit, saying that we are developing a neutral version, and in the future, we will gradually introduce two types of third-order enhancement liquid versions that can make up for the shortcomings of the Eastern race and the Western race."

"However, the third-stage strengthening fluid is precious and has limited production capacity."

"what do you mean!!!"

The people present were all human beings, and when I heard the beginning, I suddenly understood it.


The head of the Ministry of Commerce nodded: "Just what you think, threatening!"

"We are threatening overtly and secretly!"

"If you want the third-order strengthening fluid, you should be more obedient and perform better, otherwise, your country and region will definitely not be on the starting list."

"I think this can further minimize the adverse effects from this period of time."

"Of course, at the same time, we have to launch our first and second-order neutral versions as soon as possible. Of course I also know that in terms of price wars, we must not be able to beat the ancient eastern countries, but even if it is simply disgusting them, it also allows those small countries to rest assured to follow us. I have to do this!"

"It's really a good way."

After listening, everyone looked at each other.

Immediately expressed his opinions and opinions with a wry smile.

"This can indeed minimize the adverse impact on us. The third-order strengthening fluid is a dimensionality reduction blow."

"Although there are some opportunistic tricks, as long as we don't specify the time to market, it is not a lie. At most, we will not have a good reputation in the future, but our reputation seems to be bad."

"···, by coincidence, I also want to talk about this issue. If we do this, we are doomed to be scolded. Maybe they are only on the surface, but they will definitely scold us to death behind their backs, but so what? I like it. Seeing that they hate us to death, on the surface, they can only make a smile and promise."

"Hate us, but can't kill us, huh."

"Let's vote by show of hands!"


"Of course I agree..."

Almost at the same time, everyone raised their hands and passed unanimously.

"That's good."

The head of the Ministry of Commerce showed a smile: "Everyone is really wise, cheeky? What is cheeky? Can you eat it? How much is it worth?!"

"We never want that kind of thing."

"Leave me the copywriting and the specific details, you guys rest first."

"I will announce it after the ‘inspection result’ from the ancient eastern country comes out."

"Finally finished!"

"Fak, I have to go back and see if the beauty I asked is gone."

"..., I'll sleep first, don't call me, unless it's an extermination war broke out, someone used an extermination weapon is wrong, even if you use it, don't call me, just let me die in my sleep."



nine in the morning.

The ambassadors of the Western countries to the ancient countries of the East received a notice from the state, and then collectively accepted interviews to express strong protests, and all expressed that they would let the ancient countries of the East announce the inspection results of Lin Bin and Budapest as soon as possible.

This matter is raging on the Internet.

Lin Bin was puzzled at first.

He originally thought that from early this morning, the number of people who came to sign up would increase dramatically, even more exaggerated than before.

After all, two Tier 5 enhancers were done during the live broadcast!

They are still the two strongest Tier 5 enhancers in the Western countries, so they can be regarded as showing their faces, right?

Is there something wrong with attracting a large group of disciples?

But in the end, it did come, but there were fewer people than yesterday!

This is clearly the part of the people who "didn't digest" before.

What about the newcomer? !

Lin Bin didn't understand the problem until he went online and saw the comments of netizens on various platforms.

"The feeling is like this."

This guy smiled, watching that most of the comments were ‘worried’ that I was found out of taking drugs and poisoning, and there were few ‘strong’ comments that I could not find any waves.

Especially after these ambassadors from Western countries have expressed their opinions and urged, the "worries" of netizens have become more intense.

There are still many people who directly expressed that they were a little embarrassed and won, but they poisoned this way...

Still in the ring?

If you can't beat it, you can not pick it up! There is already a huge gap, no one will spray you because of this.

When you came on stage, you ended up poisoning you. Everyone can understand the key points of taking drugs. After all, this is your genre, but there is something wrong with taking drugs and poisoning.

A little embarrassing!

Seeing this kind of comment, Lin Bin wanted to roll his eyes.

At first glance, it is the "Little White Lotus" who has never experienced social beatings and does not know how shameless and shameless the Western countries are!

What's more, I'm really not poisoned or drugged! ! !

But these seem to be fair, but in fact they are a bit of Madonna's comments, and the praise is not low.

"Good fellow, there are so many people sitting with their butts crooked."

"Because of a lot of likes and high rankings, which affected most people, I felt that my win this time was very disgraceful. Compared to the previous one, I did not play beautifully this time. ', so no newcomers were attracted to sign up."

The head tilted, the boy laughed.

"Alright, if you are too greedy, you can't chew, so be steady first, and strive to get the good skills of Xiaoaojianghu and Ludingji world first, and then move on to the next step."

"There is also the Hundred Fights Boxing Classic. This is the top priority now. In contrast, I really don't have so much energy to go to interviews and go for small talk."

"So be it."

Shaking his head, Lin Bin asked the front desk to call himself for something, and went straight upstairs, instructed the apprentices to practice for a while, and asked them to continue to persist before returning to the top floor, in his private practice room, and started punching again and again.

How many times do you have to fight Baizhanquan before you can get started?

Or, if there is a knack, where is the knack and how can I find it?

Lin Bin finished it over and over again, and at the same time carefully realized the difference between each time.



The ancient country of the East finally responded.

"After the researchers worked overtime and conducted comprehensive tests, we finally came to a conclusion, which is now announced to the world.

Note: In order to show fairness, videos have been taken throughout the test, which are played in multiples here, but there are still some images that are not suitable for viewing, which may easily cause discomfort. Minors and the faint-hearted are advised not to watch them.

First, Lin Bin's urine test and blood test videos are as follows.

Attached video x1.

The results showed that any known doping test results, even known by the Alliance, were negative. It is worth mentioning that, as you can see, the blood alcohol concentration is as high as 183.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Lin Bin did not take stimulants, and even after drinking, he was in a state of'drunken fight'. In other words, he was a drunk at the time, a drunk, but a Tier 5 enhancer. It's blown up, emmm···

As for the so-called drugs and stimulants, naturally it is nonsense.

We urge Western countries to stop using Lin Bin to mention stimulants, otherwise we will sue you for defamation and seek compensation in the International Court of Justice.

Second, regarding Lin Bin’s allegations of poisoning during the battle against Budapest, the video of the test is as follows.

Attached video x1.

We recorded in detail the process from ‘collecting’ Budapest corpses, to sampling their hair, blood, and flesh, to testing them for toxicity one by one.

It was finally confirmed that there was no poison.

As for the bones, sorry, all the bones have been melted. Those white, bubble-filled liquids are the manifestations and products of bones after they have been melted and decomposed.

According to our interview with Chief Instructor Lin Bin, this is because he used a special martial arts that can melt all bones.

If someone doesn't believe it, you can come and try, let Instructor Lin slap a hand and wait for the result.

Secondly, should the previous gambling agreement be honored?

We urge and wait!

At this point, the announcement is about to end.

But we still want to emphasize once again that Western countries must not play with fire and self-immolate, let alone slander our instructor Lin, otherwise, we will be forced to hold it firmly to the end!

Don't say it is unpredictable. "

Now the entire Molan Star, almost all countries are paying attention to this matter.

As soon as the official announcement of the ancient eastern kingdom came out, it caused an uproar.

Domestic netizens were suddenly excited.

"Good guy!!!"

"I didn't even take drugs or poison? 666, I'm in love with love, Lin Bin is awesome!"

"The martial arts that can melt bones but not flesh? This??? Who can tell me, can it be done? What kind of martial arts is this?"

"Damn, it's true? I don't believe in the country, but this... is a bit weird."

"Are you a paratrooper upstairs? You still say that you don't believe in the country? Since you believe it, then are you questioning a **** here? The country lied to you? How old are you?"

"That is, since we have all made official announcements and statements, it means it must be true, Lin Bin is awesome 666!"

"Hahaha, I see what those shameless people in Western countries say!"

"Hey, go around, go!"

"Spit them to death~!"


Some people believe, some don't.

Most domestic netizens felt that since it was officially posted, it must be really fine, which made them very excited, and even went straight to the foreign embassies and various official accounts to leave messages and ridicule.

But there are also a small group of smart people who think there must be conspiracy, conspiracy theory~

What kind of tests are carried out in China. Isn't it easy to make a fake?

For the sake of fame, no matter what the result is, it must be non-toxic~!

As for the video that was shot from beginning to end, can't the video be faked? Hmph, the test results can also be faked, anyway, we don’t understand, let alone those instruments~

It's not too small to think so smart.


And as domestic netizens began to "impact", "message", and even ridicule the yin and yang on the relevant accounts of Western countries on various platforms, the livers of the people in Western countries are exploded!

"it is as expected!"

"Damn old eastern country, Fake Linbin!"

"Too shameless!"

"This has completely learned our essence, this this this!!!"


They yelled at them and became anxious.

It just so happens that you can't even do it right now, because the ancient country of the East has already given ‘evidence’ and it has clearly stated that you are slandering and slandering, so let’s find trouble.

Who of these officials dare to talk nonsense on the Internet?

However, the officials of these Western countries are used to being aloof and shameless and shameless. Now when I look at it, I think it’s the ancient eastern country that has learned the essence.

However, they never thought that when they slandered others or forcibly produced evidence, they were full of flaws. However, in the ancient country of the East, there were videos from beginning to end, and the evidence was as hard as iron!

I can’t find black spots if I don’t even think about it.


The main western city.

After seeing this announcement, several political and business leaders couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"I knew it would be like this!"

"Damn old eastern country!"

"Fortunately, we already have a solution, we will announce it immediately!"

"But what about this bet?"

"···, what else can we do? This time we loaded it, give it to them! But the next situation must be controlled by us again!"

"Make an announcement!"

"I come!!!"


A few minutes later, the Western countries issued an announcement directly in the name of the country.

"First of all, we want to apologize to Mr. Lin Bin and Dongfang Guguo.

Because it was our mistakes that led to the misjudgment, we almost wronged Mr. Lin Bin, mistakenly thinking that he had taken stimulants and used poisons.

Now that the test results have come out, the truth is clear, we naturally will not open our eyes and talk nonsense. "

At this point, it is a series of ellipsis.

Obviously, they are still unhappy.

Both overtly and secretly accusing the ancient eastern country of opening its eyes for talking nonsense.

"The bet will naturally be honored. We admit that we misunderstood Mr. Lin Bin. He is not the culprit for stealing the flower of God. We are very pleased with this.

As for Gou Jianqiang’s injuries and medical expenses, we will pay as appropriate. However, since both Elena and Anthony are patriots, they have spontaneously handed out their hands and were not directly assigned by our government. Therefore, our Western countries are actually very innocent. Therefore, the compensation is only part of the compensation. , I hope Mr. Gou Jianqiang understands. "

"Understand your uncle, I **** don't understand!" In the hospital, Gou Jianqiang saw this, and he was immediately barking: "Too **** shameless!"

"Nima had acquiesced before, and now I still want to wrestle, it is worthy of being a Western country!!!"

After howling for a while, he patiently continued to watch.

"Mr. Lin Bin proved himself that he can indeed defeat Tier 5 enhancers, although we don't understand how the so-called strange martial arts can dissolve the bones of a person's body.

But it doesn't matter anymore, the results have already come out, and there is no point in tracing the details of the past.

And taking this opportunity of global attention, our ancient western countries have to announce a brand-new good news to the world, and everyone will love it.

That is! ! !

Our research on the third-order strengthening fluid has come to an end!

And this time, not only is the third-order strengthening fluid suitable for Westerners, the neutral strengthening fluid is also about to be researched and will be gradually marketed soon.

But unfortunately, because of the previous violent robbery incident, the raw materials of the third-order strengthening fluid manufactured in our Western countries were severely damaged, some important data were lost, and some instruments were damaged...

This directly leads to a significant reduction in the output of our third-stage strengthening fluid. Therefore, we will consider the sales area ‘as appropriate’.

In addition, in view of the voice of the domestic people, we have decided to open the import blockade of the first and second-order neutral strengthening liquids of the Changsheng Biological Group. From now on, domestic pharmaceutical companies with sufficient qualifications can go to the ancient eastern country to discuss cooperation matters on their own.

Finally, due to many complicated reasons, we sadly announce that the price of air tickets from western countries to ancient eastern countries will be adjusted in the future.

At the same time, our first- and second-order neutral strengthening fluids are also coming to the market soon.

Specific matters will be announced in detail later.


Propaganda Department of Western Countries. "

Announcement to announcement! ! !

The announcement of the ancient eastern country was only a few minutes away, and there was only a sign of popular discussion among the people, and the announcement of the western country came out directly.

Moreover, the level of attention and importance that the content can arouse is more than that of the announcement of the ancient eastern country!

Open the import of the first and second order neutral strengthening liquid? !

For ordinary people in Western countries, this is great news!

Naturally, their focus was instantly shifted.

And for any country in the world, the importance of the third-order strengthening fluid, especially the third-order neutral strengthening fluid, is there any more to say? !

Especially now it has been proved that if both parents are strengtheners, then their children will inherit this part of the strengthened ‘gene’!

What's the meaning?

The strong will give birth to stronger children!

After all, this kind of strengthening actually means that even the genes are strengthened, and the genetic genes are strengthened and which is naturally reasonable.

This strengthening is not only physical, but the same is true of brain power and wisdom!

Which person or country does not want to make their offspring better and better?

The importance of strengthening liquid can be imagined!

And the shameless gameplay in Western countries is clearly seen by leaders and high-level officials in any country.

You can see their thoughts at a glance and penetrate their conspiracies!

Then, he yelled at him.


"How can the Western countries come out with Tier 3 strengthening liquid so quickly? They are clearly threatening us!"

"Baga! The possibility is indeed not high, but not without it, if it is true!!!"

"Threat, this is a naked threat!"

"The Western country is still that Western country. As always, it's shameless, Fuck and the others messed it up!"

"They didn't say the exact time and progress at all, they were just to threaten us, but they also knew that we didn't dare to bet!!!"

"How to do?"

"Damn, what else can we do? We don't dare to bet, we can only be threatened by them!"

"This is a signal, whoever is not obedient, who does not act according to their will, and follow their path. After the third-order strengthening liquid comes out, we must be excluded!"

"Damn it! Imported third-order strengthening fluid is too expensive, most people can't afford it, but if it can be produced by Molanxing..."


After a burst of anger, depressed.

But the bigwigs of all countries can only sigh helplessly, and then smile silently.

Don't bet!

What else can I do?

Can only bear.



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