You Have Science, I Have Magic

v2 Chapter 210: 6-vein magic sword, looking for Li Qiush

In less than half an hour, Duan Zhengming hurriedly took Duan Zhengchun to Tianlong Temple. The latter was still reluctant: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Recently an old friend of mine came over. I was about to discuss life with her, but you couldn't help but pull me over. It's really..."

Duan Zhengming was speechless when he heard it.

"Are you embarrassed to speak?!"

"A good old friend is good, how many old friends do you have? You know, you were merciful in those days, but now, your descendants have found the old man of Uncle Master and came here?"

"Uncle Uncle, his old man is very angry now, let me bring you over, but you are still chattering!"

"Sooner or later, you have to die on the belly of your old friend!"

When Duan Zhengchun heard this, he was immediately embarrassed.

At the same time, he was astonished: "What happened?!"

He only recently learned that he had several daughters who were living outside, Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing, and they all inherited the advantages of their mothers when they were young, and they also had their own unique features.

Now, another one pops up?

"Can there be fakes?!"


Duan Zhengming waved his monk robe: "Follow me to see the uncle!"

Now, Duan Zhengchun didn't dare to complain at all, let alone force Lailai.

"yes, Sir."


The two trot all the way to the outside of Master Ku Rong's monastery. Duan Zhengchun first saluted respectfully, then glanced away, and saw Wang Yuyan in a black dress standing on the side, and then, completely stunned.

As for other monks...

He had long forgotten.

"You, you... Cheongna?!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he directly called out the name. Although he didn't know whether it was right or wrong, but with Duan Zhengchun's attitude, how could everyone know what was going on?


"You bastard, take her away quickly. What was your grievances and grievances back then? Make it clear by yourself!"

"Evil barrier, evil barrier!"

Master Ku Rong sighed, obviously, this little girl didn't tell lies!

And his true temperament made Lin Bin a little emotional: "If I guessed correctly, I'm afraid, Master Ku Rong doesn't have much time to live."

Invincible in the East: "It should be. He is already an eminent monk. It stands to reason that he will not get angry so easily, but now he has returned to his true temperament, he should know that he is not far away."

"So it is!"

The group of friends suddenly.

At first they thought it was quite interesting. Such a Ku Rong master made them feel very happy.

It even gave Lin Bin a feeling of facing the ‘master’ in "East as the West".

But after thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult to find that Master Ku Rong’s ‘personal design’ is not like this, and now that he is returning to his true temperament, it’s probably something going to happen.

Tianlong Babu didn't mention when Master Ku Rong died, nor how he died.

After all, there was no part of Tianlong Temple at all.

But because of this, it can be said that there is no problem when Master Ku Rong will pass away.

"Yes, master, me, me..."

Duan Zhengchun was very embarrassed.

He also knew that he must have read it wrong, but today's Wang Yuyan is just too similar to Li Qingluo, who was fascinated by him at first sight.

It is completely carved out of a mold.

"Who is Li Qingluo?"

"It's my mother."

Wang Yuyan immediately said: "My mother said, my biological father is you."


"When were you born?"

A few questions and answers.

Duan Zhengchun silently estimated.


I didn't run away, and calculated based on the time of the tenth month of pregnancy. When Li Qingluo was pregnant, didn't she just be happy with herself?

That is to say, Li Qingluo is so beautiful, otherwise she really can't remember the original year and month.

Duan Zhengchun muttered silently, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "My child, I have been living outside these years, and I have suffered you. From now on, you will come back."

"Since you are my flesh and blood, I changed my surname to Duan."

"Duan Yuyan is also a good name."

"Niezha, Niezha!!!"

After listening to Master Ku Rong, there was another scolding.

Can you confirm your identity in a few words?

Everyone was surprised.

It can be seen that Duan Zhengchun must be confident about what Duan Zhengchun looks like at this moment, which makes them very curious.

what? !

I have done a lot of this kind of thing, can I still have rich experience?

How do you feel so childish?

However, Duan Zhengming and others are not good at saying anything, they can only lower their eyebrows and look at their insteps, silently complaining in their hearts.

"I will take Yuyan away and let the master and everyone laugh, I..."

Duan Zhengchun doesn't feel ashamed, even he feels quite honorable~

He even wanted to say a few words: See how romantic I am? How many green hats did you give away? How many descendants are there? Even most of them are still stubbornly desperate for me now, I always go to burrow when I want to burrow~~~

Envy? You pretty boys?

But Master Ku Rong was getting angry, and of course he didn't dare to beep anymore, he was about to take Wang Yuyan away.

However, Wang Yuyan naturally refused to leave.

She shook her head lightly and said, "I will talk about the name change later."

"But now, father, you should recognize my bloodline?"

"Self-approved, you are definitely my daughter."

"What's more, how can we talk about the name change later? Naturally, we should make it clear now, you are my daughter, of course you need a surname..."

Duan Zhengchun blew his beard and stared.

"I have lived with my mother since I was a child, and I have been accustomed to names. Since my father recognizes my identity, why should I care about a name?"

"Does Mu Wanqing want to be called Duan Wanqing and Zhong Ling also called Duan Ling?"

Master Ku Rong: "???"

"Outrageously, I will kill you as a wicked obstacle!"

Let's just say, the master is going to beat someone, Duan Zhengming and others quickly pulled him aside...

Now, Duan Zhengchun was also a little embarrassed: "Well, then, talk about it later."

Who knows, the voice just fell.

Wang Yuyan directly bowed down to Master Ku Rong.

Everyone was shocked.

"Wang Yuyan, an unscrupulous descendant, only recognizes his ancestor and returns to the clan today."

"Please also testify to everyone."

"In addition, I ask Master Ku Rong to pass on the Six Meridian Divine Sword."

Ku Rong stopped struggling.

Looking at Wang Yuyan, it suddenly dawned on her.

Sure enough, it was aimed at the Six Vein Divine Sword.

But at this moment, he couldn't feel any disgust. After all, according to his own perception, it was Wang Yuyan who robbed him, and he or the entire Tianlong Temple had nothing to do.

But she spared a lot of time, first proved her family's identity, and then asked to pass the Six-Medition Excalibur...

This is to give enough face to myself and others, and it also shows that I am a descendant of the Duan family and have the qualifications to learn the Six Meridian Excalibur.

And the etiquette has been comprehensive.

If he refuses again, then he really doesn't know how to praise him, and he will carry a lantern in the toilet.


Master Ku Rong almost didn't hesitate: "Since you are also the Duan family as the female donor, you will naturally learn this six-channel magic sword."

"Zhengming, wait here and draw all the six-channel divine sword spectrum you have learned, and give it to this female benefactor."

"Yes, Uncle Master."

Where can Duan Zhengming and others dare to say?

Naturally respond one by one.

Even if someone wanted to refute, they were stared back by Master Ku Rong.

At this moment, Duan Zhengchun could only smile helplessly.

He is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very clever. Now he naturally knows the purpose of Wang Yuyan's confession of relatives with him. Before he was surprised, why did he go to Tianlong Temple to confess his relatives? I am not here!

Now, it is completely understood.

I understand, but I can't speak, so I can only sigh lightly and look at him.

At this time, Grandmaster Ku Rong said again: "Donors, to practice our Duan Family Six-Medition Divine Sword, but we need to learn one yang finger first, and one yang finger is the foundation."

"Then, based on the different meridians and the power of one yang finger, the six-channel magic sword can be used."

"With your talent and internal strength as a donor, it is certainly possible, Lao Na has no doubts about this."

"It's up to Lao Na, to pass you a yang point."

"Thank you, Master." Wang Yuyan saluted respectfully.

First salute and then pawn.

Since ‘li’ can be done, it’s naturally best.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"However, I just hope that in the future, you will read about the love of the Duan family. If the Duan family in Dali encounters a catastrophe, you can help, at least...leave a trace of blood."

Master Ku Rong sighed lightly.

He is old and the end is approaching, he can no longer protect the Duan Clan of Dali, and even if he is alive, it is very difficult to protect the Duan family.

Not to mention other things, it is just a Kuma Chi, and they need to gather the strength of all of them to resist it. If there are a few stronger ones, what should be done?

It is precisely because of this that Master Ku Rong agreed so simply.

There is nothing wrong with passing the Six Meridian Divine Sword to the people of the Duan family, and Wang Yuyan has such strength at such a young age, and his future achievements are bound to be limitless.

Even behind Wang Yuyan, there must be an extremely astonishing force!

There are only advantages to befriend Wang Yuyan, but no disadvantages.

"This is natural."

Wang Yuyan nodded in response.

She is a member of the Duan family, not to mention that she is a member of the Duan family?

"If the Duan family suffers a catastrophe in the future, Yu Yan will definitely not stand idly by."

"With a word from the donor, I feel relieved."


"Please follow me, Yiyang Zhi, as long as you are proficient in the trick, it should be effortless for you, the donor."


Half a day.

In just half a day, Wang Yuyan succeeded in learning a positive finger, and with a single poke, a group of extremely condensed ‘internal force’ turned into a finger to poke out, with amazing power!

However, it is only a finger after all.

It's a blunt weapon.

But if you learn the Six-Medition Divine Sword, it is ‘sword qi’.

Simply understand, it is the difference between poke a person with a finger and poke a person with a sword, and it is not only the attack power, but also the difference in speed and other aspects.

In the afternoon.

Duan Zhengming and others re-painted the Six Meridian Excalibur Sword Spectrum.

It's just that each of them only knows one sword, so they only painted their own part of the sword book, plus Master Ku Rong's own copy, and it was enough.

After getting the sword score, Wang Yuyan didn't want to wait any longer, and after refusing Duan Zhengchun's invitation to go to the palace with him, Wang Yuyan went west alone, alone.

But Duan Zhengming and others also understood Master Ku Rong's good intentions, so naturally they didn't dare to say more.


Huang Feihong: "Sister Yuyan, how's it going? It's smoother than expected, right?"

Wang Yuyan: "It's indeed quite smooth. The best result is that you don't need to use swords and soldiers."

"However, the Six Meridian Divine Sword is already in my hands, but I don't want to stop, I want to go straight to Xixia to find my grandmother."

Chinese inheritor: "This is Ms. Yuyan, your family is distinguished. The relationship between your parents has come to an end. If it is not, it will definitely not be that simple."

"As for going to Xixia to find your grandma, you don't have to be too eager. It is best to learn the Six-Medition Excalibur first, so that you can truly protect yourself."

"However, if you can't wait for Miss Yuyan, I have a way."

Wang Yuyan: "Host, please say!"

Inheritor of traditional Chinese martial arts: "It's very simple. Do you remember how Master Ku Rong did when Ku Mazhi went to Tianlong Temple?"

Huo Yuanjia: "I remember this very clearly. They were grind their guns before the battle. Their internal strength was insufficient and they couldn't make the Six-Medition Excalibur, so they practiced one sword to form a sword formation and fought in groups."

National Art Inheritor: "Yes~!"

"So, I think if Ms. Yuyan wants to hurry, she can give us the Six-Medition Excalibur to practice, and then send it back through a red envelope."

"Furthermore, the Six Meridian Divine Sword will be able to, if not, will not, the factor that affects its power is whether its internal strength is strong enough, it will not only have'sixty percent', and it will not be like Duan Yu. "

"Furthermore, if we had six people each practice a sword, the speed must be extremely fast."

Chen Zhen: "The leader of the group!"

Add money layman: "It's worthy of being the owner of the group."

Chen Zhi: "Awesome, this is indeed a good way."

Invincible in the East: "This method is indeed feasible, what about Miss Wang's opinion?"

Wang Yuyan: "This method is very good!"

In the next second, she issued two red envelopes.

One is the ‘average red envelope’, with one yang finger per person.

Next, there are six random red envelopes, each of which is six copies of the Six-Medition Excalibur Sword Book, whoever grabs it.

But Lin Bin never lost.

In the end, Lin Bin, Dongfang Invincible, Xichangchanghua, Hai Dafu, Zhao Xinchuan, and Huang Feihong each grabbed a sword book.

Oriental Undefeated Thumb Shao Shang Sword, Xichang Factory Flower Index Finger Shang Yang Sword, Hai Dafu Ring Finger Guan Chong Sword, Zhao Xinchuan Little Finger Shao Ze Sword, Huang Feihong's Left Hand Little Finger Shao Chong Sword.

As for Lin Bin...

That’s great, the **** punches the sword~~~

Martial arts office.

Looking at his raised middle finger, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Good guy, gestures from international friends, powerful, invincible~~~"

In the group, Wang Yuyan said in her voice: "Wang Yuyan thanked you all here."

"What is there to thank you for?" Huang Feihong smiled: "This is the magical skill, Miss Wang, you are willing to share with us. It is my fortunate to wait. We should thank you!"

"Once I have refined the Six-Medition Divine Sword, I am not afraid of facing foreign guns and cannons!"

At this time, the modern group of friends are all taken aback.

Then found out, it really is.

It is said that no matter how high the kung fu, one shot fell.

So, what about the Six Meridian Excalibur?



I have already learned one Yang finger, the six-channel magic sword, is it difficult?

It's hard!

At the beginning, no one in the entire Tianlong Temple could learn the Six-Medition Excalibur, the reason was that their internal strength was insufficient! It is simply not enough to open all the meridians, and one person can master the six channels.

So I can only play a rogue, one sword per person, and a six-mai sword formation.

The problem lies here.

If it is true swordsmanship, the strength of six players in a sword formation must be higher than that of one person, but the Six-Medition Divine Sword is different. One person can practice one sword because they can only practice one sword.

It also means that their internal strength is just like that, which is simply not enough to support them in practicing the second sword.

And the power of the Six Vein Excalibur is directly related to internal strength.

Therefore, the sword formation is not as good as practicing six swords by one person.

It can also be seen that whether the internal strength is sufficient or not plays a decisive role in practicing the Six-Medition Excalibur, but for Lin Bin and Dongfang Invincible today, the internal strength is not enough?

Sorry, it's impossible!

With sufficient internal strength, Yiyang means that this prerequisite has been fulfilled~

The six people only practice one sword, and the speed is really fast.

The monks of Tianlong Temple had time to grind their guns, and Lin Bin and others would naturally not be slower than them.

In the early morning of the next day, all six people practiced to the level of proficiency, and then red envelopes were issued to everyone.

In this way, all the friends in the group knew the Six-Medition Excalibur.

Feng Yuxiu: "Hahaha, is this the Six-Medition Excalibur?"

"Oh my god, I pointed it down and pierced the two-centimeter-thick steel plate, and the sword energy was still deep underground. I couldn't see how deep it was!"

Thug in a suit: "..., I pierced the armored car with two swords, and its power is not overwhelmed by armor-piercing bullets!"

"Group owners, should they be stronger?"

Chen Yuniang: "It's amazing, it's worthy of the legendary martial arts, the Six-Medition Excalibur, really... I poked my dad's pipe from a distance and almost didn't scare him to death."

Wang Yuyan: "It's better to be the leader of the group. Otherwise, if I'm alone, I won't sleep and learn at most two or three swords."

"It's even harder to hurry. Now that the Six Vein Divine Sword is in hand, I will go to the Xixia Palace and there will be no problems."

Inheritor of traditional Chinese martial arts: "Haha, where is it, this is my advantage, Miss Yuyan, by the way, I see you running or riding bumps on your own, it is really tired and slow. Why don't you give you a flying car? ."

"Flying all the way to Xixia, it is estimated that it will only take a day or two."

Learn the Six Meridian Excalibur, and use the terrifying internal force of the Hundred Fighting Fist Classics to urge it. When Lin Bin casts it, its power is more than ten times stronger than that of other group of friends!

However, these words are not easy for him to say.

And since the march into the universe is about to begin soon, this guy is going to speed up.

To put it simply, help'Wang Yuyan', so that she can get all the martial arts of Xiaoyao School faster~~~

She got it, doesn't it mean she got it?

Without waiting for Wang Yuyan to answer, the servant directly ordered a current car.

Isn't it money?

With Lin Bin's current wealth, buying a flying car is just a drop in the bucket.

As for navigation, although the flying car can't locate and connect to the Tianlong World, just adjust the direction by yourself.

In addition, micro-controllable nuclear fusion is used as an energy source, so there is no need to worry about ‘refueling’ and ‘charging’.

After the arrival of the goods, regardless of whether Wang Yuyan declined or not, she posted it directly, as well as driving experience and skills. Upon seeing this, Wang Yuyan could only receive thanks.

Then drove the flying car, all the way west.

"It's so fast!"

On the way, Wang Yuyan exclaimed: "It's too comfortable, the seat is soft and extremely smooth, without even the slightest bump..."

"The technology of the future is really unimaginable."

Add money layman: "···, my big g is not fragrant at all."

Feng Yuxiu: "Who said before that a real man should give a big g?"

Devil muscle man: "Haha, demolish Taiwan professional households."

Inheritor of traditional Chinese martial arts: "I seem to have seen the time when the two of you kept fighting each other and killing each other shortly after joining the group. It was very good, very good."

Add money layman, Feng Yuxiu: ⊙o⊙)···"

"Who fell in love and killed him?"


"What are you pooh?"

"I'll do whatever you want?"

"Damn! Nothing to say, accept remote assistance, let me educate you!"

"Do you think I'm stupid? I have only 80% of the combat power when I come to the projection. Why didn't I apply for assistance and you came here to be beaten?!"

"Your uncle~!"

The two yelled.

The group of friends couldn't help but laugh.


In the middle of the night, outside the Xixia Imperial City, Wang Yuyan drove a speeding car and landed on a high ground. While starting the live broadcast, he raised his vigorous internal strength.

"Can Grandma be here? Li Qingluo's Queen Yuyan invites grandma to show up!"


The sound waves are like thunder, rolling away.

But the strange thing is that after arriving in the Xixia imperial city, the voice seemed to have disappeared. Whether it was a high-ranking official or a commoner, it seemed to be inaudible.

Seeing this scene, the group of friends are quite okay.

"Speaking of which, the sound transmission of the Xiaoyao faction is not very ‘scientific’, no, it should be said that it’s not very ‘martial arts’, and it’s basically similar to the spells of the immortal cultivator." The suit thug exclaimed.

Devil muscle man: "It is true. The voice is obviously loud, but ordinary people can't hear it at all. Only the people of the Xiaoyao faction can hear it."

"How to drop? Encrypted call?"

National Art Inheritor: "It should still be'encrypted call.' Maybe the password is the internal strength of the Xiaoyao faction, right? People with the inner strength of the Xiaoyao faction can hear it, and people of other factions or ordinary people can't hear it."

"It works well."

"Can you regard it as a weakened version of the'Sound Transmission of Divine Sense" for a cultivator?"

"But it can only be used to transmit the voice to the same person, and it's more than a little bit weak."

Lin Bin couldn't help sighing while sending out the barrage.

The Xiaoyao School is indeed worthy of being the closest sect to Xiu Xian in Jin Yong, and it really satisfies almost all the illusions of a big school.

First of all, Qinqi, calligraphy and painting, mountain medicine and fate divination, they are all familiar, and they are all very advanced.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about internal strength.

All kinds of martial arts, always breaking the world martial arts, the bull's yuppie.

Lingbo Weibu is the best in the world, the lightest skill, and the Beiming divine skill can absorb the internal strength of others, and can be passed on as an inheritance. For example, before the last head or elder is about to pass away, directly pass on the internal strength to one's own apprentice. , From generation to generation, how strong will the offspring be? !

There are also life and death symbols to control others...

I am the only one in the Eight Desolates and Liuhe.

There is also a kung fu similar to the sound transmission of the sound of the sound transmission of the soul search...

Fully meets all the conditions of a Cultivation School! Of course, they are all the most basic conditions, or in other words, barely touched the threshold of cultivating immortals.

It's a pity that after all, he just barely touched the threshold, instead of real cultivating immortals.

But if the Xiaoyao faction goes one step further, nine out of ten, it is really cultivating immortals.

Unfortunately, Father Jin Yong didn't dig deep on Xiaoyao.

"But to talk about Li Qiushui, it's really messy..."

Lin Bin muttered to himself: "It's really messy."

In the original book, Li Qiushui loves Wuyazi to die and live!

Also jealous of the elder sister Tianshan Tongmao, do everything.

How did it turn out to be like this?

There is a revised version, even with Ding Chunqiu, even if it is not the revised version, Li Qiushui in other versions, there are also various pornographic operations, such as seduce American boys, disgusting, no cliff...

Later he married to Xixia and became the princess of Xixia.

Logically speaking, she should love Wuyazi to the point of incomparable love!

For example, later, when Tongmao hid in the ice cellar, when she used sound transmission to search for the soul of Tianshan Tongmao, she was probably like this: "Good brother, you hug me, uh, uh, uh, hold me tighter, you Kiss me, kiss me here."

This proves that she still has Wuyazi in her heart, and Wuyazi's weight in her heart is still extremely high!

That being the case...

Does she have such a series of ‘sorry operations’?

Should we change our understanding, it is actually a ‘sao’ operation, not a ‘sao operation’?

"Difficult to understand."

Lin Bin shook his head, tut amazed.


In the palace.

Li Qiushui was doing exercises on the bed with a straight face and cross knees.

Suddenly, a sound transmission rolled over, shaking her whole body internally.

"Can Grandma be here? Li Qingluo's Queen Yuyan invites grandma to show up!"


Li Qiushui opened his eyes abruptly, looked in the direction of the sound, and his expression changed slightly: "Transmitting the sound to search for the soul? Such an amazing internal strength is even stronger than me."

"The daughter of Qingluo?"

"My granddaughter?"

"But why does she use sound transmission to search for souls?"

"Is it fake?!"

She didn't leave the sound transmission search in Yudong, Langhuan. According to the truth, Li Qingluo and her daughter are not good at it.

Besides, Li Qiushui really didn't know that Li Qingluo had a daughter.

"Could it be that Senior Sister that old witch wants to harm me?"

"Fine, even if it's you? Between you and me, you are dead and alive!"

Li Qiushui's first reaction was that Tianshan Tong's grandmother wanted to yin herself, otherwise, how could Li Qingluo speak for her soul afterwards? I'm afraid it was not Tianshan Tongmao sent someone to fake it!

But no matter what, just go and see.


She rushed out of the bedroom in an instant, walked across the roof, and soon left the palace, heading towards the source of the sound.

And when she came to this highland and looked at the slim Wang Yuyan's face through the moonlight, she was immediately shocked: "You..."

After a short astonishment, Li Qiushui immediately smiled, even though he is old, he is still very beautiful: "Child!"

"Come on, let grandma take a look."

This child is exactly the same as when he was young!

At a glance, Li Qiushui no longer had any doubts.

In the live broadcast room, Jia Qiang was shocked.

"Speaking of which, I really didn't pay attention when I watched TV series before. Li Qiushui is at least 80 years old, right?"

"It looks so young, like a young woman in her thirties, this, this..."

Feng Yuxiu: "The soul of Cao Cao has awakened again?"

Invincible in the East: "This shows that the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School is extremely advanced and not simple!"

Add money layman: "Bah, where am I the Cao thief? The dog said, this Xixia King is the Cao thief!"

Li Tianran: "It makes sense, but I was speechless."

After careful analysis, the three elders of the Xiaoyao School are really typical of the beauty-preserving skills, that is, Wuyazi has aged a little after being maimed by a sneak attack.

Like Li Qiushui, she is in her eighties and she looks like a young woman in her thirties...

"It feels more and more like Xiuxian."

Lin Bin muttered to himself: "So, in fact, martial arts training, martial arts to a certain level, or some specific martial arts, should be able to prolong life, right?"

"It's just not as exaggerated as Xiuxian?"

In his opinion, martial arts training should not be longevity.

After all, those immortal cultivators can live a life span of hundreds or even thousands of years. If they become immortals, how many tens of thousands of years will they still live?

Those who can practice martial arts, but rarely have such longevity in the impression.

It was Zhang Sanfeng and other legendary bigwigs, who seemed to live a hundred or two hundred years old, but only lived so long in the legend that there is no evidence to prove it.

"However, if you practice martial arts until you have the power of a ‘fairy’, you should be able to live a long time at that level, right?"

It's not that Lin Bin suddenly thought too far.

But for any Chinese, the word'longevity' is an inescapable topic.

Under the influence of a common history and culture, it is not just Taoism. Generally speaking, most people want to pursue a long life.

If you don't have the power or the opportunity, you can only think about it at best, so it doesn't matter.

But Lin Bin now clearly has this opportunity.

Although he is still very early from the longevity, or just barely started to touch the edge of life extension, he still has this opportunity.

Naturally, I think more.


"I have seen grandma."

Wang Yuyan respectfully saluted, and then said: "The granddaughter Yuyan is not filial. For the first time in more than ten years, she came to visit her grandma for the first time. Please grandma be punished."

"Good boy!"

While excited, Li Qiushui took Wang Yuyan's arms and smiled bitterly: "You said so, but do you blame grandma for never seeing you in more than ten years?"


"Ashamed to say, grandma, I didn't even know that Qingluo already had a child, and that he had grown up so much, okay, okay!"

She looked at Wang Yuyan up and down, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.


"so similar!"

"Compared with me back then, it is exactly the same, even myself, I feel like I have seen myself back then."

"Good boy!"


Suddenly, she took Wang Yuyan and headed towards the palace: "Since I'm here, I will stay in this palace for some time."

"Food and wine, I will let them bring you everything!"

"When it's annoying to play, you can go as long as you want."

"Also spend time with grandma."


"But in this palace, the name between you and me needs to be changed. You can't call me grandma, but you can call my cousin~!"

Wang Yuyan was taken aback, stroked her hair lightly: "Cousin?"

"Grandma, why is this?"

"Silly boy."

Li Qiushui never looked back, and said, "Since you have found this place, and you have used sound transmission to search for your soul to find your grandmother, don't you know who your grandmother is now?"

"If someone knows that I have a granddaughter like you, it will be a little troublesome."

"But you don't have to worry, it's just a change of verbal title, why not?"


"Good fellow!" Feng Yuxiu issued a barrage: "It is definitely a typical example of an old cow eating tender grass."

Adding money layman: "You have skills in your face! She is still so young and beautiful in her eighties, but if Xixia Wang knew that his princess was actually an old woman in her eighties, would it be..."

Unbeaten in the East: "Who said that she must be an old woman in her eighties? Does Li Qiushui look like an old woman now?"

Inheritor of traditional Chinese martial arts: "From our original thinking, we are indeed an old woman in her eighties, and she is no longer in her aging state. Generally speaking, no one will have that kind of thought to an eighty-year-old woman, but I I think our thinking should be slightly changed."

"Like Li Qiushui, who is in her eighties, but she is still as beautiful as a young woman in her thirties. We subconsciously think that this is false."

"But why must it be false?"

"If she can actually live more than two hundred years old, then her eighty-something years is indeed only the'middle-aged' or even the'young' period of her life."

"At this period, she is indeed young and beautiful, and all kinds of physical functions are also in a young period. Why must she be an old woman?"

"From this perspective, in fact, there is nothing wrong with being over 80 years old."

Are you swollen in your eighties?

If they are really cultivators, there are many thousands and tens of thousands of years old "young virgins"!

No way, for the "fairies", tens of thousands of years is very young, maybe less than one-tenth of their lives?

So Lin Bin felt that Li Qiushui still looked so young when he was in his eighties. There is nothing wrong with being a princess.

Even if King Xixia knew it, he might not care much.

Although I don't know how Li Qiushui hooked up with King Xixia, I think that Li Qiushui's advantages are actually those.

Beautiful, watery, rich experience...

Let's be more blunt. What a good job.

From the original book, the words of her angry child can be seen, and it is true~~~ Cough cough cough.

While Lin Bin's thoughts drifted away, Xichang Factory Flower also issued a barrage: "What the group owner said is reasonable, and we should all change our inherent thinking."

"Over eighty years old, it is already an advanced age for ordinary people, and even the vast majority of people will not live to this age."

"But for an expert like Li Qiushui, maybe, it's really not a big deal."

"Think about it carefully. The three elders Xiaoyao all died in an'accident.'

"In this way, eighty years old will naturally be very young."

Here, it involves the issue of an upper life limit.

Perhaps Wuyazi and the others knew how long they could live under normal circumstances, because Xiaoyaozi might tell them.

But Lin Bin and others did not know.

They only know that they are getting stronger and stronger, but what is the upper limit of their lifespan? Has there been an increase recently?

Feel sorry.

I don't know!

The oldest devil muscle man and Hai Dafu are only forty or fifty years old, everyone has no experience!

Although everyone can see inwardly now, but when you see inwardly, there will not be a few numbers in your body that represent the countdown to your life or something.



Before taking a few steps, Li Qiushui suddenly paused, "Why did you learn the Kung Fu of the Xiaoyao School? Could it be that you have learned the magic of Beiming in the jade cave?"

However, she did not expect that when she turned around, she happened to see the pendant on Wang Yuyan's neck!

Just now, she was covered by Wang Yuyan's hair, and as she flicked her hair out just now, Li Qiushui happened to see her at this moment.

"The head jade pulls the finger?!"

Her pupils shrank sharply, and she stretched out her hand to instantly tear off the lanyard, snatching Jade's fingers away.

"Why are you here?!"


Li Qiushui's face was shocked, and it was hard to calm down at this moment. Looking at Wang Yuyan's gaze, he was also particularly surprised.


"Just now, I can answer your two questions together."

Wang Yuyan smiled softly: "I didn't practice any Wuyao school of martial arts before, but not long ago, when I went out to play, I happened to run into a game of Zhenlong."

Zhenlong chess game?

Li Qiushui's complexion changed slightly, and his whole body was shocked.


"Yu Yan broke the chess game by luck, and then saw an old man in a cave. That's when I knew that he was my grandfather."

"Afterwards, he passed on my skills and some of the skills of the Xiaoyao School, and asked me to come here to find grandma."

"Otherwise, Yu Yan doesn't know until now, you are my grandmother."

"Oh, Grandpa gave it to me."

"It turned out to be so."

"It's actually you?!"

"But why is it you?"



Li Qiushui's plump body shook again and again, and finally realized it when she heard it, but her expression was instantly tangled.

why are you?

Why is it you? !

Li Qiushui frowned just holding the jade pull finger, it was very contradictory.

She really wanted to put the jade pull finger on her hand, so that she was the head of the Xiaoyao faction! Even, he can rush to the Lingjiu Palace, let the Tianshan child grandma kneel in front of him, and respectfully call himself a head!

This kind of scene, even if she just thinks about it, makes her feel comfortable and her scalp numb.

The scene I want to see in my dreams!

If another person came to him with the head of the finger, Li Qiushui would definitely not say anything and grab it directly. Seeing his relationship with Wuyazi, he wouldn’t be embarrassed. With the position of the head, you have to get what you say!

I don't really want to be the head.

Just to **** off Tianshan's child grandmother!

This is a grievance that has been planted decades ago. I have to ask Li Qiushui what he wants to do most now. First, I want to live with Wuyazi.

Ranked second, he severely ravaged Li Qiushui and made him kneel at his feet.

But now, holding the jade pull finger, the one who was passed on by the senior brother and positioned as the new head of the Xiaoyao faction, it happened to be his granddaughter! ! !

Li Qiushui was extremely uncomfortable.

Can I grab the jade finger of my granddaughter and take the position in the head of her?

This kind of thing really can't be done.

be terribly upset!

At this moment, Li Qiushui really didn't know whether to cry or laugh, or what to say.

After a long and long silence, she finally returned the jade finger to Wang Yuyan, and said: "Since he has given you the position of the head, you should take good care of it and lead the Xiaoyao faction to flourish one day."

"Don't live up to your grandpa's expectations."

"Where are his bones buried? I will go see him in the future."



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